950 resultados para Word and image


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Este trabalho se apresenta como uma abordagem da palavra e da imagem e suas possibilidades de encontros em textos literários e cinematográficos a partir da noção de escritura. Sua construção se dá de modo a não seguir um percurso histórico destes encontros, no sentido de não fazer exatamente levantamentos cronológicos de termos ou correntes que abordassem o texto literário e cinematográfico enquanto escritura de imagens, mas sim pela perspectiva de sua inscrição como imagem mental. Neste aspecto, a leitura e escritura se dão como tradução, passagem e passeio de sentidos que o texto produz, não enclausurando uma sua percepção ancorada em uma compreensão fechada. Tomando a escritura como ponto de partida para a leitura da imagem e da palavra em textos literários e cinematográficos, parte-se para uma discussão de tópicos da teoria e crítica em amplas vertentes, privilegiando uma organização transversal deste material que parte de um conjunto de teoria de forte marcação transdisciplinar, promovendo também um encontro de campos da Teoria Literária com as Artes Visuais, Cinema, Vídeo, Pintura, Filosofia, História, entre outros. A noção de escritura adotada neste trabalho tornou importante tecer algumas considerações a partir de certas ideias de Roland Barthes e Jacques Derrida, entre outros estudiosos e comentadores do termo. Outro termo que atravessa o trabalho é a noção de tradução, aqui tomadas a partir da leitura de autores como Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, Paul Valery, entre outros. As distinções destes termos não se devem a um esforço para delimitar os espaços dos campos de estudos, mas sim para afirmar justamente uma sua perspectiva de abertura, ou de aberturas, além do que há o entendimento de que a filiação a certos pensamentos, teorias e autores já configuram a marcação de um lugar do pensamento, lugar político, inclusive. A opção por estas concepções imprime nos corpos dos objetos de estudo, a escritura literária e a cinematográfica, uma diferença bem mais de acordo com o caráter dinâmico e movente destes objetos, produzindo um redimensionamento teórico de forte marcação política. Também interessa neste trabalho discutir tópicos dos estudos literários de maneira a permitir o atravessamento pelas outras disciplinas. A partir destas linhas gerais, o trabalho se completou com leituras de textos literários e cinematográficos, textos estes de forte caráter plural em que o encontro entre a imagem e a palavra é promovido pela escritura, constituindo também um encontro entre as teorias e as modalidades artísticas, primando por um atravessamento das teorias e pensamentos desenvolvidos ao longo da escritura do trabalho, em um tratamento ensaístico e de forte marcação intertextual, fazendo destas leituras um exercício de abertura dos textos.


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Questo lavoro affronta la traduzione della letteratura per l'infanzia. La prima parte teorica si divide tra l'analisi di cosa si intenda per traduzione per l'infanzia, quali siano le problematiche e le particolarità che la caratterizzano, e un'analisi delle specificità della traduzione dal russo all'italiano, con un approfondimento della letteratura russa contemporanea per l’infanzia. La seconda parte, pratica, analizza le traduzioni della stessa dottoranda per calare in esempi pratici le possibilità teoriche analizzate nella prima parte. Vengono affrontati brani dei maggiori scrittori contemporanei, come G. Oster, M. Moskvina, M. Borodickaja, Ju. Nečiporenko e altri. Caratteristiche fondanti la letteratura per l’infanzia sono l’interazione tra parola e immagine, il ruolo della lettura a voce alta e l’importanza del suono, i nomi parlanti, il doppio destinatario, l’adattamento, il rispetto dei canoni morali e estetici imposti dalla società, il carattere pedagogico. Gli aspetti teorici esaminati sono il traduttore come lettore e la ricerca di un equivalente funzionale come strategia traduttiva. This thesis is about translation of children’s literature. In the first section, I explore the meanings of translating for children, and which are its issues and peculiarities; the specificities in translation from Russian into Italian; the background of contemporary Russian Children’s Literature (G. Oster, M. Moskvina, M. Boroditskaya, Yu. Nechiporenko). In the second part I analyze my translations, in order to give some practical examples of the theoretical strategies I explored in the first section. Relevant characteristic of children’s literature are: its pedagogical character, interaction between word and image, double addressee, the importance of reading aloud, adaptation, respect of moral and aesthetic canons imposed by the society. The theoretical aspects examined in this thesis involve the issue of the translator seen as reader, and the search of functional equivalents as dominant translation strategy.


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Retrato de la Lozana andaluza de Francisco Delicado presenta una particular relación entre palabra e imagen. Por un lado, mediante la introducción de grabados que acompañan cada Mamotreto; por otra parte, en la utilización de un procedimiento narrativo que podríamos denominar "técnica audiovisual". A esta ya compleja relación se suma la transposición de la historia al cine y a la televisión durante el siglo XX. Nuestra propuesta consiste en sentar las bases teóricas para analizar la relación entre discurso textual e icónico a la luz de conceptos claves de la teoría de Georges Didi-Huberman como "escritura en el exilio", "montaje", "deconstrucción" y "remontaje" y precisar las implicancias de la praxis política en y en torno de Retrato de la Lozana andaluza


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Retrato de la Lozana andaluza de Francisco Delicado presenta una particular relación entre palabra e imagen. Por un lado, mediante la introducción de grabados que acompañan cada Mamotreto; por otra parte, en la utilización de un procedimiento narrativo que podríamos denominar "técnica audiovisual". A esta ya compleja relación se suma la transposición de la historia al cine y a la televisión durante el siglo XX. Nuestra propuesta consiste en sentar las bases teóricas para analizar la relación entre discurso textual e icónico a la luz de conceptos claves de la teoría de Georges Didi-Huberman como "escritura en el exilio", "montaje", "deconstrucción" y "remontaje" y precisar las implicancias de la praxis política en y en torno de Retrato de la Lozana andaluza


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Retrato de la Lozana andaluza de Francisco Delicado presenta una particular relación entre palabra e imagen. Por un lado, mediante la introducción de grabados que acompañan cada Mamotreto; por otra parte, en la utilización de un procedimiento narrativo que podríamos denominar "técnica audiovisual". A esta ya compleja relación se suma la transposición de la historia al cine y a la televisión durante el siglo XX. Nuestra propuesta consiste en sentar las bases teóricas para analizar la relación entre discurso textual e icónico a la luz de conceptos claves de la teoría de Georges Didi-Huberman como "escritura en el exilio", "montaje", "deconstrucción" y "remontaje" y precisar las implicancias de la praxis política en y en torno de Retrato de la Lozana andaluza


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Gordon Matta-Clark es el origen de la presente investigación. Su obra, de total actualidad, ha ido ganando interés entre la comunidad de arquitectos, si bien su dimensión teórica se ha visto a menudo eclipsada por el poderoso atractivo de sus aberturas, cortes y extracciones. Son muchos los investigadores que detectan una carencia en el estudio de su corpus de pensamiento desde el campo de la crítica arquitectónica a la que está inevitablemente vinculado, a pesar de haber puesto en marcha una potente maquinaria de criticismo. Se constata a su vez la problemática existente al construir dialécticas entre la obra de Gordon Matta-Clark y el ámbito de la práctica arquitectónica. Surgen áreas forzadas de reflexión al elevar ambas esferas al mismo plano, achacado a un desconocimiento de las motivaciones críticas e históricas del proyecto del arquitecto. Aparece de modo recurrente un intento por establecer una dialéctica que, sin embargo, es relegada constantemente a una colección de notas al pie de página: Rem Koolhaas es sesgadamente mencionado por la crítica como el digno continuador accidental de las teorías de Gordon Matta-Clark. Se inicia así la construcción de una dialéctica que permanece aún sin resolver. Rem Koolhaas, en una entrevista en la que vierte su opinión sobre Gordon Matta-Clark, lo considera el precursor accidental de su ‘estrategia de vacío’, reconociendo en su trabajo procesos de adición a través de eliminación como método de creación de espacio arquitectónico. Una visión incisiva que desdeña su faceta de artista destructor destacando su habilidad para inocular el vacío mediante el empleo de herramientas de adición a través de eliminación. Estas premisas dan lugar de forma automática a la hipótesis de partida: la formalización de una investigación que llene ese vacío estableciendo un fuego cruzado entre ambos arquitectos, los cuales comparten de manera fortuita época y escenarios. El discurso de Rem Koolhaas iluminará el pensamiento de Gordon Matta-Clark vinculando sus respectivas plataformas de producción teórica, construyendo un espacio metafórico común en torno a la palabra y la imagen, herramientas que ambos manejan con habilidad y fluidez. Las propuestas del grupo Anarchitecture y las Art Cards o recortes anárquicos de soliloquios mattaclarkianos encuentran su réplica en el diccionario de términos e imágenes “Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large”, descrito por Rem Koolhaas como una acumulación de palabras e imágenes que ilumina la condición de la arquitectura actual. La investigación establece una profusa asociación de ideas, imágenes y parlamentos que navegan en el universo referencial de Rem Koolhaas aportando una nueva visión sobre la dimensión crítica de Gordon Matta-Clark. Una visión poliédrica alrededor de cinco conceptos clave y un glosario de estrategias de proyecto que abren nuevos umbrales en los que la adición a través de la eliminación se repite hasta la saciedad transformado en mantra arquitectónico. ABSTRACT The present research finds its origins in Gordon Matta-Clark. His work, still relevant today, has been gaining interest within the community of architects, although its theoretical dimension has often been overshadowed by the powerful attraction of his openings, cuts and extractions. Many researchers detect a lack in the study of his body of thought from the field of architectural criticism to which he is inevitably associated, despite having launched a powerful machinery of criticism. It is noted at the same time the problem appeared when different dialectics between the work of Gordon Matta-Clark and the field of architectural practice are established. Forced areas of thought emerge when both fields are observed from the same point of view, derived from a lack of knowledge of the critical and historical motivations of the architect project. An attempt to establish a dialectical relationship with another architect appears recurrently in different books and writings. However it is steadily consigned to a collection of insignificant footnotes: the critics mention Rem Koolhaas as the worthy accidental successor of the theories of Gordon Matta-Clark. The construction of a dialectic that remains unresolved begins at this point. Gordon Matta-Clark is considered by Rem Koolhaas the accidental predecessor of his ‘strategy of emptiness’ -in an interview in which he pours his opinion on him- recognizing processes of addition through elimination in the work of Matta-Clark as a method of building architectural space. Rem Koolhaas rejects his role as destructor artist highlighting his ability to inoculate the emptiness by using addition tools through elimination. These premises lead us automatically to the hypothesis of the research: the formalization of research that will fill the emptiness by setting a crossfire between both architects, who share by chance the same scenarios and time. The discourse given by Rem Koolhaas illuminates Gordon Matta-Clark´s thought by linking their respective theoretical work platforms, building a common metaphorical space around word and image as tools managed by both of them with expertise and fluency. The Anarchitecture proposals and the Art Cards -anarchic cuts of Matta-Clark´s thought- find its counterpart in the dictionary of terms and images included in “Small, Medium, Large, Extra- Large”, described by Rem Koolhaas as an accumulation of words and images that illuminates the condition of architecture today. The research provides a wide range of associations of ideas, images and discussions around the universe of references of Rem Koolhaas, offering a new insight into the critical dimension of the work of Gordon Matta-Clark. A multifaceted vision around five key concepts and a glossary of project strategies that opens up new thresholds in which addition through elimination is repeated endlessly becoming an architectural mantra.


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Conceived as an investigation into theories and practices of visual perception, these prints explore the idea that artwork can be intentionally created to be experienced differently dependent on one's visual abilities. The software facilitates the embedding of messages revealed only to those with particular visual acuities or viewed using a smart device to digitally simulate those acuities.


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Different from the first attempts to solve the image categorization problem (often based on global features), recently, several researchers have been tackling this research branch through a new vantage point - using features around locally invariant interest points and visual dictionaries. Although several advances have been done in the visual dictionaries literature in the past few years, a problem we still need to cope with is calculation of the number of representative words in the dictionary. Therefore, in this paper we introduce a new solution for automatically finding the number of visual words in an N-Way image categorization problem by means of supervised pattern classification based on optimum-path forest. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper considers the functions of Greek mythology in general and the “Theseus and the Minotaur” myth in particular in two contemporary texts of adolescent masculinity: Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series (2005-2009) and Matt Ottley’s Requiem for a Beast: A Work for Image, Word and Music (2007). These texts reveal the ongoing flexibility of mythic texts to be pressed into service of shoring up or challenging currently hegemonic ideologies of self and state. Both Riordan and Ottley make a variety of intertextual uses of classical hero plots in order to facilitate their own narrative explorations of contemporary adolescent men ‘coming of age’. These intertextual gestures might easily be read as gestures of alignment with narrative traditions and authority which simultaneously confer “legitimacy” on Riordan and Ottley, on their texts, and by extension, on their readers. However, when read in juxtaposition, it is clear that Riordan and Ottley may use classical mythology to articulate similarly gendered adolescence, they produce divergent visions of nationed adolescence.


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The OED reminds us as surely as Ovid that a labyrinth is a “structure consisting of a number of intercommunicating passages arranged in bewildering complexity, through which it is it difficult or impossible to find one’s way without guidance”. Both Shaun Tan’s The Arrival (2006) and Matt Ottley’s Requiem for a Beast: A Work for Image, Word and Music (2007) mark a kind of labyrinthine watershed in Australian children’s literature. Deploying complex, intercommunicating logics of story and literacy, these books make high demands of their reader but also offer guidance for the successful navigation of their stories; for their protagonists as surely as for readers. That the shared logic of navigation in each book is literacy as privileged form of meaning-making is not surprising in the sense that within “a culture deeply invested in myths of individualism and self-sufficiency, it is easy to see why literacy is glorified as an attribute of individual control and achievement” (Williams and Zenger 166). The extent to which these books might be read as exemplifying desired norms of contemporary Australian culture seems to be affirmed by the fact of Tan and Ottley winning the Australian “Picture Book of the Year” prize awarded by the Children’s Book Council of Australia in 2007 and 2008 respectively. However, taking its cue from Ottley’s explicit intertextual use of the myth of Theseus and from Tan’s visual rhetoric of lostness and displacement, this paper reads these texts’ engagement with tropes of “literacy” in order to consider the ways in which norms of gender and culture seemingly circulated within these texts might be undermined by constructions of “nation” itself as a labyrinth that can only partly be negotiated by a literate subject. In doing so, I argue that these picture books, to varying degrees, reveal a perpetuation of the “literacy myth” (Graff 12) as a discourse of safety and agency but simultaneously bear traces of Ariadne’s story, wherein literacy alone is insufficient for safe navigation of the labyrinth of culture.


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While researchers strive to improve automatic face recognition performance, the relationship between image resolution and face recognition performance has not received much attention. This relationship is examined systematically and a framework is developed such that results from super-resolution techniques can be compared. Three super-resolution techniques are compared with the Eigenface and Elastic Bunch Graph Matching face recognition engines. Parameter ranges over which these techniques provide better recognition performance than interpolated images is determined.


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This study applies theories of cognitive linguistics to the compilation of English learners’ dictionaries. Specifically, it employs the concepts of basic level categories and image schemas, two basic cognitive experiences, to examine the ‘definition proper’ of English dictionaries for foreign learners. In the study, the definition proper refers to the constituent part of a reference work that provides an explanation of the meanings of a word, phrase or term. This rationalization mainly consists of defining vocabulary, sense division and arrangement, as well as the means of defining (i.e. paraphrase, true definition, functional definition, and pictorial illustration). The aim of the study is to suggest ways of aligning the consultation and learning of definitions with dictionary users’ cognitive experiences. For this purpose, an analysis of the definition proper of the fourth edition of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE4) from the perspective of basic cognitive experiences has been undertaken. The study found that, generally, the lexicographic practices of LDOCE4 are consistent with theories of cognitive linguistics. However, there exist shortcomings that result from disregarding basic cognitive experiences.


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While formal definitions and security proofs are well established in some fields like cryptography and steganography, they are not as evident in digital watermarking research. A systematic development of watermarking schemes is desirable, but at present their development is usually informal, ad hoc, and omits the complete realization of application scenarios. This practice not only hinders the choice and use of a suitable scheme for a watermarking application, but also leads to debate about the state-of-the-art for different watermarking applications. With a view to the systematic development of watermarking schemes, we present a formal generic model for digital image watermarking. Considering possible inputs, outputs, and component functions, the initial construction of a basic watermarking model is developed further to incorporate the use of keys. On the basis of our proposed model, fundamental watermarking properties are defined and their importance exemplified for different image applications. We also define a set of possible attacks using our model showing different winning scenarios depending on the adversary capabilities. It is envisaged that with a proper consideration of watermarking properties and adversary actions in different image applications, use of the proposed model would allow a unified treatment of all practically meaningful variants of watermarking schemes.