977 resultados para VENOUS DOPPLER


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FUNDAMENTO: Idosos sadios frequentemente apresentam alterações nas velocidades do Doppler mitral, características de disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) do tipo alteração do relaxamento. OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência de disfunção diastólica do VE pelo Doppler mitral em idosos sadios e identificar características clínicas e ecocardiográficas associadas a esse achado. MÉTODOS: O total de 73 indivíduos aparentemente sadios e rigorosamente selecionados (64% de mulheres), com idade entre 60 e 80 anos, foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, laboratorial e Doppler-ecocardiográfica, com especial atenção às características do fluxo mitral. RESULTADOS: Encontramos 33 pacientes (45%) com padrão diastólico do VE do tipo alteração do relaxamento (grupo 1), caracterizados pela relação entre as velocidades máximas das ondas do fluxo mitral (relação E/A) <0,75 ou pelo tempo de desaceleração da onda E >240 ms. Outros 40 pacientes (55%) apresentaram padrão normal (grupo 2). O grupo/ 1 apresentou maior diâmetro da raiz da aorta (32,1±4,2 vs 30,3±3,3 mm; p=0,044) e intervalo PR mais longo (156±22 vs 139±23 ms; p=0,002). CONCLUSÃO: Uma grande proporção de indivíduos, com idade entre 60 e 80 anos, apresenta função diastólica normal pela análise Doppler-ecocardiográfica do fluxo mitral. Idosos sadios, portadores de disfunção diastólica do VE do tipo alteração do relaxamento, exibem maior diâmetro da raiz da aorta e intervalo PR mais longo.


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FUNDAMENTO: A predição de dados de hemodinâmica pulmonar, a partir de avaliação não invasiva, poderia isentar alguns portadores de defeitos septais cardíacos congênitos da avaliação invasiva pré-operatória (cateterismo). OBJETIVO: Verificar, em avaliação simultânea, se dados obtidos pela ecocardiografia-Doppler poderiam predizer aspectos da condição hemodinâmica pulmonar em tais pacientes. MÉTODOS: Parâmetros ecocardiográficos relacionados ao fluxo sistólico pulmonar e sistêmico e ao fluxo em veia pulmonar foram relacionados a dados hemodinâmicos em 30 pacientes consecutivos com defeitos septais cardíacos (idade entre 4 meses e 58 anos, mediana 2,2 anos; pressão arterial pulmonar média entre 16 e 93 mmHg). RESULTADOS: As variáveis integral velocidade-tempo do fluxo sistólico em via de saída de ventrículo direito (VTI VSVD > 22 cm) e do fluxo em veia pulmonar (VTI VP > 20 cm) foram preditivos de níveis RVP/RVS <; 0,1 (relação entre resistências vasculares pulmonar e sistêmica), com especificidade de 0,81 e razão de chances acima de 1,0. Para valores VTI VSVD > 27 cm e VTI VP > 24 cm, a especificidade foi superior a 0,90 e a razão de chances 2,29 e 4,47 respectivamente. A razão entre os fluxos pulmonar e sistêmico (Qp/Qs > 2,89 e > 4,0, estimativas ecocardiográficas) foi útil na predição de valores Qp/Qs > 3,0 pelo cateterismo (especificidade de 0,78 e 0,91, razão de chances 1,14 e 2,97, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Em portadores de defeitos septais cardíacos, a ecocardiografia-Doppler é capaz de identificar aqueles em situação de aumento de fluxo e baixos níveis de resistência vascular pulmonar.


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FUNDAMENTO: A biópsia endomiocárdica (BEM) é o método padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de rejeição celular (RC) após transplante cardíaco (TC). OBJETIVO: Testar a hipótese de que o exame de imagem por Doppler tecidual (IDT) pode detectar RC > 3A e agregar informação diagnóstica, comparado ao Doppler convencional. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e quatro pacientes com TC foram submetidos à BEM e estudo ecocardiográfico através de IDT em até 24 horas. Comparamos os pacientes com TC e RC > 3A com pacientes com TC e RC < 3A, com um grupo controle normal (13 pacientes). Foram medidas através da IDT, as velocidades sistólica (S), diastólica precoce (e'), diastólica tardia (a') relação das velocidades e'/a' no anel ventricular esquerdo, nos segmentos basal e médio das paredes septal (SEP), lateral (LAT), inferior (INF) e no anel ventricular direito. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com TC mostraram RC > 3A em 39/129 (30,2%) das BEM. O melhor preditor isolado para o diagnóstico de RC foi a a'LAT, com sensibilidade de 76,3%, especificidade de 73,8% (p = 0,001). Na análise multivariada, a a'LAT (p = 0,001), a'SEP (p = 0,002), relação e'/a' LAT (p = 0,006), relação e'Mitral/ e'LAT (p = 0,014), SINF (p = 0,009) foram preditores de RC > 3A. Obtivemos um escore com sensibilidade de 88,2%, acurácia de 79,6%, e valor preditivo negativo de 92,9% para diagnosticar RC > 3A. O Doppler convencional (fluxo mitral e pulmonar venoso) não foi relevante para predizer a RC > 3A. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo de IDT agregou informação diagnóstica para predizer RC > 3A quando comparado ao Doppler convencional. O modelo baseado em IDT pode ser tornar um método em potencial para detectar RC > 3A após TC.


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FUNDAMENTO: O aparecimento de Fibrilação Atrial (FA) em pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) está em geral associado a uma alta ocorrência de complicações cardiovasculares. Constatou-se que a relação E/(E' × S') (E = velocidade transmitral diastólica inicial, E' = velocidade diastólica inicial no anel mitral e S = velocidade sistólica no anel mitral) reflete a pressão de enchimento do ventrículo esquerdo. Objetivo: Investigamos se E/(E' × S') poderia ser um preditor de FA de início recente em pacientes com IC. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 113 pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados com IC, em ritmo sinusal, após o tratamento médico adequado. Os pacientes com histórico de FA, imagens ecocardiográficas inadequadas, cardiopatia congênita, ritmo acelerado, doença valvar primária significativa, síndrome coronariana aguda, revascularização coronária durante o seguimento, doença pulmonar ou insuficiência renal grave não foram incluídos. E/(E' × S') foi determinado utilizando a média das velocidades das bordas septal e lateral do anel mitral. A meta principal do estudo foi a FA de início recente. RESULTADOS: Durante o período de seguimento (35,7 ± 11,2 meses), 33 pacientes (29,2%) desenvolveram FA. A média de E/(E' × S') foi de 3,09 ± 1,12 nesses pacientes, ao passo que foi de 1,72 ± 1,34 no restante (p < 0,001). O corte de relação E/(E' × S') ótima para predizer FA de início recente foi de 2,2 (88% de sensibilidade, 77% de especificidade). Havia 64 pacientes (56,6%) com E/(E' × S') < 2,2 e 49 (43,4%) com E/(E '× S') > 2,2. A FA de início recente foi maior em pacientes com E/(E' × S') > 2,2 que em pacientes com E/(E' × S') < 2,2 [29 (59,1%) versus 4 (6,2%), p < 0,001]. Na análise multivariada de Cox incluindo as variáveis que previram FA em análise univariada, a relação E/(E' × S') foi o único preditor independente de FA de início recente (relação de risco = 2,26, 95% de intervalo de confiança = 1,25 - 4,09, p = 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com IC, a relação E/(E' × S') parece ser um bom preditor de FA de início recente.


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FUNDAMENTO: A avaliação da função Ventricular Direita (VD) pelo ecocardiograma em pacientes com Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (TEP) é complexa, frequentemente qualitativa; o Doppler tecidual tem sido utilizado para avaliação semiquantitativa dessa câmara, com algumas limitações. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função do VD no TEP pelo ecocardiograma com Doppler tecidual, complementando com o peptídeo atrial natriurético (BNP). MÉTODOS: Foram estudados pacientes com TEP pelo ecocardiograma com Doppler tecidual e BNP até 24 horas do diagnóstico, obtendo-se as velocidades miocárdicas (s'), strain, strain rate e índice de performance miocárdica do VD; disfunção do VD foi iagnosticada por hipocinesia da câmara, movimento anormal septal e relação VD/VE >1. De acordo com o BNP os pacientes foram divididos em Grupo I, BNP < 50 pg/mL e Grupo II, BNP > 50 pg/mL. RESULTADOS: De 118 pacientes, 100 (60 homens, idade = 55 ± 17 anos) foram analisados; observou-se disfunção do VD em 28%, mais frequentemente no grupo II (19 vs. 9 pacientes, p < 0,001). O grupo II era mais idoso (64 ± 19 vs. 50 ± 15 anos), apresentava menor velocidade de s' (10,5 ± 3,5 vs. 13,2 ± 3,1 cm/s) e maior pressão pulmonar (48 ± 11 vs. 35 ± 11 mmHg), p < 0,001 para todos. O ponto de corte de s' para disfunção do VD foi de 10,8 cm/s (especificidade = 85%, sensibilidade = 54%), com moderada correlação entre o BNP e a onda s'(r = -0,39). CONCLUSÃO: No TEP, a disfunção do VD pelo ecocardiograma se acompanha de elevação do BNP; apesar confirmar adequadamente a presença de disfunção do VD, o Doppler tecidual apresenta sensibilidade limitada para este diagnóstico.


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Fundamento: Foi demonstrado que um novo índice de Doppler Tecidual, E/(E'×S'), incluindo a proporção entre a velocidade diastólica precoce transmitral e a do anel mitral (E/E'), e a velocidade sistólica do anel mitral (S'), tem uma boa precisão como preditor da pressão de enchimento do ventrículo esquerdo. Objetivo: Investigar o valor de E/(E'×S') para prever a morte cardíaca em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Métodos: Foi realizado sucessivamente o ecocardiograma em 339 pacientes hospitalizados com insuficiência cardíaca, em ritmo sinusal, após tratamento médico adequado, no momento e um mês depois da alta. O agravamento de E/(E'×S') foi definido como um aumento do valor padrão. O ponto final foi a morte cardíaca. Resultados: Durante o período de acompanhamento (35,2 ± 8,8 meses), ocorreu a morte cardíaca em 51 pacientes (15%). O melhor valor mínimo para E/(E'× S') inicial na previsão da morte cardíaca foi de 2,83 (76% de sensibilidade, 85% de especificidade). No momento da alta, 252 pacientes (74,3%) apresentaram E/(E'×S') ≤ 2,83 (grupo I), e 87 (25,7%) apresentaram E/(E'×S') > 2,83 (grupo II), respectivamente. A morte cardíaca foi significativamente maior no grupo II em relação ao grupo I (38 mortes, 43,7% contra 13 mortes, 5,15%, p < 0,001). Através da análise de regressão multivariada de Cox, incluindo as variáveis que afetaram os resultados na análise univariada, a relação E/(E'×S') no momento da alta mostrou-se o melhor preditor independente da morte cardíaca (taxa de risco = 3,09, 95% intervalo de confiança = 1,81-5,31, p = 0,001). Pacientes com E/(E'×S') > 2,83 no momento da alta e com um agravamento após um mês apresentaram o pior prognóstico (todos p < 0,05). Conclusão: Em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca a relação E/(E'×S') é um poderoso preditor da morte cardíaca, especialmente quando esta estiver associada com o seu agravamento.


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Background: Patients with indeterminate form of Chagas disease/cardiac normality (ICD/CN) exhibited normal electrocardiograms and chest X-rays; however, more sophisticated tests detected some degree of morphological and functional changes in the heart. Objective: To assess the prevalence of systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the right ventricle (RV) in patients with ICD/CN. Methods: This was a case–control and prevalence study. Using Doppler two-dimensional echocardiography (2D), 92 patients were assessed and divided into two groups: group I (normal, n = 31) and group II (ICD/CN, n = 61). Results: The prevalence of RV systolic dysfunction in patients in groups I and II was as follows: fractional area change (0.0% versus 0.6%), mobility of the tricuspid annulus (0.0% versus 0.0%), and S-wave tissue Doppler (6.4% versus 26.0%, p = 0.016). The prevalence of global disorders such as the right myocardial performance index using tissue Doppler (16.1% versus 27.8%, p = 0.099) and pulsed Doppler (61.3% versus 68%, p = 0.141) and diastolic disorders such as abnormal relaxation (0.0% versus 6.0%), pseudonormal pattern (0.0% versus 0.0%), and restrictive pattern (0.0% versus 0.0%) was not statistically different between groups. Conclusion: The prevalence of RV systolic dysfunction was estimated to be 26% (S wave velocity compared with other variables), suggesting incipient changes in RV systolic function in the ICD/CN group.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate a diagnostic strategy for pulmonary embolism that combined clinical assessment, plasma D-dimer measurement, lower limb venous ultrasonography, and helical computed tomography (CT). METHODS: A cohort of 965 consecutive patients presenting to the emergency departments of three general and teaching hospitals with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism underwent sequential noninvasive testing. Clinical probability was assessed by a prediction rule combined with implicit judgment. All patients were followed for 3 months. RESULTS: A normal D-dimer level (&lt;500 microg/L by a rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) ruled out venous thromboembolism in 280 patients (29%), and finding a deep vein thrombosis by ultrasonography established the diagnosis in 92 patients (9.5%). Helical CT was required in only 593 patients (61%) and showed pulmonary embolism in 124 patients (12.8%). Pulmonary embolism was considered ruled out in the 450 patients (46.6%) with a negative ultrasound and CT scan and a low-to-intermediate clinical probability. The 8 patients with a negative ultrasound and CT scan despite a high clinical probability proceeded to pulmonary angiography (positive: 2; negative: 6). Helical CT was inconclusive in 11 patients (pulmonary embolism: 4; no pulmonary embolism: 7). The overall prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 23%. Patients classified as not having pulmonary embolism were not anticoagulated during follow-up and had a 3-month thromboembolic risk of 1.0% (95% confidence interval: 0.5% to 2.1%). CONCLUSION: A noninvasive diagnostic strategy combining clinical assessment, D-dimer measurement, ultrasonography, and helical CT yielded a diagnosis in 99% of outpatients suspected of pulmonary embolism, and appeared to be safe, provided that CT was combined with ultrasonography to rule out the disease.


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OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study and to correlate MVT with clinical outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Abdominal portal phase CT was used to examine patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Two experienced abdominal radiologists retrospectively analyzed the images, focusing on the superior and inferior mesenteric vein branches and looking for signs of acute or chronic thrombosis. The location of abnormalities was registered. The presence of MVT was correlated with IBD-related radiologic signs and complications. RESULTS. The cases of 160 patients with IBD (89 women, 71 men; Crohn disease [CD], 121 patients; ulcerative colitis [UC], 39 patients; median age at diagnosis, 27 years for patients with CD, 32 years for patients with UC) were analyzed. MVT was detected in 43 patients with IBD (26.8%). One of these patients had acute MVT; 38, chronic MVT; and four, both. The prevalence of MVT did not differ between CD (35/121 [28.9%]) and UC (8/39 [20.5%]) (p = 0.303). The location of thrombosis was different between CD and UC (CD, jejunal or ileal veins only [p = 0.005]; UC, rectocolic veins only [p = 0.001]). Almost all (41/43) cases of thrombosis were peripheral. MVT in CD patients was more frequently associated with bowel wall thickening (p = 0.013), mesenteric fat hypertrophy (p = 0.005), ascites (p = 0.002), and mesenteric lymph node enlargement (p = 0.036) and was associated with higher rate of bowel stenosis (p < 0.001) and more intestinal IBD-related surgery (p = 0.016) in the outcome. Statistical analyses for patients with UC were not relevant because of the limited population (n = 8). CONCLUSION. MVT is frequently found in patients with IBD. Among patients with CD, MVT is associated with bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery.


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Although extended secondary prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin was recently shown to be more effective than warfarin for cancer-related venous thromboembolism, its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional prophylaxis with warfarin is uncertain. We built a decision analytic model to evaluate the clinical and economic outcomes of a 6-month course of low-molecular-weight heparin or warfarin therapy in 65-year-old patients with cancer-related venous thromboembolism. We used probability estimates and utilities reported in the literature and published cost data. Using a US societal perspective, we compared strategies based on quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) and lifetime costs. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of low-molecular-weight heparin compared with warfarin was 149,865 dollars/QALY. Low-molecular-weight heparin yielded a quality-adjusted life expectancy of 1.097 QALYs at the cost of 15,329 dollars. Overall, 46% (7108 dollars) of the total costs associated with low-molecular-weight heparin were attributable to pharmacy costs. Although the low-molecular-weigh heparin strategy achieved a higher incremental quality-adjusted life expectancy than the warfarin strategy (difference of 0.051 QALYs), this clinical benefit was offset by a substantial cost increment of 7,609 dollars. Cost-effectiveness results were sensitive to variation of the early mortality risks associated with low-molecular-weight heparin and warfarin and the pharmacy costs for low-molecular-weight heparin. Based on the best available evidence, secondary prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin is more effective than warfarin for cancer-related venous thromboembolism. However, because of the substantial pharmacy costs of extended low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis in the US, this treatment is relatively expensive compared with warfarin.


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The Smart canula concept allows for collapsed cannula insertion, and self-expansion within a vein of the body. (A) Computational fluid dynamics, and (B) bovine experiments (76+/-3.8 kg) were performed for comparative analyses, prior to (C) the first clinical application. For an 18F access, a given flow of 4 l/min (A) resulted in a pressure drop of 49 mmHg for smart cannula versus 140 mmHg for control. The corresponding Reynolds numbers are 680 versus 1170, respectively. (B) For an access of 28F, the maximal flow for smart cannula was 5.8+/-0.5 l/min versus 4.0+/-0.1 l/min for standard (P<0.0001), for 24F 5.5+/-0.6 l/min versus 3.2+/-0.4 l/min (P<0.0001), and for 20F 4.1+/-0.3 l/min versus 1.6+/-0.3 l/min (P<0.0001). The flow obtained with the smart cannula was 270+/-45% (20F), 172+/-26% (24F), and 134+/-13% (28F) of standard (one-way ANOVA, P=0.014). (C) First clinical application (1.42 m2) with a smart cannula showed 3.55 l/min (100% predicted) without additional fluids. All three assessment steps confirm the superior performance of the smart cannula design.


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Leg ulcers are a major health and economic problem especially in elderly. More than 70% are associated with venous disease. Compressive therapy is the most effective treatment but bandages are often poorly tolerated and well trained nurses are required to apply them effectively. In recent years, the VAC system (vacuum assisted closure) has profoundly changed the wound healing approach. The objective is now to regenerate the tissues and not to replace them with skin grafts which give uncertain results. The other important challenge is to prevent recurrences. New pharmacologic treatments acting on microcirculation and hemostasis would probably appear in the near future opening new therapeutic perspectives.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study and to correlate MVT with clinical outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Abdominal portal phase CT was used to examine patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Two experienced abdominal radiologists retrospectively analyzed the images, focusing on the superior and inferior mesenteric vein branches and looking for signs of acute or chronic thrombosis. The location of abnormalities was registered. The presence of MVT was correlated with IBD-related radiologic signs and complications. RESULTS: The cases of 160 patients with IBD (89 women, 71 men; Crohn disease [CD], 121 patients; ulcerative colitis [UC], 39 patients; median age at diagnosis, 27 years for patients with CD, 32 years for patients with UC) were analyzed. MVT was detected in 43 patients with IBD (26.8%). One of these patients had acute MVT; 38, chronic MVT; and four, both. The prevalence of MVT did not differ between CD (35/121 [28.9%]) and UC (8/39 [20.5%]) (p = 0.303). The location of thrombosis was different between CD and UC (CD, jejunal or ileal veins only [p = 0.005]; UC, rectocolic veins only [p = 0.001]). Almost all (41/43) cases of thrombosis were peripheral. MVT in CD patients was more frequently associated with bowel wall thickening (p = 0.013), mesenteric fat hypertrophy (p = 0.005), ascites (p = 0.002), and mesenteric lymph node enlargement (p = 0.036) and was associated with higher rate of bowel stenosis (p < 0.001) and more intestinal IBD-related surgery (p = 0.016) in the outcome. Statistical analyses for patients with UC were not relevant because of the limited population (n = 8). CONCLUSION: MVT is frequently found in patients with IBD. Among patients with CD, MVT is associated with bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery.


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The relationship between platelet count and outcome in patients with acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) has not been consistently explored. RIETE is an ongoing registry of consecutive patients with acute VTE. We categorised patients as having very low- (<80,000/µl), low- (80,000/µl to 150,000/µl), normal- (150,000/µl to 300,000/µl), high- (300,000/µl to 450,000/µl), or very high (>450,000/µl) platelet count at baseline, and compared their three-month outcome. As of October 2012, 43,078 patients had been enrolled in RIETE: 21,319 presenting with pulmonary embolism and 21,759 with deep-vein thrombosis. In all, 502 patients (1.2%) had very low-; 5,472 (13%) low-; 28,386 (66%) normal-; 7,157 (17%) high-; and 1,561 (3.6%) very high platelet count. During the three-month study period, the recurrence rate was: 2.8%, 2.2%, 1.8%, 2.1% and 2.2%, respectively; the rate of major bleeding: 5.8%, 2.6%, 1.7%, 2.3% and 4.6%, respectively; the rate of fatal bleeding: 2.0%, 0.9%, 0.3%, 0.5% and 1.2%, respectively; and the mortality rate: 29%, 11%, 6.5%, 8.8% and 14%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, patients with very low-, low-, high- or very high platelet count had an increased risk for major bleeding (odds ratio [OR]: 2.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.85-3.95; 1.43 [1.18-1.72]; 1.23 [1.03-1.47]; and 2.13 [1.65-2.75]) and fatal bleeding (OR: 3.70 [1.92-7.16], 2.10 [1.48-2.97], 1.29 [0.88-1.90] and 2.49 [1.49-4.15]) compared with those with normal count. In conclusion, we found a U-shaped relationship between platelet count and the three-month rate of major bleeding and fatal bleeding in patients with VTE.