981 resultados para Water Retention Curve
Na sequência do projecto “Ordenamento e Valorização da Bacia Hidrográfica de Águas Belas”, da ilha de Santiago, que visou a construção de estruturas de conservação do solo e água para combater a erosão hídrica e a desertificação, disponibilizar recursos hídricos para consumo doméstico e agricultura e proteger o ambiente, estudou-se o modo como as comunidades rurais percepcionam as funções, gestão e conservação dessas estruturas, bem como o aproveitamento de recursos a elas associados. No estudo utilizou-se a informação contida no original do projecto referido, realizou-se o levantamento de dados de campo, aplicou-se um inquérito às populações beneficiadas pelas infra-estruturas construídas e utilizaram-se programas relativos a sistemas de informação geográfica. Constatou-se que as comunidades beneficiadas percepcionam os diques como infra-estruturas que disponibilizam mais meios de produção, como água para rega e abastecimento doméstico, solo e área de cultivo e a retenção de solo e água, ou seja, meios que têm uma estreita ligação com a actividade agrícola e as necessidades de sobrevivência. Observou-se igualmente que os mais jovens e as mulheres valorizam mais a segurança e, estas últimas, a maior disponibilidade de água para rega e uso doméstico. Para ajustar os usos que as comunidades fazem destas estruturas são necessárias acções de sensibilização e informação junto das comunidades sobre as funções e requisitos de manutenção das estruturas de conservação do solo e água.
Na sequência do projecto “Ordenamento e Valorização da Bacia Hidrográfica de Águas Belas”, da ilha de Santiago, que visou a construção de estruturas de conservação do solo e água para combater a erosão hídrica e a desertificação, disponibilizar recursos hídricos para consumo doméstico e agricultura e proteger o ambiente, estudou-se o modo como as comunidades rurais percepcionam as funções, gestão e conservação dessas estruturas, bem como o aproveitamento de recursos a elas associados. No estudo utilizou-se a informação contida no original do projecto referido, realizou-se o levantamento de dados de campo, aplicou-se um inquérito às populações beneficiadas pelas infra-estruturas construídas e utilizaram-se programas relativos a sistemas de informação geográfica. Constatou-se que as comunidades beneficiadas percepcionam os diques como infra-estruturas que disponibilizam mais meios de produção, como água para rega e abastecimento doméstico, solo e área de cultivo e a retenção de solo e água, ou seja, meios que têm uma estreita ligação com a actividade agrícola e as necessidades de sobrevivência. Observou-se igualmente que os mais jovens e as mulheres valorizam mais a segurança e, estas últimas, a maior disponibilidade de água para rega e uso doméstico. Para ajustar os usos que as comunidades fazem destas estruturas são necessárias acções de sensibilização e informação junto das comunidades sobre as funções e requisitos de manutenção das estruturas de conservação do solo e água.
Properties of a claim loam soil, collected in Aranjuez (Madrid) and enriched with organic matter and microorganisms, were evaluated under controlled temperature and moisture conditions, over a period of three months. The following treatments were carried out: soil (control); soil + 50 t ha-1 of animal manure (E50); soil + 50 t ha-1 of animal manure + 30 L ha-1 of effective microorganisms (E50EM); soil + 30 t ha-1 of the combination of various green crop residues and weeds (RC30) and soil + 30 t ha-1 of the combination of various green crop residues and weeds + 30 L ha-1 of effective microorganisms (RC30EM). Soil samples were taken before and after incubation and their physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters analyzed. Significant increase was observed in the production of exopolysaccharides and basic phosphatase and esterase enzyme activities in the treatments E50EM and RC30EM, in correlation with the humification of organic matter, water retention at field capacity, and the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of the same treatments. The conclusion was drawn that the incorporation of a mixture of effective microorganisms (EM) intensified the biological soil activity and improved physical and chemical soil properties, contributing to a quick humification of fresh organic matter. These findings were illustrated by the microbiological activities of exopolysaccharides and by alkaline phosphatase and esterase enzymes, which can be used as early and integrated soil health indicators.
Soil is the basis underlying the food production chain and it is fundamental to improve and conserve its productive capacity. Imbalanced exploitation can degrade agricultural areas physical, chemical and biologically. The objective of this study was to evaluate some soil physical properties and their relation with organic carbon contents of a Humic Dystrudept under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT), for 12 years in rotation (r) and succession (s) cropping systems. The experiment was carried out in Lages, SC (latitude 27 º 49 ' S and longitude 50 º 20 ' W, 937 m asl), using crop sequences of bean-fallow-maize-fallow-soybean in conventional tillage rotation; maize-fallow in conventional tillage succession; bean-oat-maize-turnip-soybean-vetch in no-tillage rotation; and maize-vetch in no-tillage succession. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications. The soil samples were collected in the layers 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm. The following properties were analyzed: soil density, porosity, aggregate stability, degree of flocculation, water retention, infiltration, mechanical strength, and total organic carbon. Soil aggregation in the surface layer (0-5 cm) was better in the no-tillage than the conventional system, related to higher microporosity, organic carbon contents and water retention capacity, indicating that a periodical tillage of this soil is unnecessary. Infiltration was highest in no-tillage with crop succession.
Water resource quality is a concern of today's society and, as a consequence, low pollutant wastewaters and sludges are being increasingly treated, resulting in continuous production of sewage sludge. Sewage sludge (SS) can be used as soil physical conditioner of agricultural or degraded lands, due to its organic C component. The objective of this research was to evaluate the long-term SS effects on soil physical quality of properties such as bulk density, porosity, permeability and water retention of degraded soils treated with annual SS applications. The SS rates were calculated according to the crop N demand. The field experiment consisted of three treatments: mineral fertilization, 10 and 20 Mg ha-1 of SS (once and twice the SS quantity to meet the maize N demand, respectively), in annual applications to the surface layer of a eutroferric Red Latosol. SS reduced bulk density, increased macroporosity and decreased microporosity after the third application, but did not significantly alter the soil permeability and physical quality as measured by the S index in the surface layer.
The process of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), performed by symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria with legume species, commonly known as α and β rhizobia, provides high sustainability for the ecosystems. Its management as a biotechnology is well succeeded for improving crop yields. A remarkable example of this success is the inoculation of Brazilian soybeans with Bradyrhizobium strains. Rhizobia produce a wide diversity of chemical structures of exopolysaccharides (EPS). Although the role of EPS is relatively well studied in the process of BNF, their economic and environmental potential is not yet explored. These EPS are mostly species-specific heteropolysaccharides, which can vary according to the composition of sugars, their linkages in a single subunit, the repeating unit size and the degree of polymerization. Studies have showed that the EPS produced by rhizobia play an important role in the invasion process, infection threads formation, bacteroid and nodule development and plant defense response. These EPS also confer protection to these bacteria when exposed to environmental stresses. In general, strains of rhizobia that produce greater amounts of EPS are more tolerant to adverse conditions when compared with strains that produce less. Moreover, it is known that the EPS produced by microorganisms are widely used in various industrial activities. These compounds, also called biopolymers, provide a valid alternative for the commonly used in food industry through the development of products with identical properties or with better rheological characteristics, which can be used for new applications. The microbial EPS are also able to increase the adhesion of soil particles favoring the mechanical stability of aggregates, increasing levels of water retention and air flows in this environment. Due to the importance of EPS, in this review we discuss the role of these compounds in the process of BNF, in the adaptation of rhizobia to environmental stresses and in the process of soil aggregation. The possible applications of these biopolymers in industry are also discussed.
Currently in Brazil, as in other parts of the world, the concern is great with the increase of degraded agricultural soil, which is mostly related to the occurrence of soil compaction. Although soil texture is recognized as a very important component in the soil compressive behaviors, there are few studies that quantify its influence on the structural changes of Latosols in the Brazilian Cerrado region. This study aimed to evaluate structural changes and the compressive behavior of Latosols in Rio Verde, Goiás, through the modeling of additional soil compaction. The study was carried out using five Latosols with very different textures, under different soil compaction levels. Water retention and soil compression curves, and bearing capacity models were determined from undisturbed samples collected on the B horizons. Results indicated that clayey and very clayey Latosols were more susceptible to compression than medium-textured soils. Soil compression curves at density values associate with edaphic functions were used to determine the beneficial pressure (σ b) , i.e., pressure with optimal water retention, and critical pressure (σcrMAC), i.e., pressure with macroporosity below critical levels. These pressure values were higher than the preconsolidation pressure (σp), and therefore characterized as additional compaction. Based on the compressive behavior of these Latosols, it can be concluded that the combined preconsolidation pressure, beneficial pressure and critical pressure allow a better understanding of compression processes of Latosols.
One of the main negative anthropic effects on soil is the formation of crusts, resulting in soil degradation. This process of physical origin reduces soil water infiltration, causing increased runoff and consequently soil losses, water erosion and/or soil degradation. The study and monitoring of soil crusts is important for soil management and conservation, mainly in tropical regions where research is insufficient to explain how soil crusts are formed and how they evolve. The purpose of this study was to monitor these processes on soils with different particle size distributions. Soil crusts on a sandy/sandy loam Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Hapludult), sandy loam Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Hapludox) and a clayey Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (Rhodic Kandiudalf) were monitored. The soil was sampled and data collected after 0, 3, 5 and 10 rain storms with intensities above 25 mm h-1, from December 2008 to May 2009. Soil chemical and particle size distribution analysis were performed. The changes caused by rainfall were monitored by determining the soil roughness, hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention curves and by micromorphological analysis. Reduced soil roughness and crust formation were observed for all soils during the monitored rainfall events. However, contrary to what was expected according to the literature, crust formation was not always accompanied by reductions in total porosity, hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention.
The physical quality of Amazonian soils is relatively unexplored, due to the unique characteristics of these soils. The index of soil physical quality is a widely accepted measure of the structural quality of soils and has been used to specify the structural quality of some tropical soils, as for example of the Cerrado ecoregion of Brazil. The research objective was to evaluate the physical quality index of an Amazonian dystrophic Oxisol under different management systems. Soils under five managements were sampled in Paragominas, State of Pará: 1) a 20-year-old second-growth forest (Forest); 2) Brachiaria sp pasture; 3) four years of no-tillage (NT4.); 4) eight years of no-tillage (NT8); and 5) two years of conventional tillage (CT2). The soil samples were evaluated for bulk density, macro and microporosity and for soil water retention. The physical quality index of the samples was calculated and the resulting value correlated with soil organic matter, bulk density and porosity. The surface layers of all systems were more compacted than those of the forest. The physical quality of the soil was best represented by the relations of the S index to bulk density and soil organic matter.
The use of a soil induces changes in the physical properties according to the management, tillage intensity and type of crop. The objective of this work was to measure the alterations of some of the soil physical properties and evaluate the physical quality by the S index, an indicator proposed by Dexter (2004), comparing the land uses: eucalyptus plantations at different ages, grazing pasture, annual crops, and an area of preserved secondary vegetation with an area of preserved native forest (National Forest Araripe - NFA) as control. The study was carried out on an Oxisol on the Fazenda Redenção, in Jardim, State of Ceará, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with seven treatments and three replications in the layers 0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m. The soil was analyzed for the following physical properties: bulk density, particle density, total pore volume, micro and macroporosity, soil water retention curves and water availability. Based on the S index, the hypothesis that the use of a soil deteriorates the physical quality was accepted. Clearly, native forest (NFA) was the land use with the best conditions in all physical properties studied, followed closely by the area reforested with 20 year-old eucalyptus. The use as grazing pasture affected the soil physical conditions most, especially in the surface layer (0-0.1 m), as evidenced by increased bulk density and a substantial reduction in soil porosity, mainly in macroporosity. Microporosity was not influenced by any of the uses and in any layer studied.
Many soils have a hard-setting behavior, also known as cohesive or "coesos". In such soils, the penetration resistance increases markedly when dry and decreases considerably when moist, creating serious limitations for plant emergence and growth. To evaluate the level of structure degradation in hard-setting soils with different texture classes and to create an index for assessing soil hardness levels in hard-setting soils, six soil representative profiles were selected in the field in various regions of Brazil. The following indices were tested: S, which measures soil physical quality, and H , which analyzes the degree of hardness and the effective stress in the soil during drying. Both indices were calculated using previously described functions based on data from the water-retention curves for the soils. The hard-setting values identified in different soils of the Brazilian Coastal Tablelands have distinct compaction (hardness) levels and can be satisfactorily measured by the H index. The S index was adequate for evaluating the structural characteristics of the hard-setting soils, classifying them as suitable or poor for cultivation, but only when the moisture level of the soil was near the inflection point. The H index showed that increases in density in hard-setting soils result from increases in effective stress and not from the soil texture. Values for Bd > 1.48 kg dm-3 classify the soil as hard-setting, and the structural organization is considered "poor".
Taking into account the nature of the hydrological processes involved in in situ measurement of Field Capacity (FC), this study proposes a variation of the definition of FC aiming not only at minimizing the inadequacies of its determination, but also at maintaining its original, practical meaning. Analysis of FC data for 22 Brazilian soils and additional FC data from the literature, all measured according to the proposed definition, which is based on a 48-h drainage time after infiltration by shallow ponding, indicates a weak dependency on the amount of infiltrated water, antecedent moisture level, soil morphology, and the level of the groundwater table, but a strong dependency on basic soil properties. The dependence on basic soil properties allowed determination of FC of the 22 soil profiles by pedotransfer functions (PTFs) using the input variables usually adopted in prediction of soil water retention. Among the input variables, soil moisture content θ (6 kPa) had the greatest impact. Indeed, a linear PTF based only on it resulted in an FC with a root mean squared residue less than 0.04 m³ m-3 for most soils individually. Such a PTF proved to be a better FC predictor than the traditional method of using moisture content at an arbitrary suction. Our FC data were compatible with an equivalent and broader USA database found in the literature, mainly for medium-texture soil samples. One reason for differences between FCs of the two data sets of fine-textured soils is due to their different drainage times. Thus, a standardized procedure for in situ determination of FC is recommended.
Soil compaction is one of the main degradation causes, provoked by inappropriate agricultural practices that override the limitations of the soil physical properties. Preconsolidation pressure and penetration resistance have proved effective as alternative to assess and identify soil compaction. Based on the interpretation of these physico-mechanical parameters, compaction can be prevented with a better adjusted soil management. This study was performed to generate preconsolidation pressure and penetration resistance models for Latososlo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico (Oxisol) under various managements and uses; and evaluate which of these would lead to degradation or degradation susceptibility. The study was carried out in Curvelo, MG. Two managements and one land use were evaluated: no-tillage, sheep grazing and natural forest. Undisturbed soil samples collected from the 0-5 cm layer were subjected to uniaxial compression and penetration resistance tests. Preconsolidation pressure models for forest and no-tillage soils were not statistically different, demonstrating a low degradation potential in no-tillage systems. Preconsolidation pressure was higher in soil under sheep grazing at all water retention tensions and penetration resistance values were higher than under native forest indicating animal trampling as a potential degradation factor. Neither management presented penetration resistance values above 2 MPa at field capacity moisture. Only under sheep grazing the soil penetrability was near 2 MPa at field capacity and values greater than 2 MPa at 0.2 kg kg-1.
Ironstones or petroplinthites are common materials in soils under humid tropical climate, generally defined as the result of Fe oxide accumulation in areas where the water table oscillates, and may exhibit considerable morphological variability. The aim of this study was to examine the internal structure and porosity of an ironstone fragment from a Petroferric Acrudox in Minas Gerais, Brazil, by computed tomography (CT) and conventional techniques. The sample analyzed had total porosity of 59.5 %, with large macropores in the form of tubular channels and irregular vughs, the latter with variable degrees of infilling by material released from the ironstone walls or the soil matrix. The CT scan also showed that the ironstone has wide variation in the density of the solid phase, most likely due to higher concentrations or thick intergrowths of hematite and magnetite/maghemite, especially in its outer rims. The implications of these results for water retention and soil formation in ironstone environments are briefly discussed.
Quantification of soil physical quality (SPQ) and pore size distribution (PSD) can assist understanding of how changes in land management practices influence dynamics of soil structure, and this understanding could greatly improve the predictability of soil physical behavior and crop yield. The objectives of this study were to measure the SPQ index under two different land management practices (the continuous arable cropping system and natural bush fallow system), and contrast the effects of these practices on the structure of PSD using soil water retention data. Soil water retention curves obtained from a pressure chamber were fitted to van Genuchten’s equation, setting m (= 1-1/n). Although values for soil bulk density were high, soils under the continuous arable cropping system had good SPQ, and maintained the capacity to support root development. However, soils under the natural bush fallow system had a worse structure than the continuous arable system, with restrictions in available water capacity. These two management systems had different PSDs. Results showed the inferiority of the natural bush fallow system with no traffic restriction (which is the common practice) in relation to the continuous arable cropping system in regard to physical quality and structure.