886 resultados para Targets Coded


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Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns and virulence effectors are recognized by plants as a first step to mount a defence response against potential pathogens. This recognition involves a large family of extracellular membrane receptors and other immune proteins located in different sub-cellular compartments. We have used phage-display technology to express and select for Arabidopsis proteins able to bind bacterial pathogens. To rapidly identify microbe-bound phage, we developed a monitoring method based on microarrays. This combined strategy allowed for a genome-wide screening of plant proteins involved in pathogen perception. Two phage libraries for high-throughput selection were constructed from cDNA of plants infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, or from combined samples of the virulent isolate DC3000 of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and its avirulent variant avrRpt2. These three pathosystems represent different degrees in the specificity of plant-microbe interactions. Libraries cover up to 26107 different plant transcripts that can be displayed as functional proteins on the surface of T7 bacteriophage. A number of these were selected in a bio-panning assay for binding to Pseudomonas cells. Among the selected clones we isolated the ethylene response factor ATERF-1, which was able to bind the three bacterial strains in competition assays. ATERF-1 was rapidly exported from the nucleus upon infiltration of either alive or heat-killed Pseudomonas. Moreover, aterf-1 mutants exhibited enhanced susceptibility to infection. These findings suggest that ATERF-1 contains a microbe-recognition domain with a role in plant defence. To identify other putative pathogen-binding proteins on a genome-wide scale, the copy number of selected-vs.-total clones was compared by hybridizing phage cDNAs with Arabidopsis microarrays. Microarray analysis revealed a set of 472 candidates with significant fold change. Within this set defence-related genes, including well-known targets of bacterial effectors, are over-represented. Other genes non-previously related to defence can be associated through this study with general or strain-specific recognition of Pseudomonas.


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Abstract This paper presents a hybrid heuristic{triangle evolution (TE) for global optimization. It is a real coded evolutionary algorithm. As in di®erential evolution (DE), TE targets each individual in current population and attempts to replace it by a new better individual. However, the way of generating new individuals is di®erent. TE generates new individuals in a Nelder- Mead way, while the simplices used in TE is 1 or 2 dimensional. The proposed algorithm is very easy to use and e±cient for global optimization problems with continuous variables. Moreover, it requires only one (explicit) control parameter. Numerical results show that the new algorithm is comparable with DE for low dimensional problems but it outperforms DE for high dimensional problems.


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2005 1. Assisted with a study to assess hurricane impacts to Gulf sturgeon critical foraging habitat. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 5. Assisted with benthic invertebrate survey at Gulf sturgeon marine foraging grounds. 6. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 22nd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 7. Over 87,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 45 sites in the fall and spring and 8 thermal refuges in the summer. 8. Completed fishery surveys on 4 ponds on Eglin AFB totaling 53 acres, and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 9. Completed final report for aquatic monitoring at Eglin AFB from 1999 to 2004. 10. Completed a field collection of the endangered Okaloosa darter to be incorporated into a status review to be completed in FY06. 11. Provided technical assistance to the Region 4 National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) program on changes to the fishery conservation targets for the region. Also provided technical assistance to four NWRs (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR) relative to hurricanes and recreational fishing. 12. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in Northwest Florida and southwest Georgia, and an associated field guide, poster, and Freshwater Mussel Survey Protocol and Identification workshop were completed in FY05. 13. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 14. Initiated or completed multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects. A total of 7.5 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, and 11 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 630 acres of wetlands and 2,401 acres of understory habitat were restored. 15. Conducted a watershed assessment to develop a threats analysis for prioritizing restoration, protection, and enhancement to natural resources of Spring Creek, Georgia and Canoe Creek, Florida. 16. Continued the formation of an Unpaved Road Interagency Team of Federal, State, and local agencies in Northwest Florida to promote stream protection and restoration from unpaved road sediment runoff. Began the development of a technical committee agreement. 17. Conducted Alabama Unpaved Road Inventory within the Northeast Gulf Ecosystem. Data collection will be completed during FY06. 18. Finalized the development of two North Florida hydrophysiographic regional curves for use by the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) and others involved with stream restoration and protection. Initiated the development of the Alabama Coastal Plain Riparian Reference Reach and Regional Curves for use by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). 19. Provided technical assistance in collecting data, analysis, and thesis formulation with Troy University, Alabama, to identify the influence of large woody debris in southeastern coastal plain streams. 20. Completed pre- and post-restoration fish community monitoring at several restoration projects including Big Escambia Creek, Magnolia Creek, and Oyster Lake, Florida. 21. Established a watershed partnership for the Chipola River in Alabama and Florida and expanded development and participation in the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership, Georgia. 22. Continued to identify barriers which inhibit the movement of aquatic species within the Northeast Gulf Ecoregion. 23. Completed a report on road crossing structures in Okaloosa darter streams to guide the closure/repair/maintenance of roads to contribute to recovery of the endangered species. In cooperation with Three Rivers RC&D Council, fish passage sites identified in the report were prioritized for restoration. 24. Monitored Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Apalachicola River and tested the sterility of exotic grass carp. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, several festivals, and school outreach.


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An experimental study on the angular distribution and conversion of multi-keV X-ray sources produced from 2 ns-duration 527nm laser irradiated thick-foil targets on Shenguang II laser facility (SG-II) is reported. The angular distributions measured in front of the targets can be fitted with the function of f(theta) = alpha+ (1- alpha)cos(beta) theta (theta is the viewing angle relative to the target normal), where alpha = 0.41 +/- 0.014, beta = 0.77 +/- 0.04 for Ti K-shell X-ray Sources (similar to 4.75 keV for Ti K-shell), and alpha = 0.085 +/- 0.06, beta = 0.59 +/- 0.07 for Ag/Pd/Mo L-shell X-ray Sources (2-2.8 keV for Mo L-shell, 2.8-3.5 keV for Pd L-shell, and 3-3.8 keV for Ag L-shell). The isotropy of the angular-distribution of L-shell emission is worse than that of the K-shell emission at larger viewing angle (>70 degrees), due to its larger optical depth (stronger self-absorption) in the cold plasma side lobe Surrounding the central emission region, and in the central hot plasma region (emission region). There is no observable difference in the angular distributions of the L-shell X-ray emission among Ag, Pd, and Mo. The conversion efficiency of Ag/Pd/Mo L-shell X-ray sources is higher than that of the Ti K-shell X-ray sources, but the gain relative to the K-shell emission is not as high as that by using short pulse lasers. The conversion efficiency of the L-shell X-ray sources decrease, with increasing atomic numbers (or X-ray photon energy), similar to the behavior of the K-shell X-ray Source.


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Part I.

We have developed a technique for measuring the depth time history of rigid body penetration into brittle materials (hard rocks and concretes) under a deceleration of ~ 105 g. The technique includes bar-coded projectile, sabot-projectile separation, detection and recording systems. Because the technique can give very dense data on penetration depth time history, penetration velocity can be deduced. Error analysis shows that the technique has a small intrinsic error of ~ 3-4 % in time during penetration, and 0.3 to 0.7 mm in penetration depth. A series of 4140 steel projectile penetration into G-mixture mortar targets have been conducted using the Caltech 40 mm gas/ powder gun in the velocity range of 100 to 500 m/s.

We report, for the first time, the whole depth-time history of rigid body penetration into brittle materials (the G-mixture mortar) under 105 g deceleration. Based on the experimental results, including penetration depth time history, damage of recovered target and projectile materials and theoretical analysis, we find:

1. Target materials are damaged via compacting in the region in front of a projectile and via brittle radial and lateral crack propagation in the region surrounding the penetration path. The results suggest that expected cracks in front of penetrators may be stopped by a comminuted region that is induced by wave propagation. Aggregate erosion on the projectile lateral surface is < 20% of the final penetration depth. This result suggests that the effect of lateral friction on the penetration process can be ignored.

2. Final penetration depth, Pmax, is linearly scaled with initial projectile energy per unit cross-section area, es , when targets are intact after impact. Based on the experimental data on the mortar targets, the relation is Pmax(mm) 1.15es (J/mm2 ) + 16.39.

3. Estimation of the energy needed to create an unit penetration volume suggests that the average pressure acting on the target material during penetration is ~ 10 to 20 times higher than the unconfined strength of target materials under quasi-static loading, and 3 to 4 times higher than the possible highest pressure due to friction and material strength and its rate dependence. In addition, the experimental data show that the interaction between cracks and the target free surface significantly affects the penetration process.

4. Based on the fact that the penetration duration, tmax, increases slowly with es and does not depend on projectile radius approximately, the dependence of tmax on projectile length is suggested to be described by tmax(μs) = 2.08es (J/mm2 + 349.0 x m/(πR2), in which m is the projectile mass in grams and R is the projectile radius in mm. The prediction from this relation is in reasonable agreement with the experimental data for different projectile lengths.

5. Deduced penetration velocity time histories suggest that whole penetration history is divided into three stages: (1) An initial stage in which the projectile velocity change is small due to very small contact area between the projectile and target materials; (2) A steady penetration stage in which projectile velocity continues to decrease smoothly; (3) A penetration stop stage in which projectile deceleration jumps up when velocities are close to a critical value of ~ 35 m/s.

6. Deduced averaged deceleration, a, in the steady penetration stage for projectiles with same dimensions is found to be a(g) = 192.4v + 1.89 x 104, where v is initial projectile velocity in m/s. The average pressure acting on target materials during penetration is estimated to be very comparable to shock wave pressure.

7. A similarity of penetration process is found to be described by a relation between normalized penetration depth, P/Pmax, and normalized penetration time, t/tmax, as P/Pmax = f(t/tmax, where f is a function of t/tmax. After f(t/tmax is determined using experimental data for projectiles with 150 mm length, the penetration depth time history for projectiles with 100 mm length predicted by this relation is in good agreement with experimental data. This similarity also predicts that average deceleration increases with decreasing projectile length, that is verified by the experimental data.

8. Based on the penetration process analysis and the present data, a first principle model for rigid body penetration is suggested. The model incorporates the models for contact area between projectile and target materials, friction coefficient, penetration stop criterion, and normal stress on the projectile surface. The most important assumptions used in the model are: (1) The penetration process can be treated as a series of impact events, therefore, pressure normal to projectile surface is estimated using the Hugoniot relation of target material; (2) The necessary condition for penetration is that the pressure acting on target materials is not lower than the Hugoniot elastic limit; (3) The friction force on projectile lateral surface can be ignored due to cavitation during penetration. All the parameters involved in the model are determined based on independent experimental data. The penetration depth time histories predicted from the model are in good agreement with the experimental data.

9. Based on planar impact and previous quasi-static experimental data, the strain rate dependence of the mortar compressive strength is described by σf0f = exp(0.0905(log(έ/έ_0) 1.14, in the strain rate range of 10-7/s to 103/s (σ0f and έ are reference compressive strength and strain rate, respectively). The non-dispersive Hugoniot elastic wave in the G-mixture has an amplitude of ~ 0.14 GPa and a velocity of ~ 4.3 km/s.

Part II.

Stress wave profiles in vitreous GeO2 were measured using piezoresistance gauges in the pressure range of 5 to 18 GPa under planar plate and spherical projectile impact. Experimental data show that the response of vitreous GeO2 to planar shock loading can be divided into three stages: (1) A ramp elastic precursor has peak amplitude of 4 GPa and peak particle velocity of 333 m/s. Wave velocity decreases from initial longitudinal elastic wave velocity of 3.5 km/s to 2.9 km/s at 4 GPa; (2) A ramp wave with amplitude of 2.11 GPa follows the precursor when peak loading pressure is 8.4 GPa. Wave velocity drops to the value below bulk wave velocity in this stage; (3) A shock wave achieving final shock state forms when peak pressure is > 6 GPa. The Hugoniot relation is D = 0.917 + 1.711u (km/s) using present data and the data of Jackson and Ahrens [1979] when shock wave pressure is between 6 and 40 GPa for ρ0 = 3.655 gj cm3 . Based on the present data, the phase change from 4-fold to 6-fold coordination of Ge+4 with O-2 in vitreous GeO2 occurs in the pressure range of 4 to 15 ± 1 GPa under planar shock loading. Comparison of the shock loading data for fused SiO2 to that on vitreous GeO2 demonstrates that transformation to the rutile structure in both media are similar. The Hugoniots of vitreous GeO2 and fused SiO2 are found to coincide approximately if pressure in fused SiO2 is scaled by the ratio of fused SiO2to vitreous GeO2 density. This result, as well as the same structure, provides the basis for considering vitreous Ge02 as an analogous material to fused SiO2 under shock loading. Experimental results from the spherical projectile impact demonstrate: (1) The supported elastic shock in fused SiO2 decays less rapidly than a linear elastic wave when elastic wave stress amplitude is higher than 4 GPa. The supported elastic shock in vitreous GeO2 decays faster than a linear elastic wave; (2) In vitreous GeO2 , unsupported shock waves decays with peak pressure in the phase transition range (4-15 GPa) with propagation distance, x, as α 1/x-3.35 , close to the prediction of Chen et al. [1998]. Based on a simple analysis on spherical wave propagation, we find that the different decay rates of a spherical elastic wave in fused SiO2 and vitreous GeO2 is predictable on the base of the compressibility variation with stress under one-dimensional strain condition in the two materials.


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The interaction of a circularly polarized laser pulse with a mixed solid target containing two species of ions is studied by particle in cell simulations and analytical model. After the interaction tends to be stable, it is demonstrated that the acceleration is more efficient for the heavier ions than that in plasmas containing a single kind of heavy ion and the acceleration efficiency is higher when its proportion is lower. To obtain monoenergetic heavy-ion beams, a sandwich target with a thin mixed ion layer between two light ion layers and a microstructured target are proposed. The influences of parameters of the laser pulse and target on ion acceleration are discussed in detail. It is found that, when the target is thick enough, a cold target is more appropriate for heavy-ion acceleration than a warm target, and the velocity of the reflected heavy ions is proportional to the laser amplitude.


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An analytical fluid model for vacuum heating during the oblique incidence by an ultrashort ultraintense p-polarized laser on a solid-density plasma is proposed. The steepening of an originally smooth electron density profile as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser is included self-consistently. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking since the front part of the returning electrons always move slower than the trailing part. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expense of the wave energy. An estimate for the efficiency of laser energy absorption by the vacuum heating is given. It is also found that for the incident laser intensity parameter, a(L)> 0.5, the absorption rate peaks at an incident angle 45 degrees-52 degrees and it reaches a maximum of 30% at a(L)approximate to 1.5.


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An analytical fluid model is proposed for the generation of strong quasistatic magnetic fields during normal incidence of a short ultraintense Gaussian laser pulse with a finite spot size on an overdense plasma. The steepening of the electron density profile in the originally homogeneous overdense plasma and the formation of electron cavitation as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser are included self-consistently. It is shown that the appearance of the cavitation plays an important role in the generation of quasistatic magnetic fields: the strong plasma inhomogeneities caused by the formation of the electron cavitation lead to the generation of a strong axial quasistatic magnetic field B-z. In the overdense regime, the generated quasistatic magnetic field increases with increasing laser intensity, while it decreases with increasing plasma density. It is also found that, in a moderately overdense plasma, highly intense laser pulses can generate magnetic fields similar to 100 MG and greater due to the transverse linear mode conversion process.