985 resultados para Visual fields


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When the illumination of a visual scene changes, the quantity of light reflected from objects is altered. Despite this, the perceived lightness of the objects generally remains constant. This perceptual lightness constancy is thought to be important behaviorally for object recognition. Here we show that interactions from outside the classical receptive fields of neurons in primary visual cortex modulate neural responses in a way that makes them immune to changes in illumination, as is perception. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that the responses of neurons in primary visual cortex carry information about surface lightness in addition to information about form. It also suggests that lightness constancy, which is sometimes thought to involve “higher-level” processes, is manifest at the first stage of visual cortical processing.


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Neurons in primary visual cortex (area 17) respond vigorously to oriented stimuli within their receptive fields; however, stimuli presented outside the suprathreshold receptive field can also influence their responses. Here we describe a fundamental feature of the spatial interaction between suprathreshold center and subthreshold surround. By optical imaging of intrinsic signals in area 17 in response to a stimulus border, we show that a given stimulus generates activity primarily in iso-orientation domains, which extend for several millimeters across the cortical surface in a manner consistent with the architecture of long-range horizontal connections in area 17. By mapping the receptive fields of single neurons and imaging responses from the same cortex to stimuli that include or exclude the aggregate suprathreshold receptive field, we show that intrinsic signals strongly reveal the subthreshold surround contribution. Optical imaging and single-unit recording both demonstrate that the relative contrast of center and surround stimuli regulates whether surround interactions are facilitative or suppressive: the same surround stimulus facilitates responses when center contrast is low, but suppresses responses when center contrast is high. Such spatial interactions in area 17 are ideally suited to contribute to phenomena commonly regarded as part of "higher-level" visual processing, such as perceptual "popout" and "filling-in."


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A recurrent theme in the organization of vertebrate visual cortex is that of receptive fields with an associated "silent" opponency component. In the middle temporal area (area MT), a cortical visual area involved in the analysis of retinal motion in primates, this opponency appears in the form of a region outside the classical receptive field (CRF) that in itself gives no response but suppresses responses to motion evoked within the CRF. This antagonistic motion surround has been described as very large and symmetrically arrayed around the CRF. On the basis of this view, the primary function of the surround has long been thought to consist of simple figure-ground segregation based on movement. We have made use of small stimulus patches to map the form and extent of the surround and find evidence that the surround inhibition of many MT cells is in fact confined to restricted regions on one side or on opposite sides of the CRF. Such regions endow MT cells with the ability to make local-to-local motion comparisons, capable of extracting more complex features from the visual environment, and as such, may be better viewed as intrinsic parts of the receptive field, rather than as separate entities responsible for local-to-global comparisons.


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Three dives of the Mir manned submersibles with plankton counts and two vertical plankton hauls with a BR net were carried out above the Lost City (Atlantis underwater massif) and the Broken Spur hydrothermal fields during cruise 50 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Above the Atlantis seamount no significant increase in plankton concentration was found. Above the Lost City field horizontal heterogeneity of plankton distribution in the near-bottom layer and in overlying water layers was shown. Near-bottom aggregations of euphausiids and amphipods previously reported by other scientists seem to be related to attraction of these animals by the submersible's headlights rather than represent a natural phenomenon.


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The placement of monocular laser lesions in the adult cat retina produces a lesion projection zone (LPZ) in primary visual cortex (V1) in which the majority of neurons have a normally located receptive field (RF) for stimulation of the intact eye and an ectopically located RF ( displaced to intact retina at the edge of the lesion) for stimulation of the lesioned eye. Animals that had such lesions for 14 - 85 d were studied under halothane and nitrous oxide anesthesia with conventional neurophysiological recording techniques and stimulation of moving light bars. Previous work suggested that a candidate source of input, which could account for the development of the ectopic RFs, was long-range horizontal connections within V1. The critical contribution of such input was examined by placing a pipette containing the neurotoxin kainic acid at a site in the normal V1 visual representation that overlapped with the ectopic RF recorded at a site within the LPZ. Continuation of well defined responses to stimulation of the intact eye served as a control against direct effects of the kainic acid at the LPZ recording site. In six of seven cases examined, kainic acid deactivation of neurons at the injection site blocked responsiveness to lesioned-eye stimulation at the ectopic RF for the LPZ recording site. We therefore conclude that long-range horizontal projections contribute to the dominant input underlying the capacity for retinal lesion-induced plasticity in V1.


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We tested current hypotheses on the functional organization of the third visual complex, a particularly controversial region of the primate extrastriate cortex. In anatomical experiments, injections of retrograde tracers were placed in the dorsal cortex immediately rostral to the second visual area (V2) of New World monkeys (Callithrix jacchus), revealing the topography of interconnections between the third tier cortex and the primary visual area (V1). The data indicate the presence of a dorsomedial area (DM), which represents the entire upper and lower quadrants of the visual field, and which receives strong, topographically organized projections from the superficial layers of V1. The visuotopic organization and boundaries of DM were confirmed by electrophysiological recordings in the same animals and by architectural characteristics which were distinct from those found in ventral extrastriate cortex rostral to V2. There was no electrophysiological or histological evidence for a transitional area between V2 and DM. In particular, the central representation of the upper quadrant in DM was directly adjacent to the representation of the horizontal meridian that marks the rostral border of V2. The present results argue in favor of the hypothesis that the third visual complex in New World monkeys contains different areas in its dorsal and ventral components: area DM, near the dorsal midline, and a homolog of area 19 of other mammals, located more lateral and ventrally. The characteristics of DM suggest that it may correspond to visual area 6 (V6) of Old World monkeys. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In this paper, we review evidence from comparative studies of primate cortical organization, highlighting recent findings and hypotheses that may help us to understand the rules governing evolutionary changes of the cortical map and the process of formation of areas during development. We argue that clear unequivocal views of cortical areas and their homologies are more likely to emerge for 'core' fields, including the primary sensory areas, which are specified early in development by precise molecular identification steps. In primates, the middle temporal area is probably one of these primordial cortical fields. Areas that form at progressively later stages of development correspond to progressively more recent evolutionary events, their development being less firmly anchored in molecular specification. The certainty with which areal boundaries can be delimited, and likely homologies can be assigned, becomes increasingly blurred in parallel with this evolutionary/developmental sequence. For example, while current concepts for the definition of cortical areas have been vindicated in allowing a clarification of the organization of the New World monkey 'third tier' visual cortex (the third and dorsomedial areas, V3 and DM), our analyses suggest that more flexible mapping criteria may be needed to unravel the organization of higher-order visual association and polysensory areas.


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Marked phenotypic variation has been reported in pyramidal cells in the primate cerebral cortex. These extent and systematic nature of these specializations suggest that they are important for specialized aspects of cortical processing. However, it remains unknown as to whether regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype are unique to primates or if they are widespread amongst mammalian species. In the present study we determined the receptive fields of neurons in striate and extrastriate visual cortex, and quantified pyramidal cell structure in these cortical regions, in the diurnal, large-brained, South American rodent Dasyprocta primnolopha. We found evidence for a first, second and third visual area (V1, V2 and V3, respectively) forming a lateral progression from the occipital pole to the temporal pole. Pyramidal cell structure became increasingly more complex through these areas, suggesting that regional specialization in pyramidal cell phenotype is not restricted to primates. However, cells in V1, V2 and V3 of the agouti were considerably more spinous than their counterparts in primates, suggesting different evolutionary and developmental influences may act on cortical microcircuitry in rodents and primates. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Edge blur is an important perceptual cue, but how does the visual system encode the degree of blur at edges? Blur could be measured by the width of the luminance gradient profile, peak ^ trough separation in the 2nd derivative profile, or the ratio of 1st-to-3rd derivative magnitudes. In template models, the system would store a set of templates of different sizes and find which one best fits the `signature' of the edge. The signature could be the luminance profile itself, or one of its spatial derivatives. I tested these possibilities in blur-matching experiments. In a 2AFC staircase procedure, observers adjusted the blur of Gaussian edges (30% contrast) to match the perceived blur of various non-Gaussian test edges. In experiment 1, test stimuli were mixtures of 2 Gaussian edges (eg 10 and 30 min of arc blur) at the same location, while in experiment 2, test stimuli were formed from a blurred edge sharpened to different extents by a compressive transformation. Predictions of the various models were tested against the blur-matching data, but only one model was strongly supported. This was the template model, in which the input signature is the 2nd derivative of the luminance profile, and the templates are applied to this signature at the zero-crossings. The templates are Gaussian derivative receptive fields that covary in width and length to form a self-similar set (ie same shape, different sizes). This naturally predicts that shorter edges should look sharper. As edge length gets shorter, responses of longer templates drop more than shorter ones, and so the response distribution shifts towards shorter (smaller) templates, signalling a sharper edge. The data confirmed this, including the scale-invariance implied by self-similarity, and a good fit was obtained from templates with a length-to-width ratio of about 1. The simultaneous analysis of edge blur and edge location may offer a new solution to the multiscale problem in edge detection.


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The topography of the visual evoked magnetic response to a pattern onset stimulus was studied in four normal subjects. The topography of th CIIm component was consistent when measured on the same subject nine months apart. Full field responses were more variable than half field responses. With decreasing check size, the field pattern changes from a simple distribution with one outgoing and one ingoing area of field to a more complex pattern with in and outgoing fields over each hemisphere of the brain. The source may originate at the pole or from within the calcarine fissure.


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Subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD) exhibit normal visually evoked potentials (VEP) to pattern reversal stimuli but a delayed P2 flash response. The pattern response may originate in the primary visual cortex via the geniculo-calcarine pathway while the flash P2 may originate in the association areas via the cholinergic-tectal pathway. We now show: a) that the pathology of AD is more prominent in the visual association areas B18/19 than in B17 and b) that the magnetic signal to flash and pattern may originate from B18/19 and B17 respectively.


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The visual evoked magnetic response CIIm component to a pattern onset stimulus presented half field produced a consistent scalp topography in 15 normal subjects. The major response was seen over the contralateral hemisphere, suggesting a dipole with current flowing away from the medial surface of the brain. Full field responses were more unpredictable. The reponses of five subjects were studied to the onset of a full, left half and right half checkerboard stimuli of 38 x 27 min arc checks appearing for 200 ms. In two subjects the full field CIIm topography was consistent with that of the mathematical summation of their relevant half field distribution. The remaining subjects had unpredictable full field topographies, showing little or no relationship to their half or summated half fields. In each of these subjects, a distribution matching that of the summated half field CIIm distribution appears at an earlier latency than that of the predominant full field waveform peak. By examining the topography of the full and half field responses at 5 ms intervals along the waveform for one such subject, the CIIm topography of the right hemisphere develops 10 ms before that of the left hemisphere, and is replaced by the following CIIIm component 20 ms earlier. Hence, the large peak seen in full field results from a combination of the CIIm component of the left hemisphere plus that of the CIIIm from the right. The earlier peak results from the CIIm generated in both hemispheres, at a latency where both show similar amplitudes. As the relative amplitudes of these two peaks alter with check and field size, topographic studies would be required for accurate CIIm identification. In addition. the CIIm-CIIIm complex lasts for 80 ms in the right hemisphere and 135 ms in the left, suggesting hemispherical apecialization in the visual processing of the pattern onset response.


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The study developed statistical techniques to evaluate visual field progression for use with the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA). The long-term fluctuation (LF) was evaluated in stable glaucoma. The magnitude of both LF components showed little relationship with MD, CPSD and SF. An algorithm was proposed for determining the clinical necessity for a confirmatory follow-up examination. The between-examination variability was determined for the HFA Standard and FASTPAC algorithms in glaucoma. FASTPAC exhibited greater between-examination variability than the Standard algorithm across the range of sensitivities and with increasing eccentricity. The difference in variability between the algorithms had minimal clinical significance. The effect of repositioning the baseline in the Glaucoma Change Probability Analysis (GCPA) was evaluated. The global baseline of the GCPA limited the detection of progressive change at a single stimulus location. A new technique, pointwise univariate linear regressions (ULR), of absolute sensitivity and, of pattern deviation, against time to follow-up was developed. In each case, pointwise ULR was more sensitive to localised progressive changes in sensitivity than ULR of MD, alone. Small changes in sensitivity were more readily determined by the pointwise ULR than by the GCPA. A comparison between the outcome of pointwise ULR for all fields and for the last six fields manifested linear and curvilinear declines in the absolute sensitivity and the pattern deviation. A method for delineating progressive loss in glaucoma, based upon the error in the forecasted sensitivity of a multivariate model, was developed. Multivariate forecasting exhibited little agreement with GCPA in glaucoma but showed promise for monitoring visual field progression in OHT patients. The recovery of sensitivity in optic neuritis over time was modelled with a Cumulative Gaussian function. The rate and level of recovery was greater in the peripheral than the central field. Probability models to forecast the field of recovery were proposed.


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Methods of solving the neuro-electromagnetic inverse problem are examined and developed, with specific reference to the human visual cortex. The anatomy, physiology and function of the human visual system are first reviewed. Mechanisms by which the visual cortex gives rise to external electric and magnetic fields are then discussed, and the forward problem is described mathematically for the case of an isotropic, piecewise homogeneous volume conductor, and then for an anisotropic, concentric, spherical volume conductor. Methods of solving the inverse problem are reviewed, before a new technique is presented. This technique combines prior anatomical information gained from stereotaxic studies, with a probabilistic distributed-source algorithm to yield accurate, realistic inverse solutions. The solution accuracy is enhanced by using both visual evoked electric and magnetic responses simultaneously. The numerical algorithm is then modified to perform equivalent current dipole fitting and minimum norm estimation, and these three techniques are implemented on a transputer array for fast computation. Due to the linear nature of the techniques, they can be executed on up to 22 transputers with close to linear speedup. The latter part of the thesis describes the application of the inverse methods to the analysis of visual evoked electric and magnetic responses. The CIIm peak of the pattern onset evoked magnetic response is deduced to be a product of current flowing away from the surface areas 17, 18 and 19, while the pattern reversal P100m response originates in the same areas, but from oppositely directed current. Cortical retinotopy is examined using sectorial stimuli, the CI and CIm ;peaks of the pattern onset electric and magnetic responses are found to originate from areas V1 and V2 simultaneously, and they therefore do not conform to a simple cruciform model of primary visual cortex.


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When visual sensor networks are composed of cameras which can adjust the zoom factor of their own lens, one must determine the optimal zoom levels for the cameras, for a given task. This gives rise to an important trade-off between the overlap of the different cameras’ fields of view, providing redundancy, and image quality. In an object tracking task, having multiple cameras observe the same area allows for quicker recovery, when a camera fails. In contrast having narrow zooms allow for a higher pixel count on regions of interest, leading to increased tracking confidence. In this paper we propose an approach for the self-organisation of redundancy in a distributed visual sensor network, based on decentralised multi-objective online learning using only local information to approximate the global state. We explore the impact of different zoom levels on these trade-offs, when tasking omnidirectional cameras, having perfect 360-degree view, with keeping track of a varying number of moving objects. We further show how employing decentralised reinforcement learning enables zoom configurations to be achieved dynamically at runtime according to an operator’s preference for maximising either the proportion of objects tracked, confidence associated with tracking, or redundancy in expectation of camera failure. We show that explicitly taking account of the level of overlap, even based only on local knowledge, improves resilience when cameras fail. Our results illustrate the trade-off between maintaining high confidence and object coverage, and maintaining redundancy, in anticipation of future failure. Our approach provides a fully tunable decentralised method for the self-organisation of redundancy in a changing environment, according to an operator’s preferences.