916 resultados para West Nile virus--Ontario--Niagara (Regional municipality)
Harris County, which includes Houston, Texas, is an endemic and epidemic area for two viruses transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses). These viruses are maintained in cycles involving mosquitoes and wild birds, and transmission to humans is accidental. The majority of human infections is asymptomatic or may result in a flu-like syndrome. However, some infections can result in meningitis or encephalitis. These neuroinvasive infections may cause death, and those who survive may experience serious neurological complications requiring costly and lengthy medical care. The most important arboviruses in terms of morbidity are St. Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses. In fact, Harris County reports more SLEV encephalitis cases than any other county in the U.S. Most arboviral human cases occur from July through September, when mosquitoes are most active. Those at risk for encephalitis and death are the elderly and those with a history of hypertension or immunosuppresion. There is no specific treatment and no human vaccines are commercially available in the U.S. The approach for control of arboviruses in Harris County during epidemics is multidisciplinary and executed by several agencies. It includes surveillance, vector control, and educational messages for the population. Prevention of outbreaks consists of elimination of the vector and its breeding grounds, and practicing personal protective measures to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. ^ Current findings indicate that mosquito-borne viruses other than SLEV and WNV could pose an additional threat for the population. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) activity has been detected in dogs and sentinel chickens in Houston and surrounding areas. Several serotypes of dengue virus have caused recent outbreaks in south Texas, and some locally-acquired cases have been detected in Houston. Since the clinical presentation of all arboviruses that cause encephalitis is very similar, and current surveillance is focused on detecting SLEV and WNV, there is a possibility that other arboviruses could be present in the area but are not being detected. Additionally, Harris County's ample annual rainfall and flooding problems, warm weather, multiple mosquito species, local and migrating birds that are susceptible to arboviral infection, and a constant flow of goods and travelers from many parts of the world could favor the emergence or re-emergence of other arboviruses. ^ The aims of this project were to determine if other arboviruses were circulating in the county, to assess the knowledge and attitudes about mosquito-borne viruses in a sample of the population, and to conduct an analysis of the initial WNV epidemic in Harris County. Through the retrospective analysis of clinical specimens collected during the 2002-2005 epidemic seasons, serologic evidence of dengue infection was detected suggesting the possibility that this virus may be co-circulating with SLEV and WNV. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness about arboviruses but not a consistent use of protective measures to avoid mosquitoes. The third component for this project included a retrospective review and geographical analysis of the 2002 WNV epidemic. ^ Overall, this study documented valuable information about the dengue virus, a potentially emerging arbovirus in Texas, revealed the need for more educational preventative programs, reinforced the value of mosquito and avian surveillance, and indicated the importance of continuing to investigate the factors that contribute to the development of outbreaks. ^
D18O values of nine tropical-subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species with different preferential habitat depths collected from 62 core-top samples along an east-west transect across the tropical Atlantic/Caribbean were used to test the applicability of interspecific d18O gradients for reconstructions of tropical upper ocean stratification. In general, the d18O difference (Delta d18O) between intermediate- and shallow-dwelling species decreases, and Delta d18O between deep and intermediate dwellers increases with increasing thermocline depth towards the west. The statistical significance of regional differences in Delta d18O highlights Delta d18O between the intermediate dwellers (in particular Globorotalia scitula and Globorotalia tumida) and the shallow dweller Globigerinoides ruber pink, as well as Delta d18O between the deep dwellers Globorotalia crassaformis or Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral and intermediate dwellers as most sensitive to changes in tropical Atlantic thermocline depth. Based on the observed regional variations in interspecific Delta d18O, we propose a multispecies stratification index "STRAtrop" = (d18Ointermediate - d18Oshallow) / (d18Odeep - d18Oshallow) for the tropical ocean. Statistically significant differences in STRAtrop values between the E-Atlantic and the Caribbean suggest that this index may be a useful tool to monitor variations in tropical upper ocean stratification in the geological record.
Vaccinology is a combinatorial science which studies the diversity of pathogens and the human immune system, and formulations that can modulate immune responses and prevent or cure disease. Huge amounts of data are produced by genomics and proteomics projects and large-scale screening of pathogen-host and antigen-host interactions. Current developments in computational vaccinology mainly support the analysis of antigen processing and presentation and the characterization of targets of immune response. Future development will also include systemic models of vaccine responses. Immunomics, the large-scale screening of immune processes which includes powerful immunoinformatic tools, offers great promise for future translation of basic immunology research advances into successful vaccines.
Mathematical models of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission originated in the early twentieth century to provide insights into how to most effectively combat malaria. The foundations of the Ross–Macdonald theory were established by 1970. Since then, there has been a growing interest in reducing the public health burden of mosquito-borne pathogens and an expanding use of models to guide their control. To assess how theory has changed to confront evolving public health challenges, we compiled a bibliography of 325 publications from 1970 through 2010 that included at least one mathematical model of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission and then used a 79-part questionnaire to classify each of 388 associated models according to its biological assumptions. As a composite measure to interpret the multidimensional results of our survey, we assigned a numerical value to each model that measured its similarity to 15 core assumptions of the Ross–Macdonald model. Although the analysis illustrated a growing acknowledgement of geographical, ecological and epidemiological complexities in modelling transmission, most models during the past 40 years closely resemble the Ross–Macdonald model. Modern theory would benefit from an expansion around the concepts of heterogeneous mosquito biting, poorly mixed mosquito-host encounters, spatial heterogeneity and temporal variation in the transmission process.
RESUMO O controlo vectorial representa uma parte importante da estratégia global actual para a prevenção das principais doenças transmitidas por insectos, como a malária, a febre de dengue ou do West Nile. Uma das vertentes do controlo vectorial é aquela que se associa à protecção individual dos hospedeiros contra a picada de insectos. É no âmbito desta problemática que surge o estudo aqui apresentado. Este teve como um dos objectivos testar em laboratório a eficácia de três compostos diferentes (permetrina, DEET e citronela) contra a picada de mosquitos Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901, quando aplicados a tecidos de algodão. Com base neste estudo laboratorial, seleccionaram-se os tecidos mais eficientes que foram testados no terreno, na área da Comporta, em ensaios simuladores de uma situação real. Os resultados foram complementados com alguns ensaios preliminares efectuados em laboratório com a espécie Culex theileri Teobald, 1903. Nos primeiros ensaios laboratoriais, tecidos impregnados com permetrina mostraram induzir uma repelência mais eficaz do que tecidos com DEET e citronela micro-encapsulados. O efeito de repelência dos tecidos com permetrina manteve-se, mesmo quando estes foram sujeitos a vários ciclos de lavagem. No entanto, os ensaios de repelência/protecção efectuados no campo demonstraram que a eficácia do tecido impregnado com permetrina é afectada pelo número de lavagens. Testes laboratoriais realizados com Cx. theileri, a espécie mais abundante da área da Comporta, apontam para que a discrepância observada entre os resultados das experiências laboratoriais e de campo possa estar associada a um comportamento diferencial das espécies envolvidas nos dois tipos de ensaio. Em conclusão, embora o uso de vestuário tratado com microcápsulas de repelentes seja um método promissor na protecção contra as picadas de insectos, este terá de beneficiar de algum investimento futuro para que possa vir a ser considerado uma estratégia válida no controlo vectorial a larga escala. Há que melhorar o modo de incorporação e apresentação do composto activo nos tecidos de modo a obter-se um efeito repelente mais efectivo e prolongado e a procura de repelentes naturais, indutores de menor toxicidade e mais repelência, deve ser continuada.
This research acknowledges the difficulties experienced by teachers presenting integrated arts curricula. Instructional support is offered by arts organizations that provide arts partnerships with local schools boards. The study focuses on the experiences of 8 teachers from a Catholic school board in southern Ontario who participated in integrated arts programs offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts™ (LTTATM) program and a local art gallery's Art Based Integrated Learning (ABIL) program and examines their responses to the programs and their perception of personal and professional development through this association. Additionally, questions were posed to the . "aftisfs"from-tneSe]Jfograrrrs;-and"they liiscus·sed·how"participating in-collaboration with teachers in the development of in-school programs enabled them to experience personal and professional development as well. Seven themes emerged from the data. These themes included: teachers' feelings of a lack of preparedness to teach the arts; the value of the arts and arts partnerships in schools; the role of the artists in the education of teachers; professional development for both teachers and artists; the development of collegiality; perceptions of student engagement; and the benefits and obstacles of integrating the arts into the curriculum. This document highlights the benefits to both teachers and artists of arts partnerships between schools and outside arts organizations.
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which gender differences exist in student attitudes toward mathematics and in their performance in mathematics at the Grade Seven and Eight level. The study also questioned how parents influence the attitudes of this grade level of male and female students toward mathematics. Historically, the literature has demonstrated gender differences in the attitudes of students toward mathematics, and in parental support for classroom performance in mathematics. This study was an attempt to examine these differences at one senior public school in the Peel Board of Education. One hundred three Grade Seven and Eight students at a middle school in the Peel Board of Education volunteered to take part in a survey that examined their attitudes toward mathematics, their perceptions of their parents' attitudes toward mathematics and support for good performance in the mathematics classroom, parental expectations for education and future career choices. Gender differences related to performance levels in the mathematics classroom were examined using Pearson contingency analyses. Items from the survey that showed significant differences involved confidence in mathematics and confidence in writing mathematics tests, as well as a belief in the ability to work on mathematics problems. Male students in both the high and low performance groups demonstrated higher levels of confidence than the females in those groups. Female students, however, indicated interest in careers that would require training and knowledge of higher mathematics. Some of the reasons given to explain the gender differences in confidence levels included socialization pressures on females, peer acceptance, and attribution of success. Perceived parental support showed no significant differences across gender groups or performance levels. Possible explanations dealt with the family structure of the participants in the study. Studies that, in the past, have demonstrated gender differences in confidence levels were supported by this study, and discussed in detail. Studies that reported on differences in parental support for student performance, based on the gender of the parent, were not confirmed by this study, and reasons for this were also discussed. The implications for the classroom include: 1) build on the female students' strengths that will allow them to enjoy their experiences in mathematics; 2) stop using the boys as a comparison group; and 3) make students more aware of the need to continue studying mathematics to ensure a wider choice of future careers.
Studies on persistence and degradation of the synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, permethrin and fenvalerate, were carried out under natural environmental conditions of the Niagara Peninsula. Permethrin and fenvalerate were treated on apple foliage atrat~s of 0.21 kg(AI)!ha and 0.14 kg(AI)/ha, respectively. The initial cis- and trans-permethrin spray deposits were found to be 13.5 ppm and 19.2 ppm, respectively and 38.0 ppm was observed for the fenvalerate treated sample. Twenty-three days and 84 days after spray application, permethrin residues were 4.0 ppm and 2.7 ppm for the cis-isomer, whereas they were 7.9 ppm and 4.7 ppm for the trans-isomer, respectively. Residues of fenvalerate 23 days and 84 days after spray application were 13.4 ppm and 8.0 ppm, respectively. The values of observed half-life of cis-permethrin, trans-permethrin and fenvalerate were found to be 42 days, 46 days and 51 days, respectively. Studies were extended to quantitatively determine some of the major degradation compounds of permethrin and fenvalerate, which were expected to be produced as results of ester cleavage of the parent compounds. A permethrin treated sample, 84 days after initial spray application, showed 0.25 and 0.8 ppm of cis- and trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid (C12CA (18), respectively. These two acids were not found as free acids, but found as conjugated compounds. The other expected degradation compounds, 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol (PBalc (~)),3-phenoxybenz.aldehyde (PBald (38)) and 2- (4-chlorophenyl) isovaleric acid (CPIA (31)) were not detected by the methods employed in this study. The results indicate that these degradation compounds were not present, or, if they were present, their concentrations were too low to detect by the methods used.
The ability to identify adolescents who are at risk for becoming smokers may prove useful in developing effective smoking prevention programs. The purpose of this stUdy was to assess the importance of familial smoking behaviours on adolescent smoking patterns. The results were based on responses to The Grade 7 Lincoln County Smoking Survey designed by Chudzik and Partington (1994), and are a part of the "Peer Assisted Learning Program· (PAL) presented by the Niagara Regional Health Services Department, with the cooperation of a local Board of Education (Region of Niagara). The results indicate that 12% of the total group of 450 Grade 7 student respondents were current smokers at the time the data were collected (13% males and 11% females), while more than 37% of individuals indicated that they had tried smoking previously. Of the individuals who were classified as smokers, 11% reported that they smoked because their parents smoked, but only 6% reported that they smoked because their siblings smoked. More concerning, however, is the finding that 4% of smokers reported that they felt pressured to smoke by their relatives. In a society that is becoming increasingly concerned about health, it is also alarming to observe that only 50% of the respondents within this sample reported that there were no smokers (parents/siblings) in their homes. The results also indicate that 33% percent of respondents had grandparents who continued to smoke, and 53% of respondents indentified other relatives who continued to smoke.
Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)
The advertisements are for weed chains and unit chains for tires. Weed and unit chains were designed for use on muddy roads, snow, ice, wet pavement, and sand for single and dual solid truck tires. The Dominion Chain Co., Limited of Niagara Falls, Ontario began operation in 1914. The plant was located at 800 Bender Hill and in 1963 it employed between 250 and 500 people.
The Gainsborough Presbyterian Church was organized prior to 1833, but no records were kept until this date. In 1809, the church was lead by Rev. Daniel Ward Eastman. In 1833 the church became part of the Niagara Presbytery of the American Presbyterian Church. The records include transfer of membership, records of marriages, lists of subscribers and session minutes. Photocopies from originals were made in 1977 by E. Phelps, University of Western Ontario, prior to their deposit with the United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Ont.
John N. Jackson was born and raised in London England. He served in the Royal Navy, acquired a B.A. and a Ph.D, conducted research for a city planning office and lectured at the University of Manchester. He joined Brock University’s faculty in 1965 as a Professor of Applied Geography. Since his retirement in 1991 he has been Professor Emeritus to Brock. Throughout his time in academia Jackson has focused his research on the history of the modern city, both throughout Europe and Canada. Jackson has also completed specific research on the Niagara Peninsula; including industrial geography, recreation along the Lake Erie shore, St. Catharines early history, the Welland Canals, railway development, comparisons across the Niagara River. While living in the Niagara region Jackson has become involved in many community events. He has been the Director for the Bruce Trail Association, President of the Welland Canals Foundation, and been involved in local historical groups throughout the Niagara region.
One of the oldest wineries in Ontario, Bright’s Wines is now a part of Vincor International Inc. and still producing wines today. In the year 1874 Thomas G. Bright and Francis A. Shirriff came together in a partnership and formed a wine company in Toronto, Ontario. As the company began to prosper the gentlemen decided to move the location to Niagara, Ontario. Sixteen years later the Niagara Falls Wine Company opened on Dorchester Road. In 1911, Bright bought out all of Shirriff’s shares in the company and the name became the T. G. Bright and Co. Limited. A few years later in 1933 Harry C. Hatch bought the wine company from the Bright family and began changing how Bright’s operated through greater, more diverse wine production, as well as research and development. Bright’s leadership in wine research and development in Canada helped bring Canadian wines to their position of respect around the world. In 1934 Bright’s began a viticultural and vinicultural program, changing the way the Canadian wine industry worked. They put more money into research and development than any other winery in all of Canada. Soon, gold medals and “best of class” international designations were being awarded to Bright’s wines. As a result of their success, the founders soon discovered that they needed additional money to develop their business. So they borrowed money from a local bank and other lenders, or creditors, and used the funds to expand the business. Subsequent acquisition of other companies and consolidations in the wine industry led to the creation of Vincor International in 1993. Today, Vincor has established itself as a major participant in the North American super-premium wine market. By acquiring other companies, Vincor has fuelled growth in its sales from $114 million in 1995 to $654 million in 2005. The company’s success attracted the attention of its competitors. On September 27, 2005, Constellation Brands, Inc. announced its intention to buy Vincor and subsequently acquired the company in June 2006.
The first Clifton Hotel was built in 1832, but was destroyed by fire in 1898. A second hotel was built on the same site in 1906. This second hotel was much larger and included a branch of the Imperial Bank, a Gray Coach Lines Terminal, and several stores. For many years the inn was operated by George Major, but came under the control of the United Hotel Co. in 1919. The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1932. Oakes Garden Theatre currently occupies the location where the hotels once stood.