1000 resultados para V.431s(Illinois)


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Edited by Publication Committee.


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Pollen analysis of Wisconsinan sediments from eleven localities in northern and central Illinois, combined with the results of older studies, allows a first general survey of the vegetational changes in Illinois during the last glaciation. In the late Altonian (after 40,000 B.P.), pine was already the most prevalent tree type in northern Illinois. Probably because of the influence of the last Altonian ice advance to northern Illinois, pine migrated to the south and reached south-central Illinois, which was at that time a region of prairie, with oak and hickory trees in favorable sites. Likewise in the late Altonian, spruce appeared in northern Illinois. Spruce also expanded its area to the south during the Wisconsinan, reaching south-central Illinois only after 21,000 B.P., in the early Woodfordian. Deciduous trees (predominantly oak) were present in south-central Illinois throughout the Wisconsinan. Their prevalence decreased to the north. The vegetation during the different subdivisions of the last glacial period in Illinois was approximately as follows: Late Altonian: Pine/spruce forest with some deciduous trees in northern and central Illinois; prairie and oak/hickory stands in south-central Illinois; immigration of pine. Farmdalian: Pine/spruce forest in central Illinois; deciduous trees and pine in south-central Illinois, with areas of open vegetation, perhaps similar to the present-day transition of prairie to forest in the northern Great Plains. Woodfordian: Northern and central Illinois ice covered; in south central Illinois, spruce and oak as dominant tree types, but also pine and grassland. During the Woodfordian, pine and spruce disappeared again from south-central Illinois, and oak/hickory forest and prairie again prevailed. The ice-free areas of northern Illinois become populated temporarily with spruce, but later there is proof of deciduous forest in this region. Pollen investigations in south-central Illinois have shown convincingly that deciduous trees could survive relatively close (less than 60 km) to the ice margin. Therefore the frequently presented view that arctic climatic conditions prevailed in North America during the last glaciation far south of the ice margin can be refuted for the Illinois area, confirming the opinion of other authors resulting from investigations of fossil mollusks and frost-soil features. The small number of localities investigated still permits no complete reconstruction of the vegetation zones and their possible movements in Illinois. During the Altonian and Farmdalian in Illinois, a vegetational zonation probably existed similar to that of today in North America. As the ice pushed southward as far as 39° 20' N. lat in the early Woodfordian, this zonation was apparently broken up under the influence of a relatively moderate climate. In any case, the Vandalia area, which was only about 60 km south of the ice, was at that time neither in a tundra zone nor in a zone of boreal coniferous forest.


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Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is examined as a technique for growing compound semiconductor structures. Material analysis techniques for characterizing the quality and properties of compound semiconductor material are explained and data from recent commissioning work on a newly installed reactor at the University of Illinois is presented.


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This study was undertaken to determine the distribution and habitat requirements of many of the endangered and threatened plant species associated with the sand deposits of Illinois. Approximately 70 species of endangered and threatened plants are known to grow in these deposits. The habitat fidelity and natural community types were determined for 40 of these species that are restricted to these glacial drift sand habitats. Plant community types, associated species, moisture requirements, and other data concerning each of the plant species were determined by reviewing the pertinent literature, searching the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Database, through discussions with botanists and natural heritage biologists, examination of herbarium specimens, and our studies of the vegetation of the Illinois sand deposits. Throughout the course of these studies, most of the nature preserves, state parks, and identified natural areas in the sand regions were visited on numerous occasions and vegetation surveys undertaken. The information presented in this paper could allow rare plant conservation in Illinois to become more proactive by encouraging the selection of sites where in situ conservation efforts could be conducted by state, local, and nongovernmental organizations.


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In Apriaden Pty Ltd v Seacrest Pty Ltd the Victorian Court of Appeal decided that termination of a lease under common law contractual principles following repudiation is an alternative to reliance upon an express forfeiture provision in the lease and that it is outside the sphere of statutory protections given against the enforcing of a forfeiture. The balance of authority supports the first aspect of the decision. This article focuses on the second aspect of it, which is a significant development in the law of leases. The article considers the implications of this decision for essential terms of clauses in leases, argues that common law termination for breach of essential terms should be subject to compliance with these statutory requirements and, as an alternative, suggests a way forward through appropriate law reform, considering whether the recent Victorian reform goes far enough.


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To further investigate the use of DNA repair-enhancing agents for skin cancer prevention, we treated Cdk4R24C/R24C/NrasQ61K mice topically with the T4 endonuclease V DNA repair enzyme (known as Dimericine) immediately prior to neonatal ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, which has a powerful effect in exacerbating melanoma development in the mouse model. Dimericine has been shown to reduce the incidence of basal-cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Unexpectedly, we saw no difference in penetrance or age of onset of melanoma after neonatal UVR between Dimericine-treated and control animals, although the drug reduced DNA damage and cellular proliferation in the skin. Interestingly, epidermal melanocytes removed cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) more efficiently than surrounding keratinocytes. Our study indicates that neonatal UVR-initiated melanomas may be driven by mechanisms other than solely that of a large CPD load and/or their inefficient repair. This is further suggestive of different mechanisms by which UVR may enhance the transformation of keratinocytes and melanocytes.


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In a recent decision by Mr Justice Laddie, a patent was held anticipated by, inter alia, prior use of a device which fell within the claims of the patent in suit, even though its circuitry was enclosed in resin. The anticipating invention had been "made available to the public" within the terms of section 2 (2) of the Patents Act 1977 because its essential integers would have been revealed by an interesting character, the "skilled forensic engineer".


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This article updates a previous article on the Lockwood v Doric fair basing case in the Full Court of the Federal Court which was recently appealed to the High Court. The High Court's decision provides a new and welcome level of clarity in this difficult area of patent law. With this new clarity we can finally lock away some of the mysteries that have plagued the area for some time. Already, indications are that Lockwood's guidelines are being usefully applied in the Patent Office and Federal Court.


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Following the judgement of the High Court in Tabet v Gett [2010]HCA 12 handed down on 21 April 2010 it appears that in Australia there is now very limited scope for recovery in negligence for the loss of a chance of a better medical outcome.


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Shelton, Edward Mason; p.548 Sherwood Arboretum; p.550 Soutter, William; pp.563-564 Styles or gardens and designed landscapes; pp.575-576 Summer-house; pp.579-580 Trapnell, Walter George; p.602 Tropical Gardens; pp.604-605 Wickham Park; p.642 Wijaya, Made; p.642 Williams, George; p.644 Williams, Keith A.W.; p.644 Verandah Garadening; p.614


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In plant cells, myosin is believed to be the molecular motor responsible for actin-based motility processes such as cytoplasmic streaming and directed vesicle transport. In an effort to characterize plant myosin, a cDNA encoding a myosin heavy chain was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana. The predicted product of the MYA1 gene is 173 kDa and is structurally similar to the class V myosins. It is composed of the highly-conserved NH2-terminal "head" domain, a putative calmodulin-binding "neck" domain an alpha-helical coiled-coil domain, and a COOH-terminal domain. Northern blot analysis shows that the Arabidopsis MYA1 gene is expressed in all the major plant tissues (flower, leaf, root, and stem). We suggest that the MYA1 myosin may be involved in a general intracellular transport process in plant cells.


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Introduction. There are two binding sites on the β1-adrenoceptor (AR), β1H and β1L corresponding to high and low affinity binding sites respectively, which can be activated to cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers that block β1AR and β2ARs can activate β1LARs at higher concentrations than those required to cause blockade. The β2AR does not form a corresponding low affinity binding site and therefore we postulated that heterologous amino acids are responsible for the formation of β1LAR. Aim. To investigate whether heterologous amino acids of transmembrane domain V (TMDV) of β1AR and β2ARs contribute to β1LAR. Methods. β1ARs, β2ARs and mutant β1ARs containing all (β1(β2TMDV)AR) or single amino acids of TMDV of the β2AR were prepared and stably expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Concentration-effect curves for cyclicAMP accumulation were carried out for (-)-CGP12177 in the absence or presence of (-)-bupranolol. Results. The potencies (pEC50) of (-)-CGP12177 were β2AR (9.24 ± 0.14, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (9.07 ± 0.07, n = 10), β1(β2TMDV)AR (8.86 ± 0.10, n = 15), β1(R222Q)AR (8.09 ± 0.29, n = 6), β1AR (8.00 ± 0.11, n = 11). The affinities (pKB) of (-)-bupranolol were β2AR (9.82 ± 0.52, n = 5), β1(V230I)AR (7.64 ± 0.12, n = 8), β1(β2TMV)AR (8.06 ± 0.17, n = 8), β1(R222Q)AR (7.33 ± 0.23, n = 5), β1AR (7.23 ± 0.23, n = 5). Discussion. The potency of (-)-CGP12177 was higher at β2AR than at β1AR consistent with activation through a low affinity site at the β1AR (β1LAR). The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted for the lower potency of (-)-CGP 12177. The affinity of (-)-bupranolol was lower at β1AR compared to β2AR. The presence of V230 in β1AR accounted in part for the lower affinity. In conclusion TMDV of the β1AR contributes in part to the low affinity binding site of β1AR.