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"Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, August 16, 1983; Lewiston, Idaho, August 17, 1983"--Pt. 2.
For remote, semi-arid areas, brackish groundwater (BW) desalination powered by solar energy may serve as the most technically and economically viable means to alleviate the water stresses. For such systems, high recovery ratio is desired because of the technical and economical difficulties of concentrate management. It has been demonstrated that the current, conventional solar reverse osmosis (RO) desalination can be improved by 40–200 times by eliminating unnecessary energy losses. In this work, a batch-RO system that can be powered by a thermal Rankine cycle has been developed. By directly recycling high pressure concentrates and by using a linkage connection to provide increasing feed pressures, the batch-RO has been shown to achieve a 70% saving in energy consumption compared to a continuous single-stage RO system. Theoretical investigations on the mass transfer phenomena, including dispersion and concentration polarization, have been carried out to complement and to guide experimental efforts. The performance evaluation of the batch-RO system, named DesaLink, has been based on extensive experimental tests performed upon it. Operating DesaLink using compressed air as power supply under laboratory conditions, a freshwater production of approximately 300 litres per day was recorded with a concentration of around 350 ppm, whilst the feed water had a concentration range of 2500–4500 ppm; the corresponding linkage efficiency was around 40%. In the computational aspect, simulation models have been developed and validated for each of the subsystems of DesaLink, upon which an integrated model has been realised for the whole system. The models, both the subsystem ones and the integrated one, have been demonstrated to predict accurately the system performance under specific operational conditions. A simulation case study has been performed using the developed model. Simulation results indicate that the system can be expected to achieve a water production of 200 m3 per year by using a widely available evacuated tube solar collector having an area of only 2 m2. This freshwater production would satisfy the drinking water needs of 163 habitants in the Rajasthan region, the area for which the case study was performed.
Sustainable development requires combining economic viability with energy and environment conservation and ensuring social benefits. It is conceptualized that for designing a micro industry for sustainable rural industrialization, all these aspects should be integrated right up front. The concept includes; (a) utilization of local produce for value addition in a cluster of villages and enhancing income of the target population; (b) use of renewable energy and total utilization of energy generated by co and trigeneration (combining electric power production with heat utilization for heating and cooling); (c) conservation of water and complete recycling of effluents; (d) total utilization of all wastes for achieving closure towards a zero waste system. Enhanced economic viability and sustainability is achieved by integration of appropriate technologies into the industrial complex. To prove the concept, a model Micro Industrial Complex (MIC) has been set up in a semi arid desert region in Rajasthan, India at village Malunga in Jodhpur district. A biomass powered boiler and steam turbine system is used to generate 100-200 KVA of electric power and high energy steam for heating and cooling processes downstream. The unique feature of the equipment is a 100-150 kW back-pressure steam turbine, utilizing 3-4 tph (tonnes per hour) steam, developed by M/s IB Turbo. The biomass boiler raises steam at about 20 barg 3 tph, which is passed through a turbine to yield about 150 kW of electrical power. The steam let out at a back pressure of 1-3 barg has high exergy and this is passed on as thermal energy (about 2 MW), for use in various applications depending on the local produce and resources. The biomass fuel requirement for the boiler is 0.5-0.75 tph depending on its calorific value. In the current model, the electricity produced is used for running an oil expeller to extract castor oil and the castor cake is used as fuel in the boiler. The steam is used in a Multi Effect Distillation (MED) unit for drinking water production and in a Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) for cooling, for banana ripening application. Additional steam is available for extraction of herbs such as mint and processing local vegetables. In this paper, we discuss the financial and economic viability of the system and show how the energy, water and materials are completely recycled and how the benefits are directed to the weaker sections of the community.
A víz- és szennyvíz-szolgáltató vállalatok működési költségeinek jelentős hányadát teszi ki a villamosenergia-költség. Elemzésünk az IBNET (International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities) adatbázisa alapján vizsgálja a közép-kelet-európai és a FÁK országokban működő víziközművek energiahatékonyságát. Többváltozós statisztikai elemzés segítségével tárjuk fel a különböző működési jellemzők energiahatékonyságot befolyásoló hatását. A Világbank által kezdeményezett IBNET programról bővebb információ a www.ib-net.org oldalon található, angol nyelven.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.
Funded by European Research Council ERC. Grant Number: project GA 335910 VEWA
Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.
Funded by European Research Council ERC. Grant Number: project GA 335910 VEWA
Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust for University College London (UCL) authors. Acknowledegements Funding for this work was provided by the Wellcome Trust (MDWP, LP). John Speakman was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDB13030000) a 1000 talents professorship. We are grateful to Peter Thomson and Paula Redman for technical assistance with isotope analysis
Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.
This is an investigation on the development of a numerical assessment method for the hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter. In the research work, a systematic study has been carried out on how the hydrodynamic problem can be solved and represented reliably, focusing on the phenomena of the interactions of the wave-structure and the wave-internal water surface. These phenomena are extensively examined numerically to show how the hydrodynamic parameters can be reliably obtained and used for the OWC performance assessment. In studying the dynamic system, a two-body system is used for the OWC wave energy converter. The first body is the device itself, and the second body is an imaginary “piston,” which replaces part of the water at the internal water surface in the water column. One advantage of the two-body system for an OWC wave energy converter is its physical representations, and therefore, the relevant mathematical expressions and the numerical simulation can be straightforward. That is, the main hydrodynamic parameters can be assessed using the boundary element method of the potential flow in frequency domain, and the relevant parameters are transformed directly from frequency domain to time domain for the two-body system. However, as it is shown in the research, an appropriate representation of the “imaginary” piston is very important, especially when the relevant parameters have to be transformed from frequency-domain to time domain for a further analysis. The examples given in the research have shown that the correct parameters transformed from frequency domain to time domain can be a vital factor for a successful numerical simulation.
This is the second part of the assessment of primary energy conversions of oscillating water columns (OWCs) wave energy converters. In the first part of the research work, the hydrodynamic performance of OWC wave energy converter has been extensively examined, targeting on a reliable numerical assessment method. In this part of the research work, the application of the air turbine power take-off (PTO) to the OWC device leads to a coupled model of the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters, in a manner that under the wave excitation, the varying air volume due to the internal water surface motion creates a reciprocating chamber pressure (alternative positive and negative chamber pressure), whilst the chamber pressure, in turn, modifies the motions of the device and the internal water surface. To do this, the thermodynamics of the air chamber is first examined and applied by including the air compressibility in the oscillating water columns for different types of the air turbine PTOs. The developed thermodynamics is then coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters. This proposed assessment method is then applied to two generic OWC wave energy converters (one bottom fixed and another floating), and the numerical results are compared to the experimental results. From the comparison to the model test data, it can be seen that this numerical method is capable of assessing the primary energy conversion for the oscillating water column wave energy converters.
On thermodynamics in the primary power conversion of oscillating water column wave energy converters
The paper presents an investigation to the thermodynamics of the air flow in the air chamber for the oscillating water column wave energy converters, in which the oscillating water surface in the water column pressurizes or de-pressurises the air in the chamber. To study the thermodynamics and the compressibility of the air in the chamber, a method is developed in this research: the power take-off is replaced with an accepted semi-empirical relationship between the air flow rate and the oscillating water column chamber pressure, and the thermodynamic process is simplified as an isentropic process. This facilitates the use of a direct expression for the work done on the power take-off by the flowing air and the generation of a single differential equation that defines the thermodynamic process occurring inside the air chamber. Solving the differential equation, the chamber pressure can be obtained if the interior water surface motion is known or the chamber volume (thus the interior water surface motion) if the chamber pressure is known. As a result, the effects of the air compressibility can be studied. Examples given in the paper have shown the compressibility, and its effects on the power losses for large oscillating water column devices.