984 resultados para Volatile flavour compounds
A presente dissertação tem como principal propósito avaliar o desempenho energético e a qualidade do ar interior do edifício principal do Parque Biológico de Vila Nova de Gaia (PBG). Para esse efeito, este estudo relaciona os termos definidos na legislação nacional em vigor até à presente data, e referentes a esta área de atuação, em particular, os presentes no SCE, RSECE, RCCTE e RSECE-QAI. Para avaliar o desempenho energético, procedeu-se numa primeira fase ao processo de auditoria no local e posteriormente à realização de uma simulação dinâmica detalhada, cuja modelação do edifício foi feita com recurso ao software DesignBuilder. Após a validação do modelo simulado, por verificação do desvio entre os consumos energéticos registados nas faturas e os calculados na simulação, igual a 5,97%, foi possível efetuar a desagregação dos consumos em percentagem pelos diferentes tipos de utilizações. Foi também possível determinar os IEE real e nominal, correspondendo a 29,9 e 41.3 kgep/m2.ano, respetivamente, constatando-se através dos mesmos que o edifício ficaria dispensado de implementar um plano de racionalização energética (PRE) e que a classe energética a atribuir é a C. Contudo, foram apresentadas algumas medidas de poupança de energia, de modo a melhorar a eficiência energética do edifício e reduzir a fatura associada. Destas destacam-se duas propostas, a primeira propõe a alteração do sistema de iluminação interior e exterior do edifício, conduzindo a uma redução no consumo de eletricidade de 47,5 MWh/ano, com um período de retorno de investimento de 3,5 anos. A segunda está relacionada com a alteração do sistema de produção de água quente para o aquecimento central, através do incremento de uma caldeira a lenha ao sistema atual, que prevê uma redução de 50 MWh no consumo de gás natural e um período de retorno de investimento de cerca de 4 anos. Na análise realizada à qualidade do ar interior (QAI), os parâmetros quantificados foram os exigidos legalmente, excetuando os microbiológicos. Deste modo, para os parâmetros físicos, temperatura e humidade relativa, obtiveram-se os resultados médios de 19,7ºC e 66,9%, respetivamente, ligeiramente abaixo do previsto na legislação (20,0ºC no período em que foi feita a medição, inverno). No que diz respeito aos parâmetros químicos, os valores médios registados para as concentrações de dióxido de carbono (CO2), monóxido de carbono (CO), ozono (O3), formaldeído (HCHO), partículas em suspensão (PM10) e radão, foram iguais a 580 ppm, 0,2 ppm, 0,06 ppm, 0,01 ppm, 0,07 mg/m3 e 196 Bq/m3, respetivamente, verificando-se que estão abaixo dos valores máximos de referência presentes no regulamento (984 ppm, 10,7 ppm, 0,10 ppm, 0,08 ppm, 0,15 mg/m3 e 400 Bq/m3). No entanto, o parâmetro relativo aos compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV) teve um valor médio igual a 0,84 ppm, bastante acima do valor máximo de referência (0,26 ppm). Neste caso, terá que ser realizada uma nova série de medições utilizando meios cromatográficos, para avaliar qual(ais) são o(s) agente(s) poluidor(es), de modo a eliminar ou atenuar as fontes de emissão.
RESUMO Tratando-se a asma de uma doença respiratória, desde há várias décadas que tem sido abordada a hipótese de que factores ambientais, nomeadamente os relacionados com a qualidade do ar inalado, possam contribuir para o seu agravamento. Para além dos aeroalergenos, outros factores ambientais como a poluição atmosférica estarão associados às doenças respiratórias. O ar respirado contém uma variedade de poluentes atmosféricos, provenientes quer de fontes naturais quer de origem antropogénica, nomeadamente de actividades industriais, domésticas ou das emissões de veículos. Estes poluentes, tradicionalmente considerados como um problema de foro ambiental, têm sido cada vez mais encarados como um problema de saúde pública. Também a qualidade do ar interior, tem sido associada a queixas respiratórias, não só em termos ocupacionais mas também em exposições domésticas. Dentro dos principais poluentes, encontramos a matéria particulada (como as PM10), o O3, NO2, e os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs). Se é verdade que os três primeiros têm como principais fontes de exposição a combustão fóssil associada aos veículos automóveis, já os COVs (como o benzeno, tolueno, xileno, etilbenzeno e formaldeído) são poluentes mais característicos do ar interior. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes à agressão dos poluentes do ar não se encontram convenientemente esclarecidos. Pensa-se que após a sua inalação, induzam um grau crescente de stress oxidativo que será responsável pelo desenvolvimento da inflamação das vias aéreas. A progressão do stress oxidativo e da inflamação, associarse- ão posteriormente a lesão local (pulmonar) e sistémica. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar os efeitos da exposição individual a diversos poluentes, do ar exterior e interior, sobre as vias aéreas, recorrendo a parâmetros funcionais, inflamatórios e do estudo do stress oxidativo. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se um estudo de painel na cidade de Viseu, em que foram acompanhadas durante 18 meses, 51 crianças com história de sibilância, identificadas pelo questionário do estudo ISAAC. As crianças foram avaliadas em quatro Visitas (quatro medidas repetidas), através de diversos exames, que incluíram execução de espirometria com broncodilatação, medição ambulatória do PEF, medição de FENO e estudo do pH no condensado brônquico do ar exalado. O estudo dos 8-isoprostanos no condensado brônquico foi efectuado somente em duas Visitas, e o do doseamento de malonaldeído urinário somente na última Visita. Para além da avaliação do grau de infestação de ácaros do pó do colchão, para cada criança foi calculado o valor de exposição individual a PM10, O3, NO2, benzeno, tolueno, xileno, etilbenzeno e formaldeído, através de uma complexa metodologia que envolveu técnicas de modelação associadas a medições directas do ar interior (na casa e escola da criança) e do ar exterior. Para a análise de dados foram utilizadas equações de estimação generalizadas com uma matriz de correlação de trabalho uniforme, com excepção do estudo das associações entre poluentes, 8-isoprostanos e malonaldeído. Verificou-se na análise multivariável a existência de uma associação entre o agravamento dos parâmetros espirométricos e a exposição aumentada a PM10, NO2, benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno. Foram também encontradas associações entre diminuição do pH do EBC e exposição crescente a PM10, NO2, benzeno e etilbenzeno e associações entre valores aumentados de FENO e exposição a etilbenzeno e tolueno. O benzeno, o tolueno e o etilbenzeno foram associados com maior recurso a broncodilatador nos 6 meses anteriores à Visita e o tolueno com deslocações ao serviço de urgência. Os resultados dos modelos de regressão que incluíram o efeito do poluente ajustado para o grau de infestação de ácaros do pó foram, de uma forma geral, idênticos ao da análise multivariável anterior, com excepção das associações para com o FENO. Nos modelos de exposição com dois poluentes, com o FEV1 como variável resposta, somente o benzeno persistiu com significado estatístico. No modelo com dois poluentes tendo o pH do EBC como variável resposta, somente persistiram as PM10. Os 8-isoprostanos correlacionaram-se com alguns COVs, designadamente etilbenzeno, xileno, tolueno e benzeno. Os valores de malonaldeído urinário não se correlacionaram com os valores de poluentes. Verificou-se no entanto que de uma forma geral, e em particular mais uma vez para os COVs, as crianças mais expostas a poluentes, apresentaram valores superiores de malonaldeído na urina. Verificou-se que os poluentes do ar em geral, e os COVs em particular, se associaram com uma deterioração das vias aéreas. A exposição crescente a poluentes associou-se não só com obstrução brônquica, mas também com FENO aumentado e maior acidez das vias aéreas. A exposição crescente a COVs correlacionou-se com um maior stress oxidativo das vias aéreas (medido pelos 8-isoprostanos). As crianças com exposição superior a COVs apresentaram maiores valores de malonaldeído urinário. Este trabalho sugere uma associação entre exposição a poluentes, inflamação das vias aéreas e stress oxidativo. Vem reforçar o interesse dos poluentes do ar, nomeadamente os associados a ambientes interiores, frequentemente esquecidos e que poderão ser explicativos do agravamento duma criança com sibilância.-----------ABSTRACT: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that could be influenced by environmental factors, as allergens and air pollutants. The air breathed contains a diversity of air pollutants, both from natural or anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric pollution, traditionally considered an environmental problem, is nowadays looked as an important public health problem. Indoor air pollutants are also related with respiratory diseases, not only in terms of occupational exposures but also in domestic activities. Particulate matter (such as PM10), O3, NO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the main air pollutants. The main source for PM10, O3, NO2 exposure is traffic exhaust while for VOCs (such as benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene and phormaldehyde) the main sources for exposure are located in indoor environments. The pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the aggression of air pollutants are not properly understood. It is thought that after inhalation, air pollutants could induce oxidative stress, which would be responsible for airways inflammation. The progression of oxidative stress and airways inflammation, would contribute for the local and systemic effects of the air pollutants. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of individual exposure to various pollutants over the airways, through lung function tests, inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers. In this sense, we developed a panel study in the city of Viseu, that included 51 children with a history of wheezing. Those children that were identified by the ISAAC questionnaire, were followed for 18 months. Children were assessed four times (four repeated measures) through the following tests: spirometry with bronchodilation test, PEF study, FENO evaluation and exhaled breath condensate pH measurement. 8-isoprostane in the exhaled breath condensate were also measured but only in two visits. Urinary malonaldehyde measurement was performed only in the last visit. Besides the assessment of the house dust mite infestation, we calculated for each child the value of individual exposure to a wide range of pollutants: PM10, O3, NO2, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene and formaldehyde. This strategy used a complex methodology that included air pollution modelling techniques and direct measurements indoors (homes and schools) and outdoors. Generalized estimating equations with an exchangeable working correlation matrix were used for the analysis of the data. Exceptions were for the study of associations between air pollutants, malonaldehyde and 8-isoprostanes. In the multivariate analysis we found an association between worsening of spirometric outcomes and increased exposure to PM10, NO2, benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene. In the multivariate analysis we found also negative associations between EBC pH and exposure to PM10, NO2, benzene, ethylbenzene and positive associations between FENO and exposure to ethylbenzene and toluene. Benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene were associated with increased use of bronchodilator in the 6 months prior to the visit and toluene with emergency department visits. Results of the regression models that included also the effect of the pollutant adjusted for the degree of infestation to house dust mites, were identical to the previous models. Exceptions were for FENO associations. In the two-pollutant models, with the FEV1 as dependent variable, only benzene persisted with statistical significance. In the two pollutant model with pH of EBC as dependent variable, only PM10 persisted. 8-isoprostanes were well correlated with some VOCs, namely with ethylbenzene, xylene, toluene and benzene. Urinary malonaldehyde did not present any correlation with air pollutants exposure. However, those children more exposed to air pollutants (namely to VOCs), presented higher values of malonaldehyde. It was found that air pollutants in general, and namely VOCs, were associated with deterioration of the airways. The increased exposure to air pollutants was associated not only with airways obstruction, but also with increased FENO and higher acidity of the airways. The increased exposure to VOCs was correlated with increased airways oxidative stress (measured by 8-isoprostane). Children with higher levels of exposure to VOCs had higher values of urinary malonaldehyde. This study suggests a relation between air pollution, airways inflammation and oxidative stress. It suggests also that attention should be dedicated to air quality as air pollutants could cause airways deterioration.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de um plano de gestão de solventes e sua análise para propor melhorias no cumprimento dos valores legalmente impostos. Foram realizados dois planos distintos, um referente à indústria de revestimento e outro à indústria de formulação de tintas. As abordagens na realização e análise de resolução de problemas são distintas, uma vez que os limites legais são diferentes em ambos os casos. Os componentes que apresentam uma maior expressão face ao plano de gestão de solventes são os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), e é a partir destes componentes que se efetuou toda a análise. Inicialmente foi necessário conhecer todo o funcionamento de cada empresa, os procedimentos adotados, a utilização dos produtos e as técnicas operacionais. Determinaram-se os pontos críticos na avaliação dos problemas que se verificaram nos planos de gestão de solventes e analisaram-se as possibilidades técnicas e tecnológicas passiveis de utilização para a resolução ou minimização desses problemas principalmente na empresa A que excede o limite legalmente imposto. As possibilidades centram-se a nível tecnológico de equipamentos e em produtos utilizados em ambos os casos.
Background: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is considered an important determinant of human health. The association between exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, house dust mite, molds and bacteria in day care centers (DCC) is not completely clear. The aim of this project was to study these effects. Methods --- study design: This study comprised two phases. Phase I included an evaluation of 45 DCCs (25 from Lisbon and 20 from Oporto, targeting 5161 children). In this phase, building characteristics, indoor CO2 and air temperature/relative humidity, were assessed. A children’s respiratory health questionnaire derived from the ISAAC (International Study on Asthma and Allergies in Children) was also distributed. Phase II encompassed two evaluations and included 20 DCCs selected from phase I after a cluster analysis (11 from Lisbon and 9 from Oporto, targeting 2287 children). In this phase, data on ventilation, IAQ, thermal comfort parameters, respiratory and allergic health, airway inflammation biomarkers, respiratory virus infection patterns and parental and child stress were collected. Results: In Phase I, building characteristics, occupant behavior and ventilation surrogates were collected from all DCCs. The response rate of the questionnaire was 61.7% (3186 children). Phase II included 1221 children. Association results between DCC characteristics, IAQ and health outcomes will be provided in order to support recommendations on IAQ and children’s health. A building ventilation model will also be developed. Discussion: This paper outlines methods that might be implemented by other investigators conducting studies on the association between respiratory health and indoor air quality at DCC.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Gestão de Sistemas Ambientais
Ion Mobility Spectrometry coupled with Multi Capillary Columns (MCC -IMS) is a fast analytical technique working at atmospheric pressure with high sensitivity and selectivity making it suitable for the analysis of complex biological matrices. MCC-IMS analysis generates its information through a 3D spectrum with peaks, corresponding to each of the substances detected, providing quantitative and qualitative information. Sometimes peaks of different substances overlap, making the quantification of substances present in the biological matrices a difficult process. In the present work we use peaks of isoprene and acetone as a model for this problem. These two volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that when detected by MCC-IMS produce two overlapping peaks. In this work it’s proposed an algorithm to identify and quantify these two peaks. This algorithm uses image processing techniques to treat the spectra and to detect the position of the peaks, and then fits the data to a custom model in order to separate the peaks. Once the peaks are separated it calculates the contribution of each peak to the data.
The filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii has been safely and successfully used for more than two decades in the commercial production of riboflavin (vitamin B2). Its industrial relevance combined with its high genetic similarity with Saccharomyces cerevisiae together promoted the accumulation of fundamental knowledge that has been efficiently converted into a significant molecular and in silico toolbox for its genetic engineering. This synergy has enabled a directed and sustained exploitation of A. gossypii as an industrial riboflavin producer. Although there is still room for optimizing riboflavin production, the recent years have seen an abundant advance in the exploration of A. gossypii for other biotechnological applications, such as the production of recombinant proteins, single cell oil and flavour compounds. Here, we will address the biotechnological potential of A. gossypii beyond riboflavin production by presenting (a) a physiological and metabolic perspective over this fungus; (b) the molecular toolbox available for its manipulation; and (c) commercial and emerging biotechnological applications for this industrially important fungus, together with the approaches adopted for its engineering.
During must fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains thousands of volatile aroma compounds are formed. The objective of the present work was to adapt computational approaches to analyze pheno-metabolomic diversity of a S. cerevisiae strain collection with different origins. Phenotypic and genetic characterization together with individual must fermentations were performed, and metabolites relevant to aromatic profiles were determined. Experimental results were projected onto a common coordinates system, revealing 17 statistical-relevant multi-dimensional modules, combining sets of most-correlated features of noteworthy biological importance. The present method allowed, as a breakthrough, to combine genetic, phenotypic and metabolomic data, which has not been possible so far due to difficulties in comparing different types of data. Therefore, the proposed computational approach revealed as successful to shed light into the holistic characterization of S. cerevisiae pheno-metabolome in must fermentative conditions. This will allow the identification of combined relevant features with application in selection of good winemaking strains.
Dissecting drivers of plant defence investment remains central for understanding the assemblage of communities across different habitats. There is increasing evidence that direct defence strategies against herbivores, including secondary metabolites production, differ along ecological gradients in response to variation in biotic and abiotic conditions. In contrast, intraspecific variation in indirect defences remains unexplored. Here, we investigated variation in herbivory rate, resistance to herbivores, and indirect defences in ant-attracting Vicia species along the elevation gradient of the Alps. Specifically, we compared volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ant attraction in high and low elevation ecotypes. Consistent with adaptation to the lower herbivory conditions that we detected at higher elevations in the field, high elevation plants were visited by fewer ants and were more susceptible to herbivore attack. In parallel, constitutive volatile organic compound production and subsequent ant attraction were lower in the high elevation ecotypes. We observed an elevation-driven trade-off between constitutive and inducible production of VOCs and ant attraction along the environmental cline. At higher elevations, inducible defences increased, while constitutive defence decreased, suggesting that the high elevation ecotypes compensate for lower indirect constitutive defences only after herbivore attack. Synthesis. Overall, direct and indirect defences of plants vary along elevation gradients. Our findings show that plant allocation to defences are subject to trade-offs depending on local conditions, and point to a feedback mechanism linking local herbivore pressure, predator abundance and the defence investment of plants.
Introduction: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major environmental risk factor. Indoor contaminants come from a variety of sources, which can include inadequate ventilation, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), biological agents, combustion products, and ETS. Because ETS is one of the most frequent causes of IAQ complaints as well as the high mortality of passive smoking, in June 2004 the University of Geneva made the decision to ban smoking inside the so called "Uni-Mail" building, the biggest Swiss University human science building of recent construction, and the ordinance was applied beginning in October 2004. This report presents the finding related to the IAQ of the "Uni-Mail" building before and after smoking bans using nicotine, suspended dust, condensate and PAHs level in air as tracers to perform an assessment of passive tobacco exposure for non-smokers inside the building. Methods: Respirable particles (RSP) A real time aerosol monitor (model DataRAM)was place at sampling post 1, level ground floor. Condensate It consists in extracting any organic matter taken on the glass fibre filters by MeOH, and then measuring the total absorbent of the MeOH extract to the UV wavelength of 447 nm. Nicotine Nicotine was taken by means of cartridges containing of XAD-4 to the fixed flow of 0.5 L/min. The analytical method used for the determination of nicotine is based on gas chromatography with Nitrogen selective detector GC-NPD. Results: Figure 1 shows the box plot density display of 3 parameters before and after smoking bans for all 7 sampling posts: dust, condensate and nicotine in air in μg/m3. Conclusion: Before the smoking ban, the level of the concentrations of respirable particles (RSP) is raised more, average of the day 320 μg/m3, with peaks of more than 1000 μg/m3, compared with the values of the surrounding air between 22 and 30 μg/m3. The nicotine level is definitely more important (average 5.53 μg/m3, field 1.5 to 17.9 μg/m3). Once the smoking bans inside the building were applied, one notes a clear improvement in terms of concentrations of pollutants. For dust, the concentration fell by 3 times (average: 130 μg/m3, range: 40 to 160 μg/m3) and that of nicotine by 10 times (average: 0.53 μg/m3, range: 0 to 1.69 μg/m3) compared to that found before smoking bans. The outdoor air RSP concentration was 22 μg/m3 or 10 times lower. Nicotine seems to be the best tracer for ETS free of interference, independent of location or season.
L'estudi tracta sobre una empresa fabricant de tints i pintures que tot i està conscienciada amb el medi ambient i utilitzar tècniques de prevenció en origen per disminuir l’emissió de COV a l’atmosfera (les seves emissions es troben dins dels rangs permesos per la legislació en aquest sector), els seus directius pretenen conèixer les alternatives possibles per valorar la possibilitat d'aplicar algun sistema de tractament dels Compostos Orgànics Volàtils a la sortida de la xemeneia, amb la finalitat de recuperar o reduir l’emissió d’aquests contaminants a l’atmosfera. Es presenta una avaluació econòmica i ambiental de diferents sistemes de tractament dels COV aplicables a l’empresa
In European countries and North America, people spend 80 to 90% of time inside buildings and thus breathe indoor air. In Switzerland, special attention has been devoted to the 16 stations of the national network of observation of atmospheric pollutants (NABEL). The results indicate a reduction in outdoor pollution over the last ten years. With such a decrease in pollution over these ten years the question becomes: how can we explain an increase of diseases? Indoor pollution can be the cause. Indoor contaminants that may create indoor air quality (IAQ) problems come from a variety of sources. These can include inadequate ventilation, temperature and humidity dysfunction, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The health effects from these contaminants are varied and can range from discomfort, irritation and respiratory diseases to cancer. Among such contaminants, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) could be considered the most important in terms of both health effects and engineering controls of ventilation. To perform indoor pollution monitoring, several selected ETS tracers can be used including carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), respirable particles (RSP), condensate, nicotine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nitrosamines, etc. In this paper, some examples are presented of IAQ problems that have occurred following the renewal of buildings and energy saving concerns. Using industrial hygiene sampling techniques and focussing on selected priority pollutants used as tracers, various problems have been identified and solutions proposed. [Author]
P>1. Entomopathogenic nematodes can function as indirect defence for plants that are attacked by root herbivores. By releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), plants signal the presence of host insects and thereby attract nematodes.2. Nonetheless, how roots deploy indirect defences, how indirect defences relate to direct defences, and the ecological consequences of root defence allocation for herbivores and plant biomass are essentially unknown.3. We investigate a natural below-ground tritrophic system, involving common milkweed, a specialist root-boring beetle and entomopathogenic nematodes, and asked whether there is a negative genetic correlation between direct defences (root cardenolides) and indirect defences (emission of volatiles in the roots and nematode attraction), and between constitutive and inducible defences.4. Volatiles of roots were analysed using two distinct sampling methods. First, we collected emissions from living Asclepias syriaca roots by dynamic headspace sampling. This method showed that attacked A. syriaca plants emit five times higher levels of volatiles than control plants. Secondly, we used a solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) method to sample the full pool of volatiles in roots for genetic correlations of volatile biosynthesis.5. Field experiments showed that entomopathogenic nematodes prevent the loss of biomass to root herbivory. Additionally, suppression of root herbivores was mediated directly by cardenolides and indirectly by the attraction of nematodes. Genetic families of plants with high cardenolides benefited less from nematodes compared to low-cardenolide families, suggesting that direct and indirect defences may be redundant. Although constitutive and induced root defences traded off within each strategy (for both direct and indirect defence, cardenolides and VOCs, respectively), we found no trade-off between the two strategies.6. Synthesis. Constitutive expression and inducibility of defences may trade off because of resource limitation or because they are redundant. Direct and indirect defences do not trade off, likely because they may not share a limiting resource and because independently they may promote defence across the patchiness of herbivore attack and nematode presence in the field. Indeed, some redundancy in strategies may be necessary to increase effective defence, but for each strategy, an economy of deployment reduces overall costs.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the composition of the smoke produced by electrocautery use during surgery. METHOD Integrative review with search for primary studies conducted in the databases of the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, covering the studies published between 2004 and 2014. RESULTS The final sample consisted of 14 studies grouped into three categories, namely; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile compounds and volatile organic compounds. CONCLUSION There is scientific evidence that electrocautery smoke has volatile toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds, and its inhalation constitutes a potential chemical risk to the health of workers involved in surgeries.
New methodologies for the analysis of volatile compoundsusing needle traps. Applications to breath, atmospheric andwater analysis. A new preconcentration technique has been developed for the analysis of volatile compounds based on the use of needle traps. These traps are based on stainless steel needles filled with one or more adsorbents, which allows the preconcentration of the anilities inside the trap by passing a gas flow through the needle. The parameters affecting the sorption/desorption process have been assessed (e.g. needle and liner dimensions, injector temperature, split less time, memory effects, and stability inside the needle). For liquid samples, four different sampling methodologies were studied, including passive and active sampling methods. The best results, considering the simplicity and sensitivity, are obtained by sampling the headspace volume using various cycles of a small and fix volume. Once the best conditions of analysis have been found, the method has been validated for gas and liquid samples. The results obtained show that needle traps are a good analytical methodology for the analysis of breath, environmental and liquid samples