158 resultados para Torresian Crow


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Aphrodite, the kittiwake.--Margot, the crow shrike.--"Petey.--Two gentleman of France--Julius Caesar; an appreciation.--A hermit crab of the Great Kills.--Silas Wegg.--the wife of Caesar, the adjutant.--"Bubbles." Madame Cistudo.--Lena Patéa.--The passing of Maud Mulvaney.


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v. 1. Phillis, by T. Lodge. Licia, by G. Fletcher.--v. 2. Delia, by S. Daniel. Diana, by H. Constable.--v. 3. Idea, by M. Drayton. Fidessa, by B. Griffin.--v. 4. Caelia, by F. Greville, Lord Brooke.


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Back Row: Jim Simpson, Jon Crow, Greg Meyer, Keith Brown, Bill Donakowski, Jay Anstaet

Front Row: Mike McGuire, Jack Harvey, Ron Warhurst


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Top Row: C. Arft, B. Baker, J. Balmer, M. Bassett, C. Beach, C. Becker, L. Berli, K. Bishop, P. Brigham, L. Brooks, K. Bruce, T. Burkett, J. Calland, T. Calnicean, C. Carnevale

Row 2: M. Caspersen, B. Christman, G. Christman, A. Comins, C. Conklin, E. Conklin, C. Conlin, P. Conway, D. Cox, M. Crabtree

Row 3: M. Craig, B. Cutler, N. Cutter, J. Kaboyashi, S. Golden, L. Davis, D. Davis, D. Dayton

Row 4: K. Dekoker, C. Dick, J. Fenner, J. Feuerstein, S. FIllhart, F. Hartman, J. Goodad, M. Hutchinson, F. Crow, B. French, H. Geddes, E. Gerber, D. Goldstein, E. Graff

Row 5: M. Gray, C. Haack, A. Handlos, J. Harris, M. Heminger, M. Hickes, R. Hickes, B. Johnson, J. Kalbfleisch, K. Kern, C. Klutsenbeker, C. Krone, S. Larson, I. Leftwick, S. Lehr, C. Ligotti

Row 6: D. Loesel, S. Lorenz, M. McCrachen, S. Melber, M. Meulemans, S Meyers, L. Miller, B. Morley, J. Mulder, D. Older, M. O'Neil, D. Paldi, K. Palmer, M. Phebus, C. Phelps, C. Purdy

Row 7: P. Quick, K. Rathbun, B. Rochford, E. Rogos, B. Rose, P. Saxton, J. Schaible, S. Schodlatz, P. Schore, J. Selesky, L. Sloan, J. Smith, K. Smith, N. Stewart, J. Thomas, P. Thomas

Row 8: M. Tipmore, S. VanGorder, M. Wacht, K. Walker, E. Walker, D. Walters, R. Wellons, F. Werner, S. Weygandt, T. White, L. Williams, B. Winbun, S. Yahnke, J. Zander, C. Zylstra


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Top Row: Fonya Atabong, Aimee Austria, Holly Baier, Jayna Ballard, Stephanie Baranek, Karen Barron, Elizabeth Behnan, Jennifer Bohl, Sarah Bombery, Carissa Bonner, Emily Brady, Jennifer Bristol, Carrie Brown, Christine Brown, James Cahill, Katie Campbell, PMichelle Carley, Shandra Caylor, Maureen Cebula

Row 2: Jinhwa Chung, Pamela Clay, Erin Cockrell, Desiree Conyers, Sarah Crow, Kimberly Deblasis

Row 3: Melissa Donoran, Sarah Ehlke, Shelly Eizyk, Marianne Erwin, Lauren Feighner, Sara Fetzer

Row 4: Miranda Finn, Lora Fisaga, Sarah Fortman, Sarah Gattis, Nicole Grace, Gail Grigsby

Row 5: Sandra Hakeos, Stephanie Hanchak, Kacee Harris, Nicole Hawkins, Molly Hedges, Jennifer Heeren

Row 6: Mary Herndon, Valerie Hintz, Holly Hopkins, Julie Houslander, Kaitlyn Jakubec, Kathryn Jannausch

Row 7: Lisa Kantor, Amy Kaplan, Jennifer Kinch, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Barbara Guthrie, Sarah Knapp, May Kuo, Deanna Kurtz

Row 8: Mary Lambert, Erin Lowen, Anahid Magar, Lindsey Balzhiser, Monique Grinnell, Julie Heringhausen, Rachel Karwick, Jane MaCaulay, Samantha Peck, Kelli Stewart, Ngan Thai, Erin Tuttle, Julie Wilner, Jill McCarty, Caitlin McClellan, Jessica McEntee

Row 9: Kelli McGee, Katrina Melonakos, Kimberley Munn, Inder Narula, Lauren Nielsen, Kristin O'Mara, Pamela Obriot, Kate Organ, Kelly Owens, Mindy Pallas, Debbie Lynn Paylor, Johanna Phillips, Jamie Pikus, Krista Ponagai, Kristin Putnam, Corinne Quinlan, Megan Rathburn, Tina Rayburn, Natalie Render

Row 10: Jennifer Riske, Rebecca Robison, Monica Rochman-Wallace, Amanda Ross, Lindsey Rubritius, Katherine Russell, Julie Sarkesian, Teya Schoening, Gabrielle Schultz, Margaret Secor, John Seeburger, James Shannon, Suzanne Smith, Mary Catherine Steer, Erin Stevens, Margaret Stilec, Carolynne Suveg

Row 11: Jesse Szczak, Angela Szydlek, Salisa Thompson, Kristin Toyofuku, Prescilla Tshiamala, Vickey Vaclavek, Karen Van Eck, Julie VanHammersveld, Jennifer Ventimiglia, Sarah Wachler, Rachel Walts, John Weeks, Amber Williams, Melody Williston, Jessica Woolworth


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Top Row: Rebecca Adams, Leslie Babich, Katherine Banas, Lori Barnett, Stacey Bednarz, Kelly C Berryman, Adam Brieger, Tina Brown, Kimberly Burleigh, Anne Byrne, Julia Carl, Terra Caswell, Angela Chabot, Molly Colgan, Desiree Conyers, Amy Cook, Melissa Cooley, Ashley Cooper, Morgan Cornell

Row 2: Delphine Cornet, Laura Cortina, Casey Cox, Bradley Crow, Lauren D'Agostino, Katelyn Davis, Kara Dendrinos, Rachael Dunckel, Carolyn Ellis, Kristin Ellis

Row 3: Deonna French, Erin Gasser, Amanda George, Michelle Gilmore, Jacquelene Goyett, LaRonda Gracia, Tera Greenberg, Tracy Guzzardo, Amy Hamlin Tapper, Shawn Hathaway

Row 4: Jennifer Heller, Michele Hetfield, Hilary Heuer, Christen Hicks, unknown, Melissa Jenkins, Terri Jobkar, Jennifer Keller, Karissa Kerg, Katherine Kern

Row 5: Keri Kingma, Amanda Kristofik, Brigid Kutner, Melissa LaDuke, Lorraine Law, Katherine Lawler, Allison Ledtke, Corinne Lee

Row 6: Kerrie Lemerand, Kristen Maki, Smith Margaret, Cynthia Mathew, Thomas Mazzocco, Cara McAlpin

Row 7: Lana McCarthy, Erin McKeever, Nicolyn Meek, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Barbara Guthrie, Marge Calarco, Carolyn Sampeselle, Joanne Pohl, Therese Messing, Rachel Milkowski, Renee Miller

Row 8: Andrea S Miller, Stephanie Mizer, Melissa Morgan, Heather Bidgoli, Elisa Brunetto, Jessica Cleghorn, Jade Curry, Ashley Dorow, Megan Finn, Lisa Gruen, Margaret Kelemen, Andrea Munger, Elizabeth Spencer, Mary Vanderweele, Abigail Vertalka, Jackelyn Ng, Phuong Nguyen, Gracia Nicolaescu

Row 9: Laura Norris, Elizabeth Osborn, Lavinia Pacurar, Carly Palmer, Kristine Parish, Jill Patterson, Mary Pepper, David Perout, Michael Pfeifer, Kristin Phillips, Susanne Pickman, Vanessa Polly, Sabrina Porter, Christina Quillan, Lauren Ramoie, Natasha Rivers, Teresa Roberts, Megan Robertson, Byanqa Robinson

Row 10: Mary Rodzik, Kimberly Sanders, Weber Sasha, Rebecca Scheiblauer, Taylor Schmidt, Jacquelyn Schrot, Tanya Shisler, Daniel Shivel, Sophia Shyu, Michelle Skurulsky, Melissa Smalligan, Erin Sorensen, Allison Spinweber, Lindsay Steiger, Natalya Stokely, Karen Stoneburner, Katherine Stout, Stephanie Swihart, Aaron Taylor

Row 11: Lori Thome, Christopher Thuer, Carolyn Trabka, Kathryn Trommbley, Valerie Tumbleson, Stacey Ventola, Dana Verkade, Caitlyn Vert, Angela Videto, Kari Wanless, Abby Wegener, Stephanie Westphal, Eric Williams, Whitney Zachritz, Amber Zemer, Joanna Zizzo, Chelsea Zussman


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Marketing communications utilizing a non-profit cause (i.e., the sponsorship of a nonprofit cause) have emerged as a mainstream practice as practitioners respond to rising consumer expectations of corporate social responsibility (CSRI. The increasing popularity of cause-related marketing programs (CRMPS) can be attributed to the Integration of sponsorship in many organizations' sport marketing strategy. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes, beliefs, and purchase intentions of consumers exposed to a firm's sponsorship of a sporting event associated with a non-profit organization. A survey instrument was developed by a panel of experts, pre-tested, revised, and completed by (442 event spectators. Results suggested consumers' attitudes, beliefs, and purchase intentions toward the sponsoring company were positively impacted by the firm's involvement with cause-related marketing.


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This study examined whether supervision characteristics impacted on mental health practice and morale, and developed a new Supervision Attitude Scale (SAS). Telephone surveys were conducted with a representative sample of 272 staff from public mental health services across Queensland. Although supervision was widely received and positively rated, it had low average intensity, and assessment and training of skills was rarely incorporated. Perceived impact on practice was associated with acquisition of skills and positive attitudes to supervisors, but extent of supervision was related to impact only if it was from within the profession. Intention to resign was unrelated to extent of supervision, but was associated with positive attitudes to supervisors, accessibility, high impact, and empathy or praise in supervision sessions. The SAS had high internal consistency, and its intercorrelations were consistent with it being a measure of relationship positivity. The study supported the role of supervision in retention and in improving practice. It also highlighted supervision characteristics that might be targeted in training, and provided preliminary data on a new measure.


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Flavonoids in Australian honeys from five botanical species (Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus) have been analyzed in relation to their floral origins. Tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and heath (Banksia ericifolia) honeys show a common flavonoid profile comprising myricetin (3,5,7,3',4',5'-hexahydroxyflavone), tricetin (5,7,3',4,5'-pentahydroxyflavone), querectin (3,5,7,3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone) and luteolin (5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone), which was previously suggested as a floral marker for an Australian Eucalyptus honey (bloodwood or Eucalyptus intermedia honey). These honeys of various floral species can be differentiated by their levels of total flavonoids, being 2.12 mg/100 g for heath honey and 6.35 m/100 g for tea tree honey. In brush box (Lophostemon conferta) honey, the flavonoid profile comprising mainly tricetin, luteolin and quercetin is similar to that of another Eucalyptus honey (yellow box or Eucalyptus melliodora honey). These results indicate that the flavonoid profiles in some of the Australian non-Eucalyptus honeys may contain more or less certain flavonoids from Eucalyptus floral sources because of the diversity and extensive availability of Eucalyptus nectars for honeybee foraging yearly around or a possible cross contamination of the monofloral honeys during collection, transportation and/or storage. Further analyses are required to differentiate and/or verify the botanical sources of the flavonoids that contribute to the flavonoid profiles of these honeys, by restricting honey sampling areas and procedures, employing other complementary analytical methods (e.g. pollen analysis, sugar profile) and using materials (e.g. nectar) directly sourced from the flowering plant for comparative studies. In Australian crow ash (Guioa semiglauca) honey, myricetin, tricetin, quercetin, luteolin and an unknown flavonoid have been found to be the main flavonoids, which is characteristic only to this type of honey, and could thus be used as the floral marker, while in Australian sunflower (Helianthus annuus) honey, the content of total flavonoids is the smallest amount comparing to those in the other honeys analysed in this study. However, the flavonoid quercetin and the flavonoid profile mainly consisting of quercetin, quercetin 3,3'-dimethyl ether (5,7,4'-trihydroxy3,3'-dimethoxyflavone), myricetin and luteolin are characteristic only to this sunflower honey and could thus be used for the authentication.


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This paper reports on an exploration of the concept of 'supervision' as applied to allied health professionals within a large mental health service in one Australian State. A two-part methodology was used, with focus group interviews conducted with allied health professionals, and semi-structured telephone interviews with service managers. Fifty-eight allied health professionals participated in a series of seven focus groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the Directors or Managers of mental health services in all 21 regions in the state. Allied health professionals and service managers both considered supervision to be an important mechanism for ensuring staff competence and best practice outcomes for consumers and carers. There was strong endorsement of the need for clarification and articulation of supervision policies within the organization, and the provision of appropriate resourcing to enable supervision to occur. Current practice in supervision was seen as ad hoc and of variable standard; the need for training in supervision was seen as critical. The supervision needs of newly graduated allied health professionals and those working in rural and regional areas were also seen as important. The need for a flexible and accessible model of supervision was clearly demonstrated.


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Eight phenolic acids and two abscisic acid isomers in Australian honeys from five botanical species (Melaleuca, Guioa, Lophostemon, Banksia and Helianthus) have been analyzed in relation to their botanical origins. Total phenolic acids present in these honeys range from 2.13 mg/100 g sunflower (Helianthus annuus) honey to 12.11 mg/100 g tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) honey, with amounts of individual acids being various. Tea tree honey shows a phenolic profile of gallic, ellagic, chlorogenic and coumaric acids, which is similar to the phenolic profile of an Australian Eucalyptus honey (bloodwood or Eucalyptus intermedia honey). The main difference between tea tree and bloodwood honeys is the contribution of chlorogenic acid to their total phenolic profiles. In Australian crow ash (Guioa semiglauca) honey, a characteristic phenolic profile mainly consisting of gallic acid and abscisic acid could be used as the floral marker. In brush box (Lophostemon conferta) honey, the phenolic profile, comprising mainly gallic acid and ellagic acid, could be used to differentiate this honey not only from the other Australian non-Eucalyptus honeys but also from a Eucalyptus honey (yellow box or Eucalyptus melliodora honey). However, this Eucalyptus honey could not be differentiated from brush box honey based only on their flavonoid profiles. Similarly, the phenolic profile of heath (Banksia ericifolia) honey, comprising mainly gallic acid, an unknown phenolic acid (Phl) and coumaric acid, could also be used to differentiate this honey from tea tree and bloodwood honeys, which have similar flavonoid profiles. Coumaric acid is a principal phenolic acid in Australian sunflower honey and it could thus be used together with gallic acid for the authentication. These results show that the HPLC analysis of phenolic acids and abscisic acids in Australian floral honeys Could assist the differentiation and authentication of the honeys. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: We have previously shown that the offspring of vitamin D3 depleted rats have enlarged ventricles and altered neurotrophin profiles (reduced NGF and GDNF). These findings enhance the biological plausibility that low prenatal vitamin D may be a risk factor for schizophrenia. Our recent behavioural studies have found that adult rats with developmental vitamin D deficiency (DVD) have a subtle increase in baseline locomotor activity and a heightened response to dopamine (DA) antagonists. The aim of this study was to investigate brain DA neurochemistry in the DVD model. Methods: We examined cerebrums and striatal tissue from neonates and a variety of brain tissues from the remaining littermates at adulthood. DA, DOPAC, HVA, serotonin and 5HIAA were analysed by HPLC. Single point comparisons for DA1, DA2 and NMDA receptors were also assessed in these tissues. Results: Significant increases in DA and HVA were found in brains from DVD deplete neonates (P=0.01). However, DA and its metabolites were not increased in either the neonate or adult striatum, however there was a trend towards increased DA and its metabolites in the accumbens (P=0.1). Receptor densities were unaffected by prenatal vitamin D levels. Conclusions: Although the effect of maternal diet appears to increase DA production and turnover in neonatal brain, this does not persist into adulthood. Thus other factors must underlie the increased locomotor activity noted in these animals. Future experiments will concentrate on monitoring accumbens and striatal DA release and turnover using microdialysis in pharmacologically challenged behavioural paradigms. References: Eyles D, Brown J; Mackay-Sim A, McGrath J, Feron F. (2003) Vitamin D3 and brain development. Neuroscience 118 (3) 641–653. Burne T, McGrath J, Eyles D, Mackay-Sim A. Behavioural characterization of vitamin D receptor knockout mice. (2005) Behavioural Brain Res: 157 299–308.


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Background: Suicide risk in psychosis peaks early in the course, however little is known about the effect on rates of suicide of specialised first-episode psychosis (FEP) programs.


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From 1889 to 1934, Florida's nurses belonging to a new group of professional women ushered in a pioneering phase of public health nursing in Florida. During this era, the nurses' ability to confront health and professional issues varied a great deal but in quiet and forceful ways they tackled cultural and environmental problems to assist people who were ill or help prevent people from becoming ill. This dissertation places the development of professional public health nursing in its social context by uncovering the relationships public health nurses formed with clubwomen, the medical profession, city leaders, midwives, and others. In 1888, there were few graduate nurses in the state, no state board of health and no organized nursing service to respond to Jacksonville's great yellow fever epidemic. By 1934, national and state leaders of public health nursing had built up the profession to become an essential part of the State Board of Health's service to the community. Between these milestones, in the era of white supremacy and Jim Crow, public health nurses combined their professional training with a pioneer spirit of innovation and risk-taking. In the predominately rural state, the public health nurses' resolve to overcome environmental hazards and cultural obstacles stands out as they attempted to reach those who were unserved or underserved by modern medicine.