971 resultados para Vegetable oils


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Testes de efeito adverso de agroquímicos sobre Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) foram conduzidos em laboratório, utilizando o método residual de contato com pulverização em superfície de vidro. Foram testados 42 produtos químicos, a maioria utilizada na citricultura brasileira. A mortalidade e o efeito dos produtos na reprodução do ácaro foram avaliados diariamente durante oito dias. Os produtos foram classificados quanto ao efeito total causado ao ácaro (combinação da mortalidade e efeito na reprodução) em quatro classes de toxicidade propostas pela IOBC/WPRS. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de 26% dos produtos testados foram inócuos (captan, clofentezine, fenbutatin oxide, fosetyl, hexythiazox, hidróxido de cobre, naled, oxicloreto de cobre, óxido cuproso e tetradifon), 14% levemente nocivos (abamectin, chlorothalonil, sulfato de cobre, thiophanate-methyl (PM) e ziram), 7% moderadamente nocivos (enxofre, parathion-methyl e thiophanate-methyl (SC)) e 52% nocivos ao ácaro (acrinathrin, amitraz, azinphos-ethyl, azocyclotin, benomyl, bifenthrin, bromopropylate, carbaryl, carbosulfan, chlorfenapyr, cyhexatin, dicofol, fenpropathrin, fenpyroximate, mancozeb, óleo mineral e vegetal, phosmet, propargite, quinomethionate, triazophos, e vamidothion).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar a influência dos fatores relação superfície/volume (S/V) e tempo de fritura sobre a alteração da mistura azeite de dendê-óleo de soja em frituras descontínuas de batatas chips.Foram realizados dois procedimentos de fritura com relações S/V de 0,5 e 1,0 cm-1 e temperatura média de 180°C. O óleo foi aquecido por um período de 7,25 horas. As amostras obtidas durante o processo de fritura foram analisadas pelas determinações de índice de peróxidos, compostos polares totais, ácidos graxos livres e índice de refração. Todas as determinações analíticas foram influenciadas pelo tempo de fritura, verificando-se aumentos significativos destes parâmetros ao longo do processo de fritura. O fator relação S/V apresentou influência sobre os valores dos índices de peróxidos e de refração. A mistura azeite de dendê-óleo de soja apresentou alteração acima do limite recomendado para óleos de fritura (compostos polares totais > 25%) a partir de 6,25 horas de fritura.


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A utilização crescente de alimentos rápidos determinou a expansão de uma indústria de produtos fritos e pré-fritos. A compreensão das mudanças que o óleo sofre durante os processos de fritura é importante, pois pode levar à otimização destes processos, e a melhoria da qualidade do óleo de fritura e do produto final. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se determinar os níveis de alteração de diferentes óleos vegetais, girassol, soja e milho, no processo de fritura dos snacks produto cárneo empanado pré-frito congelado. As frituras foram conduzidas em temperatura de 180°C, relação superfície/volume (S/V) de 0,3 cm-1 e tempo total de aquecimento de 12 horas. Nos snacks procederam-se as análises de teor de umidade e lipídios; nos óleos as determinações de compostos polares totais, ácidos graxos livres e índice de peróxidos. Nenhuma análise apresentou alteração acima dos limites recomendados por alguns países. Desta forma, concluiu-se que as condições estabelecidas no processo de fritura são seguras, indicando que todos os óleos foram adequados à fritura, sendo o óleo de milho de maior estabilidade oxidativa.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a ingestão de matéria seca, o ganho de peso diário, a conversão alimentar, o peso vivo ao abate e o período de confinamento em cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½Dorset ½Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas isoenergéticas (76,59% de NDT) e isoprotéicas (17,48% de PB) contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleos de soja, canola e linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem inclusão de óleo vegetal). A relação volumoso:concentrado foi de 30:70 e utilizou-se feno de aveia como volumoso. Realizou-se também um ensaio de digestibilidade, utilizando quatro cordeiros não-castrados, distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino, avaliando-se ingestão, excreção fecal e digestibilidade total dos nutrientes das rações. A ingestão de matéria seca, expressa em porcentagem do peso vivo, foi menor nos cordeiros que receberam dieta contendo óleo de canola que naqueles que receberam dieta controle. Porém, todas as rações proporcionaram ganhos de peso e conversão alimentar satisfatórios. Os valores de digestibilidade total da matéria seca (76,02%) e matéria orgânica (76,82%) da dieta controle foram superiores aos da dieta contendo óleo de linhaça (72,11% e 72,97%, respectivamente), embora não tenham diferido das dietas contendo óleos de soja (72,94 e 73,71%) e canola (73,45 e 74,25%). A digestibilidade do extrato etéreo foi menor na dieta controle (84,02%), enquanto as demais dietas apresentaram valor médio de 91,98%. Os óleos vegetais reduziram a digestibilidade da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica, não afetando a ingestão e digestão dos demais nutrientes.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil produced rhamnolipids (RLLBI) when cultivated on soapstock as the sole carbon source. HPLC-MS analysis of the purified culture supernatant identified 6 RL homologues (%): R-2 C-10 C-10 28.9; R-2 C-10 C-12:1 23.0; R-1 C-10 C-10 23.4; R-2 C-10 C-12 11.3; R-2 C-10 C-12 7.9; R-2 C-10 C-12 C-12 5.5. To assess the potential antimicrobial activity of the new rhamnolipid product, RLLBI, its physicochemical properties were studied. RLLBI had a surface tension of 24 mN m(-1) and an interfacial tension 1.31 mN m(-1); the cmc was 120 mg l(-1). RLLBI produced stable emulsions with hydrocarbons and vegetable oils. This product showed good antimicrobial behaviour against bacteria: MIC for Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus vulgaris was 8 mg l(-1), for Streptococcus faecalis 4 mg l(-1), and for Pseudomonas aeruginosa 32 mg l(-1). RLLBI was active against phytopathogenic fungal species, MIC values of 32 mg l(-1) being found against Penicillium, Alternaria, Gliocadium virens and Chaetonium globosum. Due to its physicochemical properties and antimicrobial behaviour, RLLBI could be used in bioremediation treatment and in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.


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Some factors influencing the growth and production of extracellular lipase by Rhizopus oligosporus were studied. Highest yields of enzyme were obtained when Tweens were the carbon source. Soybean meal extract supported good growth and enzyme production. Carbohydrates, vegetable oils, proteins or amino acids did not stimulate lipase production. The fungus grew well with carbohydrate- or protein-supplemented media but not with oils, unless emulsified with a non-metabolizable gum. The production of biomass in static cultures was maximum at 35-40°C after 4 d at pH 5.5. The yield of lipase was maximum at 25°C after 3 d at pH 6.5. Shaking cultures enhanced growth but decreased lipase production.


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This work presents the implementation of the ultrasonic shear reflectance method for viscosity measurement of Newtonian liquids using wave mode conversion from longitudinal to shear waves and vice-versa. The method is based on measuring the complex reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) at a solid-liquid interface. Viscosity measurements were made in the range from 1 to 3.5MHz at 22.5°C for automotive oil (SAE40) and at 15°C for olive oil. Moreover, measurements of the olive oil were also conducted in the range from 15 to 30°C at 3.5MHz. The experimental results agree with those provided by a rotational viscometer. © 2006 IEEE.


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The goal of this research was to determine the density distribution in medium density fiberboard (MDF), manufactured with polyurethane derived from castor oil using, ultrasonic wave technique. The equipment used in this test is Steinkamp BP7 with plan and exponential transducers, both with 45 kHz frequencies, located in several zones on the plate in order to determine wave ultrasonic velocity. The Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus grandis fiberboard were manufactured in the quality control and products development laboratory of Duratex with 500 mm long, 500 mm large, 8 and 15 mm of thickness. Three MDF for each fiber specimen and thickness were fabricated, totalizing twelve plates tested. The MDF were produced with 5% polyurethane addition, in temperature of 160°C, tension press of 53 bars and addition of moisture content of 12%. For determination of fiberboard density, samples were extracted from the same zones where the wave ultrasonic velocity was determined. In this case, DAX-Ray equipment was used. Statistical analysis shows good agreement with wave ultrasonic velocity and the density profile, validating the application of non-destructive technique in order to determine the density profile of MDF's.


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Blends made up of castor oil-based polyurethane (PU) and poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) were obtained in the form of films by casting and characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, and electrical conductivity measurements. Doping was carried out by immersing the films in 1.0M HCl aqueous solution. Chemical bonds between NCO group of PU and NH group of POMA were observed by means of FTIR spectra. The UV-Vis-NIR spectra indicated that the presence of the PU in the blend does not affect doping and formation of the POMA phase. The electrical conductivity research was in the range of 10-3 S/cm. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Four Mucor hiemalis strains (M1, M2, M3 and M4), isolated from soil at a depth of 0 - 15 cm in the Juréia-Itatins Ecology Station (JIES), in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and were evaluated for the production of γ-linolenic (GLA) and other unsaturated fatty acids. Five growth variables (temperature, pH, carbon source, nitrogen source, and vegetable oils) were studied. Liquid media containing 2% vegetable oil (palm oil, canola oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, or sunflower oil) or 2% carbohydrate (fructose, galactose, glycerol, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, sorbitol or xylose) and 1% yeast extract as a nitrogen source were used. The greatest biomass production was observed with M3 and M4 strains in palm oil (91.5 g l -1) and sunflower oil (68.3 g l -1) media, respectively. Strain M4 produced greater quantities of polyunsaturated acids in medium containing glucose. The GLA production in the M4 biomass was 1,132.2 mg l -1 in glucose medium. Plant oils were inhibitors of fatty acid production by these strains. © 2007 Academic Journals.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the oxidative stability of soybean oil added by Lentinus edodes and Agaricus blezei extracts in accelerated storage test. Design/methodology/approach: The following treatments were subjected to accelerated storage test in an oven at 60°C for 15 days: Control (soybean oil without antioxidants), TBHQ (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of TBHQ), BHT (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of BHT), L. edodes (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of L. edodes extract) and A. blazei (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of A. blazei extract). The samples were taken every three days and analyzed for peroxide values and conjugated dienes. Findings: At the end of 15 days, the treatments TBHQ, A. blazei, L. edodes, Control and BHT showed 6.47, 8.81, 41.53, 71.28 and 78.40 meq/kg, respectively, for peroxide values and 0.37, 0.40, 0.67, 1.07 and 1.00 per cent, respectively, for conjugated dienes. Originality/value: The research indicates that mushrooms may be a promising source of natural antioxidants. Therefore, natural extracts of mushrooms can be applied to vegetable oils as a way to reduce the degradation caused by lipid oxidation. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This study examined the antioxidant activity of lyophilized rosemary extract added to soybean oil, subjected to thermoxidation conditions and also its synergistic effect with the synthetic antioxidant tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). Soybean oil samples with no antioxidant added (SO), 3,000mg/kg rosemary extract (RE), 50mg/kg TBHQ (TBHQ), and a mixture of those two antioxidants (RE+TBHQ) were heated to 180C for 20h. After 0, 10 and 20h, the oxidative stability, total polar compounds, tocopherol content and fatty acid profile were determined. The addition of rosemary extract increased oxidative stability and resulted in a lower formation of total polar compounds and a higher retention of tocopherols. The RE treatment showed the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids after 20h. There was not any synergy between TBHQ and rosemary extract in preventing oxidation of soybean oil. Rosemary extract showed a higher antioxidant potential when compared with TBHQ. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Antioxidants are important ingredients in food processing because they have the capacity to protect foods, containing oils and fats, from damage caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Synthetic antioxidants are widely used in the food industry; however, their utilization has been questioned because of toxicity. Therefore, there is a growing interest in the use of natural antioxidants to reduce or replace the synthetic antioxidants. Several species are used in cooking, medicine and by the pharmaceutical industry, standing out the rosemary. Being rich in compounds with high antioxidant activity, the rosemary extract can be used to replace synthetic antioxidants used in vegetable oils. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.