963 resultados para activating collections


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The Virtual Lightbox for Museums and Archives (VLMA) is a tool for collecting and reusing, in a structured fashion, the online contents of museums and archive datasets. It is not restricted to datasets with visual components although VLMA includes a lightbox service that enables comparison and manipulation of visual information. With VLMA, one can browse and search collections, construct personal collections, annotate them, export these collections to XML or Impress (Open Office) presentation format, and share collections with other VLMA users. VLMA was piloted as an e-Learning tool as part of JISC’s e-Learning focus in its first phase (2004-2005) and in its second phase (2005-2006) it has incorporated new partner collections while improving and expanding interfaces and services. This paper concerns its development as a research and teaching tool, especially to teachers using museum collections, and discusses the recent development of VLMA.


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Europe has the greatest concentration of botanic gardens in the world, they cultivate extensive collections of plants that include samples of European threatened plant species. This study looks at the effectiveness of these collections in supporting species conservation. A three part study is presented: (1) the results of a survey and assessment of threatened plants in botanic gardens, as defined by the Bern Convention; (2) case studies illustrating current issues in the ex situ management of European threatened plant species; and (3) presentation of policy recommendations on further improving botanic garden contributions to European plant conservation. The survey indicated that of 119 European botanic gardens in 29 European countries, 105 are cultivating 308 of the 573 threatened plant species listed by the Bern Convention. The survey identified 25 botanic gardens in 14 countries undertaking 51 conservation projects focused on 27 Bern listed species. In particular this survey has established that the majority of taxa are held in a small number of collections, dominated by non-wild origin accessions, and are not adequately documented. The majority of specimens in botanic gardens are cultivated out of the range country and not contributing to a specific conservation project. We review the genetic representation and documentation of origin in collections. Existing plant collections contain representatives of populations, now lost in the wild and maintain samples of at least nine European plant taxa identified as 'Extinct in the Wild'. However, inadequate standards of record keeping has compromised the conservation value of many collections. We highlight the dangers of hybridisation and disease in ex situ collections. The results suggest that botanic garden collections are skewed towards horticulturally robust and ornamental species and do not fully reflect priorities as defined by the Bern Convention. Recognising the limitations of traditional botanic garden collections we propose that botanic gardens more effectively utilise their two core competencies, namely scientific horticulture and public display and interpretation. The unique horticultural skills resident in European botanic gardens could be more effectively utilised through the application of horticulture to the management of wild populations.


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In the UK alone there are more than 2500 museums of interest to international and home audiences. Despite their prevalence and a strong museological culture in the UK and beyond, the geographic study of museums is relatively under-developed. To date there has been no systematic overview of this field either in the UK or internationally. This review article is intended as a contribution towards an emerging ‘museum geography’. Beginning with an exploration of research on museums, collections and museum practice, the author then considers the recent ‘spatial turn’ in museum studies and discusses how geographers have variously encountered museums, collections and museum practice to date. The article then reviews the potential for the future study of museums by geographers. In so doing, the author suggests that the study of museums offers some exciting opportunities for geographical research and teaching.


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Activating transcription factor 3 (Atf3) is rapidly and transiently upregulated in numerous systems, and is associated with various disease states. Atf3 is required for negative feedback regulation of other genes, but is itself subject to negative feedback regulation possibly by autorepression. In cardiomyocytes, Atf3 and Egr1 mRNAs are upregulated via ERK1/2 signalling and Atf3 suppresses Egr1 expression. We previously developed a mathematical model for the Atf3-Egr1 system. Here, we adjusted and extended the model to explore mechanisms of Atf3 feedback regulation. Introduction of an autorepressive loop for Atf3 tuned down its expression and inhibition of Egr1 was lost, demonstrating that negative feedback regulation of Atf3 by Atf3 itself is implausible in this context. Experimentally, signals downstream from ERK1/2 suppress Atf3 expression. Mathematical modelling indicated that this cannot occur by phosphorylation of pre-existing inhibitory transcriptional regulators because the time delay is too short. De novo synthesis of an inhibitory transcription factor (ITF) with a high affinity for the Atf3 promoter could suppress Atf3 expression, but (as with the Atf3 autorepression loop) inhibition of Egr1 was lost. Developing the model to include newly-synthesised miRNAs very efficiently terminated Atf3 protein expression and, with a 4-fold increase in the rate of degradation of mRNA from the mRNA/miRNA complex, profiles for Atf3 mRNA, Atf3 protein and Egr1 mRNA approximated to the experimental data. Combining the ITF model with that of the miRNA did not improve the profiles suggesting that miRNAs are likely to play a dominant role in switching off Atf3 expression post-induction.


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Allergy to components of the diet is followed by gut inflammation which in children, sometimes progress to mucosal lesions and anaphylaxis. In newborns suffering of cow`s milk allergy, bloody stools, rectal. bleeding and ulcerations are found. The rat systemic anaphylaxis is a suitable model to study the intestinal lesions associated to allergy. In the present study we used this model to investigate some mechanisms involved. We found that 15 min after antigen challenge of sensitized rats, hemorrhagic lesions develop in the small intestine. The lesions were more severe in jejunum and ileum compared to duodenum. Pretreatment of the rats with a platelet-activating factor-receptor antagonist (WEB-2170) reduced the lesions whereas inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide by L-NAME, greatly increased the hemorrhagic lesions and mortality. Both, lesions and mortality were reversed by L-arginine. The hemorrhagic lesions were also significantly reduced by the mast cell stabilizers, disodium cromoglycate and ketotifen as well as by neutrophils depletion (with anti-PMN antibodies) or inhibition of selectin binding (by treatment with fucoidan). Thus, the intestinal hemorrhagic lesions in this model are dependent on ptatelet-activating factor, mast cell granule-derived mediators and neutrophils. Endogenous nitric oxide and supplementation with L-arginine has a protective role, reducing the lesions and preventing mortality. These results contributed to elucidate mechanisms involved in intestinal lesions which could be of relevance to human small bowel injury associated to allergy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The uptake of oxLDL by CD36 is not regulated by intracellular levels of cholesterol, leading to macrophage differentiation into foam cells which play a major role in atherosclerosis. Furthermore, oxLDL competes with PAF in macrophages for binding to PAF receptors (PAFR). Here we investigated the involvement of PAFR in CD36 expression and uptake of oxLDL by human monocytes/macrophages. Adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells were treated with PAFR-antagonists (WEB2170, CV3988); inhibitors of ERK1/2 (PD98059), p38 (SB203580), JNK (SP600125) or diluents, before stimulation with oxLDL or PAF. After 24 h, uptake of FITC oxLDL and expression of CD36 was determined by flow cytometry and phosphorylation of MAP-kinases by Western blot. It was shown that the uptake of oxLDL was reduced by PAFR antagonists. CD36 expression was up-regulated by oxLDL, an effect reversed by PAFR antagonists. The up-regulation of CD36 and oxLDL uptake both required MAP-kinases activation. The oxLDL induced ERK1/2 and JNK but not p38 phosphorylation was reversed by PAFR-antagonists suggesting that oxLDL signalling involves PAFR dependent and independent pathways. In macrophages from PAFR(-/-) mice, oxLDL was unable to up-regulate CD36 expression and the oxLDL uptake was reduced compared to wild type. These results suggest that oxLDL interacts with PAFR in macrophages to increase CD36 expression and oxLDL uptake. Whereas pharmacological intervention at the level of PAFR would be beneficial in atherosclerosis remains to be determined. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Multidimensional Visualization techniques are invaluable tools for analysis of structured and unstructured data with variable dimensionality. This paper introduces PEx-Image-Projection Explorer for Images-a tool aimed at supporting analysis of image collections. The tool supports a methodology that employs interactive visualizations to aid user-driven feature detection and classification tasks, thus offering improved analysis and exploration capabilities. The visual mappings employ similarity-based multidimensional projections and point placement to layout the data on a plane for visual exploration. In addition to its application to image databases, we also illustrate how the proposed approach can be successfully employed in simultaneous analysis of different data types, such as text and images, offering a common visual representation for data expressed in different modalities.


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Point placement strategies aim at mapping data points represented in higher dimensions to bi-dimensional spaces and are frequently used to visualize relationships amongst data instances. They have been valuable tools for analysis and exploration of data sets of various kinds. Many conventional techniques, however, do not behave well when the number of dimensions is high, such as in the case of documents collections. Later approaches handle that shortcoming, but may cause too much clutter to allow flexible exploration to take place. In this work we present a novel hierarchical point placement technique that is capable of dealing with these problems. While good grouping and separation of data with high similarity is maintained without increasing computation cost, its hierarchical structure lends itself both to exploration in various levels of detail and to handling data in subsets, improving analysis capability and also allowing manipulation of larger data sets.