910 resultados para Teaching, ethics, Malaysia, accountancy students, methodology, empirical testing.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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O presente estudo é relativo às práticas docentes no ensino de ciências em uma Escola de Aplicação tida como escola diferenciada positivamente em termos da qualidade de suas práticas de ensino, das condições de trabalho de seus professores e pelo suposto interesse de atualização permanente para assegurar aprendizagem significativa aos estudantes e prepará-los para exercer a cidadania. Meu objetivo foi identificar parâmetros de diferenciação qualitativa do ensino na área de Ciências, considerando justamente que a experimentação pedagógica foi uma das vertentes que dirigiu a criação de ‘escolas de aplicação’ no País. Esta investigação se desenvolve em uma modalidade de pesquisa narrativa por meio da qual se objetiva evidenciar, a partir do relato dos estudantes sobre suas experiências no ensino de ciências, como se configuram as práticas de ensino, especialmente em termos de: a) seleção de conteúdos, b) abordagens teórico-metodológicas do ensino, c) interação professor aluno e aluno-aluno em classe e fora desta, bem como d) práticas, critérios e procedimentos de avaliação do ensino e da aprendizagem. Procurei investigar como os alunos percebem e que valores atribuem às práticas de ensino de Ciências, configuradas especialmente como “boas aulas de ciências”. Tendo como foco os relatos dos estudantes de 5ª a 8ª séries da escola pesquisada, sobre as práticas de ensino de ciências que vivenciam, assumo como premissa, que estes possuem idéias, percepções e concepções acerca do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. As análises por mim procedidas apontam para uma prática de ensino reprodutiva e memorativa, pouco diferente das práticas tradicionais usuais das escolas comuns. No tocante à natureza das aulas e à temática dessas aulas, pouco se valoriza os conhecimentos prévios dos estudantes, predominando um tipo de aula em que os alunos passivamente se limitam a observar o trabalho docente, reproduzem ou repetem quando solicitados aspectos de conteúdos/conhecimento informativo de temas e assuntos das ciências fechados no programa a cumprir e descontextualizados, sem qualquer relação com a realidade, com o mundo em que os estudantes vivem. A guisa de conclusão, considero que as possibilidades e os limites desse ensino obsoleto e ultrapassado de Ciências evidenciados pelos estudantes põem em questão o ensino atual da área e colocam desafios para esta escola de aplicação e para seus professores, em função principalmente das condições privilegiadas de uma escola de aplicação. Torna-se imprescindível que se retome tais práticas de ensino para atualizá-las ao se buscar refletir coletivamente sobre os conteúdos que podem ser significativos para os estudantes, sua relação com o mundo de hoje, bem como sobre as metodologias para tratamento dos conteúdos das Ciências na perspectiva da efetiva construção da aprendizagem significativa dos estudantes, preparando-os de fato para a cidadania.


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Background: Medical students engage in curricular and extracurricular activities, including undergraduate research (UR). The advantages, difficulties and motivations for medical students pursuing research activities during their studies have rarely been addressed. In Brazil, some medical schools have included undergraduate research into their curriculum. The present study aimed to understand the reality of scientific practice among medical students at a well-established Brazilian medical school, analyzing this context from the students' viewpoint.Methods: A cross-sectional survey based on a questionnaire applied to students from years one to six enrolled in an established Brazilian medical school that currently has no curricular UR program.Results: The questionnaire was answered by 415 students, 47.2% of whom were involved in research activities, with greater participation in UR in the second half of the course. Independent of student involvement in research activities, time constraints were cited as the main obstacle to participation. Among students not involved in UR, 91.1% said they favored its inclusion in the curriculum, since this would facilitate the development of such activity. This approach could signify an approximation between the axes of teaching and research. Among students who had completed at least one UR project, 87.7% said they would recommend the activity to students entering the course.Conclusion: Even without an undergraduate research program, students of this medical school report strong involvement in research activities, but discussion of the difficulties inherent in its practice is important to future developments.


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This paper has as subject autism, and sought to verify how the process of teaching and learning of students with autism occurs in a special education school. The Infantile Autism is today sorted as one of the “Global Developmental Disorders (PDD)” and is characterized by a severe and global impairment in several areas of development, such as reciprocal social interaction skills, communication skills and presence of stereotypic behavior, interests and activities. This study aimed to identify the teaching methodology used with adolescents with autism in special education and see in what ways this methodology assists in the teaching and learning of these students. To this end, participated in this study a teacher, expert in this issue, and three students with autism in a Special Education School located within the State of São Paulo. For data collection, 19 observations of activities performed by students with autism in the classroom were conducted and a semi-structured interview with the specialized teacher was applied. The results revealed that the teacher mentioned above does not use any specific teaching methodology to assist in the teaching and learning of these students, although there are some specific methodologies for individuals with autism, which are used in special education schools. Thus, there is a gap in the teaching process on the part of the teacher and an uncertainty about the learning process of these students with autism in this institution.


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This study aimed to verify the effects of a metatextual intervention program, in the elaboration of stories written by students with learning difficulties. Four students were included in the sample of both genders, with ages ranging between eight years and four months and ten years and two months of age. The program was implemented at the participant schools, using an approach of multiple baseline within-subjects, with two conditions: baseline and intervention. Data analysis was based on the classification of stories produced by the students. Mann-Whitney testing was also applied, to analyze whether there have been significant changes in these productions. The results indicated that all students have improved performance in relation to the categories of produced stories, from elementary schemas (33%), for a more elaborate scheme (77%), with a better structuring of the elements that constitute a story. Statistical analysis also showed that the intervention has produced significant results for all variables analyzed. The data obtained have shown that the program was effective.


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This work presents a proposal for teaching financial mathematics to students from secondary school using mathematics investigation. This methodology is used for many researchers and this work follows the main ideas of Fonseca, Brunheira, and Ponte (1999) and Skovsmose (2000). With this methodology, we intend to develop activities that approximate real situations of daily life and we aim to help students to understand and make decisions about single commercial and finances negotiations. Such activities have open questions that provide students the opportunity to think about mathematical subjects like loans, financing and saving account. We show a short description of studies about the importance of financial education in secondary school and university. Our proposal is applied in Secondary School because we considering to use contents of this area in a very simple way, dealing with mathematical ideas in order to develop skills of critical analysis. We suggest a qualitative research with phenomenological approach, as a possibility analysis of collected data from this teaching proposal


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Autism is the theme of this study and the occurrence of the teaching-learning process of students with autism was observed. The study took place in a special education school. Nowadays, infantile Autism is classified as one of the “Development Global Disorders” and it is characterized by serious and global impairments in several aspects of the development, as the reciprocal social interaction, communication abilities and presence of behavioral stereotypes, interests and activities. Notwithstanding, these subjects present a triad of impairments concerning the development areas, such as: communication incapacity for social interaction and imagination, which affect directly the learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the teaching methodology employed for children with autism concerning special education and to verify in which aspects this methodology can help the teachinglearning process of those students. For this reason, a specialist teacher and three students with autism, of a special Education School, located in the interior of São Paulo state, took part in this study. For data collection, a total of 19 activities realized by the students with autism were observed inside the classroom. The specialized teacher answered a semi structured interview. The results demonstrated that the specialized teacher does not employ any specific teaching methodology, in order to help the teaching-learning process for those students, although there are some specific methodologies for children with autism, which are employed in special education schools. Nevertheless, it can be observed a lacuna concerning the teaching process employed by the teacher, and some uncertainly referring to the leaning process of those students with autism who attend that school


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This research was aimed to discuss the prospect constructivist education. This study was based on a survey literature and an investigation of teaching practices performed the daily routine of a classroom in the first years of elementary school a bilingual private school in Bauru - SP. For development of empirical research was adopted as a tool for collecting observation data. Then the results were analyzed the light of constructivist theory. Through this work we could confirm that observed in the classroom teaching practice-based perspective constructivist happens successfully. Many important elements of constructivist perspective, such as planning lessons, adoption collaborative teaching strategies and investment relations Interpersonal are satisfactorily achieved by teachers who, overall, considering the students' prior knowledge, establish strategies that foster learning, value the interpersonal relationships with group work and guided by the collaboration in the mediation of teacher education process. Therefore, the practice teaching does not happen spontaneously or empirical, critical often attributed to constructivism nowadays.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nowadays it is increasingly required insertion History of Science on content to be worked in education, which raises many doubts and difficulties on the teachers did not have that content in their initial training. This work results from a qualitative empirical study aimed to investigate how a teacher of Biology and Science in a public school in the city of Bauru - SP was not in their initial training courses relating to the History of Science, mobilizes their knowledge to enter such an approach in their teaching practice. In the research methodology used as its theme the history of DNA present in the materials and also conduct open interviews and field notes to identify the knowledge involved in teaching practice and was adopted as the theoretical framework of Maurice Tardif’s Docent Knowledge. The results showed that even with difficulties arising from gaps in initial training, the teacher resorted to their experiential knowledge to meet these needs in addition to appropriate knowledge from the programs and textbooks, but its shortcomings make it difficult to analyze more critically. Thus, these data lead us to a reflection on the role of textbooks for these teachers is the process by which the consolidation of the knowledge they constructed.


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The questions arise about the teaching and practice of the methodology of communication research. The aim is to reflect on the possibility of building research projects and develop research and scientific production in the area of social communication at the graduate level, articulating the epistemological interfaces, methodical, theoretical and methodological techniques for design of empirical research in communication, developed by Lopes (2010), adapting it to the Spiral model of knowledge creation, developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka (2008), to support the learning of the methodological procedures that involve scientific research in communication.


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This study aimed to discuss the recent contributions of History of Science to theteaching of chemistry. The theme of the teaching unit was on the accident of cesium-137 in Goiânia ? Goiás, Brazil (1987). This was a qualitative study in which researcherand professor use the methodology of teaching on research. Thus, students should seekinformation, organize the data collected and establish relationships. Students producedposters in an exhibition at the school on the twentieth anniversary of the accident.Results demonstrated the importance of this resource. It was possible to exploit theabundance of detail and illustrations utilized what themes they students considerimportant and which they exploited. A poster exhibition on the theme indicated thestrong interest of students to participate in all activities proposed. The study alsorevealed the importance of using elements of the History of Science in ChemicalEducation and its relationship to the daily life of students.Key words: history of science; radioactivity; cesium-137


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE