888 resultados para Xenophon. Polis. Sparta and Representation
Cryptosystem using linear codes was developed in 1978 by Mc-Eliece. Later in 1985 Niederreiter and others developed a modified version of cryptosystem using concepts of linear codes. But these systems were not used frequently because of its larger key size. In this study we were designing a cryptosystem using the concepts of algebraic geometric codes with smaller key size. Error detection and correction can be done efficiently by simple decoding methods using the cryptosystem developed. Approach: Algebraic geometric codes are codes, generated using curves. The cryptosystem use basic concepts of elliptic curves cryptography and generator matrix. Decrypted information takes the form of a repetition code. Due to this complexity of decoding procedure is reduced. Error detection and correction can be carried out efficiently by solving a simple system of linear equations, there by imposing the concepts of security along with error detection and correction. Results: Implementation of the algorithm is done on MATLAB and comparative analysis is also done on various parameters of the system. Attacks are common to all cryptosystems. But by securely choosing curve, field and representation of elements in field, we can overcome the attacks and a stable system can be generated. Conclusion: The algorithm defined here protects the information from an intruder and also from the error in communication channel by efficient error correction methods.
Ausgehend von den fortdauernden Ausschlüssen und strukturellen Benachteiligungen der indigenen Bevölkerung Lateinamerikas kritisiert die vorliegende Arbeit die begrenzten Möglichkeiten gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe innerhalb von liberalen Wahldemokratien. Neben materiellen Ungleichheiten stehen immaterielle Formen der Ungleichheit, wie kulturelle und symbolische Barrieren politischer sowie sozialer Teilhabe im Fokus der Analyse. Das Forschungs- und Erkenntnisinteresse zielt darauf, Demokratie nicht länger nur anhand liberal-repräsentativer Normen und Verfahren zu erfassen und zu werten. Es geht um die Reflexion anderer demokratischer Praxen, wie indigener und indigen-gewerkschaftlicher Formen lokaler Selbstregierung in Bolivien. Denn im bolivianischen Transformationsprozess mündete die Kritik der liberal-repräsentativen Demokratie in einer doppelten Forderung: Zum einen wird die Demokratisierung der liberalen Demokratie und zum anderen ihre Dekolonisierung gefordert. Die Dekolonisierung und Institutionalisierung unterschiedlicher Praxen und Vorstellungen wird empirisch am Beispiel des indigenen Autonomieprozesses untersucht. Auf nationaler Ebene werden die Demokratisierungsfortschritte u. a. anhand von Wahlrecht, der Entwicklung der Partizipation und Repräsentation bilanziert und die materielle Dimension von Teilhabe auf Grundlage der sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischen Reformen der Regierung Morales geprüft.
The paper focuses on taking advantage of large amounts of data that are systematically stored in plants (by means of SCADA systems), but not exploited enough in order to achieve supervisory goals (fault detection, diagnosis and reconfiguration). The methodology of case base reasoning (CBR) is proposed to perform supervisory tasks in industrial processes by re-using the stored data. The goal is to take advantage of experiences, registered in a suitable structure as cam, avoiding the tedious task of knowledge acquisition and representation needed by other reasoning techniques as expert systems. An outlook of CBR terminology and basic concepts are presented. The adaptation of CBR in performing expert supervisory tasks, taking into account the particularities and difficulties derived from dynamic systems, is discussed. A special interest is focused in proposing a general case definition suitable for supervisory tasks. Finally, this structure and the whole methodology is tested in a application example for monitoring a real drier chamber
Dentro del marco de la Rendición de Cuentas, los medios de comunicación han logrado convertirse en destacados mecanismos de accountability social, puesto que para ello se requiera visibilidad y los medios son la herramienta más útil para lograr este objetivo. Un ejemplo de estos procesos de visibilidad y accountability es el escándalo generado alrededor del programa gubernamental Agro Ingreso Seguro, principal tema de análisis de la presente monografía.
The Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design and Media highlights historical, contemporary and future roles for art, design and media within globalization. Its members build sustained collaborations with international partners in public service, the creative industries and civil society. Critically concerned with art and design practices of making, thinking and representation, the Winchester Centre actively engages in education and enterprise, exploring the contribution of media, materials and technologies to the improvement of human societies globally. Led by professors Jonathan Harris, Sean Cubitt, and Ryan Bishop, the Winchester Centre will make a decisive contribution to the work of the School and the University in future years. The Centre's inaugural professors would like to invite you now to suggest future research themes and activities. In the coming weeks details regarding the programme and prospective membership of the Winchester Centre will be made available.
La capacidad de adaptación del clientelismo político a los cambios institucionales obliga a revisar las reformas más significativas al régimen político colombiano de los últimos lustros. El presente estado del arte se aproxima al clientelismo político en Colombia desde 1972 hasta 2012. Su objetivo es identificar rupturas y continuidades en el abordaje del fenómeno, a partir de enfoques, juicios y problemáticas resaltadas en los estudios. La hipótesis de trabajo identificó dos aproximaciones al clientelismo: la primera lo considera como una desviación de la política y amenaza al funcionamiento democrático; mientras que la segunda, lo aborda como característica funcional del sistema, forma de participación y representación política e, incluso, modo de distribución de lo público en un colectivo. El ejercicio realizado configuró un corpus de 74 fuentes académicas y la metodología de trabajo consistió en la construcción de una matriz metodológica y la elaboración de 300 fichas bibliográficas, el método predilecto fue análisis de contenido e historia de las ideas.
A lo largo de la historia reciente de Colombia se han establecido distintos mecanismos de participación y representación para los jóvenes en las diferentes esferas de la sociedad. Dichas dinámicas de participación juvenil requieren de la aplicación de distintas herramientas y estrategias de comunicación, que permitan el acceso de los jóvenes en los distintos programas, estrategias y espacios de participación y representación. Sin embargo dado el marco normativo en materia de juventud, esta investigación diagnostica la existencia de un problema de comunicación, sustentado en la falta de conocimiento por parte de los jóvenes de los diversos espacios de participación y representación. Por tal motivo se presentan distintas estrategias y medidas como alternativas de solución, con el objetivo de garantizar que los jóvenes en Colombia ejerzan sus derechos y deberes en materia de participación y representación.
The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.
Este ensayo examina la naturaleza jurídica y política del imperio español en América y sus orígenes medievales. Con el fin de ofrecer un nuevo enfoque para estudiar la relación entre España y sus posesiones americanas, este trabajo propone una revisión de la tradición jurídica española. El estudio de la evolución de los conceptos de soberanía, representación y jurisdicción permite dilucidar los elementos constitutivos de las relaciones entre las diversas entidades políticas como mecanismo de comprensión del desarrollo de la cultura política de América Latina. De acuerdo a las características del sistema jurídico político en la época virreinal, la dispensación de la justicia y la práctica judicial constituyeron el eje de las relaciones entre la autoridad imperial y sus periferias. El artículo sostiene que la práctica judicial estuvo llena de sentido político y se convirtió en un medio de inclusión y representación.
In this paper we focus on the one year ahead prediction of the electricity peak-demand daily trajectory during the winter season in Central England and Wales. We define a Bayesian hierarchical model for predicting the winter trajectories and present results based on the past observed weather. Thanks to the flexibility of the Bayesian approach, we are able to produce the marginal posterior distributions of all the predictands of interest. This is a fundamental progress with respect to the classical methods. The results are encouraging in both skill and representation of uncertainty. Further extensions are straightforward at least in principle. The main two of those consist in conditioning the weather generator model with respect to additional information like the knowledge of the first part of the winter and/or the seasonal weather forecast. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Rejecting the concept of law as subservient to social pathology, the principle aim of this article is to locatc law as a critical matter of social structure - and power - which requires to be considered as a central element in the construction of society and social institutions. As such, this article contends that wider jurisprudential notions such as legal procedure and procedural justice, and juridical power and discretion are cogent, robust normative social concerns (as much as they are legal concerns) that positively require consideration and representation in the ernpifical study of sociological phenomena. Reflecting upon scholarship and research evidence on legal procedure and decision-making, the article attempts to elucidate the inter-relationship between power, 'the social', and the operation of law. It concludes that law is not 'socially marginal' but socially, totally central. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urban land surface schemes have been developed to model the distinct features of the urban surface and the associated energy exchange processes. These models have been developed for a range of purposes and make different assumptions related to the inclusion and representation of the relevant processes. Here, the first results of Phase 2 from an international comparison project to evaluate 32 urban land surface schemes are presented. This is the first large-scale systematic evaluation of these models. In four stages, participants were given increasingly detailed information about an urban site for which urban fluxes were directly observed. At each stage, each group returned their models' calculated surface energy balance fluxes. Wide variations are evident in the performance of the models for individual fluxes. No individual model performs best for all fluxes. Providing additional information about the surface generally results in better performance. However, there is clear evidence that poor choice of parameter values can cause a large drop in performance for models that otherwise perform well. As many models do not perform well across all fluxes, there is need for caution in their application, and users should be aware of the implications for applications and decision making.
In this paper we focus on the one year ahead prediction of the electricity peak-demand daily trajectory during the winter season in Central England and Wales. We define a Bayesian hierarchical model for predicting the winter trajectories and present results based on the past observed weather. Thanks to the flexibility of the Bayesian approach, we are able to produce the marginal posterior distributions of all the predictands of interest. This is a fundamental progress with respect to the classical methods. The results are encouraging in both skill and representation of uncertainty. Further extensions are straightforward at least in principle. The main two of those consist in conditioning the weather generator model with respect to additional information like the knowledge of the first part of the winter and/or the seasonal weather forecast. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The book is part of a multi-year investigation on the historical construction and representation of ethnic otherness through the use of language, and focuses on the history of the tópos expressed by the proverb Lavare/sbiancare un etiope (‘to wash an Ethiop white’), a tópos which is traceable in different languages across many centuries (and since II c. A.D.), which stays for either ‘to attempt the impossible’ or ‘to do something useless’. The research also tries to shine a light upon the cultural and social contexts in which ‘Ethiopian’ otherness have generated. Its final goal is to find out how the washing-the-Ethiopian tópos (in its verbal and iconographical forms) has become long-lasting, ductile and semantically productive key expression whose heterogeneous use not only document but also produce and fix otherness in time.
This is a comprehensive textbook for students of Television Studies, now updated for its third edition. The book provides students with a framework for understanding the key concepts and main approaches to Television Studies, including audience research, television history and broadcasting policy, and the analytical study of individual programmes. The book includes a glossary of key terms used in the television industry and in the academic study of television, there are suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter, and chapters include suggested activities for use in class or as assignments. The case studies in the book include analysis of advertisements, approaches to news reporting, television scheduling, and challenges to television in new contexts of viewing on computers and mobile devices. The topics of individual chapters are: studying television, television histories, television cultures, television texts and narratives, television genres and formats, television production, television quality and value, television realities and representation, television censorship and regulation, television audiences, and the likely future for television.