900 resultados para Uncovered interest parity,


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We present a mixed entanglement distillation protocol by means of the parity measurement of qubits. Without the use of controlled-NOT (CNOT) operations, the efficiency of our protocol can approach that of the CNOT protocol. In comparison, the total successful probability of our protocol can reach a quantity twice as large as that of the linear optics-based protocol.


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This paper discusses the particular contribution of the SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) as a way of nature conservation for rivers. In 1989, the Nature Conservancy Council proposed a dual selection system for selection of rivers; either (1) "Whole river" SSSIs representing the main types of river, or rivers which show classic and representative transitions down their lengths, or (2) "Sectional" SSSIs which are shorter stretches of river with high nature conservation interest. The NCC has recently classified all SSSIs with a river interest into 4 categories: - river SSSIs, river valley SSSIs, river adds interest - where the river clearly adds biological interest to the site, and rivers of incidental interest. The overall length of river SSSIs amounts to almost 1000 km.


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The common belief that fermions lying on linear Regge trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. The mechanism by which these experimentally nonexistant states are eliminated from the theory depends on the presence of fixed Regge cuts in fermion exchange amplitudes. Thus it is predicted that fermion Regge trajectories are always accompanied by fixed Regge cuts. More generally, if particles may be classified as composites of spin-1/2 (fermion) quarks, fixed cuts are expected to be present in boson exchange amplitudes as well. This result is demonstrated in the framework of the Van Hove model and a few further experimental consequences are discussed.


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In Part I, the common belief that fermions lying on linear trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. Reggeization of a sequence of positive-parity fermion resonance is carried out in the Van Hove model. As a consequence of the absence of negative-parity states, the partial-wave amplitudes must have a fixed cut in the J plane. This fixed cut, in conjunction with the moving Regge pole, provides a new parametrization for fermion-exchange reactions, which is in qualitative agreement with the data.

In Part II, the spin structure of three particle vertices is determined from the quark model. Using these SU(6)W vertices in the Van Hove model, we derive a Reggeized scattering amplitude. In addition to Regge poles there are necessarily fixed Regge cuts in both fermion and boson exchange amplitudes. These fixed cuts are similar to those found in Part I, and may be viewed as a consequence of the absence of parity doubled quarks. The magnitudes of the pole and cut terms in an entire class of SU(6) related reactions are determined by their magnitudes in a single reaction. As an example we explain the observed presence or absence of wrong-signature nonsense dips in a class of reactions involving vector meson exchange.


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Reaching the strong coupling regime of light-matter interaction has led to an impressive development in fundamental quantum physics and applications to quantum information processing. Latests advances in different quantum technologies, like superconducting circuits or semiconductor quantum wells, show that the ultrastrong coupling regime (USC) can also be achieved, where novel physical phenomena and potential computational benefits have been predicted. Nevertheless, the lack of effective decoupling mechanism in this regime has so far hindered control and measurement processes. Here, we propose a method based on parity symmetry conservation that allows for the generation and reconstruction of arbitrary states in the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interactions. Our protocol requires minimal external resources by making use of the coupling between the USC system and an ancillary two-level quantum system.


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Estudo que possui como objeto violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico como risco psicossocial à saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cujo interesse investigativo iniciou-se na graduação e posteriormente ao trabalhar como enfermeiro em um hospital psiquiátrico. Tais experiências marcaram de forma peculiar a minha trajetória profissional e o interesse acerca do objeto de estudo, por entender que a violência em âmbito psiquiátrico precisa ser desvelada e discutida para que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas no coletivo dos trabalhadores com vistas ao bem estar, a satisfação no trabalho e qualidade do serviço ofertado a população. Objetivou-se neste estudo, identificar os tipos de violência presentes no trabalho da enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico; descrever as repercussões da violência laboral para a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico e analisar os mecanismos de enfrentamento adotados pelos trabalhadores da enfermagem diante da violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos em um hospital psiquiátrico situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, no período janeiro a fevereiro de 2013 com 16 trabalhadores (7 enfermeiros e 9 técnicos de enfermagem), a partir dos critérios de inclusão adotados. Trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, mediante um roteiro contendo questões sobre o objeto de estudo. O projeto atendeu as exigências presentes na Resolução 196/96, do Ministério da Saúde (MS), tendo sido aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) com o número 070.3.2012. Aplicada a técnica de conteúdo ao material emergiram os seguintes resultados: na vivencia dos trabalhadores do hospital psiquiátrico há três tipos de violência. A primeira refere-se à violência sofrida, principalmente durante as emergências psiquiátricas, momento em que o trabalhador sofre com as agressões verbais e, em alguns casos, físicas cometidas pelo paciente. Outro tipo de violência no trabalho foi a perpetrada pelo familiar em momentos de tensão e a terceira envolveu a violência simbólica por parte dos médicos, principalmente os residentes. A violência do trabalho foi identificada em decorrência da precarização das condições de trabalho em termos de recursos humanos e materiais. A violência laboral revelou-se como um risco psicossocial a saúde do trabalhador por acarretar sofrimento psíquico e físico evidenciado através de queixas de desgaste, estresse e medo, levando a insatisfação e desmotivação no trabalho. Para se manterem no trabalho, os trabalhadores elaboram estratégias de enfrentamento centradas na resolução dos problemas decorrentes da violência e na regulação da emoção. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que a violência em hospital psiquiátrico é um risco psicossocial que afeta a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cabendo a organização juntamente com os trabalhadores propor medidas que deem visibilidade a violência sofrida, através do diagnostico, da prevenção e enfrentamento coletivo, o que pode ser realizado mediante denuncia dos próprios trabalhadores junto a instituição, sindicatos e órgãos de classe. Salienta-se a importância de suporte psicoterápico dos trabalhadores de enfermagem vitimas de violência com vistas à identificação dos fatores de risco e fortalecimento dos fatores protetores. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos na área, considerando a incipiência dos mesmos.


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An all-optical parity checker is proposed that requires only a single Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Simulation results demonstrate an 8dB improvement in extinction ratio at 10 Gb/s operation. © 1999 Optical Society of America.


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There have been numerous studies on various mammalian species regarding vascular changes in uterine arteries elucidating the effects of parity. In equids, vascular changes of uterine arteries have been demonstrated to occur in uniparous and multiparous mares. The severity of these arteriole changes suggests a link to previous pregnancies. Differences in the number or range of pregnancies can be ascertained through microscopic evaluation of elastin deposition in the arterioles, perivascular fibrosis, and stromal cellularity. There has been little, if any, work performed on parity in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). The objective of this preliminary study was to determine the feasibility of detecting similar vascular changes in the endometrium of known-aged female bottlenose dolphins to assess parity. Archived formalin fixed samples of uterus were obtained from nine bottlenose dolphins with known age and parity. Four slides were made from each sample and individually stained with four different techniques. From our small sample pool, it appears that uteri from nulliparous animals do not develop perivascular fibrosis. Parous uteri developed perivascular fibrosis and arteriolar elastosis. These changes agree with our expectations that some degeneration (elastosis) and compensation (fibrosis) occurs as a result of uterine expansion of pregnancy. The assessment of this technique for use in bottlenose dolphins would provide an important tool in the determination of the reproductive success of dolphin populations, identify individuals who are sexually mature but nulliparous, which could indicate reproductive dysfunction or increased calving intervals, and increase our knowledge on the role contaminants play in reproductive dysfunction.