158 resultados para Tabacum


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The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions between cytokinin, sugar repression, and light in the senescence-related decline in photosynthetic enzymes of leaves. In transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants that induce the production of cytokinin in senescing tissue, the age-dependent decline in NADH-dependent hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, and other enzymes involved in photosynthetic metabolism was delayed but not prevented. Glucose (Glc) and fructose contents increased with leaf age in wild-type tobacco and, to a greater extent, in transgenic tobacco. To study whether sugar accumulation in senescing leaves can counteract the effect of cytokinin on senescence, discs of wild-type leaves were incubated with Glc and cytokinin solutions. The photorespiratory enzyme HPR declined rapidly in the presence of 20 mm Glc, especially at very low photon flux density. Although HPR protein was increased in the presence of cytokinin, cytokinin did not prevent the Glc-dependent decline. Illumination at moderate photon flux density resulted in the rapid synthesis of HPR and partially prevented the negative effect of Glc. Similar results were obtained for the photosynthetic enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. It is concluded that sugars, cytokinin, and light interact during senescence by influencing the decline in proteins involved in photosynthetic metabolism.


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A membrane preparation from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells contains at least one enzyme that is capable of transferring the methyl group from S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) to the C6 carboxyl of homogalacturonan present in the membranes. This enzyme is named homogalacturonan-methyltransferase (HGA-MT) to distinguish it from methyltransferases that catalyze methyletherification of the pectic polysaccharides rhamnogalacturonan I or rhamnogalacturonan II. A trichloroacetic acid precipitation assay was used to measure HGA-MT activity, because published procedures to recover pectic polysaccharides via ethanol or chloroform:methanol precipitation lead to high and variable background radioactivity in the product pellet. Attempts to reduce the incorporation of the 14C-methyl group from SAM into pectin by the addition of the alternative methyl donor 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were unsuccessful, supporting the role of SAM as the authentic methyl donor for HGA-MT. The pH optimum for HGA-MT in membranes was 7.8, the apparent Michaelis constant for SAM was 38 μm, and the maximum initial velocity was 0.81 pkat mg−1 protein. At least 59% of the radiolabeled product was judged to be methylesterified homogalacturonan, based on the release of radioactivity from the product after a mild base treatment and via enzymatic hydrolysis by a purified pectin methylesterase. The released radioactivity eluted with a retention time identical to that of methanol upon fractionation over an organic acid column. Cleavage of the radiolabeled product by endopolygalacturonase into fragments that migrated as small oligomers of HGA during thin-layer chromatography, and the fact that HGA-MT activity in the membranes is stimulated by uridine 5′-diphosphate galacturonic acid, a substrate for HGA synthesis, confirms that the bulk of the product recovered from tobacco membranes incubated with SAM is methylesterified HGA.


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The tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultivar Xanthi-nc (genotype NN) produces high levels of salicylic acid (SA) after inoculation with the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Gaseous methyl salicylate (MeSA), a major volatile produced in TMV-inoculated tobacco plants, was recently shown to be an airborne defense signal. Using an assay developed to measure the MeSA present in tissue, we have shown that in TMV-inoculated tobacco plants the level of MeSA increases dramatically, paralleling increases in SA. MeSA accumulation was also observed in upper, noninoculated leaves. In TMV-inoculated tobacco shifted from 32 to 24°C, the MeSA concentration increased from nondetectable levels to 2318 ng/g fresh weight 12 h after the temperature shift, but subsequently decreased with the onset of the hypersensitive response. Similar results were observed in plants inoculated with Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola, in which MeSA levels were highest just before the hypersensitive response-induced tissue desiccation. Transgenic NahG plants unable to accumulate SA also did not accumulate MeSA after TMV inoculation, and did not show increased resistance to TMV following MeSA treatment. Based on the spatial and temporal kinetics of its accumulation, we conclude that tissue MeSA may play a role similar to that of volatile MeSA in the pathogen-induced defense response.


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Previously, we reported that transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with a vector containing a potato cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc) cDNA generated two plant lines specifically lacking leaf PKc (PKc−) as a result of co-suppression. PKc deficiency in these primary transformants did not appear to alter plant development, although root growth was not examined. Here we report a striking reduction in root growth of homozygous progeny of both PKc− lines throughout development under moderate (600 μE m−2 s−1) or low (100 μE m−2 s−1) light intensities. When both PKc− lines were cultivated under low light, shoot and flower development were also delayed and leaf indentations were apparent. Leaf PK activity in the transformants was significantly decreased at all time points examined, whereas root activities were unaffected. Polypeptides corresponding to PKc were undetectable on immunoblots of PKc− leaf extracts, except in 6-week-old low-light-grown PKc− plants, in which leaf PKc expression appeared to be greatly reduced. The metabolic implications of the kinetic characteristics of partially purified PKc from wild-type tobacco leaves are discussed. Overall, the results suggest that leaf PKc deficiency leads to a perturbation in source-sink relationships.


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Al toxicity is a major problem that limits crop productivity on acid soils. It has been suggested that Al toxicity is linked to changes in cellular Ca homeostasis and the blockage of plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channels. BY-2 suspension-cultured cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) exhibit rapid cell expansion that is sensitive to Al. Therefore, the effect of Al on changes in cytoplasmic free Ca concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) was followed in BY-2 cells to assess whether Al perturbed cellular Ca homeostasis. Al exposure resulted in a prolonged reduction in [Ca2+]cyt and inhibition of growth that was similar to the effect of the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+ and the Ca2+ chelator ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid. The Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine did not induce a decrease in [Ca2+]cyt in these cells and also failed to inhibit growth. Al and La3+, but not verapamil or nifedipine, reduced the rate of Mn2+ quenching of Indo-1 fluorescence, which is consistent with the blockage of Ca2+- and Mn2+-permeable channels. These results suggest that Al may act to block Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane of plant cells and this action may play a crucial role in the phytotoxic activity of the Al ion.


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Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Turkish Samsun NN) plants expressing a truncated replicase gene sequence from RNA-2 of strain Fny of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are resistant to systemic CMV disease. This is due to suppression of virus replication and cell-to-cell movement in the inoculated leaves of these plants. In this study, microinjection protocols were used to directly examine cell-to-cell trafficking of CMV viral RNA in these resistant plants. CMV RNA fluorescently labeled with the nucleotide-specific TOTO-1 iodide dye, when coinjected with unlabeled CMV 3a movement protein (MP), moved rapidly into the surrounding mesophyll cells in mature tobacco leaves of vector control and untransformed plants. Such trafficking required the presence of functional CMV 3a MP. In contrast, coinjection of CMV 3a MP and CMV TOTO-RNA failed to move in transgenic resistant plants expressing the CMV truncated replicase gene. Furthermore, coinjection of 9.4-kDa fluorescein-conjugated dextran (F-dextran) along with unlabeled CMV 3a MP resulted in cell-to-cell movement of the F-dextran in control plants, but not in the transgenic plants. Similar results were obtained with viral RNA when the 30-kDa MP of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was coinjected with TMV TOTO-RNA into replicase-resistant transgenic tobacco expressing the 54-kDa gene sequence of TMV. However, in these transgenic plants, the TMV-MP was still capable of mediating cell-to-cell movement of itself and the 9.4-kDa F-dextran. These results indicate that an inhibition of cell-to-cell viral RNA trafficking is correlated with replicase-mediated resistance. This raises the possibility that the RNA-2 product is potentially involved in the regulation of cell-to-cell movement of viral infectious material during CMV replication.


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To fully understand vascular transport of plant viruses, the viral and host proteins, their structures and functions, and the specific vascular cells in which these factors function must be determined. We report here on the ability of various cDNA-derived coat protein (CP) mutants of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to invade vascular cells in minor veins of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi nn. The mutant viruses we studied, TMV CP-O, U1mCP15-17, and SNC015, respectively, encode a CP from a different tobamovirus (i.e., from odontoglossum ringspot virus) resulting in the formation of non-native capsids, a mutant CP that accumulates in aggregates but does not encapsidate the viral RNA, or no CP. TMV CP-O is impaired in phloem-dependent movement, whereas U1mCP15-17 and SNC015 do not accumulate by phloem-dependent movement. In developmentally-defined studies using immunocytochemical analyses we determined that all of these mutants invaded vascular parenchyma cells within minor veins in inoculated leaves. In addition, we determined that the CPs of TMV CP-O and U1mCP15-17 were present in companion (C) cells of minor veins in inoculated leaves, although more rarely than CP of wild-type virus. These results indicate that the movement of TMV into minor veins does not require the CP, and an encapsidation-competent CP is not required for, but may increase the efficiency of, movement into the conducting complex of the phloem (i.e., the C cell/sieve element complex). Also, a host factor(s) functions at or beyond the C cell/sieve element interface with other cells to allow efficient phloem-dependent accumulation of TMV CP-O.


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Cyclic terpenes and terpenoids are found throughout nature. They comprise an especially important class of compounds from plants that mediate plant- environment interactions, and they serve as pharmaceutical agents with antimicrobial and anti-tumor activities. Molecular comparisons of several terpene cyclases, the key enzymes responsible for the multistep cyclization of C10, C15, and C20 allylic diphosphate substrates, have revealed a striking level of sequence similarity and conservation of exon position and size within the genes. Functional domains responsible for a terminal enzymatic step were identified by swapping regions approximating exons between a Nicotiana tabacum 5-epi-aristolochene synthase (TEAS) gene and a Hyoscyamus muticus vetispiradiene synthase (HVS) gene and by characterization of the resulting chimeric enzymes expressed in bacteria. While exon 4 of the TEAS gene conferred specificity for the predominant reaction products of the tobacco enzyme, exon 6 of the HVS gene conferred specificity for the predominant reaction products of the Hyoscyamus enzyme. Combining these two functional domains of the TEAS and HVS genes resulted in a novel enzyme capable of synthesizing reaction products reflective of both parent enzymes. The relative ratio of the TEAS and HVS reaction products was also influenced by the source of exon 5 present in the new chimeric enzymes. The association of catalytic activities with conserved but separate exonic domains suggests a general means for generating additional novel terpene cyclases.


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The expression of the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) in plants was analyzed by transient expression in protoplasts from Nicotiana tabacum, Arabidopsis thaliana, Hordeum vulgare, and Zea mays. Expression of GFP was only observed with a mutated cDNA, from which a recently described cryptic splice site had been removed. However, detectable levels of green fluorescence were only emitted from a small number of protoplasts. Therefore, other mutations in the GFP cDNA leading to single-amino acid exchanges in the chromophore region, which had been previously studied in Escherichia coli, were tested in order to improve the sensitivity of this marker protein. Of the mutations tested so far, the exchange of GFP amino acid tyrosine 66 to histidine (Y66H) led to detection of blue fluorescence in plant protoplasts, while the exchange of amino acid serine 65 to cysteine (S65C) and threonine (S65T) increased the intensity of green fluorescence drastically, thereby significantly raising the detection level for GFP. For GFP S65C, the detectable number of green fluorescing tobacco (BY-2) protoplasts was raised up to 19-fold, while the fluorimetricly determined fluorescence was raised by at least 2 orders of magnitude.


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Transmitting tissue-specific (TTS) protein is a pollen tube growth-promoting and attracting glycoprotein located in the stylar transmitting tissue extracellular matrix of the pistil of tobacco. The TTS protein backbones have a deduced molecular mass of about 28 kDa, whereas the glycosylated stylar TTS proteins have apparent molecular masses ranging between 50 and 100 kDa. TTS mRNAs and proteins are ectopically produced in transgenic tobacco plants that express either a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter-TTS2 transgene or a CaMV 35S-promoter-NAG1 (NAG1 = Nicotiana tabacum Agamous gene) transgene. However, the patterns of TTS mRNA and protein accumulation and the quality of the TTS proteins produced are different in these two types of transgenic plants. In 35S-TTS transgenic plants, TTS mRNAs and proteins accumulate constitutively in vegetative and floral tissues. However, the ectopically expressed TTS proteins in these transgenic plants accumulate as underglycosylated protein species with apparent molecular masses between 30 and 50 kDa. This indicates that the capacity to produce highly glycosylated TTS proteins is restricted to the stylar transmitting tissue. In 35S-NAG transgenic plants, NAG1 mRNAs accumulate constitutively in vegetative and floral tissues, and TTS mRNAs are induced in the sepals of these plants. Moreover, highly glycosylated TTS proteins in the 50- to 100-kDa molecular mass range accumulate in the sepals of these transgenic, 35S-NAG plants. These results show that the tobacco NAGI gene, together with other yet unidentified regulatory factors, control the expression of TTS genes and the cellular capacity to glycosylate TTS proteins, which are normally expressed very late in the pistil developmental pathway and function in the final stage of floral development. The sepals in the transgenic 35S-NAG plants also support efficient pollen germination and tube growth, similar to what normally occurs in the pistil, and this ability correlates with the accumulation of the highest levels of the 50- to 100-kDa glycosylated TTS proteins.


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Integration of viral DNA into the host nuclear genome, although not unusual in bacterial and animal systems, has surprisingly not been reported for plants. We have discovered geminvirus-related DNA (GRD) sequences, in the form of distinct sets of multiple direct repeats comprising three related repeat classes, situated in a unique locus in the Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) nuclear genome. The organization of these sequences is similar or identical in eight different tobacco cultivars we have examined. DNA sequence analysis reveals that each repeat has sequences most resembling those of the New World geminiviral DNA replication origin plus the adjacent AL1 gene, encoding the viral replication protein. We believe these GRD sequences originated quite recently in Nicotiana evolution through integration of geminiviral DNA by some combination of the processes of illegitimate recombination, amplification, deletions, and rearrangements. These events must have occurred in plant tissue that was subsequently able to contribute to meristematic tissue yielding gametes. GRD may have been retained in tobacco by selection or by random fixation in a small evolving population. Although we cannot detect transcription of these sequences, this does not exclude the possibility that they may originally have been expressed.


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Epigramma in eos qui sumuunt naribus tabacum / authore ... Michaele Zejudo Kalatrabensis Oridinis, p.61-66.


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The molecular mechanisms that regulate the transcription of key developmental genes involved in shoot organogenesis have yet to be fully elucidated. However, it is clear that plant growth regulators, such as cytokinin, play a critical role in the differentiation of adventitious shoots. In Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs, high frequency shoot formation could be induced with 5 muM of the cytokinin N-6-benzyladenine (BA). Increasing the exogenous BA concentration to greater than 20 muM resulted in stunted explants with abnormal shoot morphology and altered mineral composition. Explants with abnormal shoots did not appear to be hyperhydric. Abnormalities were, however, associated with an increase in the expression of a knotted1-type homeobox gene (TobH1) isolated from normal shoot-forming cultures. The results suggest that the development of cytokinin-induced abnormal shoot morphology possibly involves changes in TobH1 gene expression.


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Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC catalyses in vitro the reversible amination of 2-oxoglutarate to glutamate. In vascular plants the in vivo direction(s) of the GDH reaction and hence the physiological role(s) of this enzyme remain obscure. A phylogenetic analysis identified two clearly separated groups of higher-plant GDH genes encoding either the alpha- or beta-subunit of the GDH holoenzyme. To help clarify the physiological role(s) of GDH, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was transformed with either an antisense or sense copy of a beta-subunit gene, and transgenic plants recovered with between 0.5- and 34-times normal leaf GDH activity. This large modulation of GDH activity (shown to be via alteration of beta-subunit levels) had little effect on leaf ammonium or the leaf free amino acid pool, except that a large increase in GDH activity was associated with a significant decrease in leaf Asp (similar to 51%, P=0.0045). Similarly, plant growth and development were not affected, suggesting that a large modulation of GDH beta-subunit titre does not affect plant viability under the ideal growing conditions employed. Reduction of GDH activity and protein levels in an antisense line was associated with a large increase in transcripts of a beta-subunit gene, suggesting that the reduction in beta-subunit levels might have been due to translational inhibition. In another experiment designed to detect post-translational up-regulation of GDH activity, GDH over-expressing plants were subjected to prolonged dark-stress. GDH activity increased, but this was found to be due more likely to resistance of the GDH protein to stress-induced proteolysis, rather than to post-translational up-regulation.