974 resultados para Wong Scollon, Suzanne: Intercultural communication


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Fish populations are increasingly being subjected to anthropogenic changes to their sensory environments. The impact of these changes on inter- and intra-specific communication, and its evolutionary consequences, has only recently started to receive research attention. A disruption of the sensory environment is likely to impact communication, especially with respect to reproductive interactions that help to maintain species boundaries. Aquatic ecosystems around the world are being threatened by a variety of environmental stressors, causing dramatic losses of biodiversity and bringing urgency to the need to understand how fish respond to rapid environmental changes. Here, we discuss current research on different communication systems (visual, chemical, acoustic, electric) and explore the state of our knowledge of how complex systems respond to environmental stressors using fish as a model. By far the bulk of our understanding comes from research on visual communication in the context of mate selection and competition for mates, while work on other communication systems is accumulating. In particular, it is increasingly acknowledged that environmental effects on one mode of communication may trigger compensation through other modalities. The strength and direction of selection on communication traits may vary if such compensation occurs. However, we find a dearth of studies that have taken a multimodal approach to investigating the evolutionary impact of environmental change on communication in fish. Future research should focus on the interaction between different modes of communication, especially under changing environmental conditions. Further, we see an urgent need for a better understanding of the evolutionary consequences of changes in communication systems on fish diversity.


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Against the background of the emerging multicultural migration society, acquisition of intercultural competences is getting vitally important for youngsters to actively and effectively engage with intercultural dialogue in a co-existent life context. Contingencies for such intercultural dialogue and to foster intercultural competences of youngsters are opened in virtual space when youth with different ethnic, social and cultural background go online. However, differences in Internet use and competences acquisition as “digital inequality” also exist among youth with different socio-cultural background. This article reports on a quantitative survey of 300 Turkish migrant youth in Germany as empirical sample about how Internet use generally fosters their intercultural competences, what differences exist among them and which indicators can explain the differences. Preliminary findings show that the contingencies of Internet in fostering intercultural competences are still not much employed and realised by Turkish migrant youth. Four online groups connected with bonding, bridging, both (bonding and bridging) and none socio-cultural networks are found out based on the cluster analysis with SPSS. These different networks, from the perspective of social cultural capital, can explain the differences concerning development of intercultural competences among them. It is indicated in this research that many Turkish migrant youth still lack recognition and capabilities to construct their intercultural social networks or relations through using Internet and further to employ the relations as intercultural social capital or social support in their life context. This therefore poses a critical implication for youth work to help migrant youth construct and reconstruct their socio-cultural networks through using Internet so as to extend social support for competences acquisition.


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This brief note announces the publication of a nonmetric cranial trait database as a freely available resource on the Internet at: http://library.queensu.ca/web- doc/ssdc/cntd. The files were constructed in the program Excel, and are available also in comma-delimited format. These one-observer data on 38 traits were recorded in 1963–2003 in skeletal collections curated at many muse- ums. The 8,016 crania represent individuals from a broad geographic and temporal range of recent human popula- tions, with regions best represented being the Arctic and northwestern North America. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:551–553, 2013.


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South Africa and Mexico are ripe with drug trafficking. The gangs and syndicates running the drug businesses in these two countries collaborate occasionally. Communication between these international drug business partners takes place on social media. Their main language of communication is English, mixed with some limited use of Spanish and Afrikaans. The key purpose of the interactions between the South African and Mexican parties is the organisation of their business activities. This study aims at examining how the drug traffickers position each other and themselves regarding their common business interest and how their relationship evolves throughout their interactions. Moreover, it is of interest to look at how these people make use of different social media and their affordances. For this a qualitative analysis of the interaction between two drug traffickers (one South African and one Mexican) on Facebook, Threema and PlayStation 4 was performed. Computer-mediated communication between these two main informants was studied at various stages of their relationship. Results show that at first the interaction between the South African and Mexican drug traffickers consists of interpersonal negotiations of power. The high risk of the drug business and gang/syndicate membership paired with intercultural frictions causes the two interlocutors to be extremely cautious and at the same time to mark their position. As their relationship develops and they gain trust in each other a shift to interpersonal negotiations of solidarity takes place. In these discursive practices diverse linguistic strategies are employed for creating relational effects and for positioning the other and the self. The discursive activities of the interactants are also identity practices. Thus, the two drug traffickers construct identities through these social practices, positioning and their interpersonal relationship.


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Public Internet discussion forums appear to offer limitless opportunities for communication across linguistic, geographical and cultural borders. Closer inspection, however, reveals that cordial intercultural exchanges are far from widespread in this genre. And yet, such forums have a great deal to offer the independent language learner in terms of ease of access, potential for meaningful language practice and feedback, and exposure to different cultural conventions. This paper explores obstacles to the participation of advanced language learners in public forums of this kind through an examination of the speaking positions most readily available to the non-native speaker. A case study of sustained intercultural interaction on a public discussion thread suggests an alternative to these. Here a core of Francophone and Anglophone participants manage to negotiate an intercultural identity in order to pursue their communicative goals. The paper traces the way in which participants shift footing to regulate insider and outsider status on the forum and draws conclusions regarding the conditions for successful intercultural exchange in this genre


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A cikk fókuszában az interkulturális szolgáltatással való találkozás áll. A téma jelentősége kétségen kívül áll, hiszen a szolgáltatások egyre növekvő térhódítása, valamint a globalizáció terjedése fontossá teszi annak ismeretét, hogy a különböző nemzeti kultúrából érkező szolgáltató és fogyasztó számára hogyan érhető el a legfőbb cél, az elégedettség. A szerzők jelen kutatásukban annak megértését helyezték a középpontba, hogy melyek azok a tényezők, amelyek befolyásolják a felek erőfeszítéseit a találkozás során fellépő problémák megoldásában. Kutatásuk során mélyinterjúkat folytattak mind a szolgáltatói, mind a fogyasztói oldallal, majd a megalapozott elmélet (grounded theory) konstruktivista irányzatának segítségével elemezték ezen interjúkat, és azonosították azokat a tényezőket, amelyek fontossá válhatnak egy kultúraközi szolgáltatásélmény során. A kutatás eredményei rámutatnak, hogy melyek azok a kommunikációs és kulturális korlátok, amelyek problémát okozhatnak, s hogy az e problémák megoldására tett erőfeszítések visszavezethetők az interakció résztvevőinek személyes jellemzőire, tapasztalataira, kulturális nyitottságára és ismereteire. A kutatás eredményeinek egyik fontos menedzseri következtetése, hogy a szállodákban a probléma jelentősége ellenére nem helyeznek elegendő hangsúlyt a kommunikációs és kulturális korlátok leküzdésére irányuló képzésekre, tréningekre. _____ This paper presents an attempt to analyse the possible solutions to problems that can occur during intercultural service encounters (ICSE). Using grounded theory the authors provide a theoretical framework that identifies the factors that lead to ICSE barriers. Based on in-depth interviews with service providers and clients they have defined the relevant characteristics that influence intercultural competence. Intercultural competence with communication and cultural differences lead to problems during ICSE that can be handled by both parties: the service provider and the client, as well. An important finding is that service companies should provide adequate training that concentrates not only on the cultural knowledge but it should create capability in understanding and adapting to cultural differences.


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In this study, a mixed method approach was used to examine the experience of 43 domestic peer mentors who participated in a peer mentoring program for international students offered at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada. The study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) does participating in a mentorship program for international students result in change in the intercultural development for domestic peer mentors as measured by the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)? 2) what were the experiences of domestic peer mentors participating in a peer mentoring program for international students? Following the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (Bennett, 1998) as a guide, this study used the scores from the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) to gain an understanding of the influence of the program. The scores obtained pre and post mentorship experiences were compared and a significant difference was found. Reflections from 120 monthly reports and seven individual semi-structured interviews were also conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the mentorship experience and the influence it had on the mentors’ intercultural development. The benefits of intercultural peer mentoring on student development of skills such as leadership, communication and empathy are also discussed. The study echoes previous research that calls for an increased amount of facilitated intercultural program within university campuses. The study also advocates for further implementation of programs that provide opportunities for intercultural learning between domestic and international students in order for intercultural development to improve in higher educational settings.


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This brief note announces the publication of a nonmetric cranial trait database as a freely available resource on the Internet at: http://library.queensu.ca/web- doc/ssdc/cntd. The files were constructed in the program Excel, and are available also in comma-delimited format. These one-observer data on 38 traits were recorded in 1963–2003 in skeletal collections curated at many muse- ums. The 8,016 crania represent individuals from a broad geographic and temporal range of recent human popula- tions, with regions best represented being the Arctic and northwestern North America. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:551–553, 2013.


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It is extremely rare for an international visitor to museums and galleries in the UK to find information in foreign languages which is anything more than a relatively literal translation of an English source text. At the same time, a huge body of research and theory in the humanities and social sciences implies that major cultural differences are likely to accompany the differences in first language of international visitors. As such, in spite of the fact that museums and galleries often declare their intention to meet the needs of their visitors, it is fairly clear that, in this instance, they are at best meeting their international visitors’ linguistic needs whilst ignoring their broader cultural needs. With this in mind, staff from the University of Westminster together with a number of London’s major museums and galleries obtained UK Research Council funding to work on the production of leaflets in foreign languages fully acknowledging cultural differences amongst international visitors. The collaboration was intended to generate reflection on how such materials might be most effectively produced, what impact they might have and what forms of policy review museums and galleries might as a result wish to undertake. The collaboration confirmed that cultural difference, and therefore difference in need, between visitors with different first languages is a simple reality. Translations, including ones which are culturally ‘adapted’ or ‘sensitive’, will always fall short of acknowledging the intercultural complexity of the experience of international visitors. Materials acknowledging that complexity are more effective. Museums and galleries need, therefore, to ask themselves how far and in what ways they wish to acknowledge this reality in the nature of the welcome they offer. The core of this article will draw on the outcomes of this collaboration, and also on aspects of translation and intercultural theory, to offer a critical exploration of some of the options museums and galleries therefore have in producing materials to welcome international visitors in ways which acknowledge the intercultural complexity of their experience.


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This thesis is a case study of a primary school in a highly diverse urban neighbourhood in Sweden. Basic pre-conditions for intercultural school development are studied by examining the overall organisation of teaching, learning and opportunities for collaboration in the investigated case. The study focuses on the targeted support measures to enhance learning for students with an immigrant background: Mother tongue instruction, Swedish as a Second Language, and tutoring in the mother tongue, as well as looking at pedagogical support provided by the school library. The latter has a mission to promote learning and inclusion, where non-native speakers of Swedish are a prioritised group. Communities of practice linked to the work organisation at a meso-level are investigated, and the collaborative relationships between professional groups at the school involved in the various support measures. Teacher relationships and categorisations implied by support measures impact the learning spaces that are shaped for students and the teaching spaces within which teachers work. Collaborative opportunities and convergence of concerns in the teaching spaces combine to shape the overall space for intercultural development. The raw data for the case study consists of interviews, national policy documents and additional information on local work organisation gained through documents and observations. Four articles resulted from the case study, each focusing a specific support measure. An overarching analysis is then made of findings from these articles and the other dimensions of the investigation. The analysis describes the organisation in terms of monocultural or intercultural school cultures, pointing to significant characteristics of the landscapes of practice, with respect to their overall implications for the spaces of school development. In the discussion, findings are considered in relation to research on professional development in education, collaboration, democracy and inclusive schooling. The relative positioning of languages and cultures is given particular attention, to ascertain if the school culture is monocultural or intercultural in the sense given by Lahdenperä (2008), and to what extent it could enable intercultural development. Such positioning plays a role interms of affordances for identity, participation and engagement discussed by Wenger (1998). This case study should be understood against the wider background of recent social developments in Europe linked to globalisation and technological changes. It is argued that looking at the concrete specifics which facilitate or obstruct school development, and simultaneously reflecting on how the different forms of teaching interrelate in the overall organisation and in policy may provide a useful vantage point from which structural changes can be contemplated.The discussion underlines the importance of the physical localisation of activities, continuity in personal contacts and time available for joint pedagogical reflection, as basic conditions for effective intercultural dialogue in the organisation. Finally, the impact of policy is considered, looking at connections between levels of policy, expressed in official steering documents, and conditions for teaching and learning at the level of an individual school.


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo desenvolver a competência da interculturalidade no âmbito da linguagem não-verbal de alunos portugueses, do 3º ciclo do ensino básico, com frequência à disciplina de Espanhol. A Linguagem não-verbal tem um contributo preponderante na comunicação e, quando há a pretensão de se conhecer outra cultura, é forçoso que se interpretem os diferentes sistemas onde cada indivíduo se integra e interage, porque comunicar eficazmente com o outro implica um conhecimento das estruturas simbólicas e dos códigos culturais intrínsecos, não só à cultura de um outro específico, mas também ao seu próprio contexto sociocultural, histórico-cultural e económico-cultural. Este trabalho faz apologia de um ensino intercultural que promova o diálogo entre culturas, sabendo-se de antemão que há representações que devem ser desconstruídas, bem como uma linguagem não-verbal específica que pode interferir na pragmática da interculturalidade. Trata-se de uma investigação-ação demarcada por dois momentos distintos: um primeiro estudo vocacionado para a consciencialização dos alunos de que a comunicação não-verbal é uma competência que se ensina e se aprende e um segundo estudo dedicado a aspetos culturais diferenciadores, entre Espanha e Portugal, na linguagem não-verbal , com enfoque nos gestos culturais e no tratamento do tempo. Os dados a analisar são: a transcrição de uma aula gravada, onde foram aplicados vários recursos audiovisuais e escritos consentâneos com as unidades programáticas, e as respostas a um questionário dirigido à turma de intervenção e a uma turma de nacionalidade espanhola que com ela colaborou. A implementação destas atividades/estratégias didáticas permitiu concluir que, por um lado, os alunos interpretam os diferentes códigos não -verbais à luz de uma perspetiva universal, por outro, há uma forte influência de estereótipos herdados e filtrados, a partir de diferentes marcos histórico-temporais. Este estudo sobre o não- verbal também se traduziu num alicerce bastante hábil para motivar à aprendizagem em geral e para enriquecer o conhecimento sobre a cultura do outro e a sua própria cultura, através da aquisição de códigos não- verbais comunicativo-funcionais.


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Cet essai a pour objet de communiquer une expérience de travail vécue dans le cadre d'un projet de coopération échelonné sur trois ans, au Burkina Faso. Il a impliqué deux institutions d'enseignement de niveau pré-universitaire : l'École nationale de santé publique (ENSP) du Burkina Faso et ses professeurs, et le Cégep François-Xavier Garneau de Québec et deux professeurs de Soins infirmiers, dont moi-même. J'ai tenu à classer sous des aspects particuliers les propos qui vont suivre afin d'en faciliter la compréhension pour le lecteur. Je commencerai d'abord par identifier les plus grandes difficultés qui nous confrontent dès que l'on se situe dans un autre système de valeurs que le sien, le projet de coopération lui-même ainsi que mes préalables comme infirmière et professeurs pour cet engagement. Je traiterai ensuite du choc culturel qui nous attend inévitablement dans ce type d'intervention et comment ce choc de culture peut être exorcisé au profit d'un cheminement personnel. Cette réflexion tente également de démontrer l'efficacité d'un modèle d'intervention, dont les prémisses reposent sur le pilier culturel de l'Autre et aussi sur la volonté des partenaires à établir entre eux un climat de confiance et des liens qui laissent de l'espace pour l'amitié. Après seulement, si ces conditions sont présentes, il est réaliste de parler d'échanges et de transfert efficace des savoirs pour un développement durable. Un relevé d'écrits vient soutenir la problématique de ce travail. En appendices, un exposé sur le Burkina Faso est présenté en deux parties : la première partie traite des données officielles du pays et la seconde fait part de souvenirs personnels impérissables. Finalement, un court document traitant du dispositif de santé du Burkina Faso vient compléter le document.


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Foreign students abroad need to feel integrated in the new community, which includes complex learning processes in multicultural environments. The fact that we have experienced these processes ourselves was certainly a motivation for this research, especially knowing that we could contribute to help our fellow Portuguese brass players undergoing the same experience. From the singularity of music performance in the style of playing and communication emerge many cultural aspects, which have been developed through centuries of orchestral practice. As the new students are confronted with the aesthetic musical concepts and both professional and social practices of the country they arrive in, they strive to understand these concepts and adapt themselves to the values promoted by the new music practice. The aim of this on-going research is the study of the integration of brass music students in German universities and in the German society. Notably, through the understanding of intercultural processes experienced by the students, professors can become more aware of the challenges that concern music education. In this research all ten Portuguese brass students enrolled in any German music university in the last five years were interviewed in order to deeply understand this process. With a growing importance of the technological facilities, students are able to gather more information, to prepare themselves for the new concepts they try to embrace and to better deal with a different culture.