959 resultados para URINE SAMPLES


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A metalloporphyrin incorporated carbon paste sensor has been developed for the determination of metronidazole benzoate (MTZB). Zn(II) complex of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (3-methoxy-4-hydroxy phenyl) porphyrin (TMHPP) was used as the active material. The MTZB gave a well-defined reduction peak at - 0.713V in 0.1 mol l -1 phosphate buffer solution of pH around 7. Compared with bare carbon paste electrode (CPE), the TMHPP Zn(II) modified electrode significantly enhanced the reduction peak current of MTZB as well as lowered its reduction potential. Under optimum conditions the reduction peak current was proportional to MTZB concentration over the range 1×10-3 mol1-1 to 1×10-5mol1-1. The detection limit was found to be 4.36×10-6mol1-1 . This sensor has been successfully applied for the determination of MTZB in pharmaceutical formulations and urine samples.


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Potentiometric chemical sensors,an important class of electro-chemical sensors are widely used in pharmaceutical analysis because of its inherent advantages.The present study was aimed at fabrication of potentiometric sensors for the drugs mebendazole,pefloxacin,ambroxol,sildenafil citrate,dextro-methorphan and tetracycline.A total of 18 sensors have been developed for the determination of theses drugs.The major step in the fabrication of the sensor was the preparation of the ion association.Two types of sensors viz:PVC membrane sensor and carbon paste electode (CPE) were fabricated.The response characteristics of the different sensors fabricated were studied.Various response parameters studied include response time,selectivity and the effect of pH.The developed sensors were also employed for the determination of the drugs in pharmaceutical formulations and also for the recovery of the drug from urine samples.The selectivity studies reveal that the developed sensors are highly selective to the drug even in prescence of foreign ions.


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A differential pulse voltammetric sensor for the determination of tamsulosin hydrochloride (TAM) using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)–Nafion-modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) has been developed. MWNTs were dispersed in water with the help of Nafion and were used to modify the surface of GCE via solvent evaporation. At MWNT-modified electrode, TAM gave a well-defined oxidation peak at a potential of 1084 mV in 0.1 M acetate buffer solution of pH 5. Compared to the bare electrode, the peak current of TAM showed a marked increase and the peak potential showed a negative deviation. The determination conditions, such as the amount of MWNT–Nafion suspension, pH of the supporting electrolyte and scan rate, were optimised. Under optimum conditions, the oxidation peak current was proportional to the concentration of TAM in the range 1 × 1023 M–3 × 1027 M with a detection limit of 9.8 × 1028 M. The developed sensor showed good stability, selectivity and was successfully used for the determination of TAM in pharmaceutical formulations and urine samples


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La implementación de metodologías de biología molecular como la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), ha permitido la realización de diagnósticos sensibles y específicos para múltiples enfermedades, dentro de las cuales son de gran interés las infecciosas. Hasta hoy, los métodos de identificación se basan principalmente en cultivos y serología por su sensibilidad y especificidad, pero consumen tiempo y dinero. Las muestras de orina se han constituido en una alternativa no invasiva de obtención de ADN para la realización de análisis de biología molecular. Metodología: Implementación de una estrategia para la obtención de ADN a partir de muestras de orina. Las muestras fueron tomadas de niños de guardería, para documentar la presencia o no de inhibidores de PCR a través de la amplificación de genes de Citomegalovirus humano (CMVH). Resultados: En el 27,1% de las muestras analizadas se evidenció amplificación específica para CMVH, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la presencia del virus en los tres estratos, pero sí en la intensidad de las bandas. Conclusión: Se verificó la ausencia de inhibidores de PCR mediante la amplificación del gen de la B-globina. Se estandarizó una metodología molecular para la identificación de CMVH, la cual puede ser aplicada


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En el proceso de extracción de petróleo (crudo) deben realizarse tratamientos físicos y químicos en estaciones de recolección del hidrocarburo con el fin de garantizar su calidad antes de su entrega para el transporte y comercialización. Para la realización de esta actividad el personal operativo requerido (operadores) debe realizar diferentes actividades, tales como ronda operacional, verificación de sistemas de almacenamiento del crudo, agua residual del proceso e insumos químicos utilizados en su tratamiento y manipulación de facilidades en las estaciones de recolección, entre otras. Como resultados de las actividades rutinarias los operadores están expuestos a factores de riesgo químico asociados a gases y vapores orgánicos generados en los procesos de tratamiento del crudo. En el presente trabajo se realizaron mediciones de calidad de aire e higiene industrial en diferentes estaciones tratamiento de crudo, con el propósito de evaluar los niveles de exposición de los operadores a gases y vapores de hidrocarburos durante el proceso de tratamiento de crudo y dar respuesta a la siguiente pregunta: ¿existe relación entre la exposición ocupacional, las emisiones atmosféricas de gases (SO2, CO, H2S) y la percepción de afectación de la salud de los trabajadores que se encuentran expuestos durante la actividad laboral, en una empresa del sector de hidrocarburos? Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios sobre las condiciones de trabajo y de salud a 30 trabajadores que laboran en una estación de tratamiento de crudo de una compañía del sector de hidrocarburos. Los operadores objeto de estudio laboran en turnos rotativos, han estado vinculados con la compañía por más de dos años y tienen contrato directo, adicionalmente, se identificaron los factores de riesgos ambientales y ocupacionales para el grupo de trabajadores y se realizó una revisión de los informes de medición de higiene industrial y de calidad de aire de las estaciones donde labora el personal seleccionado con el fin de establecer si los resultados se relacionan. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el 100% de los trabajadores son de género masculino y se desempeñan en cargos de operadores, recorredores de pozos de crudo y supervisores. El 97% de los operadores tiene más de cuarenta años de edad y el 80% de los mismos ha laborado por más de 6 años en la compañía. Acerca de la percepción de los trabajadores sobre su estado de salud el 90% afirma que su salud es buena, el 97% respondió que no presenta problemas respiratorios, el 23% manifiesta que presenta trastornos dermatológicos y el 27% indican que presenta dolor de cabeza constante. De la revisión de los informes de calidad de aire disponibles se encontró que las mediciones de Dióxido de Azufre SO2, Monóxido de Carbono CO se encuentran dentro del rango definido como el de menor impacto para la salud humana. De los datos del informe se puede concluir que la calidad del aire es buena en el 100% de las áreas de influencia de las estaciones de tratamiento de crudo. Según los informes de higiene industrial el 34% de las instalaciones presenta concentraciones de Sulfuro de Hidrógeno (H2S) en el límite permisible para exposiciones crónicas en un promedio ponderado de tiempo (TLV-TWA) y el límite permisible para exposiciones agudas en un límite de exposición a corto plazo (TLV-STEL). Solo el 37% de los trabajadores objeto de este estudio percibe el riesgo por la exposición a factores de riesgo químicos y son claramente consientes que se encuentran expuestos a estos riesgos por la manipulación de productos químicos y exposición a sustancias químicas producto de sus actividades rutinarias, el 73% no percibe el riesgo de exposición por su actividad laboral. Se recomienda que la compañía fortalezca su esquema de vigilancia para generar alternativas que eleven los niveles de consciencia del riesgo del trabajador. Los factores de riesgo ambiental y ocupacional, de los gases y vapores generados se deben al proceso de tratamiento de crudo, están mutuamente relacionados dado que al generarse una emisión y/o escape no controlado como consecuencia se tiene una afectación directa al medio ambiente y a los trabajadores.


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Introducción: El uso de sustancias químicas como protección contra plagas es una práctica común en las floriculturas, la aplicación de los conceptos de manejo integrado de éstas resguarda los cultivos asegurando la cantidad y la calidad necesaria del producto neto requerido para satisfacer la demanda internacional. El biomonitoreo se ha utilizado en una variedad de estudios ocupacionales y ambientales para determinar exposiciones a plaguicidas. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 300 trabajadores vinculados a 15 empresas, con el objetivo de caracterizar la exposición al plaguicida Metamidofos en trabajadores de empresas de flores en la Sabana de Bogotá (Cundinamarca) y Rionegro (Antioquia). Se aplicó una encuesta, la cual incluyó las variables socio demográficas, ocupacionales y toxicológicas y se recolectaron muestras de orina para determinar el plaguicida metamidofos. Resultados: Se observó que la fuerza laboral pertenecía en su gran mayoría a la zona urbana (88.5%) y se resalta la participación del género femenino en edades de entre 19 y 58 años con un promedio de 36,7 años. El oficio en el que se encontraba la mayor parte de los trabajadores fue cultivo y corte con el 52.5%. El tiempo de trabajo en el sector floricultor reportado fue mínimo de 12 (3.3%) y máximo de 22 años (6.1%). En cuanto a los elementos de protección personal, el 96.1% (344) afirma utilizarlos en su trabajo. El promedio de metamidofos al inicio de la jornada fue de 29,12 μg/l y al finalizar 15,70 μg/l. Conclusiones: Este trabajo permitió conocer el panorama de la exposición al plaguicida Metamidofos y constituye un aporte para continuar investigando sobre el tema y a la vez hacer seguimiento a los trabajadores por medio de su inclusión en programas de vigilancia epidemiológica.


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Objective: To determine whether dietary supplementation with a natural carotenoid mixture counteracts the enhancement of oxidative stress induced by consumption of fish oil. Design: A randomised double-blind crossover dietary intervention. Setting: Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK. Subjects and intervention: A total of 32 free-living healthy nonsmoking volunteers were recruited by posters and e-mails in The University of Reading. One volunteer withdrew during the study. The volunteers consumed a daily supplement comprising capsules containing fish oil (4 x 1 g) or fish oil (4 x 1 g) containing a natural carotenoid mixture (4 x 7.6 mg) for 3 weeks in a randomised crossover design separated by a 12 week washout phase. The carotenoid mixture provided a daily intake of beta-carotene (6.0 mg), alpha-carotene (1.4 mg), lycopene (4.5 mg), bixin (11.7 mg), lutein (4.4 mg) and paprika carotenoids (2.2 mg). Blood and urine samples were collected on days 0 and 21 of each dietary period. Results: The carotenoid mixture reduced the fall in ex vivo oxidative stability of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) induced by the fish oil (P = 0.045) and it reduced the extent of DNA damage assessed by the concentration of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in urine (P = 0.005). There was no effect on the oxidative stability of plasma ex vivo assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity test. beta- Carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene and lutein were increased in the plasma of subjects consuming the carotenoid mixture. Plasma triglyceride levels were reduced significantly more than the reduction for the fish oil control (P = 0.035), but total cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels were not significantly changed by the consumption of the carotenoid mixture. Conclusions: Consumption of the natural carotenoid mixture lowered the increase in oxidative stress induced by the fish oil as assessed by ex vivo oxidative stability of LDL and DNA degradation product in urine. The carotenoid mixture also enhanced the plasma triglyceride-lowering effect of the fish oil.


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Diets low in fruit and vegetables are reportedly responsible for 2.7 million deaths annually from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and certain cancers. A daily fruit and vegetable intake of five 80 g portions is recommended for chronic disease prevention. However, in the UK, average adult consumption is less than three portions. It is suggested that fruit juice should only count as one portion. However, fruit juices are a beneficial source of phytochemicals. The preliminary results of two randomized, controlled, crossover, dietary intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drinks (FVPJ) on bioavailability, antioxidant status, vascular reactivity, and risk factors for CVD are reported. In the first study, 39 volunteers consumed 200 ml FVPJ, or fruit-flavoured control, daily for six weeks. In the second study, 24 volunteers consumed 400 mL FVPJ, or sugar-matched control, on the morning of the study day. Blood and urine samples were collected throughout both studies and real-time measurements of vascular tone were performed using laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis. Overall, the studies showed that the fruit and vegetable puree and juice based drink increased dietary phytochemicals. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both acute and chronic fruit juice consumption. Measurements of antioxidant status, oxidative stress and other cardiovascular disease risk factors are currently being determined.


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The average UK adult consumes less than three portions of fruit and vegetables daily, despite evidence to suggest that consuming five portions daily could help prevent chronic diseases. It is recommended that fruit juice should only count as one of these portions, as juicing removes fibre and releases sugars. However, fruit juices contain beneficial compounds such as vitamin C and flavonoids and could be a useful source of dietary phytochemicals. Two randomised controlled cross-over intervention studies investigating the effects of chronic and acute consumption of commercially-available fruit- and vegetable-puree-based drinks (FVPD) on bioavailability, antioxidant status and CVD risk factors are described. Blood and urine samples were collected during both studies and vascular tone was measured using laser Doppler imaging. In the chronic intervention study FVPD consumption was found to significantly increase dietary carotenoids (P = 0.001) and vitamin C (P = 0.003). Plasma carotenoids were increased (P = 0.001), but the increase in plasma vitamin C was not significant. There were no significant effects on oxidative stress, antioxidant status and other CVD risk factors. In the acute intervention study FVPD were found to increase total plasma nitrate and nitrite (P = 0.001) and plasma vitamin C (P = 0.002). There was no effect on plasma lipids or uric acid, but there was a lower glucose and insulin peak concentration after consumption of the FVPD compared with the sugar-matched control. There was a trend towards increased vasodilation following both chronic and acute FVPD consumption. All volunteers were retrospectively genotyped for the eNOS G298T polymorphism and the effect of genotype on the measurements is discussed. Overall, there was a non-significant trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation following both acute and chronic FVPD consumption. However, there was a significant time x treatment effect (P < 0.05) of acute FVPD consumption in individuals with the GG variant of the eNOS gene.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that a moderate consumption of anthocyanins may be associated with protection against coronary heart disease. The main dietary sources of anthocyanins include red-coloured fruits and red wine. Although dietary anthocyanins comprise a diverse mixture of molecules, little is known how structural diversity relates to their bioavailability and biological function. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the absorption and metabolism of the 3-monoglucosides of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin and malvidin in humans and to examine both the effect of consuming a red wine extract on plasma antioxidant status and on monocyte chemoattractant protein I production in healthy human subjects. After a 12-h overnight fast, seven healthy volunteers received 12 g of an anthocyanin extract and provided 13 blood samples in the 24 h following the test meal. Furthermore, urine was collected during this 24-h period. Anthocyanins were detected in their intact form in both plasma and urine samples. Other anthocyanin metabolites could also be detected in plasma and urine and were identified as glucuronides of peonidin and malvidin. Anthocyanins and their metabolites appeared in plasma about 30 min after ingestion of the test meal and reached their maximum value around 1.6 h later for glucosides and 2.5 h for glucuronides. Total urinary excretion of red wine anthocyanins was 0.05+/-0.01% of the administered dose within 24 h. About 94% of the excreted anthocyanins was found in urine within 6 h. In spite of the low concentration of anthocyanins found in plasma, an increase in the antioxidant capacity and a decrease in MCP-1 circulating levels in plasma were observed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recent reports have demonstrated various cardiovascular and neurological benefits associated with the consumption of foods rich in anthocyanidins. However, information regarding absorption, metabolism, and especially, tissue distribution are only beginning to accumulate. In the present study, we investigated the occurrence and the kinetics of various circulating pelargonidin metabolites, and we aimed at providing initial information with regard to tissue distribution. Based on HPLC and LC-MS analyses we demonstrate that pelargonidin is absorbed and present in plasma following oral gavage to rats. In addition, the main structurally related pelargonidin metabolite identified in plasma and urine was pelargonidin glucuronide. Furthermore, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, a ring fission product of pelargonidin, was detected in plasma and urine samples obtained at 2 and 18 h after ingestion. At 2 h post-gavage, pelargonidin glucuronide was the major metabolite detected in kidney and liver, with levels reaching 0.5 and 0.15 nmol pelargonidin equivalents/g tissue, respectively. Brain and lung tissues contained detectable levels of the aglycone, with the glucuronide also present in the lungs. Other tissues, including spleen and heart, did not contain detectable levels of pelargonidin or ensuing metabolites. At 18 h post-gavage, tissue analyses did not reveal detectable levels of the aglycone nor of pelargonidin glucuronides. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the overall uptake of the administered pelargonidin was 18 % after 2 h, with the majority of the detected levels located in the stomach. However, the amounts recovered dropped to 1.2 % only 18 h post-gavage, with the urine and faecal content constituting almost 90 % of the total recovered pelargonidin.


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Objective: To study the bioavailability of anthocyanins and the effects of a 20% blackcurrant juice drink on vascular reactivity, plasma antioxidant status and other CVD risk markers. Subjects/Methods: The study was a randomised, cross over, double blind, placebo controlled acute meal study. Twenty healthy volunteers (11 females 9 males) were recruited, and all subjects completed the study. Fasted volunteers consumed a 20% blackcurrant juice drink (250 ml) or a control drink following a low-flavonoid diet for the previous 72 hours. Vascular reactivity was assessed at baseline and 120 mins after juice consumption by Laser Doppler Imaging (LDI). Plasma and urine samples were collected periodically over an 8 hour period for analysis, with a final urine sample collected at 24h. The cross over was performed after a 4-week washout. Results: There were no significant effects of the 20% blackcurrant juice drink on acute measures of vascular reactivity, biomarkers of endothelial function or lipid risk factors. Consumption of the test juice caused increases in plasma vitamin C (P=0.006), and urinary anthocyanins (P<0.001). Delphinidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside were the main anthocyanins excreted in urine with delphinidin-3-glucoside also detected. The yield of anthocyanins in urine was 0.021 ± 0.003% of the dietary intake of delphinidin glycosides and 0.009 ± 0.002 % of the dietary intake of cyanidin glycosides. Conclusions: The juice consumption did not have a significant effect on vascular reactivity. Anthocyanins were present at low concentrations in the urine, and microbial metabolites of flavonoids were detected in plasma after juice consumption.


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Background: Fruit and vegetable-rich diets are associated with a reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. This protective effect may be a result of the phytochemicals present within fruits and vegetables (F&V). However, there can be considerable variation in the content of phytochemical composition of whole F&V depending on growing location, cultivar, season and agricultural practices, etc. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of consuming fruits and vegetables as puree-based drinks (FVPD) daily on vasodilation, phytochemical bioavailability, antioxidant status and other CVD risk factors. FVPD was chosen to provide a standardised source of F&V material that could be delivered from the same batch to all subjects during each treatment arm of the study. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects completed the randomised, controlled, cross-over dietary intervention. Subjects were randomised to consume 200 mL of FVPD (or fruit-flavoured control), daily for 6 weeks with an 8-week washout period between treatments. Dietary intake was measured using two 5-day diet records during each cross-over arm of the study. Blood and urine samples were collected before and after each intervention and vasodilation assessed in 19 subjects using laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis. Results: FVPD significantly increased dietary vitamin C and carotenoids (P < 0.001), and concomitantly increased plasma α- and β-carotene (P < 0.001) with a near-significant increase in endothelium-dependent vasodilation (P = 0.060). Conclusions: Overall, the findings obtained in the present study showed that FVPD were a useful vehicle to increase fruit and vegetable intake, significantly increasing dietary and plasma phytochemical concentrations with a trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation.


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Epidemiological studies indicate that diets rich in fruits and vegetables (F&V) are protective against cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Pureed F&V products retain many beneficial components, including flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C and dietary fibres. This study aimed to establish the physiological effects of acute ingestion of F&V puree-based drink (FVPD) on vasodilation, antioxidant status, phytochemical bioavailability and other CVD risk factors. 24 Subjects, aged 30-70 years, completed the randomised, single-blind, controlled, crossover test meal study. Subjects consumed 400 ml FVPD, or fruit-flavoured sugar-matched control, after following a low-flavonoid diet for 5 days. Blood and urine samples were collected throughout the study day and vascular reactivity was assessed at 90-minute intervals using laser Doppler iontophoresis (LDI). FVPD significantly increased plasma vitamin C (P=0.002) and total nitrate/nitrite (P=0.001) concentrations. There was a near significant time by treatment effect on ex vivo LDL oxidation (P=0.068), with a longer lag phase after consuming FVPD. During the 6 hours after juice consumption the antioxidant capacity of plasma increased significantly (P=0.003) and there was a simultaneous increase in plasma and urinary phenolic metabolites (P<0.05). There were significantly lower glucose and insulin peaks after ingestion of FVPD compared with control (P=0.019 and P=0.003) and a trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation following FVPD consumption (P=0.061). Overall, FVPD consumption significantly increased plasma vitamin C and total nitrate/nitrite concentrations, with a trend towards increased endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Pureed F&V products are useful vehicles for increasing micronutrient status, plasma antioxidant capacity and in vivo NO generation, which may contribute to CVD risk reduction.


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The application of metabolomics in multi-centre studies is increasing. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of geographical location on the metabolic profiles of individuals with the metabolic syndrome. Blood and urine samples were collected from 219 adults from seven European centres participating in the LIPGENE project (Diet, genomics and the metabolic syndrome: an integrated nutrition, agro-food, social and economic analysis). Nutrient intakes, BMI, waist:hip ratio, blood pressure, and plasma glucose, insulin and blood lipid levels were assessed. Plasma fatty acid levels and urine were assessed using a metabolomic technique. The separation of three European geographical groups (NW, northwest; NE, northeast; SW, southwest) was identified using partial least-squares discriminant analysis models for urine (R 2 X: 0•33, Q 2: 0•39) and plasma fatty acid (R 2 X: 0•32, Q 2: 0•60) data. The NW group was characterised by higher levels of urinary hippurate and N-methylnicotinate. The NE group was characterised by higher levels of urinary creatine and citrate and plasma EPA (20 : 5 n-3). The SW group was characterised by higher levels of urinary trimethylamine oxide and lower levels of plasma EPA. The indicators of metabolic health appeared to be consistent across the groups. The SW group had higher intakes of total fat and MUFA compared with both the NW and NE groups (P≤ 0•001). The NE group had higher intakes of fibre and n-3 and n-6 fatty acids compared with both the NW and SW groups (all P< 0•001). It is likely that differences in dietary intakes contributed to the separation of the three groups. Evaluation of geographical factors including diet should be considered in the interpretation of metabolomic data from multi-centre studies.