988 resultados para Tension Parallel to grain


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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis related to the past. Pre-traumatic stress reactions, as measured by intrusive involuntary images of possible future stressful events and their associated avoidance and increased arousal, have been overlooked in the PTSD literature. Here we introduce a scale that measures pre-traumatic stress reactions providing a clear future-oriented parallel to the posttraumatic stress reactions described in the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. We apply this pre-traumatic stress reactions checklist (PreCL) to Danish soldiers before, during, and after deployment to Afghanistan. The PreCL has good internal consistency and is highly correlated with a standard measure of PTSD symptoms. The PreCL as answered before the soldiers' deployment significantly predicted level of PTSD symptoms during and after their deployment, while controlling for baseline PTSD symptoms and combat exposure measured during and after deployment. The findings have implications for the conceptualization of PTSD, screening, and treatment.


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Equilibrium distances, binding energies and dissociation energies for the ground and low-lying states of the hydrogen molecular ion in a strong magnetic field parallel to the internuclear axis are calculated and refined, by using the two- dimensional pseudospectral method. High-precision results are presented for the binding energies over a wider field regime than already given in the literature (Kravchenko and Liberman 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 2701). The present work removes a long- standing discrepancy for the R-eq value in the 1sigma(u) state at a field strength of 1.0 x 10(6) T. The dissociation energies of the antibonding 1pi(g) state induced by magnetic fields are determined accurately. We have also observed that the antibonding 1pi(g) potential energy curve develops a minimum if the field is sufficiently strong. Some unreliable results in the literature are pointed out and discussed. A way to efficiently treat vibrational processes and coupling between the nuclear and the electronic motions in magnetic fields is also suggested within a three-dimensional pseudospectral scheme.


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When operated with a metallic tip and sample the scanning tunnelling microscope constitutes a nanoscale, plasmonic light source yielding broadband emission up to a photon energy determined by the applied bias. The emission is due to tunnelling electron excitation and subsequent radiative decay of localized plasmon modes, which can be on the lateral scale of a single metal grain (similar to 25 nm) or less. For a Au-tip/Au-polycrystalline sample under ambient conditions it is found that the intensity and spectral content of the emitted light are not dependent on the lateral grain dimension, but are predominantly determined by the tip geometry. However, the intensity increases strongly with increasing film thickness (grain depth) up to 20-25 nm or approximately the skin depth of the Au film. Photon maps can show less emissive grains and two classes of this occurrence are distinguished. The first is geometrical in origin - a double-tip structure in this case - while the second is due to a contamination-induced lowering of the local work function that causes the tunnel gap to increase. It is suggested that differences in work-function lowering between grains presenting different crystalline facets, combined with an exponential decay in emitted light intensity with tip - sample distance, leads to grain contrast. These results are relevant to tip-enhanced Raman scattering and the fabrication of micro/nano-scale planar, light-emitting tunnel devices.


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The behavior of a model ionic liquid (IL) confined between two flat parallel walls was studied at various interwall distances using computer simulations. The results focus both on structural and dynamical properties. Mass and charge density along the confinement axis reveal a structure of layers parallel to the walls that leads to an oscillatory profile in the electrostatic potential. Orientational correlation functions indicate that cations at the interface orient tilted with respect to the surface and that any other orientational order is lost thereafter. The diffusion coefficients of the ions exhibit a maximum as a function of the confinement distance, a behavior that results from a combination of the structure of the liquid as a whole and a faster molecular motion in the vicinity of the walls. We discuss the relevance of the present results and elaborate on topics that need further attention regarding the effects of ILs in the functioning of IL-based dye-sensitized solar cells.


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The manner in which 90? ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains respond to changes in temperature has been mapped in BaTiO3 single crystals using atomic force microscopy. Domain periodicity remains unaltered until approximately 2 ? C below the Curie temperature (TC ), whereupon domains coarsened dramatically. This behavior was successfully rationalized by considering the temperature dependence of the parameters associated with standard models of ferroelastic domain formation. However, while successful in describing the expected radical increase in equilibrium period with temperature, the model did not predict the unusual mechanism by which domain coarsening occurred; this was not continuous at a local level but instead involved discrete domain annihilation events. Subsequent insights from a combination of free energy analysis for the system and further experimental data from an analogous situation, in which domain period increases with increasing crystal thickness, suggested that domain annihilation is inevitable whenever a component of the relevant gradient that affects domain period is orientated parallel to the domain walls. Consistent with this thesis, we note that, for the observations presented herein, the thermal gradient possessed a significant component parallel to the domain walls. We suggest that domain annihilation is a general feature of domain structures in gradient fields.


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Neuropsychological outcome at 14 to 15 years of age of a cohort of 75 participants (39 male, 36 female) born at <33 weeks' gestation was investigated. Research was conducted parallel to a recent MRI study by Stewart and colleagues which reported that 55% of this cohort had evidence of brain abnormality. One aim of the studs was to compare neuropsychological function in those very preterm children with and without MRI abnormality. Compared to a control sample of term adolescents, very preterm participants had impairment only on a measure of word production. On measures of attention, memory, perceptual skill, and visuomotor and executive function, the adolescents born very preterm performed in the normal range, whether or not they had evidence of MRI abnormality. Our findings are encouraging as the neuropsychological consequences of damage to the very preterm brain, still evident on MRI at 14 to 15 years of age, appear to be minor.


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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) is an opportunistic gram-negative pathogen that causes respiratory infections and is associated with progression of respiratory diseases. Cigarette smoke is a main risk factor for development of respiratory infections and chronic respiratory diseases. Glucocorticoids, which are anti-inflammatory drugs, are still the most common therapy for these diseases. Alveolar macrophages are professional phagocytes that reside in the lung and are responsible for clearing infections by the action of their phagolysosomal machinery and promotion of local inflammation. In this study, we dissected the interaction between NTHI and alveolar macrophages and the effect of cigarette smoke on this interaction. We showed that alveolar macrophages clear NTHI infections by adhesion, phagocytosis, and phagolysosomal processing of the pathogen. Bacterial uptake requires host actin polymerization, the integrity of plasma membrane lipid rafts, and activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling cascade. Parallel to bacterial clearance, macrophages secrete tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) upon NTHI infection. In contrast, exposure to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) impaired alveolar macrophage phagocytosis, although NTHI-induced TNF-alpha secretion was not abrogated. Mechanistically, our data showed that CSE reduced PI3K signaling activation triggered by NTHI. Treatment of CSE-exposed cells with the glucocorticoid dexamethasone reduced the amount of TNF-alpha secreted upon NTHI infection but did not compensate for CSE-dependent phagocytic impairment. The deleterious effect of cigarette smoke was observed in macrophage cell lines and in human alveolar macrophages obtained from smokers and from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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A frequency selective surface (FSS) which can be utilized as a diplexer for circular polarization (CP) applications is proposed. The structure consists of two dipole-based FSS placed parallel to each other. The dipoles in one array are rotated by 90° with respect to those in the other. For an angle of incidence of 45° at one frequency band the structure allows a CP signal to be transmitted while at a further band it converts a linearly polarized (LP) signal to CP upon reflection. Full-wave simulation results validated the concept.


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Understanding the response of humid mid-latitude forests to changes in precipitation, temperature, nutrient cycling, and disturbance is critical to improving our predictive understanding of changes in the surface-subsurface energy balance due to climate change. Mechanistic understanding of the effects of long-term and transient moisture conditions are needed to quantify
linkages between changing redox conditions, microbial activity, and soil mineral and nutrient interactions on C cycling and greenhouse gas releases. To illuminate relationships between the soil chemistry, microbial communities and organic C we established transects across hydraulic and topographic gradients in a small watershed with transient moisture conditions. Valley bottoms tend to be more frequently saturated than ridge tops and side slopes which generally are only saturated when shallow storm flow zones are active. Fifty shallow (~36”) soil cores were collected during timeframes representative of low CO2, soil winter conditions and high CO2, soil summer conditions. Cores were subdivided into 240 samples based on pedology and analyses of the geochemical (moisture content, metals, pH, Fe species, N, C, CEC, AEC) and microbial (16S rRNA gene
amplification with Illumina MiSeq sequencing) characteristics were conducted and correlated to watershed terrain and hydrology. To associate microbial metabolic activity with greenhouse gas emissions we installed 17 soil gas probes, collected gas samples for 16 months and analyzed them for CO2 and other fixed and greenhouse gasses. Parallel to the experimental efforts our data is being used to support hydrobiogeochemical process modeling by coupling the Community Land Model (CLM) with a subsurface process model (PFLOTRAN) to simulate processes and interactions from the molecular to watershed scales. Including above ground processes (biogeophysics, hydrology, and vegetation dynamics), CLM provides mechanistic water, energy, and organic matter inputs to the surface/subsurface models, in which coupled biogeochemical reaction
networks are used to improve the representation of below-ground processes. Preliminary results suggest that inclusion of above ground processes from CLM greatly improves the prediction of moisture response and water cycle at the watershed scale.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that rice cultivated under flooded conditions has higher concentrations of arsenic (As) but lower cadmium (Cd) compared to rice grown in unsaturated soils. To validate such effects over long terms under Mediterranean conditions a field experiment, conducted over 7 successive years was established in SW Spain. The impact of water management on rice production and grain arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) was measured, and As speciation was determined to inform toxicity evaluation. Sprinkler irrigation was compared to traditional flooding.

Both irrigation techniques resulted in similar grain yields (similar to 3000 kg grain ha(-1)). Successive sprinkler irrigation over 7 years decreased grain total As to one-sixth its initial concentration in the flooded system (0.55 to 0.09 mg As kg(-1)), while one cycle of sprinkler irrigation also reduced grain total As by one-third (0.20 mg kg(-1)). Grain inorganic As concentration increased up to 2 folds under flooded conditions compared to sprinkler irrigated fields while organic As was also lower in sprinkler system treatments, but to a lesser extent. This suggests that methylation is favored under water logging. However, sprinkler irrigation increased Cd transfer to grain by a factor of 10, reaching 0.05 mg Cd kg(-1) in 7 years. Sprinlder systems in paddy fields seem particularly suited for Mediterranean climates and are able to mitigate against excessive As accumulation, but our evidence shows that an increased Cd load in rice grain may result.


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Electrocerâmicos são uma classe de materiais avançados com propriedades eléctricas valiosas para aplicações. Estas propriedades são geralmente muito dependentes da microestrutura dos materiais. Portanto, o objectivo geral deste trabalho é investigar o desenho da resposta dieléctrica de filmes espessos obtidos por Deposição Electroforética (EPD) e cerâmicos monolíticos, através do controlo da evolução da microestrutura durante a sinterização de electrocerâmicos à base de titanatos. Aplicações sem fios na indústria microelectrónica e de comunicações, em rápido crescimento, tornaram-se um importante mercado para os fabricantes de semicondutores. Devido à constante necessidade de miniaturização, redução de custos e maior funcionalidade e integração, a tecnologia de filmes espessos está a tornar-se uma abordagem de processamento de materiais funcionais cada vez mais importante. Uma técnica adequada neste contexto é EPD. Os filmes espessos resultantes necessitam de um passo subsequente de sinterização que é afectada pelo substrato subjacente, tendo este um forte efeito sobre a evolução da microestrutura. Relacionado com a miniaturização e a discriminação do sinal, materiais dieléctricos usados como componentes operando a frequências das microondas em aplicações na industria microelectrónica de comunicações devem apresentar baixas perdas dieléctricas e elevadas permitividade dieléctrica e estabilidade com a temperatura. Materiais do sistema BaO-Ln2O3- TiO2 (BLnT: Ln = La ou Nd), como BaLa4Ti4O15 (BLT) e Ba4.5Nd9Ti18O54 (BNT), cumprem esses requisitos e são interessantes para aplicações, por exemplo, em estações de base para comunicações móveis ou em ressonadores para telefones móveis, onde a miniaturização dos dispositivos é muito importante. Por sua vez, o titanato de estrôncio (SrTiO3, STO) é um ferroeléctrico incipiente com constante dieléctrica elevada e baixas perdas, que encontra aplicação em, por exemplo, condensadores de camada interna, tirando partido de fronteiras de grão altamente resistivas. A dependência da permitividade dieléctrica do campo eléctrico aplicado torna este material muito interessante para aplicações em dispositivos de microondas sintonizáveis. Materiais à base de STO são também interessantes para aplicações termoeléctricas, que podem contribuir para a redução da actual dependência de combustíveis fósseis por meio da geração de energia a partir de calor desaproveitado. No entanto, as mesmas fronteiras de grão resistivas são um obstáculo relativamente à eficiência do STO para aplicações termoeléctricas. Para além do efeito do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida, outros factores, como a presença de fase líquida, a não-estequiometria ou a temperatura de sinterização, afectam significativamente não apenas a microestrutura dos materiais funcionais, mas também a sua resposta dieléctrica. Se adequadamente compreendidos, estes factores podem ser intencionalmente usados para desenhar a microestrutura dos electrocerâmicos e, desta forma, as suas propriedades dieléctricas. O efeito da não-estequiometria (razão Sr/Ti 0.995-1.02) no crescimento de grão e resposta dieléctrica de cerâmicos de STO foi investigado neste trabalho. A mobilidade das fronteiras de grão aumenta com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti. A resistividade do interior dos grãos e das fronteiras de grão é sistematicamente diminuída em amostras não-estequiométricas de STO, em comparação com o material estequiométrico. O efeito é muito mais forte para as fronteiras de grão do que para o seu interior. Dependências sistemáticas da não-estequiometria foram também observadas relativamente à dependência da condutividade da temperatura (muito mais afectada no caso da contribuição das fronteiras de grão), à capacitância do interior e fronteiras de grão e à espessura das fronteiras de grão. Uma anomalia no crescimento de grão em cerâmicos de STO ricos em Ti foi também observada e sistematicamente analisada. Foram detectadas três descontinuidades na dependência do tipo Arrhenius do crescimento de grão relativamente à temperatura com diminuições no tamanho de grão a temperaturas em torno de 1500, 1550 e 1605 °C. Além disso, descontinuidades semelhantes foram também observadas na dependência da energia de activação relativamente à condutividade das fronteiras de grão e na espessura das fronteiras de grão, avaliadas por Espectroscopia de Impedância. Estas notáveis coincidências suportam fortemente a formação de diferentes complexos de fronteira de grão com transições entre os regimes de crescimento de grão observados, que podem ser correlacionados com diferentes mobilidades de fronteira de grão e propriedades dieléctricas. Um modelo é sugerido, que se baseia na diminuição da fase líquida localizada nas fronteiras de grão, como o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, um cenário compatível com um fenómeno de solubilidade retrógrada, observado anteriormente em metais e semicondutores, mas não em cerâmicos. A EPD de filmes espessos de STO em substratos de folha de Pt e a sinterização constrangida dos filmes fabricados foram também preliminarmente tratadas. Filmes espessos de STO foram depositados com êxito por EPD sobre substratos de Pt e, depois de sinterizados, atingiram densidades elevadas. Um aumento da densificação e do tamanho de grão assim como o alargamento da distribuição de tamanho do grão foram observados com a diminuição da razão Sr/Ti, tal como anteriormente observado em amostras cerâmicas. Grãos equiaxiados foram observados para todas as composições, mas um certo grau de anisotropia na orientação dos poros foi detectado: os poros revelaram uma orientação vertical preferencial. Este trabalho focou-se também na sinterização constrangida do sistema BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd), nomeadamente de filmes espessos de BLT e BNT sobre substratos de folha de platina, e na relação do desenvolvimento de anisotropia microestrutural com as propriedades dieléctricas. As observações durante a sinterização constrangida foram comparadas com cerâmicos monolíticos equivalentes sinterizados livremente. Filmes espessos de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) com elevada densidade foram obtidos por EPD e subsequente sinterização constrangida. A anisometria cristalográfica do material em conjunto com um passo de sinterização constrangida resultou em grãos alongados e microestruturas anisotrópicas. O efeito do stress do substrato durante a sinterização constrangida originou graus mais elevados de anisotropia (grãos e poros alongados e orientação preferencial, bem como textura cristalográfica) nos filmes sinterizados relativamente aos cerâmicos equivalentes sinterizados livremente, não obstante o estado equivalente das amostras em verde. A densificação dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é retardada em comparação com os cerâmicos, mas depois de longos tempos de sinterização densidades semelhantes são obtidas. No entanto, em oposição a observações na sinterização constrangida de outros sistemas, o crescimento do grão em filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd) é favorecido pelo constrangimento causado pelo substrato. Além disso, grãos e poros alongados orientados paralelamente ao substrato foram desenvolvidos durante a sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos. Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre a evolução de grãos e poros, que começou assim que o crescimento do grão se iniciou. Um efeito da tensão do substrato no aumento do crescimento de grão, bem como um forte “Zener pinning”, origina microestruturas altamente texturizadas, o que também é observado a nível cristalográfico. Efeitos marcantes da anisotropia microestrutural foram também detectados nas propriedades dieléctricas dos filmes de BLnT (Ln = La ou Nd). Juntamente com o aumento da razão de aspecto dos grãos, do factor de orientação e do grau de textura cristalográfica, a permitividade relativa é ligeiramente diminuída e o coeficiente de temperatura da permitividade evolui de negativo para positivo com o aumento do tempo isotérmico de sinterização. Este trabalho mostra que a não-estequiometria pode ser usada para controlar a mobilidade das fronteiras de grão e, portanto, desenhar a microestrutura e as propriedades dieléctricas de electrocerâmicos à base de STO, com ênfase nas propriedades das fronteiras de grão. O papel da não-estequiometria no STO e dos complexos de fronteira de grão no desenvolvimento microestrutural é discutido e novas oportunidades para desenhar as propriedades de materiais funcionais são abertas. As observações relativamente à sinterização constrangida apontam para o efeito de tensões mecânicas desenvolvidas devido ao substrato subjacente no desenvolvimento da microestrutura de materiais funcionais. É assim esperado que a escolha adequada de substrato permitia desenhar a microestrutura de filmes espessos funcionais com desempenho optimizado. “Stress Assisted Grain Growth” (SAGG) é então proposto como uma técnica potencial para desenhar a microestrutura de materiais funcionais, originando microestruturas anisotrópicas texturizadas com propriedades desejadas.


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This thesis examines the Midnight Express phenomenon focusing on the film's reception by audiences in Europe, North America, and Turkey between 1978-2003. Using and enhancing the "historical materialist approach" to film reception developed by Janet Staiger, the thesis considers the historical determinants of the film's nationally and culturally differential readings in different periods and of the transformations in those readings. The thesis argues that while Midnight Express was most likely read in the late 1970s as an attempt to reaffirm American social identity by projecting Turks as an instance of the negative Other, there has been an important shift in the reception of the film in the West during the 1990s due to the changes in the discursive contexts in which the film has been circulating. One does not observe any specific reference to Turkish prisons as a part of the issue of human rights violations in Turkey in the initial reception of the film by European and American critics, whereas these issues appear to be important constituents of a particular reception of the film in the West in the present. The thesis explains this shift by pointing to the constitution of a particular discourse on human rights violations in Turkey after 1980, and especially throughout the 1990s, which has become a part of the discursive repertoires of the Western audience. Therefore, the thesis argues that today, Midnight Express functions as a more legitimate political statement about Turkey in the eyes of some Western audiences than it had been in the 1970s. On the other hand, parallel to the increasing desire of Turkey to connect itself to the West, particularly to become a member of the European Union, one observes an immense increase in the belief in and defense against the negative effects of Midnight Express on Turkey's international representation since the 1990s. The historical and current discourses that audiences, both in Turkey and abroad, bring into play suggest that these audiences engage with Midnight Express by assuming or denying not only the subject positions constructed by the film text but also certain history-specific extra-filmic subject positions produced by other social and discursive formations.


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A key capability of data-race detectors is to determine whether one thread executes logically in parallel with another or whether the threads must operate in series. This paper provides two algorithms, one serial and one parallel, to maintain series-parallel (SP) relationships "on the fly" for fork-join multithreaded programs. The serial SP-order algorithm runs in O(1) amortized time per operation. In contrast, the previously best algorithm requires a time per operation that is proportional to Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function. SP-order employs an order-maintenance data structure that allows us to implement a more efficient "English-Hebrew" labeling scheme than was used in earlier race detectors, which immediately yields an improved determinacy-race detector. In particular, any fork-join program running in T₁ time on a single processor can be checked on the fly for determinacy races in O(T₁) time. Corresponding improved bounds can also be obtained for more sophisticated data-race detectors, for example, those that use locks. By combining SP-order with Feng and Leiserson’s serial SP-bags algorithm, we obtain a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm, called SP-hybrid. Suppose that a fork-join program has n threads, T₁ work, and a critical-path length of T[subscript ∞]. When executed on P processors, we prove that SP-hybrid runs in O((T₁/P + PT[subscript ∞]) lg n) expected time. To understand this bound, consider that the original program obtains linear speed-up over a 1-processor execution when P = O(T₁/T[subscript ∞]). In contrast, SP-hybrid obtains linear speed-up when P = O(√T₁/T[subscript ∞]), but the work is increased by a factor of O(lg n).


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Two contrasting case studies of sediment and detrital mineral composition are investigated in order to outline interactions between chemical composition and grain size. Modern glacial sediments exhibit a strong dependence of the two parameters due to the preferential enrichment of mafic minerals, especially biotite, in the fine-grained fractions. On the other hand, the composition of detrital heavy minerals (here: rutile) appears to be not systematically related to grain-size, but is strongly controlled by location, i.e. the petrology of the source rocks of detrital grains. This supports the use of rutile as a well-suited tracer mineral for provenance studies. The results further suggest that (i) interpretations derived from whole-rock sediment geochemistry should be flanked by grain-size observations, and (ii) a more sound statistical evaluation of these interactions require the development of new tailor-made statistical tools to deal with such so-called two-way compositions