697 resultados para Torsti, Pilvi: Divergent stories, convergent attitudes


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The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.


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ABSTRACTSocially oriented ventures have provided livelihoods and social recognition to disadvantaged communities in different corners of the world. In some cases, these ventures are the result of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. In Latin America, this type of undertaking has responded positively to unmet social needs. The social cause drives these organizations and their human resources and they give high value to organizational cause-fit. This paper presents empirical evidence of the effects of perceived cause-fit on several worker attitudes and behaviors. Psychological contract theory was adopted as theoretical background. Employees working in a hybrid (for-profit/socially oriented) Colombian organization created by a CSR program participated in the survey. Data provided by 218 employees were analyzed using PLS structural equation modeling. The results suggest the ideological components of the employee-employer relationship predict positive attitudes and cooperative organizational behaviors towards hybrid organizations.


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A study of health knowledge and practices of prostitutes is presented here. The study took place at the V. D. Center in Saigon, Vietnam. It was designed with the objective of obtaining information to be used in preparing an educational program to be offered to the prostitutes at the Center, and for using, in preparing educational materials with focus on V. D. prevention. The outline of a course is also presented.


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O papel crucial da escola na sociedade e o exercício da atividade profissional como docente, com um olhar atento sobre o traçar das políticas educativas, motivou a elaboração deste trabalho de investigação, que tem como objeto de estudo os papéis desempenhados pelos diretores das escolas estatais e não estatais e como objetivos específicos estudar o impacto da legislação emanada pela tutela, nas escolas públicas e privadas e analisar as convergências e divergências nas conceções e práticas dos seus diretores. As dimensões analíticas exploradas no estudo abrangem as conceções gestionárias dos diretores quanto aos modelos de gestão, às práticas de autonomia, ao serviço educativo e à prestação de contas. Este trabalho de natureza qualitativa foca o olhar sobre um grupo restrito de atores educativos que foram escolhidos devido ao papel que desempenham na organização educativa e porque a publicação do Decreto- Lei 75/ 2008 de 22 de abril, trouxe alterações à escola pública. A tradição de direção colegial que vigorava nas organizações educativas estatais foi quebrada. O presidente do conselho diretivo é doravante substituído pelo diretor que passa a delegar competências, a designar equipas e a prestar contas à tutela e comunidade educativa à semelhança do diretor da escola privada. O estudo de caso apresentado foi realizado em três escolas públicas e em três colégios privados com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas e à análise documental. As conclusões deste trabalho remetem para a existência de muitos pontos de convergência entre a opinião dos diretores da escola pública e privada. As temáticas relativas à autonomia, escolha do pessoal docente e prestação de contas, são olhadas pela mesma perspetiva. A autonomia é vista como “uma miragem”; uma “terra prometida” (Lima e Afonso, 1995). A prestação de contas é exigida aos diretores do ensino estatal e do privado através de instrumentos próximos. As principais divergências situam-se ao nível do menor interesse demonstrado, por parte da direção da escola privada, pela oferta de cursos profissionais e pelo menor investimento em estratégias para a prevenção do abandono escolar, que é considerado pouco significativo na escola não estatal. A defesa da escolha de escola e da modalidade de cheque ensino são outros dos pontos que marcam a divergência entre estes diretores. Abstract: This investigative paper - whose objective is the study of the role of the school directors, both State and non-state, and the impact of legislation on both State and private schools, as well as the analysis of the convergent and divergent conceptions and practices of these directors – is motivated by the crucial role played by schools in our society and by the professional activity of the teacher, with an attentive look at the educational practices. The analytical dimension explored in this study includes the various concepts of management of the school director as models of management, as well as practices in self-sufficiency, budget control and educational service to the community. This study has a qualitative nature and focuses on a small group of individuals who were chosen for the role they play in the whole educational structure, considering that the Decree nº 75/2008, published on April the 22nd, determined alterations to the public school system. The traditional method of control of the public school system has, henceforth, been changed. The headmaster is now substituted by a director who delegates his functions, makes up work teams and elaborates the school budget which is presented to the respective governmental ministry and the community, much like as what happens in private schools. The present study encompasses three public schools and three private schools, the methods of study being semi-structured interviews as well as the consultation of documentation. The conclusions point to many convergent opinions of the school directors of both the public and the private sector. The school directors of both public and private schools used in this study share the same opinion as to the factors involved in the selection of teachers, the elaboration of the school budget and the implementation of self-sufficiency policies. These self-sufficiency policies are seen as a “mirage” or a “promised land” (Lima and Afonso, 1995). The school budget and its management practices are implemented in both public and private schools through similar instruments. The principal differences are noted on smaller, less interesting points, on the part of the direction of the private schools, and result from the elaboration of professional courses and minor investment in the strategies, oriented to the prevention of school drop-outs, which is considered of little significance in the private school sector. The other factors of divergence result from the right to choose the type of school desired and the type of teaching implemented.


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In the work of Paul Auster (Newark, 1947 - ), we find two main themes: the sense of loss and existential drift and the loneliness of the individual fully committed to the work of writing, as if he had been confined to the book that commands his life. However, this second theme is clearly the dominant one because the character's space of solitude may include its own wandering, because this wandering is also often performed inside the four walls of a room, just like it is narrated inside the space of the page and the book. Both in his poetry, essays and fiction, Auster seems to face the work of writing as an actual physical effort of effective construction, as if the words that are aligned in the poem-text were stones to place in a row when building a wall or some other structure in stone.


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We examine volunteer satisfaction with HRM practices, namely recruitment, training and reward in NPOs and attitudes regarding the appropriateness of these practices. The participants in this study are 76 volunteers affiliated with four different NPOs, who work in hospitals and have direct contact with patients and their families. Analysing aggregate results we show that volunteers are more satisfied with training, and consider the training strategies to be very appropriate. After identifying differences between organisations we discover that in some organisations volunteers are satisfied with rewards but they have negative attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the recognition strategies. We also identify the volunteers who are the most and the least satisfied.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial


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Introduction: There are many important Finnish plays but, due to language barrier, Finnish drama is seldom exported, particularly to Hong Kong and China.. Objective: To find out differences in mentality between the Finnish and Chinese peoples by comparing the partially localized Chinese translation of Aleksis Kivi’s tragedy, Kullervo, with genuine Chinese martial arts literature. Methodology: 1. Chapman Chen has translated the Finnish classic, Kullervo, directly from Finnish into Chinese and published it in 2005. 2. In Chen’s Chinese translation, cultural markers are domesticated. On the other hand, values, characterization, plot, and rhythm remain unchanged. 3. According to Gideon Tory, the translator has to strike a golden mean between the norms of the source language and the target language. 4. Lau Tingci lists and explicates the essential components of martial arts drama. 5. According to Ehrnrooth’s “Mentality”, equality is the most important value in Finnish culture. Findings: i. Finland emphasizes independence while China emphasizes bilateral relationships. ii. The Finnish people loves freedom, but Gai Sizung argues that the Chinese people is slavish. iii. Finns are mature while many Chinese are, according to Sun Lung-kee (“The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture”; “The Deep Structure of Chinese Sexuality”), fixated at the oral and anal stages. iv. Finnish society highly values equality while Chinese interpersonal relationships are extremely complicated and hierachical. If Kullervo were a genuine Chinese kungfu story, the plot would be much more convoluted. Conclusion: The differences between Finnish and Chinese mentalities are so significant that partially localized or adapted Chinese translations of Finnish drama may still be able to introduce Finnish culture to the Chinese audience.


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8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. 18-20 November, 2015, Seville, Spain.


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Grounded on Raymond Williams‘s definition of knowable community as a cultural tool to analyse literary texts, the essay reads the texts D.H.Lawrence wrote while travelling in the Mediterranean (Twilight in Italy, Sea and Sardinia and Etruscan Places) as knowable communities, bringing to the discussion the wide importance of literature not only as an object for aesthetic or textual readings, but also as a signifying practice which tells stories of culture. Departing from some considerations regarding the historical development of the relationship between literature and culture, the essay analyses the ways D. H. Lawrence constructed maps of meaning, where the readers, in a dynamic relation with the texts, apprehend experiences, structures and feelings; putting into perspective Williams‘s theory of culture as a whole way of life, it also analyses the ways the author communicates and organizes these experiences, creating a space of communication and operating at different levels of reality: on the one hand, the reality of the whole way of Italian life, and, on the other hand, the reality of the reader who aspires to make sense and to create an interpretative context where all the information is put, and, also, the reality of the writer in the poetic act of writing. To read these travel writings as knowable communities is to understand them as a form that invents a community with no other existence but that of the literary text. The cultural construction we find in these texts is the result of the selection, and interpretation done by D.H.Lawrence, as well as the product of the author‘s enunciative positions, and of his epistemological and ontological filigrees of existence, structured by the conditions of possibility. In the rearticulation of the text, of the writer and of the reader, in a dynamic and shared process of discursive alliances, we understand that Lawrence tells stories of the Mediterranean through his literary art.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand beliefs and attitudes about fluorosis among young people living in a rural area. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with 23 adolescents with dental fluorosis, 14 teachers and three health authorities in the city of São Francisco, Southeastern Brazil, in 2002. Content analysis and social representation theory were applied. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: The organoleptic characteristics of carbonates that affect groundwater (salty flavor, whitish coloration, and turbidity) associated with negative aspects of household use of this water are considered a cause of mottled enamel. Even after contact with researchers who investigated this phenomenon and helped find a solution for this condition, the local population is still unwilling to accept fluoride as the cause of the problem and does not fully agree to use water from other sources because they are afraid of the quality of water. CONCLUSIONS: Misperceptions of the causes of dental fluorosis and water treatment costs compromise the implementation of uncontaminated surface water supplies. Health education strategies are required in parallel with solutions for securing water supply in drought-ravaged areas.


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.


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The aim of this article is to show how it is possible to integrate stories and ICT in Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for English as a foreign language (EFL) learning in bilingual schools. Two Units of Work are presented. One, for the second year of Primary, is based on a Science topic, ‘Materials’. The story used is ‘The three little pigs’ and the computer program ‘JClic’. The other one is based on a Science and Arts topic for the sixth year of Primary, the story used is ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and the computer program ‘Atenex’.


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OBJECTIVE : To compare the reliability and convergent validity of instruments assessing quality of life in Brazilian older adults. METHODS : Cross-sectional study of 278 literate, community-dwelling older adults attending a municipal university for the elderly in Sao Carlos, SP, Southeastern Brazil between 2006 and 2008. The Brazilian versions of the SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF instruments to assess quality of life were compared. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to estimate reliability and Pearson’s correlation for comparison between the two scales. RESULTS : Most of participants were women (87.8%) with a mean age of 63.83±7.22 years. Both scales showed an acceptable internal consistency – WHOQOL-BREF Cronbach’s alpha was 0.832 and SF-36 was 0.868. There was a weak (r ≤ 0.6) correlation between the related fields in the two questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS : The SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF are reliable instruments for clinical and research uses in Brazilian older women. To select one, researchers should consider which aspects of quality of life they aim to capture because of weak convergent validity signs. This study’s results indicate that WHOQOL-BREF may be more relevant to evaluate changes in the quality of life of older women because it prioritizes responses to the aging process and avoids focusing on impairment.


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Submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Science