931 resultados para Transcriptional variability


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The colonization process and successional patterns of a periphytic algal community were evaluated in a Amazonian Viveiro Lake (Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil). Sampling was performed over a period of 35 days; at four-day intervals for 20 days, and then at five-day intervals. Water sampling for physical, chemical and biological analyses was done during the dry and rainy season. Glass slides were used as artificial substrates for periphyton colonization. The structural community was evaluated through population density, algae class, diversity indices and descriptive species. Species richness, diversity and evenness increased as succession progressed. While density of Bacillariophyceae, Euglenophyceae and Zygnemaphyceae increased with succession, Cyanobacteria remained dominant. Synechocystis aquatilis, Synechocystis diplococcus and Navicula pseudolanceolata were the main descriptive species in both the dry and rainy season. Cymbela tumida, Frustulia rhomboides, Trachelomonas lacustris and Closterium acicularis was correlated with an increase in hydrologic level during the rainy season. Conversely, the density of Chlamydomonas sp., Chroomonas nordstedtii, Trachelomonas volvocinopsis, Trachelomonas volvocina and Synechococcus linearis was correlated with an increase in water transparency during the dry season. In general, the periphytic algal community showed high diversity and species richness independent of season. Season also had little influence on representation of algae class and main descriptive species. However, successional patterns varied by season, and changes in hydrologic levels acted directly on the succession path of periphytic algae. More research on periphyton dynamics is needed to improve our understanding of tropical lake ecosystems, especially in Amazonian.


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Aims: To evaluate the differences in linear and complex heart rate dynamics in twin pairs according to fetal sex combination [male-female (MF), male-male (MM), and female-female (FF)]. Methods: Fourteen twin pairs (6 MF, 3 MM, and 5 FF) were monitored between 31 and 36.4 weeks of gestation. Twenty-six fetal heart rate (FHR) recordings of both twins were simultaneously acquired and analyzed with a system for computerized analysis of cardiotocograms. Linear and nonlinear FHR indices were calculated. Results: Overall, MM twins presented higher intrapair average in linear indices than the other pairs, whereas FF twins showed higher sympathetic-vagal balance. MF twins exhibited higher intrapair average in entropy indices and MM twins presented lower entropy values than FF twins considering the (automatically selected) threshold rLu. MM twin pairs showed higher intrapair differences in linear heart rate indices than MF and FF twins, whereas FF twins exhibited lower intrapair differences in entropy indices. Conclusions: The results of this exploratory study suggest that twins have sex-specific differences in linear and nonlinear indices of FHR. MM twins expressed signs of a more active autonomic nervous system and MF twins showed the most active complexity control system. These results suggest that fetal sex combination should be taken into consideration when performing detailed evaluation of the FHR in twins.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the oscillatory breathing on the variability of RR intervals (VRR) and on prognostic significance after one year follow-up in subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction. METHODS: We studied 76 subjects, whose age ranged from 40 to 80 years, paired for age and gender, divided into two groups: group I - 34 healthy subjects; group II - 42 subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction < 0.40). The ECG signals were acquired during 600s in supine position, and analyzed the variation of the thoracic amplitude and the VRR. Clinical and V-RR variables were applied into a logistic multivariate model to foretell survival after one year follow-up. RESULTS: Oscillatory breathing was detected in 35.7% of subjects in vigil state of group II, with a concentration of the spectral power in the very low frequency band, and was independent of the presence of diabetes, functional class, ejection fraction, cause of ventricular dysfunction and survival after one year follow-up. In the logistic regression model, ejection fraction was the only independent variable to predict survival. CONCLUSION: 1) Oscillatory breathing pattern is frequent during wakefulness in the left ventricular global systolic dysfunction and concentrates spectral power in the very low band of V-RR; 2) it does not relate to severity and cause of left ventricular dysfunction; 3) ejection fraction is the only independent predictive variable for survival in this group of subjects.


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El objetivo general de este proyecto es dilucidar los mecanismos de acción a nivel molecular de enzimas y proteínas involucradas en el metabolismo de colina en Pseudomonas aeruginosa, con énfasis en la identificación de residuos aminoacídicos críticos y regulación de la expresión de los genes en estudio. Los objetivos específicos que se palntean involucran abordajes bioquímicos y moleculares y serán llevados a cabo mediante técnicas de biología molecular y bioquímica (mutación sitio-dirigida, deleción génica, expresión y purificación de proteínas, fusión transcripcional a genes reporteros, etc). Planteo de hipótesis: las proteínas que se inducen por colina (fosforilcolina fosfatasa (PchP), fosfolipasa C (PlcH), acetilcolinestera (AchE), proteínas periplásmicas unidoras de colina (PUch) podrían compartir: a) una organización génica y responder a la regulación por proteínas regulatorias o a factores ambientales de manera similar; b) residuos aminoacídicos conservados que intervengan en la unión o interacción con diferentes ligandos, principalmente, colina. Para ello, se plantean los siguientes Objetivos Específicos: 1) identificar las zonas promotoras de los genes que codifican para PchP, PlcH, AchE y PUch, a fin de localizar posibles sitios de unión a proteínas reguladoras y los factores ambientales que afectan la actividad promotora. 2) determinar en las proteínas mencionadas los residuos aminoacídicos de importancia involucrados en la catálisis y en la interacción con ligandos, principalmente en la unión a compuestos de alquilamonio; 3) Se iniciarán estudios que demuestren la relación entre la inducción por colina de varios factores de patogenicidad la virulencia del microorganismo, empleando mutantes simples o múltiples en estos factores y como modelo de patogenicidad el nematodo C. elegans. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pretende tener un conocimiento profundo sobre la regulación molecular y bioquímica de varias enzimas comprometidas en la patología que produce P. aeruginosa. Esto más el conocimiento de la fisiología de este microorganismo abre el camino para la búsqueda de posibles blancos de acción de drogas. Por otro lado, se espera tener un conocimiento integral sobre la regulación de la expresión de las actividades enzimáticas relacionadas con el metabolismo de colina y la respuesta de P. aeruginosa ante la presencia de compuestos de alquilamonio utilizados como nutrientes. Se espera conocer el papel que desempeña cada uno de los sitios de unión a los diferentes ligandos para el funcionamiento y control de las enzimas mencionadas y explicar el comportamiento diferencial de las enzimas frente a distintos sustratos y otros ligandos. El conocimiento de los sitios de unión a compuestos de alquilamonio permitirá encontrar esos dominios en diferentes proteínas del género Pseudomonas y otras bacterias Gram negativas. Desde el punto de vista evolutivo, se podrá comparar la similitud de los sitios de unión a colina entre proteínas de organismos eucariotas con procariotas (ej. PUch de bacterias Gram positivas, transportadores de colina, proteína C reactiva, AchE de eucariotas contra las encontradas en bacterias del género Pseudomonas, fosfolipasas A, C o D, etc.). Este proyecto permitirá concretar al menos dos tesis doctorales (Sanchez, Otero) más varios trabajos finales de grado (tesinas) que son y serán realizados por alumnos de la carrera de Microbiología en la UNRC. Les permitirá a los doctorandos y a los alumnos de grado adquirir una formación bastante integral ya que utilizarán herramientas de la fisiología general bacteriana, de la bioquímica clásica, de la biología molecular y de la bioinformática.


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El cáncer se origina por mutaciones, competición y selección natural en células somáticas de tejidos de diferentes órganos,siendo un proceso complejo y multifactorial que ocurre en una secuencia de etapas: iniciación, promoción y progresión (1). Factores hereditarios,genéticos y epigenéticos como los lípidos dietarios, estrés oxidativo, hormonas, pesticidas y otros, influyen tanto en el desarrollo como en la inhibición de esta enfermedad (2). Datos epidemiológicos y experimentales tanto nuestros como de otros laboratorios han demostrado que el consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos de la familia n-3, n-6 o n-9 cambian la fluidez, la actividad de enzimas, el nivel de proteínas y favorecen la formación de moléculas bioactivas derivadas de los lípidos como los eicosanoides y endocanabinoides que modulan el proceso carcinogénico (3-15). Estos derivados lípídicos activan vias de señalización produciendo cambios especificos en la expresión génica, un proceso fundamental durante la transformación neoplásica (1-2).También ha sido demostrado que estos cambios en la expresión génica inducidos por derivados lipídicos modulan funciones en células cancerosas como proliferación y muerte celular, migración y producción de matriz extracelular (16-17). A pesar de estos conocimientos, la identidad de los derivados lipídicos implicados en la modulación de la expresión génica durante la transformación neoplásica asi como los mecanismos utilizados por estas moléculas permanecen aun poco conocidos. HIPOTESIS: En los modelos a utilizar en el presente proyecto, la variación lipídica de las membranas que se induzca por manipulación dietaria deberán generar también variaciones en los eicosanoides . endocanabinoides y otros peróxidos que afecten factores de transcripción nucleares como el p53 y GLI incidiendo en los mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación de células cancerosas. OBJETIVOS: Nos proponemos establecer el impacto de dietas enriquecidas con ácidos grasos de las familias n-3, n-6 o n-9 sobre modelos experimentales in-vivo e in-vitro. Se estudiarán los ácidos grasos de membrana plasmática, la generación de eicosanoides y endocanabinoides derivados de las vias COX y LOX Además se determinará el efecto de los peróxidos en la expresión y actividad de los factores nucleares de transcripción p53 y GLI como mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación celular. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: Se utilizará un modelo in-vivo de cáncer de mama empleando ratones C57BL6J inducidos con DMBA que se alimentarán con una dieta base semi-sintética suplemetada con diferentes PUFAs (Chia: n-3, Maíz: n-6 y Oleico: n-9 , empleada en estudios previos (8).Modelos in vitro: se utilizarán lineas celulares cancerígenas humanas de mama MCF-7 y MDA, las cuales se tratarán exógenamente con diferentes PUFAS (GLA:n-6,EPA:n-3, Oleico n-9)(9). Se determinarán ácidos grasos de membranas por Cromatografía de gas (CG)(10-11). El análisis de eicosanoides en células tumorales se realizará por HPLC (9-11). Los endocanabinoides por GC-Espectometría de Masa (18).La formación de peróxidos intracelulares se determinará por análisis de Glutation reducido (GSH)(16).La apoptosis se medirá por actividad caspasas y por Citometria de flujo usando Annexina V FICT (19).La expresión celular de Tp53 y GLI se realizará por Western Blot, PCR e inmunohistoquímica (20-21).RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Se espera que los lípidos añadidos en las dietas de ratones inyectados con DMBA o al medio de cultivo de células tumorales de mama o páncreas modifiquen los ácidos grasos de membrana y sus derivados lipídicos los eicosanoides y endocanabionoides que suponemos afectarán la activación y expresión de factores de transcripción regulando la carcinogénesis. IMPORTANCIA: Diseñar nuevos modelos experimentales para implementar en terapias génicas y aplicar los resultados sobre factores nutricionales que pudieran actuar como inhibidores o promotores del desarrollo del cáncer en humanos.


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El proyecto tiene como propósito caracterizar la variabilidad de la paleocirculación atmosférica en las latitudes medias de Sudamérica, su efecto sobre la fluctuación hidroclimática regional y la vulnerabilidad humana frente a los cambios ocurridos desde el Ultimo Máximo Glacial/Holoceno. El enfoque inter y multidisciplinaro aquí planteado para analizar la varibiliad hidroclimática pasada, sus causas y consecuencias, es inédito para esta región del país. El mismo contempla: a) análisis de archivos climáticos sedimentarios con una aproximación de multi-indicadores (sedimentología, geoquímica, isótopos estables y radiogénicos, mineralogía, ostrácodos y moluscos); b) determinación de la dinámica actual y pasada del polvo atmosférico (PA) combinando mediciones in situ y en registros sedimentarios y c) análisis de restos óseos humanos y malacológicos en sitios arqueológicos.Se contempla: a) Efectuar análisis de multi-indicadores de registros climáticos naturales almacenados en sistemas lacustres de la región Pampeana (S. Ambargasta, Mar Chiquita, Pocho, Melincué, Lagunas Encadenadas del Oeste de Buenos Aires) y en secuencias loessicas para inferir la variabilidad de la circulación atmosférica desde el UMG; b) Ampliar la resolución temporal de las reconstrucciones climáticas para ventanas de tiempo seleccionadas; c) Analizar la señal geoquímica del registro sedimentario de fases climáticas contrastantes; d) Identificar la variabilidad temporal de la procedencia y de los procesos actuantes mediante análisis mineralógicos y geoquímicos; e) Analizar el ambiente actual para calibrar indicadores ambientales o proxies (isótopos, flujo de sedimentos, geoquímica, moluscos y ostrácodos) con el escenario climático contemporáneo; f) Analizar en conjunto los archivos climáticos para inferir patrones de paleocirculación atmosférica regional y g) Dilucidar estrategias adaptativas y la historia biológica de poblaciones humanas en la región central de Argentina durante fases climáticas diversas.Este proyecto aborda uno de los aspectos menos conocidos de las reconstrucciones paleoambientales, que está relacionado con rol del material eólico derivado del Hemisferio Sur y el impacto que genera sobre el ciclo regional del Carbono. A pesar que el sur de Sudamérica es una de las áreas claves para entender este aspecto, no se conoce de forma acabada la incidencia de los cambios ambientales sobre el flujo de PA o el efecto de futuros cambios climáticos y/o uso de la tierra.La actividad planteada tiene implicancias directas sobre múltiples disciplinas como las ciencias atmosféricas, geoquímica, sedimentología, paleoclimatologia y bioarqueología. Nuestros resultados permitirán mejorar el entendimiento del cambio climático regional, la dinámica del polvo y su rol como forzante del sistema climático, la variabilidad hidrológica presente y pasada y la respuesta por parte de las poblaciones humanas. Profundizar el estudio de los cambios paleoclimáticos y bioarqueológicos en la región permitirá analizar la variabilidad hidroclimática y determinar su relación con las situaciones de crisis y vulnerabilidad del pobamiento humano. Asimismo, la inferencia de cambios para períodos con mínima o sin influencia humana es una herramienta clave para mejorar el conocimiento de las fluctuaciones climáticas del área extratropical Sudamericana. Estos resultados permitirán analizar no sólo los mecanismos operados en el sistema climático pasado sino también aquellos factores que explicarían el gran cambio hidroclimático registrado desde 1970 cuyos efectos han impactado claramente sobre las actividades socio-económicos en la región central Argentina.


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Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a marker of autonomic dysfunction severity. The effects of physical training on HRV indexes in Chagas heart disease (CHD) are not well established. Objective: To evaluate the changes in HRV indexes in response to physical training in CHD. Methods: Patients with CHD and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, physically inactive, were randomized either to the intervention (IG, N = 18) or control group (CG, N = 19). The IG participated in a 12-week exercise program consisting of 3 sessions/week. Results: Mean age was 49.5 ± 8 years, 59% males, mean LVEF was 36.3 ± 7.8%. Baseline HRV indexes were similar between groups. From baseline to follow-up, total power (TP): 1653 (IQ 625 - 3418) to 2794 (1617 - 4452) ms, p = 0.02) and very low frequency power: 586 (290 - 1565) to 815 (610 - 1425) ms, p = 0.047) increased in the IG, but not in the CG. The delta (post - pre) HRV indexes were similar: SDNN 11.5 ± 30.0 vs. 3.7 ± 25.1 ms. p = 0.10; rMSSD 2 (6 - 17) vs. 1 (21 - 9) ms. p = 0.43; TP 943 (731 - 3130) vs. 1780 (921 - 2743) Hz. p = 0.46; low frequency power (LFP) 1.0 (150 - 197) vs. 60 (111 - 146) Hz. p = 0.85; except for high frequency power, which tended to increase in the IG: 42 (133 - 92) vs. 79 (61 - 328) Hz. p = 0.08). Conclusion: In the studied population, the variation of HRV indexes was similar between the active and inactive groups. Clinical improvement with physical activity seems to be independent from autonomic dysfunction markers in CHD.


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Background: Ivabradine is a novel specific heart rate (HR)-lowering agent that improves event-free survival in patients with heart failure (HF). Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the effect of ivabradine on time domain indices of heart rate variability (HRV) in patients with HF. Methods: Forty-eight patients with compensated HF of nonischemic origin were included. Ivabradine treatment was initiated according to the latest HF guidelines. For HRV analysis, 24-h Holter recording was obtained from each patient before and after 8 weeks of treatment with ivabradine. Results: The mean RR interval, standard deviation of all normal to normal RR intervals (SDNN), the standard deviation of 5-min mean RR intervals (SDANN), the mean of the standard deviation of all normal-to-normal RR intervals for all 5-min segments (SDNN index), the percentage of successive normal RR intervals exceeding 50 ms (pNN50), and the square root of the mean of the squares of the differences between successive normal to normal RR intervals (RMSSD) were low at baseline before treatment with ivabradine. After 8 weeks of treatment with ivabradine, the mean HR (83.6 ± 8.0 and 64.6 ± 5.8, p < 0.0001), mean RR interval (713 ± 74 and 943 ± 101 ms, p < 0.0001), SDNN (56.2 ± 15.7 and 87.9 ± 19.4 ms, p < 0.0001), SDANN (49.5 ± 14.7 and 76.4 ± 19.5 ms, p < 0.0001), SDNN index (24.7 ± 8.8 and 38.3 ± 13.1 ms, p < 0.0001), pNN50 (2.4 ± 1.6 and 3.2 ± 2.2 %, p < 0.0001), and RMSSD (13.5 ± 4.6 and 17.8 ± 5.4 ms, p < 0.0001) substantially improved, which sustained during both when awake and while asleep. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that treatment with ivabradine improves HRV in nonischemic patients with HF.


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Background:Autonomic dysfunction (AD) is highly prevalent in hemodialysis (HD) patients and has been implicated in their increased risk of cardiovascular mortality.Objective:To correlate heart rate variability (HRV) during exercise treadmill test (ETT) with the values obtained when measuring functional aerobic impairment (FAI) in HD patients and controls.Methods:Cross-sectional study involving HD patients and a control group. Clinical examination, blood sampling, transthoracic echocardiogram, 24-hour Holter, and ETT were performed. A symptom-limited ramp treadmill protocol with active recovery was employed. Heart rate variability was evaluated in time domain at exercise and recovery periods.Results:Forty-one HD patients and 41 controls concluded the study. HD patients had higher FAI and lower HRV than controls (p<0.001 for both). A correlation was found between exercise HRV (SDNN) and FAI in both groups. This association was independent of age, sex, smoking, body mass index, diabetes, and clonidine or beta-blocker use, but not of hemoglobin levels.Conclusion:No association was found between FAI and HRV on 24-hour Holter or at the recovery period of ETT. Of note, exercise HRV was inversely correlated with FAI in HD patients and controls. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015; [online]. ahead print, PP.0-0)


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Background:Diabetes affects approximately 250 million people in the world. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes that leads to severe postural hypotension, exercise intolerance, and increased incidence of silent myocardial infarction.Objective:To determine the variability of heart rate (HR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) in recently diagnosed diabetic patients.Methods:The study included 30 patients with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes of less than 2 years and 30 healthy controls. We used a Finapres® device to measure during five minutes beat-to-beat HR and blood pressure in three experimental conditions: supine position, standing position, and rhythmic breathing at 0.1 Hz. The results were analyzed in the time and frequency domains.Results:In the HR analysis, statistically significant differences were found in the time domain, specifically on short-term values such as standard deviation of NN intervals (SDNN), root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD), and number of pairs of successive NNs that differ by more than 50 ms (pNN50). In the BP analysis, there were no significant differences, but there was a sympathetic dominance in all three conditions. The baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) decreased in patients with early diabetes compared with healthy subjects during the standing maneuver.Conclusions:There is a decrease in HR variability in patients with early type 2 diabetes. No changes were observed in the BP analysis in the supine position, but there were changes in BRS with the standing maneuver, probably due to sympathetic hyperactivity.


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Morphometric variability among shrimp populations of the genus Palaemonetes Heller, 1869 from seven lakes (Huanayo and Urcococha, in Peru; Amanã, Mamirauá, Camaleão, Cristalino e Iruçanga, in Brasil) in the Amazon Basin, presumably belonging to Palaemonetes carteri Gordon, 1935 and Palaemonetes ivonicus Holthuis, 1950, were studied. The morphometric studies were carried out from the ratios obtained from the morphometric characters. Multivariated analysis (Principal Components Analysis-PCA, Discriminant Function Analysis and Cluster Analysis) were applied over the ratios. Intra- and interpopulation variations of the rostrum teeth, and the number of spines in the male appendix, were analyzed through descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis (Spearman Rank Correlation test). Results indicated a wide plasticity and overlapping in the studied ratios between populations. The Principal Components Analysis was not able to separate different populations, revealing a large intrapopulation plasticity and strong interpopulation similarity in the studied ratios. Although the Discriminant Functions Analysis was not able to fully discriminate populations, they could be allocated in three subgroups: 1) Cristalino and Iruçanga; 2) Huanayo, Urcococha and Camaleão and 3) Mamirauá and Amanã. The first two groups were morphometrically separated from each other, whereas the third one presented a strong overlap with the former two. The Cluster Analysis confirmed the first two subgroups separation, and indicated that the first and third groups were closely related. Rostrum teeth and number of spines in the appendix masculina showed a large intrapopulation variation and a strong overlapping among the studied populations, regardless of the species.


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The aim of this study is to analyze and relate the spatial-temporal variability of macrozoobenthic assemblages to bottom characteristics and salinity fluctuations, in an estuarine shallow water region of Patos Lagoon. Monthly samples, between September 2002 and August 2003, were taken on six sampling stations (distant 90 m). Three biological samples with a 10 cm diameter corer, one sample for sediment analysis, fortnightly bottom topography measurements, and daily data of temperature and salinity were taken from each station. Two biotic and environmental conditions were identified: the first corresponding to spring and summer months, with low macrozoobenthos densities, low values of salinity, small variations in bottom topographic level and weak hydrodynamic activity. A second situation occurred in the months of fall and winter, which showed increased salinity, hydrodynamics and macrobenthos organisms. These results which contrast with previous studies carried out in the area, were attributed to failure in macrozoobenthos recruitments during summer period, especially of the bivalve Erodona mactroides Bosc, 1802 and the tanaid Kalliapseuses schubartii Mañe-Garzón, 1949. This results showed that recruitments of dominant species were influenced by salinity and hydrodynamic conditions.


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The temporal variability of benthic macrofauna on Cassino beach, southernmost Brazil, was studied for a period of one year (June 2004 to May 2005) based on monthly sampling. Three sites were selected distant 50m from each other. At each site, 3 transects were established, 2m equidistant from one another. Each transect extended from the base of the primary dunes to the inner surf zone at approximately 1m in depth, with 7 or 8 sampling levels. Within transects, the distance between the levels was 20m until the upper swash zone, from which distance was 10m until the 1-meter isobath. The temporal variation in the abundance of benthic macrofauna observed in the present study can be attributed to (1) the positive effects of the recruitment peaks and migration of particular species to the swash zone and (2) negative effects of the migration of some species to deeper waters, as well (3) as mortality through natural causes (stranding and action of predators) and (4) human causes (harvesting and vehicle transit). We attribute the expressive abundance increase of benthic macrofauna to recruitment. The stranding, that is, the trapping of the organisms on the upper parts of the beach, is likely the main cause of abrupt drops in benthic macrofauna abundance.