969 resultados para Theodore Millon
In France and Finland, farmer's lung disease (FLD), a hypersensitivity pneumonitis common in agricultural areas, is mainly caused by Eurotium species. The presence of antibodies in patients' serum is an important criterion for diagnosis. Our study aimed to improve the serological diagnosis of FLD by using common fungal particles that pollute the farm environment as antigens. Fungal particles of the Eurotium species were observed in handled hay. A strain of Eurotium amstelodami was grown in vitro using selected culture media; and antigen extracts from sexual (ascospores), asexual (conidia), and vegetative (hyphae) forms were made. Antigens were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which was used to test for immunoglobulin G antibodies from the sera of 17 FLD patients, 40 healthy exposed farmers, and 20 nonexposed controls. The antigens were compared by receiver operating characteristic analysis, and a threshold was then established. The ascospores contained in asci enclosed within cleistothecia were present in 38% of the hay blades observed; conidial heads of aspergillus were less prevalent. The same protocol was followed to make the three antigen extracts. A comparison of the results for FLD patients and exposed controls showed the area under the curve to be 0.850 for the ascospore antigen, 0.731 for the conidia, and 0.690 for the hyphae. The cutoffs that we determined, with the standard deviation for measures being taken into account, showed 67% for sensitivity and 92% for specificity with the ascospore antigen. In conclusion, the serological diagnosis of FLD by ELISA was improved by the adjunction of ascospore antigen.
Diagnosis of immunoallergenic pathologies due to microorganisms such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis includes detection of circulating specific antibodies. Detection of precipitins has classically been performed using immunoprecipitation techniques with crude antigenic extracts from microorganisms implicated as etiologic agents. However, these techniques lack standardization because of the different composition of fungal antigenic extracts from one batch to another. Therefore, there is high interest in developing standardized serological diagnostic methods using recombinant antigens. Immunoproteomics have proved to be useful for identifying the immunogenic proteins in several microorganisms linked to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. With this approach, the causative microorganisms are first isolated from the environment of patients. Then the proteins are separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and revealed by Western blotting with sera of different patients suffering from the disease compared to sera of asymptomatic exposed controls. Immunoreactive proteins are identified by mass spectrometry. Identified immunoreactive proteins found to be specific markers for the disease could be subsequently produced as recombinant antigens using various expression systems to develop ELISA tests. Using recombinant antigens, standardized ELISA techniques can be developed, with sensitivity and specificity reaching 80% and 90%, respectively, and more if using a combination of several antigens. Immunoproteomics can be applied to any environmental microorganisms, with the aim of proposing panels of recombinant antigens able to improve the sensitivity and standardization of serologic diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, but also other mold-induced allergic diseases such as allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis or asthma.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the technical quality and the diagnostic performance of a protocol with use of low volumes of contrast medium (25 mL) at 64-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of adult, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed outside the United States and was approved by the institutional review board. Intracranial CT angiography was performed in 73 consecutive patients with nontraumatic SAH diagnosed at nonenhanced CT. Image quality was evaluated by two observers using two criteria: degree of arterial enhancement and venous contamination. The two independent readers evaluated diagnostic performance (lesion detection and correct therapeutic decision-making process) by using rotational angiographic findings as the standard of reference. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for patients who underwent CT angiography and three-dimensional rotational angiography. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess interobserver concordance concerning aneurysm measurements and therapeutic management. RESULTS: All aneurysms were detected, either ruptured or unruptured. Arterial opacification was excellent in 62 cases (85%), and venous contamination was absent or minor in 61 cases (84%). In 95% of cases, CT angiographic findings allowed optimal therapeutic management. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged between 0.93 and 0.95, indicating excellent interobserver agreement. CONCLUSION: With only 25 mL of iodinated contrast medium focused on the arterial phase, 64-detector CT angiography allowed satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic management of nontraumatic SAH.
Este estudio evalúa la eficacia de la Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica Focal y Breve (PPFB) en 46 mujeres maltratadas por su pareja atendidas en la Unitat d’Atenció Especialitzada per a Dones Maltractades (UNADOM) de la Fundació Vidal i Barraquer de Barcelona, a través del Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II). La UNADOM es un servicio de asistencia público y gratuito subvencionado por la Generalitat de Catalunya destinado a mujeres maltratadas que necesitan atención psicológica en régimen ambulatorio. Se tuvieron en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en el MCMI-II en la fase inicial de evaluación y una vez finalizado el tratamiento. Los resultados revelan que al inicio de la terapia las tres escalas básicas de personalidad que obtuvieron la media más elevada fueron la Dependiente, la Autodestructiva y la Fóbica. En cambio, una vez finalizada la terapia individual, estas mismas escalas presentaban puntuaciones medias inferiores y estadísticamente significativas. Tan sólo la escala Compulsiva mostraba puntuaciones superiores al punto de corte TB>75. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos y se insta a que futuros trabajos proporcionen mayor evidencia empírica de las complejas interacciones que se producen entre los dos miembros de la pareja en situaciones de maltrato para poder diseñar estrategias de prevención y de tratamientos eficaces y realistas.
El maltractament vers les dones en les relacions de parella no és exclusiu de cap grup sociocultural. En el nostre país són molt escassos els estudis empírics sobre dones immigrants que pateixen una situació d’abús, i sobre les diferències respecte a les dones autòctones. Els objectius d’aquest treball són: 1) descriure i diferenciar les circumstàncies del maltractament en la relació de parella que pateixen les dones autòctones i les immigrants; 2) comparar la qualitat de la relació de parella d’ambdós grups; i 3) avaluar i comparar els perfils de personalitat, la simptomatologia clínica i la possible psicopatologia de les dones autòctones i immigrants. Es realitza una entrevista semiestructurada i s’administra el Millon Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II, Millon, 1999) i la Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS, Spanier, 1976), a 32 dones autòctones i 16 immigrants (N=48) que consulten en un servei d’atenció psicoterapèutica. En contrast amb altres estudis, els resultats indiquen que les dones autòctones presenten un perfil psicopatològic més greu i valoren més deficientment la qualitat de la seva relació de parella. Paraules clau: dones maltractades autòctones i immigrants, circumstàncies del maltractament, perfi ls de personalitat, simptomatologia clínica i psicopatologia.
Aquest treball examina diverses circumstancies del maltractament en dones que arriben a diferents serveis assistencials públics de la província de Barcelona, la simptomatologia clínica que presenten i els seus estils de personalitat. 43 dones ateses en centres d'urgincies o cases d'acolliment completaren I'MCMI-II (de Millon, 1999), 1 'Escala d 'Ajustament Dihdic (dlSpanier, 1976), i una adaptació de llEntrevista Semiestructurada sobre Maltractament Domistic (Echebunía, Corral, Sarasua, Zubizarreta i Sauca, 1994). Els resultats indicaren que es tractava d'un conjunt de dones maltractades que es caracteritzaven per haver patit experiincies de maltractament greus en les seves relacions de parella, pel que fa a intensitat, duració, frequincia i extensió. S'obsemi que les dones que havien patit maltractament en la seva infantesa es diferenciaven de les que no, mostrant major gravetat psicopatoldgica. Els resultats obtinguts amb lfMCMI-II reflectien una prestncia relativament baixa de simptomatologia ansiosa i depressiva i un predomini dels estils esquizoides, dependents i evitatius de la personalitat, de manera que un dels primers objectius clínics pensem que hauria de ser contrarestar la tendincia al retraiinent emocional i a l'azllament social per afavorir la seva capacitat d'establir relacions interpersonals i socials en general. Es discuteixen els resultats obtinguts i s'apunten algunes consideracions clíniques i assistencials
Collection : Atopia
En un artículo anterior, presentamos algunos de los datos obtenidos durante los trabajos de investigación realizados en las cuevas situadas al sudeste de la Pirámide del Sol (lámina 1, cuadrante N3E2, Millon 1973). Durante los meses de marzo a agosto de 1993 se realizaron excavaciones en esta área, que permitieron definir un complejo subterráneo ceremonial compuesto por tres cuevas integradas dentro de un patio hundido. En este artículo se exponen los datos arqueológicos de la tercera cueva que ha proporcionado materiales pertenecientes a fases de ocupación posteotihuacanas (900/1000-1200 dC) y su relación con otras investigaciones realizadas en la zona arqueológica en los últimos años.
Dose-escalated radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer (PCa) has a clear therapeutic benefit; however, escalated doses may also increase injury to noncancerous tissues. Radiosensitizing agents can improve ionizing radiation (IR) potency, but without targeted delivery, these agents will also sensitize surrounding normal tissues. Here we describe the development of prostate-targeted RNAi agents that selectively sensitized prostate-specific membrane antigen–positive (PSMA-positive) cells to IR. siRNA library screens identified DNA-activated protein kinase, catalytic polypeptide (DNAPK) as an ideal radiosensitization target. DNAPK shRNAs, delivered by PSMA-targeting RNA aptamers, selectively reduced DNAPK in PCa cells, xenografts, and human prostate tissues. Aptamer-targeted DNAPK shRNAs, combined with IR, dramatically and specifically enhanced PSMA-positive tumor response to IR. These findings support aptamer-shRNA chimeras as selective sensitizing agents for the improved treatment of high-risk localized PCa.
Electrosyneresis and double diffusion are immunoprecipitation techniques commonly used in the serological diagnosis of Farmer's lung disease (FLD). These techniques are reliable but lack standardization. The aim of this study was to evaluate Western blotting for the serodiagnosis of FLD. We carried out Western blotting with an antigenic extract of Lichtheimia corymbifera, an important aetiological agent of the disease. The membranes were probed with sera from 21 patients with FLD and 21 healthy exposed controls to examine the IgG antibody responses against purified somatic antigens. Given the low prevalence of the disease, 21 patients could be considered as a relevant series. Four bands were significantly more frequently represented in membranes probed with FLD sera (bands at 27.7, 40.5, 44.0 and 50.5 kDa) than those probed with control sera. We assessed the diagnostic value of different criteria alone or in combination. The diagnostic accuracy of the test was highest with the inclusion of at least two of the following criteria: at least five bands on the strip and the presence of one band at 40.5 or 44.0 kDa. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were all 81%, and the odds ratio was 18.06. Inclusion of bands of high intensity diminished rather than improved the diagnostic value of the test. We concluded that Western blotting is a valuable technique for the serodiagnosis of FLD. The industrial production of ready-to-use membranes would enable the routine use of this technique in laboratories, and provide reliable and standardized diagnostic results within a few hours.
En un artículo anterior, presentamos algunos de los datos obtenidos durante los trabajos de investigación realizados en las cuevas situadas al sudeste de la Pirámide del Sol (lámina 1, cuadrante N3E2, Millon 1973). Durante los meses de marzo a agosto de 1993 se realizaron excavaciones en esta área, que permitieron definir un complejo subterráneo ceremonial compuesto por tres cuevas integradas dentro de un patio hundido. En este artículo se exponen los datos arqueológicos de la tercera cueva que ha proporcionado materiales pertenecientes a fases de ocupación posteotihuacanas (900/1000-1200 dC) y su relación con otras investigaciones realizadas en la zona arqueológica en los últimos años.