926 resultados para Tourism Professionals Indicate Research Needs


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This is a master's degree dissertation that has for main objective analyzes the relationship among the areas of the knowledge, tourism and administration, under the optics of contributions in different instances, establishing analogies and reflections, tends as empiric field, the case of the municipal district of São Luís, in Maranhão State. It approaches the epistemology analysis of the tourist phenomenon discussing the employed speeches, faiths, myths, dependence, virtues and sins in the interpretation of the study. It points subjects related to the context of higher education in tourism, establishing connections with the management in a theoretical atmosphere, demonstrating the roads of evolution of the study, as well as, it permeates on analogies and reflections with tourism. It questions on the current scenery of degree courses in tourism, making connections with beginnings management studies. The proposed study, characterized as descriptive-explanatory of object, it bases on model Tourism Education Quality (TEDQUAL) near from objectives, to involve researches - documental and a field - accomplished in the years of 2005 and 2006. As sample for quotas, accomplished four universities, to presents results the expectations of analyzed subjects (students, profesionals, employers and educators) on the group of hypotheses. That spectrum of results makes possible reflections and proposed based in analysis on perspectives in superior tourism education. The research was limited the studied area and chosen sample it intends to be a tool to show the reality found in those courses, could address academic researches and practical actions developed by the education managers.


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O presente trabalho objetivou identificar se os Peritos Criminais Federais que exercem suas atividades na função fim da Perícia Criminal encontram-se motivados para exercerem suas atribuições, bem como procurar relacionar as causas de desmotivação. Para tanto foram feitas duas pesquisas: uma de ordem qualitativa, em que foram entrevistados 10 (dez) Peritos Criminais Federais, pertencentes a áreas de atuação e lotações diversas, com a finalidade de constatar o que os respectivos profissionais apontavam como questões motivadoras e desmotivadoras no trabalho pericial. Posteriormente foi elaborado um questionário composto de 46 (quarenta e seis) perguntas fechadas e 2 (duas) abertas, o qual foi respondido por dirigentes e por servidores lotados nas unidades descentralizadas da Criminalística da Polícia Federal, com o objetivo de mapear a motivação do Perito Criminal Federal. Dos resultados revelados na pesquisa de campo, concluiu-se que os Peritos Criminais Federais estão desmotivados segundo a ótica de todas as teorias motivacionais abordadas no presente estudo. A desmotivação ocorre devido a diversos fatores: alguns de ordem técnica, como a falta de um feedback sobre a efetividade dos trabalhos realizados ou a falta de igualdade na distribuição dos serviços; outros de ordem filosófica, como a falta de um espírito de corpo - uma identidade profissional - e uma autonomia relativizada; ou ainda de ordem organizacional, como a falta de reconhecimento, por parte do Departamento de Polícia Federal, da importância da Perícia Criminal Federal, ou problemas relacionados à forma de gestão baseada na hierarquia e disciplina. Todavia, o problema mais nocivo - e que, portanto, deve ser tratado urgentemente - é o clima organizacional contaminado por disputas entre classes, que está promovendo um clima de inimizade e desmotivação, desfavorecendo o crescimento da Criminalística.


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This study presents an approach to tourism activity from the perspective of the territory, analyzing the importance of the roles of the State and public policies for tourism development. Tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil begins to take its rise from the late 1970 through public policies, whose goal was to provide the necessary conditions for tourism development. The tourism public policies were the key elements in the production process of tourist territories in the region. In the state of Paraíba, the public authorities elected the coastline as the main attraction and the state capital, João Pessoa, as the locus for the tourism development, with the city receiving a series of public policies. In this context, this research aims to analyze the development process of three specific public policies for tourism development in João Pessoa: The (mega)Projeto Costa do Sol (1988), the PRODETUR/PB I and II (1997 e 2005) and the Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na Paraíba, the Plano Amanhecer (2000). This study was guided by the question that even having been contemplated by the tourism public policies, João Pessoa still remains in a peripheral position in the regional tourism market. The methodological procedures for this study were literature and documents research and semi-structured interviews with tourism public officials and representatives from local tourism trade. The research came to prove that the discontinuity between governmental administrations hampered the implementation process of the tourism public policies studied. It was observed that the implementation of tourism public policies in the long term depends on the interaction between governments, as well as the collective political will to develop tourism in Joao Pessoa


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O objetivo foi descrever as experiências de famílias sobre imunização de crianças menores de dois anos. É estudo de natureza descritiva, com análise qualitativa dos dados, entrevistas não estruturadas com 22 sujeitos. Os resultados foram agrupados em: conhecimentos práticos sobre imunização, responsabilidade e obrigatoriedade na imunização e ampliação da prática de imunização. Foram destacados elementos que fortalecem a imunização: experiência e realização pessoal no papel de ser mãe, temor de adoecimento, reconhecimento como um bom cuidado, acesso, flexibilidade do horário, divulgação, cartão de vacinas, campanhas de vacinação e disponibilidade de vacinas, e elementos da não imunização: inexperiência dos pais, recusa de aplicações simultâneas de vacinas, assistência fragmentada, ausência de diálogo, discriminação, falsas contraindicações e obrigatoriedade. A imunização centrada no cumprimento do calendário vacinal, ou em situações autoritárias, está descolada do cuidado familiar. O vínculo com as famílias precisa ser fortalecido para ampliação da adesão às medidas de proteção e promoção da saúde da criança.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o ritmo de piscar de portadores de pterígio antes e depois da exérese. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados os movimentos palpebrais de 41 pacientes antes e 60 dias depois da remoção cirúrgica da lesão. Os movimentos palpebrais foram capturados durante 1 minuto, usando filmadora Sony Digital 8 DCR - TRV110, sob iluminação artificial, com o indivíduo em posição primária do olhar, tendo como ponto de fixação a própria filmadora. As imagens obtidas foram processadas por computador, quantificando-se o total de movimentos de piscar, o número de piscar completo e incompleto, e as respectivas durações. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Antes da cirurgia 36,36% dos pacientes queixavam-se de sensação de corpo estranho e após a cirurgia, 61,02% estavam assintomáticos. A avaliação do ritmo de piscar revelou que a freqüência do piscar incompleto aumentou no pós-operatório. A duração do piscar não se alterou antes e após a cirurgia. CONCLUSÃO: A exérese do pterígio leva à diminuição dos sintomas irritativos. Após a remoção da lesão, houve discreto aumento da freqüência de piscar incompleto. Há a possibilidade da presença do pterígio não estar relacionada com alterações do filme lacrimal, considerando que a alteração do ritmo de piscar foi discreta. No entanto, outros estudos deverão ser realizados para afirmar ou contestar esta hipótese.


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Introduction Oral mucositis (OM) is a significant early complication of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). This phase III randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study was designed to compare the ability of 2 different low level GaAlAs diode lasers (650 nm and 780 nm) to prevent oral mucositis in HCT patients conditioned with chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy.Materials and methods Seventy patients were enrolled and randomized into 1 of 3 treatment groups: 650 nm laser, 780 nm laser or placebo. All active laser treatment patients received daily direct laser treatment to the lower labial mucosa, right and left buccal mucosa, lateral and ventral surfaces of the tongue, and floor of mouth with energy densities of 2 J/cm(2). Study treatment began on the first day of conditioning and continued through day +2 post HCT. Mucositis and oral pain was measured on days 0, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, and 21 post HCT.Results the 650 nm wavelength reduced the severity of oral mucositis and pain scores. Low level laser therapy was well-tolerated and no adverse events were noted.Discussion While these results are encouraging, further study is needed to truly establish the efficacy of this mucositis prevention strategy. Future research needs to determine the effects of modification of laser parameters (e.g., wavelength, fluence, repetition rate of energy delivery, etc.) on the effectiveness of LLE laser to prevent OM.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Gastrointestinal problems are common, especially in endurance athletes, and often impair performance or subsequent recovery. Generally, studies suggest that 30-50 % of athletes experience such complaints. Most gastrointestinal symptoms during exercise are mild and of no risk to health, but hemorrhagic gastritis, hematochezia, and ischemic bowel can present serious medical challenges. Three main causes of gastrointestinal symptoms have been identified, and these are either physiological, mechanical, or nutritional in nature. During intense exercise, and especially when hypohydrated, mesenteric blood flow is reduced; this is believed to be one of the main contributors to the development of gastrointestinal symptoms. Reduced splanchnic perfusion could result in compromised gut permeability in athletes. However, although evidence exists that this might occur, this has not yet been definitively linked to the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Nutritional training and appropriate nutrition choices can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort during exercise by ensuring rapid gastric emptying and the absorption of water and nutrients, and by maintaining adequate perfusion of the splanchnic vasculature. A number of nutritional manipulations have been proposed to minimize gastrointestinal symptoms, including the use of multiple transportable carbohydrates, and potentially the use of nutrients that stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the intestine and thereby improve splanchnic perfusion. However, at this stage, evidence for beneficial effects of such interventions is lacking, and more research needs to be conducted to obtain a better understanding of the etiology of the problems and to improve the recommendations to athletes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: Actinic cheilitis, a common disease caused by chronic solar exposure and tobacco use, is considered a premalignant lesion with potential to develop into squamous cell carcinoma. Some of the available treatments are invasive, have unaesthetic results and require multiple sessions. OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of a therapy and its cosmetic results. METHODS: In this uncontrolled clinical trial a single photodynamic therapy (PDT) session using 16% methyl-aminolevulinate was performed on actinic cheilitis of the lower lip. A standardized questionnaire was applied in order to assess the clinical improvement from the patients' point of view and the satisfaction with the treatment. Anatomopathological evaluation was performed before the treatment and two months afterwards. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 19 patients (10 males and 9 females), phototypes I to III, with average age of 62 years. Main adverse effects were: sudden pain, scabs, herpes flare-up, and edema. The average score of pain during the procedure was 5,8+2,9. At the final assessment the patients reported improvement of 80% and satisfaction of 85% (p<0.01). Anatomopathological analysis showed a significant decrease of dysplasia (p=0.03) in spite of its presence in 84% of cases. There was no significant correlation between the level of dysplasia with either the subjective impression of clinical improvement (p=0.82) or with the patients' final satisfaction (p=0.96). CONCLUSION: PDT is effective in the treatment of actinic cheilitis, but it is associated with a significant level of pain. Due to the persistence of dysplasia, more research needs to be done in order to define the ideal number of sessions for the effective treatment of these lesions.


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[EN] Understanding and quantifying ocean-atmosphere exchanges of the long-lived greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are important for understanding the global biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen in the context of ongoing global climate change. In this chapter we summarise our current state of knowledge regarding the oceanic distributions, formation and consumption pathways, and oceanic uptake and emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4, with a particular emphasis on the upper ocean. We specifically consider the role of the ocean in regulating the tropospheric content of these important radiative gases in a world in which their tropospheric content is rapidly increasing and estimate the impact of global change on their present and future oceanic uptake and/or emission. Finally, we evaluate the various uncertainties associated with the most commonly used methods for estimating uptake and emission and identify future research needs.


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A number of advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis have been made in recent years. In vivo studies have shown that bacterial cell wall fragments and endotoxins are highly active components, independent of the presence of viable bacteria in the subarachnoid space. Their presence in the cerebrospinal fluid is associated with the induction of inflammation and with the development of brain edema and increased intracranial pressure. Antimicrobial therapy may cause an additional increase of harmful bacterial products in the cerebrospinal fluid and thereby potentiate these pathophysiological alterations. These changes may contribute to the development of brain damage during meningitis. Some promising experimental work has been directed toward counteracting the above phenomena with non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory agents as well as with monoclonal antibodies. Although considerable advances have been made, further research needs to be done in these areas to improve the prognosis of bacterial meningitis.


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Large parts of the world are subjected to one or more natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, tropical storms (hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons), costal inundation and flooding. Virtually the entire world is at risk of man-made hazards. In recent decades, rapid population growth and economic development in hazard-prone areas have greatly increased the potential of multiple hazards to cause damage and destruction of buildings, bridges, power plants, and other infrastructure; thus posing a grave danger to the community and disruption of economic and societal activities. Although an individual hazard is significant in many parts of the United States (U.S.), in certain areas more than one hazard may pose a threat to the constructed environment. In such areas, structural design and construction practices should address multiple hazards in an integrated manner to achieve structural performance that is consistent with owner expectations and general societal objectives. The growing interest and importance of multiple-hazard engineering has been recognized recently. This has spurred the evolution of multiple-hazard risk-assessment frameworks and development of design approaches which have paved way for future research towards sustainable construction of new and improved structures and retrofitting of the existing structures. This report provides a review of literature and the current state of practice for assessment, design and mitigation of the impact of multiple hazards on structural infrastructure. It also presents an overview of future research needs related to multiple-hazard performance of constructed facilities.


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Psychological models of mental disorders guide research into psychological and environmental factors that elicit and maintain mental disorders as well as interventions to reduce them. This paper addresses four areas. (1) Psychological models of mental disorders have become increasingly transdiagnostic, focusing on core cognitive endophenotypes of psychopathology from an integrative cognitive psychology perspective rather than offering explanations for unitary mental disorders. It is argued that psychological interventions for mental disorders will increasingly target specific cognitive dysfunctions rather than symptom-based mental disorders as a result. (2) Psychotherapy research still lacks a comprehensive conceptual framework that brings together the wide variety of findings, models and perspectives. Analysing the state-of-the-art in psychotherapy treatment research, “component analyses” aiming at an optimal identification of core ingredients and the mechanisms of change is highlighted as the core need towards improved efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy, and improved translation to routine care. (3) In order to provide more effective psychological interventions to children and adolescents, there is a need to develop new and/or improved psychotherapeutic interventions on the basis of developmental psychopathology research taking into account knowledge of mediators and moderators. Developmental neuroscience research might be instrumental to uncover associated aberrant brain processes in children and adolescents with mental health problems and to better examine mechanisms of their correction by means of psychotherapy and psychological interventions. (4) Psychotherapy research needs to broaden in terms of adoption of large-scale public health strategies and treatments that can be applied to more patients in a simpler and cost-effective way. Increased research on efficacy and moderators of Internet-based treatments and e-mental health tools (e.g. to support “real time” clinical decision-making to prevent treatment failure or relapse) might be one promising way forward.