1000 resultados para Vila do Acarajó - PA


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The purpose of this project is to understand the outcomes of the implementation of 4 star city hotel from the Vila Galé brand in Maputo, Mozambique, and the conditions under which such project would be financially worthy. Both the tourism market in Mozambique and the Vila Galé Hotels company were studied, aligned with a projection of the operational results. The conclusions allow to infer that this is a project aligned with the overall company strategy and that the sector’s growth prospects in Mozambique would allow to achieve positive results that encourage Vila Galé to invest.


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The intent of this paper is to assess the most suitable internationalization strategy for Vila Galé Hotels into the Cape Verdean market (namely into Sal Island), under an investment on a 5-star resort with an all-inclusive system. First, the company’s historic moves onto opening new business units, its corporate strategy triangle and its brand communication channels were studied. Afterwards, the macroeconomics, the hotel industry and other relevant trends of the country at stake were analysed in order to understand the best positioning for Vila Galé in the market as well as the most fitting plan for the project. Finally, it was shown that building a 5-star resort is the most appropriate mode of entry into this market. Keywords:


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RESUMO - Introdução: O consumo de álcool durante o aleitamento materno é um tema que tem vindo a ganhar relevo nos últimos anos. Contrariamente ao consumo de álcool durante a gravidez, em que já se conhecem bem as consequências sobre o feto, sobre os efeitos do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação ainda pouco se sabe. Este estudo visa, assim, caracterizar o consumo de álcool e fatores associados nas mães que amamentam, ou amamentaram, durante o 1º ano de vida da criança no concelho de Vila Franca de Xira em 2014. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com a aplicação de um questionário de auto-preenchimento, a uma amostra estratificada e com alocação proporcional por Unidade Funcional, de mães que estiveram nas consultas de saúde infantil das unidades de saúde do concelho, entre março e maio de 2014. Resultados: A idade mediana das mães foi 31 anos e das crianças foi 3 meses. O tempo total em aleitamento teve uma mediana de 2 meses e somente 16,3% amamentaram mais de 5 meses. A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação foi 7,9% e na gestação foi 8,1%. Os fatores que se associaram, com significância estatística, ao consumo de álcool na amamentação foram a maior idade da mãe, os conhecimentos que esta possuía e o consumo anterior de álcool na gestação. Os hábitos tabágicos durante a amamentação tiveram uma prevalência de 13,4% e o consumo de substâncias ilícitas de 0,6%. Conclusões: A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação, a nível local, mantém-se semelhante à da gestação, sendo muito inferior à encontrada em outros estudos de outros países. O tempo total em amamentação é baixo considerando as recomendações nacionais e internacionais.


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Contient : I園林午夢Yuan lin wu meng.Songe de midi dans le bosquet ; II圍棋馬局Wei qi ma ju.L'échiquier ; III西廂摘句骰譜Xi xiang zhe ju tou pu.Tableaux explicatifs des parties de dés du Xi xiang ji ; IV錢塘夢Qian tang meng.Songe de Qian tang ; V會眞記Hui zhen ji.Histoire du portrait ; VI李卓吾先生(alias 卓老)批㸃西廂記眞本Li zhuo wu xian sheng (alias tcho lao) pi dian xi xiang ji zhen ben.Le Xi xiang ji (Histoire du pavillon occidental), ponctué par Li Zhuo wu ; VII新校琵琶記始末Xin jiao pi pa ji shi mo.Le Pi pa ji (Histoire du luth), édition revue


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A cabinet card believed to be of Mary Bell, photographed by F. Pfaff, Artistic Photographer, of Erie, Pennsylvania. A handwritten entry on the reverse of the photo lists the address "231 Duke St.", however, the company's logo identifies its address as 1011 State St., Ground Floor Gallery. This photograph was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell family includes relatives who are former Black slaves from the United States."Cabinet card photographs were first introduced in 1866. They were initially employed for landscapes rather than portraitures. Cabinet cards replaced Carte de visite photographs as the popular mode of photography. Cabinet cards became the standard for photographic portraits in 1870. Cabinet cards experienced their peak in popularity in the 1880's. Cabinet cards were still being produced in the United States until the early 1900's and continued to be produced in Europe even longer. The best way to describe a cabinet card is that it is a thin photograph that is mounted on a card that measures 4 1/4″ by 6 1/2″. Cabinet cards frequently have artistic logos and information on the bottom or the reverse of the card which advertised the photographer or the photography studio's services. " Source: http://cabinetcardgallery.wordpress.com/category/cabinet-card-history/