883 resultados para Trials (Libel and slander)
A double-blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over design was used to investigate sodium citrate dihydrate (Na-CIT) supplementation improve 200m swimming performance. Ten well-trained, male swimmers (14.9 ± 0.4y; 63.5 ± 4kg) performed four 200m time trials: acute (ACU) supplementation (0.5g/kg), acute placebo (PLC-A), chronic (CHR) (0.1g/kg for 3 days and 0.3g/kg on the 4th day pre-trial), and chronic placebo (PLC-C). Na-CIT was administered 120min pre-trial in solution with 500mL of flavored water; placebo was flavored water. Blood lactate, base excess (BE), bicarbonate, pH, and PCO2 were analyzed at basal, 100min post-ingestion, and 3min post-trial via finger prick. Time, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion were not different between trials. BE and bicarbonate were significantly higher for the ACU and CHR trials compared to placebo. “Responders” improved by 1.03% (P=0.043) and attained significantly higher post-trial lactate concentrations in the ACU versus PLC-A trials and compared to non-responders in the ACU and CHR trials.
Objectif principal: Il n’est pas démontré que les interventions visant à maîtriser voire modérer la médicamentation de patients atteints d’hypertension peuvent améliorer leur gestion de la maladie. Cette revue systématique propose d’évaluer les programmes de gestion contrôlée de la médicamentation pour l’hypertension, en s’appuyant sur la mesure de l’observance des traitements par les patients (CMGM). Design: Revue systématique. Sources de données: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, résumés de conférences internationales sur l’hypertension et bibliographies des articles pertinents. Méthodes: Des essais contrôlés randomisés (ECR) et des études observationnelles (EO) ont été évalués par 2 réviseurs indépendants. L’évaluation de la qualité (de ce matériel) a été réalisée avec l’aide de l’outil de Cochrane de mesure du risque de biais, et a été estimée selon une échelle à quatre niveaux de qualité Une synthèse narrative des données a été effectuée en raison de l'hétérogénéité importante des études. Résultats: 13 études (8 ECR, 5 EO) de 2150 patients hypertendus ont été prises en compte. Parmi elles, 5 études de CMGM avec l’utilisation de dispositifs électroniques comme seule intervention ont relevé une diminution de la tension artérielle (TA), qui pourrait cependant être expliquée par les biais de mesure. L’amélioration à court terme de la TA sous CMGM dans les interventions complexes a été révélée dans 4 études à qualité faible ou modérée. Dans 4 autres études sur les soins intégrés de qualité supérieure, il n'a pas été possible de distinguer l'impact de la composante CMGM, celle-ci pouvant être compromise par des traitements médicamenteux. L’ensemble des études semble par ailleurs montrer qu’un feed-back régulier au médecin traitant peut être un élément essentiel d’efficacité des traitements CMGM, et peut être facilement assuré par une infirmière ou un pharmacien, grâce à des outils de communication appropriés. Conclusions: Aucune preuve convaincante de l'efficacité des traitements CMGM comme technologie de la santé n’a été établie en raison de designs non-optimaux des études identifiées et des ualités méthodologiques insatisfaisantes de celles-ci. Les recherches futures devraient : suivre les normes de qualité approuvées et les recommandations cliniques actuelles pour le traitement de l'hypertension, inclure des groupes spécifiques de patients avec des problèmes d’attachement aux traitements, et considérer les résultats cliniques et économiques de l'organisation de soins ainsi que les observations rapportées par les patients.
La cardiomiopatía chagásica es la más importante y severa manifestación de la enfermedad crónica, los pacientes pueden cursar con falla cardiaca, arritmias, bloqueos cardiacos, tromboembolismo y muerte súbita. El diagnóstico es tardío, debido a que se confunden con cardiopatías de otra etiología y el manejo se realiza con base en guías y protocolos dirigidos hacia el tratamiento de falla cardiaca de origen no chagásico. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática y tuvo como objetivo responder a las siguientes Preguntas clínicas: PREGUNTA 1. ¿El manejo actual para la cardiomiopatía chagásica (betabloqueadores, IECA, ARA II, Diuréticos, Inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa, Estatinas, antiagragantes plaquetarios) que es extrapolado del manejo de falla cardiaca de origen no chagásico tiene impacto en la calidad de vida, sobrevida, seguridad, estancia hospitalaria y disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, mejoría de síntomas, de los pacientes adultos con cardiopatía chagásica?. PREGUNTA 2. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de fármacos tripanocidas mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 3. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de cardiodesfibriladores mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 4. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de marcapasos mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? PREGUNTA 5. ¿En pacientes con cardiomiopatía chagásica el uso de trasplante de corazón mejora la sobrevida, calidad de vida, estancia hospitalaria, disminución del número de hospitalizaciones, y resolución de síntomas? Se realizaron búsquedas en: MEDLINE, Colaboración Cochrane, Trip database, y otras importantes bases de datos desde 1996 hasta 2010, limitando la búsqueda. Los estudios se seleccionaron de acuerdo a criterios de pertinencia PICO y se evaluó la calidad, usando la metodología recomendada en Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Resultados: Se encontraron 21 estudios, que incluyen revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos clínicos controlados y aleatorizados, ensayos clínicos, cohortes y, casos y controles. Estos estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Discusión: En esta revisión sistemática se presenta un consolidado de la evidencia disponible acerca de la eficacia de las siguientes intervenciones: Betabloqueadores, IECAS, PDE, Digoxina, nitroderivados, cardiodesfibriladores, marcapasos y trasplante de corazón, en pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica; los estudios encontrados en su mayoría son de baja evidencia.
Los productos bioterapéuticos han revolucionado la terapéutica de enfermedades como la artritis reumatoide (AR). Los altos costos y el vencimiento de las patentes de productos bioterapéuticos de referencia (innovadores) han promovido el interés en productos bioterapéuticos similares (PBS), también conocidos como biosimilares. METODOLOGÍA: revisión sistemática con el objetivo de presentar el panorama actual (a Octubre del 2012) de los PBS en Latinoamérica (LA) en el contexto de AR. Consulta de: bases de datos internacionales y latinoamericanas, sitios web gubernamentales, registros de ensayos clínicos, noticias y páginas web relevantes. Se siguieron las guías PRISMA. RESULTADOS: Bases de datos: Selección de 30 artículos según criterios de inclusión. Selección de 17 artículos según revisión detallada. Búsqueda manual: selección de 45 referencias. Consolidado de 62 documentos. Regulaciones vigentes sobre PBS: México, Cuba, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panamá, Venezuela, Perú, Brasil, Chile y Argentina. En Colombia se encontró una propuesta en desarrollo. PBS aprobados: Colombia (Etanar®, PBS de Etanercept), México (Kikuzubam®, PBS de Rituximab), Perú, Chile y Bolivia (En estos últimos 3 países, Reditux®, PBS de Rituximab). DISCUSIÓN: La situación regulatoria sobre PBS en LA ha mejorado en los últimos 6 años, sin embargo las regulaciones deben buscar mayor claridad. Deben desarrollarse esfuerzos para establecer regulaciones en los países de LA que no las tienen. Países como México, Cuba y Brasil tienen una industria biotecnológica creciente. La aprobación de PBS en LA ha generado controversia y opiniones divididas entre los diferentes actores. El ingreso de PBS es beneficioso pero debe seguir regulaciones claras que garanticen eficacia y seguridad.
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida para se avaliar o valor nutricional da soja integral submetida a diferentes processamentos. Quatro ensaios de metabolismo foram conduzidos para determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS), do extrato etéreo (CDEE) e dos aminoácidos e os valores de energia metabolizável aparente e verdadeira da soja integral desativada (SID) e extrusada (SIE) e das misturas de farelo de soja com óleo degomado de soja (FSO) ou com óleo ácido de soja (FSOA). Nos ensaios um e dois, utilizou-se a metodologia tradicional de coleta total de excretas com pintos e galos, respectivamente. A metodologia da alimentação forçada com galos adultos intactos foi utilizada no ensaio três, e com galos cecotomizados, no ensaio quatro. Os CDMS e CDEE e a energia metabolizável determinados com galos foram superiores aos determinados com pintos. Os maiores valores de CDMS, CDEE e de energia metabolizável foram obtidos para FSO, seguidos pelos da SIE e FSOA, e os menores, para a SID. O processo de extrusão proporcionou melhores resultados no aproveitamento da gordura do grão de soja e, conseqüentemente, da energia. Entretanto, a digestibilidade dos aminoácidos não foi influenciada pelos processamentos. Os diferentes processamentos conferiram à soja integral características nutricionais que se distinguiram, principalmente quanto ao valor de energia metabolizável, que também variou com a idade das aves.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The study of the influence of motion and initial intra-articular pressure (IAP) on intra-articular pressure profiles in equine cadaver metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints was undertaken as a prelude to in vivo studies, Eleven equine cadaver MTP joints were submitted to 2 motion frequencies of 5 and 10 cycles/min of flexion and extension, simulating the condition of lower and higher (double) rates of passive motion. These frequencies were applied and pressure profiles generated with initial normal intra-articular pressure (-5 mmHg) and subsequently 30 mmHg intra-articular pressure obtained by injection of previously harvested synovial fluid.The 4 trials performed were 1) normal IAP; 5 cyles/min; 2) normal IAP; 10 cycles/min; 3) IAP at 30 mmHg; 5 cycles/min and 4) IAP at 30 mmHg; 10 cycles/min. The range of joint motion applied (mean +/- s.e.) was 67.6 +/- 1.61 degrees with an excursion from 12.2 +/- 1.2 degrees in extension to 56.2 +/- 2.6 degrees in flexion, Mean pressure recorded in mmHg for the first and last min of each trial, respectively, were 1) -5.7 +/- 0.9 and -6.3 +/- 1.1; 2) -5.3 +/- 1.1 and -6.2 +/- 1.1; 3) 58.8 +/- 8.0 and 42.3 +/- 7.2; 4) 56.6 +/- 3.7 and 40.3 +/- 4.6. Statistical analyses showed a trend for difference between the values for the first and last minute in trial 3 (0.05>P<0.1) with P = 0.1 and significant difference (P = 0.02) between the mean IAP of the first and last min in trial 4. The loss of intra-articular pressure associated with time and motion was 10.5, 16.9, 28.1 and 28.9% for trials 1-4, respectively. As initial intraarticular pressure and motion increased, the percent loss of intra-articular pressure increased.The angle of lowest pressure was 12.2 +/- 1.2
Objectives. To evaluate the effects of pre-exercise high concentration carbohydrate supplementation on performance, cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal responses during high intensity cycling exercise. Method. Seven male cyclists (28.7 ± 5.4 years; 65.2 ± 4.7 kg body weight), who performed two continuous exercise trials under placebo (PLA) or carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion at a work rate of 80% VO 2max until exhaustion, participated in the study. The cyclists received 5 ml.kg-1 of a maltodextrin solution diluted at a concentration of 10% (CHO) or placebo (PLA) at 60, 45 and 30 min pre-exercise. Results. A 5.4% reduction in the time to exhaustion was observed in the CHO trial compared to the PLA trial. In both trials, glucose and lactate levels were higher in the post-trial condition compared to pre-exercise values (p < 0.05). Free fatty acid levels were lower in the CHO group than in the PLA group both before and after the trial (p < 0.05). Insulinemia was higher during the pre-trial in the CHO group (42.7 ± 3.6 μU.ml-1) compared to the PLA condition (11.8 ± 3.3 μU.ml-1) (p < 0.05), and even decreased to 23.8 ± 5.1 μU.ml-1 during exercise after CHO intake (p < 0.05). No significant differences in plasma cortisol were observed between the two trials (p > 0.05). Conclusions. Pre-exercise high concentration CHO supplementation resulted in impaired performance in high intensity cycling exercise and decreased free fatty acid levels. © 2010 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.
Introduction: Data describing the relationships between postural alignment and stance stability are scarce and controversial. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sensory disturbances on knee alignment in upright stance and the effects of knee hyperextension on stance stability. Method: Kinetic and kinematic data of 23 healthy adult women were collected while quietly standing in four sensory conditions. Kinematic data: knee angle (dependent variables) variations were analyzed across sensory conditions. Kinetic data: as subjects with hyperextended knees showed a clear tendency to flex their knees as balance challenge increased, center of pressure (COP) parameters (dependent variables) were analyzed in each sensory condition among trial sub-groups: Aligned-Trials (knee angle < 180°), Hyperextended-Trials (>180°) and Adjusted-Trials (>180° initially, turned <180° under challenging conditions). Results: Differences were found in mean velocity of COP in two conditions showing that knee alignment can affect stance stability. Conclusion: Knee hyperextension is a transient condition changing under postural challenges. Knee hyperextension affected postural control as mean velocity was the highest in the hyperextended group in natural standing sensory condition and lowest with sensory disturbance. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
The objective was to evaluate the oviposition preference and attractiveness of squash genotypes (Cucurbita spp.) to Bemisia tabaci biotype B. For bioassays, B. tabaci rearing biotype B was kept under greenhouse conditions. Twenty genotypes of Cucurbita spp. ('Alicia AF 9354', 'Aline AF 9353', 'Golden Delight', 'Nova Caravela', 'Menina Morena', 'Novita', 'AF-6741', 'Atlas', 'Barbara 305', 'Menina Brasileira', 'Caserta', 'Itapua 301', 'Tamara', 'Samira', 'Canhao Seca Gigante', 'Exposicao', 'Novita Plus', 'Daiane', 'Formosa', 'Sandy') were evaluated in trials (attractiveness and oviposition choice), under laboratory and greenhouse. The attractiveness (adults/cm(2)) was assessed et 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after release. After 72 hours leaves were collected for counting the number of eggs (free choice). The area of the sheets were measured to obtain the number of eggs/cm(2) number of adults and / cm(2). The attractiveness index s (AI) and oviposition preference index (OPI) were calculated, and the genotype 'Novita' was adopted as the standard susceptible. The genotype 'Golden Delight' was the most attractive to adults of B. tabaci biotype B. 'Sandy' 'Daiane' and 'Formosa' showed low attractiveness and 'Golden Delight' was the most atractive to B. tabaci biotype B adults. 'Sandy', 'Exposicao', 'Daiane', 'Atlas', 'Tamara' and 'Formosa' expressed no preference for free choise assay. According to the attractiveness index (AI) the genotype 'Golden Delight' was the most attractive to adults of B. tabaci biotype B, and between repellents stood out 'Sandy', 'Daiane', 'Formosa', 'Novita Plus', 'Atlas', 'Barbara 305', 'Canhao Seca Gigante' and 'Menina Brasileira'. The genotypes 'Nova Caravela', 'Golden Delight', 'Aline AF 9353' and 'Samira' are considered by stimulating oviposition preference index (OPI), while the genotypes 'Sandy', 'Exposicao', 'Daiane', 'Atlas', 'Tamara', 'Formosa', 'Menina Morena' and 'Itapua 301' were considered deterrents.
BackgroundThe success of epidural anaesthesia depends on correct identification of the epidural space. For several decades, the decision of whether to use air or physiological saline during the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space has been governed by the personal experience of the anaesthesiologist. Epidural block remains one of the main regional anaesthesia techniques. It is used for surgical anaesthesia, obstetrical analgesia, postoperative analgesia and treatment of chronic pain and as a complement to general anaesthesia. The sensation felt by the anaesthesiologist from the syringe plunger with loss of resistance is different when air is compared with saline (fluid). Frequently fluid allows a rapid change from resistance to non-resistance and increased movement of the plunger. However, the ideal technique for identification of the epidural space remains unclear.ObjectivesTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of both air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.To evaluate complications related to the air or saline injected.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (2013, Issue 9), MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Information Database (LILACS) (from inception to September 2013). We applied no language restrictions. The date of the most recent search was 7 September 2013.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-randomized controlled trials (quasi-RCTs) on air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsWe included in the review seven studies with a total of 852 participants. The methodological quality of the included studies was generally ranked as showing low risk of bias inmost domains, with the exception of one study, which did not mask participants. We were able to include data from 838 participants in the meta-analysis. We found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in any of the outcomes evaluated: inability to locate the epidural space (three trials, 619 participants) (risk ratio (RR) 0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.33 to 2.31, low-quality evidence); accidental intravascular catheter placement (two trials, 223 participants) (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.33 to 2.45, low-quality evidence); accidental subarachnoid catheter placement (four trials, 682 participants) (RR 2.95, 95% CI 0.12 to 71.90, low-quality evidence); combined spinal epidural failure (two trials, 400 participants) (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.44 to 2.18, low-quality evidence); unblocked segments (five studies, 423 participants) (RR 1.66, 95% CI 0.72 to 3.85); and pain measured by VAS (two studies, 395 participants) (mean difference (MD) -0.09, 95% CI -0.37 to 0.18). With regard to adverse effects, we found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in the occurrence of paraesthesias (three trials, 572 participants) (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.15); difficulty in advancing the catheter (two trials, 227 participants) (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.32 to 2.56); catheter replacement (two trials, 501 participants) (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.83); and postdural puncture headache (one trial, 110 participants) (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.12 to 5.71).Authors' conclusionsLow-quality evidence shows that results do not differ between air and saline in terms of the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space and reduction of complications. Applicability might be compromised, as most of the results described in this review were obtained from parturient patients. This review underlines the need to conduct well-designed trials in this field.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Pectus excavatum is characterized by a depression of the anterior chest wall (sternum and lower costal cartilages) and is the most frequently occurring chest wall deformity. The prevalence ranges from 6.28 to 12 cases per 1000 around the world. Generally pectus excavatum is present at birth or is identified after a few weeks or months; however, sometimes it becomes evident only at puberty. The consequence of the condition on a individual's life is variable, some live a normal life and others have physical and psychological symptoms such as: precordial pain after exercises; impairments of pulmonary and cardiac function; shyness and social isolation. For many years, sub-perichondrial resection of the costal cartilages, with or without transverse cuneiform osteotomy of the sternum and placement of a substernal support, called conventional surgery, was the most accepted option for surgical repair of these patients. From 1997 a new surgical repair called, minimally invasive surgery, became available. This less invasive surgical option consists of the retrosternal placement of a curved metal bar, without resections of the costal cartilages or sternum osteotomy, and is performed by videothoracoscopy. However, many aspects that relate to the benefits and harms of both techniques have not been defined. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the conventional surgery compared with minimally invasive surgery for treating people with pectus excavatum. Search methods: With the aim of increasing the sensitivity of the search strategy we used only terms related to the individual's condition (pectus excavatum); terms related to the interventions, outcomes and types of studies were not included. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, Embase, LILACS, and ICTPR. Additionally we searched yet reference lists of articles and conference proceedings. All searches were done without language restriction. Date of the most recent searches: 14 January 2014. Selection criteria: We considered randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials that compared traditional surgery with minimally invasive surgery for treating pectus excavatum. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed the eligibility of the trials identified and agreed trial eligibility after a consensus meeting. The authors also assessed the risk of bias of the eligible trials. Main results: Initially we located 4111 trials from the electronic searches and two further trials from other resources. All trials were added into reference management software and the duplicates were excluded, leaving 2517 studies. The titles and abstracts of these 2517 studies were independently analyzed by two authors and finally eight trials were selected for full text analysis, after which they were all excluded, as they did not fulfil the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions: There is no evidence from randomized controlled trials to conclude what is the best surgical option to treat people with pectus excavatum.