989 resultados para Taylor


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A lagarta do cartucho do milho é uma das principais pragas do milho nas Américas, podendo ocorrer durante todos os estágios de crescimento da cultura, causando perdas de 15 a 37% na produção. Neste trabalho estudou-se a distribuição espacial dessa praga no campo, com a finalidade de desenvolver um sistema de amostragem para estimar sua densidade populacional. Na área cultivada com milho foram selecionados 3 campos experimentais de 40 m x 250 m cada, divididos em 100 parcelas cada. Foram contados o número de lagartas pequenas e grandes de S. frugiperda nas folhas e no cartucho das plantas, em 10 plantas ao acaso por parcela, num total de 1000 plantas por campo, em 5, 5 e 4 datas de amostragem, respectivamente. Lagartas menores que 1 cm eram consideradas pequenas e lagartas maiores que 1 cm, grandes. Foram estimados os parâmetros da lei de Taylor, sendo as estimativas dos parâmetros das regressões altamente significativas para todas as categorias larvais. O parâmetro b da lei de Taylor para lagarta pequena foi igual a 1,57, indicando que a forma de distribuição dessa categoria larval é agregada. Para lagartas grandes o parâmetro b foi igual a 0,79, o que conduz a um tipo de distribuição tendendo para aleatoriedade. Para o número total de lagartas os resultados são equivalentes aos obtidos para lagartas pequenas. Foi desenvolvido um plano de amostragem seqüencial com base nos parâmetros da lei de Taylor.


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A partir de reflexão sobre uma hipotética transição do capitalismo em sua natureza manufatureira ao socialismo, procura-se deixar marcada a razão pela qual, seguindo a proposta de Marx, essa transição exige que a produção se realize sob a égide da maquinaria. Consegue-se, como parte dessa reflexão, identificar, para o caso da manufatura, um trade-off entre eficiência produtiva e humanização das atividades de trabalho. Procura-se esclarecer que, dada a natureza do taylorismo-fordismo como reinvenção da manufatura, o exercício de início especulativo passa a ter sentido histórico. Busca-se argumentar que a ampla assimilação do taylorismo-fordismo pela experiência de implantação do socialismo na União Soviética a aprisionou ao mencionado trade-off , fazendo com que a primeira experiência de superação do capitalismo se impregnasse perversamente da mediocridade imanente ao taylorismo-fordismo. Finalmente, são feitos rápidos comentários acerca dos desdobramentos da recente automação de base microeletrônica sobre a natureza de um projeto socialista.


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This work deals with the Priestley-Taylor model for evapotranspiration in different grown stages of a bean crop. Priestley and Taylor derived a practical formulation for energy partitioning between the sensible and latent heat fluxes through the α parameter. Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) was carried out for daily sensible and latent heat flux estimations in three different crop stages. Mean daily values of Priestley-Taylor α parameter were determined for eleven days during the crop cycle. Diurnal variation patterns of α are presented for the growing, flowering and graining periods. The mean values of 1.13 ± 0.33, 1.26 ± 0.74, 1.22 ± 0.55 were obtained for a day in the growing, in the flowering and for graining periods, respectively. Eleven days values of α are shown and gave a mean value of 1.23 ± 0.10 which agree on the reported literature.


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Priestley and Taylor provided a practical formulation of the partitioning of net radiation between heat flux and evaporation contained within a parameter α. Their model (PTM) needs verification under a range of environmental conditions. Micrometeorological data sets collected over the Amazon forest at the Ducke Reserve site (2°57′S; 59°57′W) gave an opportunity to evaluate α. Evidence presented here and by others shows that there is pronounced diurnal variation in α, with minimum values around midday and maximum values in the morning and evening hours. During unstable and stable conditions in the daylight hours, the Bowen ratio (B) varied from 0.10 to 0.57 and -0.71 to -0.08, respectively, whereas α varied from 0.67 to 1.16 and 1.28 to 3.12, respectively. A mean value of α = 1.16±0.56 was obtained from daytime hourly values for two days. The daily data sets from three expeditions gave a mean of α = 1.03±0.13. This work confirms that α is a function of atmospheric stability over the Amazon forest. Thus the PTM should be applied with caution over time-intervals of one day or less because of the sensitivity to variation in α. The calculated values of α are in general agreement with those reported in literature. © 1991.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the most important problems in inertial confinement fusion is how to find a way to mitigate the onset of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which arises in the ablation front during the compression. In this thesis it is studied in detail the possibility of using for such a purpose the well-known mechanism of dynamic stabilization, already applied to other dynamical systems such as the inverted pendulum. In this context, a periodic acceleration superposed to the background gravity generates a vertical vibration of the ablation front itself. The effects of different driving modulations (Dirac deltas and square waves) are analyzed from a theoretical point of view, with a focus on stabilization of ion beam driven ablation fronts, and a comparison is made, in order to look for optimization.


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After briefly discuss the natural homogeneous Lie group structure induced by Kolmogorov equations in chapter one, we define an intrinsic version of Taylor polynomials and Holder spaces in chapter two. We also compare our definition with others yet known in literature. In chapter three we prove an analogue of Taylor formula, that is an estimate of the remainder in terms of the homogeneous metric.


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Eingebunden in: Senckenberg, Johann Christian: Ärztliches Tagebuch: Januar - Juli 1750


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We present successful 81 Kr-Kr radiometric dating of ancient polarice. Krypton was extracted from the air bubbles in four∼350-kg polar ice samples from Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, and dated using Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA). The 81 Kr radiometric ages agree with independent age estimates obtained from stratigraphic dating techniques with a mean abso-lute age offset of 6±2.5 ka. Our experimental methods and sampling strategy are validated by (i) 85 Kr and 39 Ar analyses that show the samples to be free of modern air contamination and (ii)air content measurements that show the ice did not experience gas loss. We estimate the error in the 81 Kr ages due to past geomagnetic variability to be below 3 ka. We show that ice from the previous interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e, 130–115 ka before present) can be found in abundance near the surface of Taylor Glacier. Our study paves the way for reliable radiometric dating of ancient ice in blue ice areas and margin sites where large samples are available, greatly enhancing their scientific value as archives of old ice and meteorites. At present, ATTA 81Kr analysis requires a 40–80-kg ice sample; as sample requirements continue to decrease, 81 Kr dating of ice cores is a future possibility.


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Charles Taylor’s monumental book A Secular Age has been extensively discussed, criticized, and worked on. This volume, by contrast, explores ways of working with Taylor’s book, especially its potentials and limits for individual research projects. Due to its wide reception, it has initiated a truly interdisciplinary object of study; with essays drawn from various research fields, this volume fosters substantial conversation across disciplines.


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Application of pressure-driven laminar flow has an impact on zone and boundary dispersion in open tubular CE. The GENTRANS dynamic simulator for electrophoresis was extended with Taylor-Aris diffusivity which accounts for dispersion due to the parabolic flow profile associated with pressure-driven flow. Effective diffusivity of analyte and system zones as functions of the capillary diameter and the amount of flow in comparison to molecular diffusion alone were studied for configurations with concomitant action of imposed hydrodynamic flow and electroosmosis. For selected examples under realistic experimental conditions, simulation data are compared with those monitored experimentally using modular CE setups featuring both capacitively coupled contactless conductivity and UV absorbance detection along a 50 μm id fused-silica capillary of 90 cm total length. The data presented indicate that inclusion of flow profile based Taylor-Aris diffusivity provides realistic simulation data for analyte and system peaks, particularly those monitored in CE with conductivity detection.


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The Taylor rule has become one of the most studied strategies for monetary policy. Yet, little is known whether the Federal Reserve follows a non-linear Taylor rule. This paper employs the smooth transition regression model and asks the question: does the Federal Reserve change its policy-rule according to the level of inflation and/or the output gap? I find that the Federal Reserve does follow a non-linear Taylor rule and, more importantly, that the Federal Reserve followed a non-linear Taylor rule during the golden era of monetary policy, 1985-2005, and a linear Taylor rule throughout the dark age of monetary policy, 1960-1979. Thus, good monetary policy is associated with a non-linear Taylor rule: once inflation approaches a certain threshold, the Federal Reserve adjusts its policy-rule and begins to respond more forcefully to inflation.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11209