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We present experimental results on the bulk flexoelectric coefficients e and effective elastic coefficients K of non-symmetric bimesogenic liquid crystals when the number of terminal and lateral fluoro substituents is increased. These coefficients are of importance because the flexoelastic ratio e/K governs the magnitude of flexoelectro-optic switching in chiral nematic liquid crystals. The study is carried out for two different types of linkage in the flexible spacer chain that connects the separate mesogenic units: these are either an ether or an ester unit. It is found that increasing the number of fluorine atoms on the mesogenic units typically leads to a small increase in e and a decrease in K, resulting in an enhancement of e/K. The most dramatic increase in e/K, however, is observed when the linking group is changed from ether to ester units, which can largely be attributed to an increase in e. Increasing the number of fluorine atoms does, however, increase the viscoelastic ratio and therefore leads to a concomitant increase in the response time. This is observed for both types of linkage, although the ester-linked compounds exhibit smaller viscoelastic ratios compared with their ether-linked counterparts. Highly fluorinated ester-linked compounds are also found to exhibit lower transition temperatures and dielectric anisotropies. As a result, these compounds are promising materials for use in electro-optic devices.


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Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services (WS) offer advanced flexibility and interoperability capabilities. However they imply significant performance overheads that need to be carefully considered. Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Traceability systems are an interesting domain for the use of WS technologies that are usually deemed to be too complex and unnecessary in practical applications, especially regarding security. This paper presents an externalized security architecture that uses the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) authorization standard to enforce visibility restrictions on trace-ability data in a supply chain where multiple companies collaborate; the performance overheads are assessed by comparing 'raw' authorization implementations - Access Control Lists, Tokens, and RDF Assertions - with their XACML-equivalents. © 2012 IEEE.


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Phytoplanktonic species acclimated to high light are known to show less photoinhibition. However, little has been documented on how cells grown under indoor conditions for decades without exposure to UV radiation (UVR, 280-400 nm) would respond differently to solar UVR compared to those in situ grown under natural solar radiation. Here, we have shown the comparative photosynthetic and growth responses to solar UVR in an indoor-(IS) and a naturally grown (WS) Skeletonema costatum type. In short-term experiment (<1 day), phi(PSII) and photosynthetic carbon fixation rate were more inhibited by UVR in the IS than in the WS cells. The rate of UVR-induced damages of PSII was faster and their repair was significantly slower in IS than in WS. Even under changing solar radiation simulated for vertical mixing, solar UVR-induced higher inhibition of photosynthetic rate in IS than in WS cells. During long-term (10 days) exposures to solar radiation, the specific growth rate was much lower in IS than WS at the beginning, then increased 3 days later to reach an equivalent level as that of WS. UVR-induced inhibition of photosynthetic carbon fixation in the IS was identical with that of WS at the end of the long-term exposure. The photosynthetic acclimation was not accompanied with increased contents of UV-absorbing compounds, indicating that repair processes for UVR-induced damages must have been accelerated or upgraded. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electro-optic switching in short-pitch polymer stabilized chiral nematic liquid crystals was studied and the relative contributions of flexoelectric and dielectric coupling were investigated: polymer stabilization was found to effectively suppress unwanted textural transitions of the chiral nematic liquid crystal and thereby enhance the electro-optical performance (high optical contrast for visible light, a near ideal optical hysteresis, fast electro-optic response). Test cells were studied that possessed interdigitated electrodes to electrically address the liquid crystal. Based on simulations, a well-fitted phenomenological description of the electro-optic response was derived considering both flexoelectro-optic and Kerr-effect based electro-optic response. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Using isothermal microcalorimetry, the growth power-time curves of three strains of Tetrahymena were determined at 28 degrees C. Their Euclidean distances and cluster analysis diagram were obtained by using two thermokinetic parameters (r and Q(log)), which showed that T. thermophila BF1 and T. thermophila BF5 had a closer relationship. Compared with the single molecular biomarker (ITS1) method, microcalorimetry wasmaybe a simpler, more sensitive andmore economic technique in the phylogenetic studies of Tetrahymena species.


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In Asia, especially in China, our knowledge of the distribution of testate amoebae is still limited. In this paper, the geographical distribution of testate amoebae in Tibetan Plateau and northwestern Yunnan Plateau, southwest China and their relationships with the climatic factors have been studied. We found testate amoebae shifted in the most dominant species and increased in species (or genus) richness from northwest to southeast. Further, the linear regression analyses revealed that both species richness and genus richness have higher positive correlations with the mean temperature of the warmest month and annual mean precipitation as contrasted with the mean altitude, which showed weak negative correlation. This indicates that the temperature and precipitation are more significant influences on the richness than the altitude. The cluster analysis based on the community structure, defined by Sorenson's coefficient matrix, suggested four groups from the 10 physiographical regions. This geographical distribution pattern was also closely related with the climatic regionalization. The present climatic regionalization pattern of the study area originated from the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and mainly occurred in or after the late Pleistocene. Therefore, the geographical distribution of testate amoebae in our study area may have experienced complicated and drastic changes corresponding to the variation of the climate caused by the geological events.


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Combined with the national standard biomonitoring method (polyurethane foam units method), calorimetry was applied to study the metabolic activities of PFU microbial communities in fresh water to determine the effects of anthropotgenic stresses on the activity of the microbial community. Comparisons were made at four sampling stations with different eutrophic status in Lake Donghu. Water quality variables, species number of protozoa, abundances of microorganisms, biomass, heterotrophy indexes and diversity indexes are reported. The heat rate-time curves of the native and concentrated PFU microbial communities were determined at 28 degrees C. Growth rate, measured maximum power output and total heat were calculated from the heat rate-time curves. The values of metabolic variables are higher at the more eutrophic stations, which suggests that organic pollution increases the activity of PFU microbial communities. The metabolic variables are in good agreement with chemical and biotic variables. And calorimetry will be useful for biomonitoring of the PFU microbial community. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.


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The testate amoebae from nine major lakes in the Yunnan Plateau, southwest China were investigated from August to October 2003. Ninety-four species and subspecies belonging to 21 genera were found, and six species were new to the testate amoebae fauna of China. The most diverse genera were Difflugia (28 species), Centropyxis (22 species), Arcella (12 species), and Euglypha (seven species), while the predominant genera were Centropyxis (42.0%), Difflugia (21.4%), Arcella (9.7%), and Euglypha (8.2%). The most diverse testate amoebae fauna was found in a mesotrophic lake, Lake Yilong (57 species). The lowest species richness was recorded in the two hypereutrophic lakes, Lake Dianchi (7 species) and Lake Xingyun (11 species). The results suggest that the lake trophic status plays an important role in shaping community structure and in determining species diversity of testate amoebae.


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Systematic investigations into the temporal and spatial distribution, composition and abundance of protozoa in two regions with different trophic levels in Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly eutrophic freshwater lake in China, were conducted during 2002-2003. A total of 114 species of protozoa, including phytomastigophorans, zoomastigophorans, amoebae and ciliates, were identified from 120 polyurethane foam unit (PFU) samples exposed at four stations and from various types of natural substrates. Of the 114 taxa, 36 core species were found on PFU substrates and 23 of these were found on natural ones. Protozoan abundance and chemical physical parameters at nine sampling stations, four in the western lake and five in the eastern part, indicate trophic gradient changes along the lake. Seasonal variations in the species composition of major groups at littoral PFU sampling stations illustrate the effect of a severe algal bloom on the protozoan community structure. Temporal and spatial distributions of individual abundance as functions of water temperature and trophic status were revealed. This study demonstrates again that the PFU artificial substrate method samples protozoan communities more effectively than routine natural substrate methods. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The phylogenetic relationships among trichodinids remain obscure. As an important diagnostic marker, the morphology of the denticles in the adhesive disc as well as the adoral spiral has been widely used in generic discrimination and species identification of trichodinids. We studied the characters of denticles of the ten genera of Trichodinidae and the sole genus Urceolaria of Urceolariidae by using a quantitative method. The characteristic values were used to generate Manhattan distance, on which the dendrogram was based to construct with the Unweighted Paired Group Method using the Arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The investigations show that all the genera of the family Trichodinidae were clearly separate from the outgroup Urceolaria, and within the Trichodinidae: (i) Dipartiella grouped with Trichodinella and Tripartiella and lay in the closest position to the outgroup with a low dissimilarity, suggesting Dipartiella might be the most primitive genus in the family; (ii) Hemitrichodina clustered in a single clad and lay in the farthest position to the outgroup with the highest dissimilarity, indicating that it might be the most advanced genus; and (iii) the other 6 genera, Trichodina, Paratrichodina, Semitrichodina, Vauchomia, Pallitrichodina and Trichodoxa clustered in a big clad with very low dissimilarity, showing that they are closely related to each other. We discuss the evolutionary trend of the denticle and conclude that the denticles of the adhesive disc should be an apomorphic feature of the trichodinids and their changes could reflect the evolutionary tendencies of these ciliates.


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A survey of the testate amoebae of northwest Yunnan in the Hengduan Mountains region of southwest China revealed 151 species belonging to 29 genera. Of these, three genera and 27 species were new to the testate amoebae fauna of China. The widely distributed and dominant species were Centropyxis aculeata aculeata, C aerophila aerophila, C. sylvatica, Difflugia elegans, D. globulosa, D. pristis, D. pulex, Phryganella hemisphaerica, Trinema enchelys, and T lineare. The most diverse genera were Difflugia (41 species), Centropyxis (31 species), Arcella (18 species), and Euglypha (11 species). The number of species in each sample varied greatly. It appears that species diversity of testate amoebae is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats).


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Structural and functional parameters of protozoan communities colonizing on PFU (polyurethane foam unit) artificial substrate were assessed as indicators of water quality in the Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly polluted freshwater lake in China. Protozoan communities were sampled 1, 3, 6, 9 and 14 days after exposure of PFU artificial substrate in the lake during October 2003. Four study stations with the different water quality gradient changes along the lake were distinguishable in terms of differences in the community's structural (species richness, individual abundance, etc.) and functional parameters (protozoan colonization rates on PFU). The concentrations of TP, TN, COD and BOD as the main chemical indicators of pollution at the four sampling sites were also obtained each year during 2002-2003 for comparison with biological parameters. The results showed that the species richness and PFU colonization rate decreased as pollution intensity increased and that the Margalef diversity index values calculated at four sampling sites also related to water quality. The three functional parameters based on the PFU colonization process, that is, S-eq, G and T-90%, were strongly related to the pollution status of the water. The number of protozoan species colonizing on PFU after exposure of 1 to 3 days was found to give a clear comparative indication of the water quality at the four sampling stations. The research provides further evidence that the protozoan community may be utilized effectively in the assessment of water quality and that the PFU method furnishes rapid, cost-effective and reliable information that may be useful for measuring responses to pollution stress in aquatic ecosystems.


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The freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu et al. 1997 collected from pond and lake in China, is investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. This little known taxon is redescribed and its morphology, biometry and ecology are supplied. After carefully comparison with other six similar species including Difflugia bartosi Stepanek, D. corona Wallich, D. corona cashi Deflandre, D. corona tuberculata Vucetich, D. muriformis Gauthier-Lievre et Thomas and Netzelia tuberculata (Wallich) Netzal we believe that the sub-spherical to spherical shell, the mulberry-shaped appearance, the 7-10 apertural tooth-like structures, the short collar and the conical spines numbering from 4 to 8 at the upper equatorial region in D. tuberspinifera set it apart from other species. Besides, statistical analysis indicates that D. tuberspinifera is a size-monomorphic species characterized by a main-size class and a small size range and the shell height is significant correlated with other morphometric characters at p < 0.05 excepting the number of aperture tooth-like structures and the number of spines. Moreover, D. tuberspinifera inhabits not only lotic but also lentic environment.


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The phylogenetic relationships among peritrichs remain unresolved. In this study, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences of seven species (Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, Carchesium polypinum, Zoothamnium arbuscula, Vaginicola crystallina, Ophrydium versatile, and Opercularia microdiscum) were determined. Trees were constructed using distance-matrix, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods, all of which strongly supported the monophyly of the subclass Peritrichia. Within the peritrichs, 1) E. galea grouped with Opercularia microdiscum and Campanella umbellaria but not the other Epistylis species, which indicates that the genus Epistylis might not be monophyletic; 2) the topological position of Carchesium and Campanella suggested that Carchesium should be placed in the family Zoothammidae, or be elevated to a higher taxonomic rank, and that Campanella should be independent of the family Epistylididae, and probably be given a new rank; and 3) Opisthonecta grouped strongly with Asty/ozoon, which suggested that Opisthonecta species were not the ancestors of the stalked peritrichs.