951 resultados para Wireless power transfer


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The prototype wafer of a low power integrated CMOS Transmitter for short-range biotelemetry application has been designed and fabricated, which is prospective to be implanted in the human brain to transfer the extracted neural information to the external computer. The transmitter consists of five parts, a bandgap current regulator, a ring oscillator, a buffer, a modulator and a power transistor. High integration and low power are the most distinct criteria for such an implantable integrated circuit. The post-simulation results show that under a 3.3 V power supply the transmitter provides 100.1 MHz half-wave sinusoid current signal to drive the off-chip antenna, the output peak current range is -0.155 mA similar to 1.250 mA, and on-chip static power dissipation is low to 0.374 mW. All the performances of the transmitter satisfy the demands of wireless real-time BCI system for neural signals recording and processing.


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A modeling study is conducted to investigate the effect of hydrogen content in propellants on the plasma flow, heat transfer and energy conversion characteristics of low-power (kW class) arc-heated hydrogen/nitrogen thrusters (arcjets). 1:0 (pure hydrogen), 3:1 (to simulate decomposed ammonia), 2:1 (to simulate decomposed hydrazine) and 0:1 (pure nitrogen) hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures are chosen as the propellants. Both the gas flow region inside the thruster nozzle and the anode-nozzle wall are included in the computational domain in order to better treat the conjugate heat transfer between the gas flow region and the solid wall region. The axial variations of the enthalpy flux, kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic-energy flux, and momentum flux, all normalized to the mass flow rate of the propellant, are used to investigate the energy conversion process inside the thruster nozzle. The modeling results show that the values of the arc voltage, the gas axial-velocity at the thruster exit, and the specific impulse of the arcjet thruster all increase with increasing hydrogen content in the propellant, but the gas temperature at the nitrogen thruster exit is significantly higher than that for other three propellants. The flow, heat transfer, and energy conversion processes taking place in the thruster nozzle have some common features for all the four propellants. The propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, accompanied with a rapid increase of the enthalpy flux, and after achieving its maximum value, the enthalpy flux decreases appreciably due to the conversion of gas internal energy into its kinetic energy in the divergent segment of the thruster nozzle. The kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic energy flux and momentum flux also increase at first due to the arc heating and the thermodynamic expansion, assume their maximum inside the nozzle and then decrease gradually as the propellant flows toward the thruster exit. It is found that a large energy loss (31-52%) occurs in the thruster nozzle due to the heat transfer to the nozzle wall and too long nozzle is not necessary. Modeling results for the NASA 1-kW class arcjet thruster with hydrogen or decomposed hydrazine as the propellant are found to compare favorably with available experimental data.


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A modelling study is performed to compare the plasma °ow and heat transfer char- acteristics of low-power arc-heated thrusters (arcjets) for three di®erent propellants: hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. The all-speed SIMPLE algorithm is employed to solve the governing equa- tions, which take into account the e®ects of compressibility, Lorentz force and Joule heating, as well as the temperature- and pressure-dependence of the gas properties. The temperature, veloc- ity and Mach number distributions calculated within the thruster nozzle obtained with di®erent propellant gases are compared for the same thruster structure, dimensions, inlet-gas stagnant pressure and arc currents. The temperature distributions in the solid region of the anode-nozzle wall are also given. It is found that the °ow and energy conversion processes in the thruster nozzle show many similar features for all three propellants. For example, the propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, with the highest plasma temperature appear- ing near the cathode tip; the °ow transition from the subsonic to supersonic regime occurs within the constrictor region; the highest axial velocity appears inside the nozzle; and most of the input propellant °ows towards the thruster exit through the cooler gas region near the anode-nozzle wall. However, since the properties of hydrogen, nitrogen and argon, especially their molecular weights, speci¯c enthalpies and thermal conductivities, are di®erent, there are appreciable di®er- ences in arcjet performance. For example, compared to the other two propellants, the hydrogen arcjet thruster shows a higher plasma temperature in the arc region, and higher axial velocity but lower temperature at the thruster exit. Correspondingly, the hydrogen arcjet thruster has the highest speci¯c impulse and arc voltage for the same inlet stagnant pressure and arc current. The predictions of the modelling are compared favourably with available experimental results.


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Modeling studies are preformed to investigate the plasma and heat transfer characteristics of a low power argon arcjet thruster. Computed temperature, velocity, static pressure, and Mach number distribution in arcjet thruster under typical operating condition are presented in this paper. It shows that the performance data from numerical modeling results are basically consistent with the experimental measured values.


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A methodology for improved power controller switching in mobile Body Area Networks operating within the ambient healthcare environment is proposed. The work extends Anti-windup and Bumpless transfer results to provide a solution to the ambulatory networking problem that ensures sufficient biometric data can always be regenerated at the base station. The solution thereby guarantees satisfactory quality of service for healthcare providers. Compensation is provided for the nonlinear hardware constraints that are a typical feature of the type of network under consideration and graceful performance degradation in the face of hardware output power saturation is demonstrated, thus conserving network energy in an optimal fashion.


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This work considers the effect of hardware constraints that typically arise in practical power-aware wireless sensor network systems. A rigorous methodology is presented that quantifies the effect of output power limit and quantization constraints on bit error rate performance. The approach uses a novel, intuitively appealing means of addressing the output power constraint, wherein the attendant saturation block is mapped from the output of the plant to its input and compensation is then achieved using a robust anti-windup scheme. A priori levels of system performance are attained using a quantitative feedback theory approach on the initial, linear stage of the design paradigm. This hybrid design is assessed experimentally using a fully compliant 802.15.4 testbed where mobility is introduced through the use of autonomous robots. A benchmark comparison between the new approach and a number of existing strategies is also presented.


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Science Foundation Ireland (07/CE/11147); Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology (Embark Initiative)


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The power consumption of wireless sensor networks (WSN) module is an important practical concern in building energy management (BEM) system deployments. A set of metrics are created to assess the power profiles of WSN in real world condition. The aim of this work is to understand and eventually eliminate the uncertainties in WSN power consumption during long term deployments and the compatibility with existing and emerging energy harvesting technologies. This paper investigates the key metrics in data processing, wireless data transmission, data sensing and duty cycle parameter to understand the system power profile from a practical deployment prospective. Based on the proposed analysis, the impacts of individual metric on power consumption in a typical BEM application are presented and the subsequent low power solutions are investigated.


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Body Sensor Network (BSN) technology is seeing a rapid emergence in application areas such as health, fitness and sports monitoring. Current BSN wireless sensors typically operate on a single frequency band (e.g. utilizing the IEEE 802.15.4 standard that operates at 2.45GHz) employing a single radio transceiver for wireless communications. This allows a simple wireless architecture to be realized with low cost and power consumption. However, network congestion/failure can create potential issues in terms of reliability of data transfer, quality-of-service (QOS) and data throughput for the sensor. These issues can be especially critical in healthcare monitoring applications where data availability and integrity is crucial. The addition of more than one radio has the potential to address some of the above issues. For example, multi-radio implementations can allow access to more than one network, providing increased coverage and data processing as well as improved interoperability between networks. A small number of multi-radio wireless sensor solutions exist at present but require the use of more than one radio transceiver devices to achieve multi-band operation. This paper presents the design of a novel prototype multi-radio hardware platform that uses a single radio transceiver. The proposed design allows multi-band operation in the 433/868MHz ISM bands and this, together with its low complexity and small form factor, make it suitable for a wide range of BSN applications.


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The performance of a new pointer-based medium-access control protocol that was designed to significantly improve the energy efficiency of user terminals in quality-of-service-enabled wireless local area networks was analysed. The new protocol, pointer-controlled slot allocation and resynchronisation protocol (PCSARe), is based on the hybrid coordination function-controlled channel access mode of the IEEE 802.11e standard. PCSARe reduces energy consumption by removing the need for power-saving stations to remain awake for channel listening. Discrete event network simulations were performed to compare the performance of PCSARe with the non-automatic power save delivery (APSD) and scheduled-APSD power-saving modes of IEEE 802.11e. The simulation results show a demonstrable improvement in energy efficiency without significant reduction in performance when using PCSARe. For a wireless network consisting of an access point and eight stations in power-saving mode, the energy saving was up to 39% when using PCSARe instead of IEEE 802.11e non-APSD. The results also show that PCSARe offers significantly reduced uplink access delay over IEEE 802.11e non-APSD, while modestly improving the uplink throughput. Furthermore, although both had the same energy consumption, PCSARe gave a 25% reduction in downlink access delay compared with IEEE 802.11e S-APSD.