992 resultados para TISSUE TUMORS
FGFRL1 is a novel member of the FGF receptor family. It is expressed at very low levels in a great variety of cell lines and at relatively high levels in SW1353 chondrosarcoma cells, MG63 osteosarcoma cells and A204 rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Screening of 241 different human tumors with the help of a cancer profiling array suggested major alterations in the relative expression of FGFRL1 in ovarian tumors. Five distinct ovary tumors were therefore analyzed by quantitative and competitive PCR. Several tumors were found to exhibit a significant decrease in the expression of FGFRL1 in the tumor tissue relative to the matched control tissue. One ovarian tumor showed a 25-fold increase in the relative expression. Since FGFRL1 appears to be involved in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation, its aberrant expression might contribute to the development and progression of ovarian tumors.
Background: Approximately 20% of all colorectal cancers are hypothesized to arise from the "serrated pathway" characterized by mutation in BRAF, high-level CpG Island Methylator Phenotype, and microsatellite instability/mismatch repair (MMR)-deficiency. MMR-deficient cancers show frequent losses of Cdx2, a homeodomain transcription factor. Here, we determine the predictive value of Cdx2 expression for MMR-deficiency and investigate changes in expression between primary cancers and matched lymph node metastases. Methods: Immunohistochemistry for Cdx2, Mlh1, Msh2, Msh6, and Pms2 was performed on whole tissue sections from 201 patients with primary colorectal cancer and 59 cases of matched lymph node metastases. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and Area under the Curve (AUC) were investigated; association of Cdx2 with clinicopathological features and patient survival was carried out. Results: Loss of Cdx2 expression was associated with higher tumor grade (p = 0.0002), advanced pT (p = 0.0166), and perineural invasion (p = 0.0228). Cdx2 loss was an unfavorable prognostic factor in univariate (p = 0.0145) and multivariate [p = 0.0427; HR (95% CI): 0.58 (0.34-0.98)] analysis. The accuracy (AUC) for discriminating MMR-proficient and - deficient cancers was 87% [OR (95% CI): 0.96 (0.95-0.98); p < 0.0001]. Specificity and negative predictive value for MMR-deficiency was 99.1 and 96.3%. One hundred and seventy-four patients had MMR-proficient cancers, of which 60 (34.5%) showed Cdx2 loss. Cdx2 loss in metastases was related to MMR-deficiency (p < 0.0001). There was no difference in expression between primary tumors and matched metastases. Conclusion: Loss of Cdx2 is a sensitive and specific predictor of MMR-deficiency, but is not limited to these tumors, suggesting that events "upstream" of the development of microsatellite instability may impact Cdx2 expression.
The proportional distribution of independent malignant tumors in the contralateral breast following treatment for breast cancer was investigated to assess the influence of scattered radiation as a cause of these tumors. In a population of 172 patients the proportion of contralateral tumors in each quadrant and the center (the nipple-areolar complex) was compared with the expected, or natural, distribution found in the general population, in the absence of radiation. The observed/expected ratio for contralateral tumors was 1.43 for the upper-inner quadrant; 0.97, lower-inner quadrant; 1.51, center; 0.76, upper-outer quadrant; and 0.64, lower-outer quadrant. In each quadrant, except the lower-inner, the observed/expected ratio differed from 1.00 with statistical significance at the 5% level (one-tail). The same analysis, stratified by age and menopausal status, showed a similar shift of tumors, with more than expected in the inner quadrants and center and less than expected in the outer quadrants, although the results did not show statistical significance at the 5% level for all strata. For each patient the mean absorbed radiation dose for each quadrant and center of the breast was estimated, based on measurements in a tissue-equivalent phantom. Among patients the doses ranged from 0.5 to 8 Gy; within individuals, doses to the inner quadrants typically were a factor of three times higher than doses to the outer quadrants. The results suggest that radiation may be a risk factor for contralateral breast tumors and warrants further investigation. ^
Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of retinal and central nervous system hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma and pancreatic islet cell tumors (PICT). The VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p25 and has been shown to be mutated in 57% of sporadic cases of RCC, implicating VHL in the genesis of RCC. We report a multigeneration VHL kindred in which four affected female siblings developed PICT at early ages. Analysis of the three coding exons of the VHL gene in this family revealed a single, missense mutation in codon 238. Inheritance of the 238 mutation has been reported to correlate with a 62% risk of pheochromocytoma development. In this kindred, all affected individuals carried the mutation as well as one additional sibling who showed no evidence of disease. Clinical screening of this individual indicated small ($<$1 cm) pancreatic and kidney tumors. Results suggest that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation does not correlate with early onset pheochromocytoma. Rather, the only individual in the pedigree with pheochromocytoma was the proband's mother who developed bilateral pheochromocytoma at the age of 62. Thus, the VHL codon 238 mutation may predispose to late onset pheochromocytoma in this family; however, it does not explain the preponderance of PICT in the third generation since this mutation has not been reported to increase the risk of developing pancreatic lesions. This suggests that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation and subsequent somatic inactivation of the wild type allele of the VHL gene may not be sufficient to explain the initiation and subsequent progression to malignancy in VHL-associated neoplasms. Since the two tumor types that most frequently progress to malignancy are RCC and PICT, we asked whether loss of heterozygosity (LOH) could be detected proximal to the VHL gene on chromosome 3 in distinct regions of 3p previously implicated by LOH and cytogenetic studies to contain tumor suppressor loci for RCC. LOH was performed on high molecular weight DNA isolated from peripheral blood and frozen tumor tissue of family members using microsatellite markers spanning 3p. Results indicated LOH for all informative 3p loci in tumor tissue from affected individuals with PICT. LOH was detected along the entire length of the chromosome arm and included the proximal region of 3p13-14.2 implicated in the hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma.^ If 3p LOH were a critical event in pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis, then it should be expected that LOH in sporadic islet cell tumors would also be observed. We expanded LOH studies to include sporadic cases of PICT. Consistent LOH was observed on 3p with a highest frequency LOH in the region 3p21.2. This is the first evidence for an association between chromosome 3 loci and pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the commonest causes of death from cancer. A plethora of metabolomic investigations of HCC have yielded molecules in biofluids that are both up- and down-regulated but no real consensus has emerged regarding exploitable biomarkers for early detection of HCC. We report here a different approach, a combined transcriptomics and metabolomics study of energy metabolism in HCC. A panel of 31 pairs of HCC tumors and corresponding nontumor liver tissues from the same patients was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)-based metabolomics. HCC was characterized by ∼2-fold depletion of glucose, glycerol 3- and 2-phosphate, malate, alanine, myo-inositol, and linoleic acid. Data are consistent with a metabolic remodeling involving a 4-fold increase in glycolysis over mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. A second panel of 59 HCC that had been typed by transcriptomics and classified in G1 to G6 subgroups was also subjected to GCMS tissue metabolomics. No differences in glucose, lactate, alanine, glycerol 3-phosphate, malate, myo-inositol, or stearic acid tissue concentrations were found, suggesting that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway activated by CTNNB1 mutation in subgroups G5 and G6 did not exhibit specific metabolic remodeling. However, subgroup G1 had markedly reduced tissue concentrations of 1-stearoylglycerol, 1-palmitoylglycerol, and palmitic acid, suggesting that the high serum α-fetoprotein phenotype of G1, associated with the known overexpression of lipid catabolic enzymes, could be detected through metabolomics as increased lipid catabolism. Conclusion: Tissue metabolomics yielded precise biochemical information regarding HCC tumor metabolic remodeling from mitochondrial oxidation to aerobic glycolysis and the impact of molecular subtypes on this process.
To investigate the effect of metal implants in proton radiotherapy, dose distributions of different, clinically relevant treatment plans have been measured in an anthropomorphic phantom and compared to treatment planning predictions. The anthropomorphic phantom, which is sliced into four segments in the cranio-caudal direction, is composed of tissue equivalent materials and contains a titanium implant in a vertebral body in the cervical region. GafChromic® films were laid between the different segments to measure the 2D delivered dose. Three different four-field plans have then been applied: a Single-Field-Uniform-Dose (SFUD) plan, both with and without artifact correction implemented, and an Intensity-Modulated-Proton-Therapy (IMPT) plan with the artifacts corrected. For corrections, the artifacts were manually outlined and the Hounsfield Units manually set to an average value for soft tissue. Results show a surprisingly good agreement between prescribed and delivered dose distributions when artifacts have been corrected, with > 97% and 98% of points fulfilling the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for both SFUD and the IMPT plans, respectively. In contrast, without artifact corrections, up to 18% of measured points fail the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for the SFUD plan. These measurements indicate that correcting manually for the reconstruction artifacts resulting from metal implants substantially improves the accuracy of the calculated dose distribution.
CSPG4 marks pericytes, undifferentiated precursors and tumor cells. We assessed whether the shed ectodomain of CSPG4 (sCSPG4) might circulate and reflect potential changes in CSPG4 tissue expression (pCSPG4) due to desmoplastic and malignant aberrations occurring in pancreatic tumors. Serum sCSPG4 was measured using ELISA in test (n = 83) and validation (n = 221) cohorts comprising donors (n = 11+26) and patients with chronic pancreatitis (n = 11+20) or neoplasms: benign (serous cystadenoma SCA, n = 13+20), premalignant (intraductal dysplastic IPMNs, n = 9+55), and malignant (IPMN-associated invasive carcinomas, n = 4+14; ductal adenocarcinomas, n = 35+86). Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was evaluated using qRT-PCR (n = 139), western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. sCSPG4 was found in circulation, but its level was significantly lower in pancreatic patients than in donors. Selective maintenance was observed in advanced IPMNs and PDACs and showed a nodal association while lacking prognostic relevance. Pancreatic pCSPG4 expression was preserved or elevated, whereby neoplastic cells lacked pCSPG4 or tended to overexpress without shedding. Extreme pancreatic overexpression, membranous exposure and tissue(high)/sera(low)-discordance highlighted stroma-poor benign cystic neoplasm. SCA is known to display hypoxic markers and coincide with von-Hippel-Lindau and Peutz-Jeghers syndromes, in which pVHL and LBK1 mutations affect hypoxic signaling pathways. In vitro testing confined pCSPG4 overexpression to normal mesenchymal but not epithelial cells, and a third of tested carcinoma cell lines; however, only the latter showed pCSPG4-responsiveness to chronic hypoxia. siRNA-based knockdowns failed to reduce the malignant potential of either normoxic or hypoxic cells. Thus, overexpression of the newly established conditional hypoxic indicator, CSPG4, is apparently non-pathogenic in pancreatic malignancies but might mark distinct epithelial lineage and contribute to cell polarity disorders. Surficial retention on tumor cells renders CSPG4 an attractive therapeutic target. Systemic 'drop and restoration' alterations accompanying IPMN and PDAC progression indicate that the interference of pancreatic diseases with local and remote shedding/release of sCSPG4 into circulation deserves broad diagnostic exploration.
The goal of this study was to determine the frequency of HLA class II antigen expression in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) tumors, its association with the clinical course of the disease, and the underlying mechanism(s). Two tissue microarrays constructed with 220 and 778 CRC tumors were stained with HLA-DR, DQ, and DP antigen-specific monoclonal antibody LGII-612.14, using the immunoperoxidase staining technique. The immunohistochemical staining results were correlated with the clinical course of the disease. The functional role of HLA class II antigens expressed on CRC cells was analyzed by investigating their in vitro interactions with immune cells. HLA class II antigens were expressed in about 25% of the 220 and 21% of the 778 tumors analyzed with an overall frequency of 23%. HLA class II antigens were detected in 19% of colorectal adenomas. Importantly, the percentage of stained cells and the staining intensity were significantly lower than those detected in CRC tumors. However, HLA class II antigen staining was weakly detected only in 5.4% of 37 normal mucosa tissues. HLA class II antigen expression was associated with a favorable clinical course of the disease. In vitro stimulation with interferon gamma (IFNγ) induced HLA class II antigen expression on two of the four CRC cell lines tested. HLA class II antigen expression on CRC cells triggered interleukin-1β (IL-1β) production by resting monocytes. HLA class II antigen expression in CRC tumors is a favorable prognostic marker. This association may reflect stimulation of IL-1β production by monocytes.
OBJECT The authors developed a new mapping technique to overcome the temporal and spatial limitations of classic subcortical mapping of the corticospinal tract (CST). The feasibility and safety of continuous (0.4-2 Hz) and dynamic (at the site of and synchronized with tissue resection) subcortical motor mapping was evaluated. METHODS The authors prospectively studied 69 patients who underwent tumor surgery adjacent to the CST (< 1 cm using diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tracking) with simultaneous subcortical monopolar motor mapping (short train, interstimulus interval 4 msec, pulse duration 500 μsec) and a new acoustic motor evoked potential alarm. Continuous (temporal coverage) and dynamic (spatial coverage) mapping was technically realized by integrating the mapping probe at the tip of a new suction device, with the concept that this device will be in contact with the tissue where the resection is performed. Motor function was assessed 1 day after surgery, at discharge, and at 3 months. RESULTS All procedures were technically successful. There was a 1:1 correlation of motor thresholds for stimulation sites simultaneously mapped with the new suction mapping device and the classic fingerstick probe (24 patients, 74 stimulation points; r(2) = 0.98, p < 0.001). The lowest individual motor thresholds were as follows: > 20 mA, 7 patients; 11-20 mA, 13 patients; 6-10 mA, 8 patients; 4-5 mA, 17 patients; and 1-3 mA, 24 patients. At 3 months, 2 patients (3%) had a persistent postoperative motor deficit, both of which were caused by a vascular injury. No patient had a permanent motor deficit caused by a mechanical injury of the CST. CONCLUSIONS Continuous dynamic mapping was found to be a feasible and ergonomic technique for localizing the exact site of the CST and distance to the motor fibers. The acoustic feedback and the ability to stimulate the tissue continuously and exactly at the site of tissue removal improves the accuracy of mapping, especially at low (< 5 mA) stimulation intensities. This new technique may increase the safety of motor eloquent tumor surgery.
BACKGROUND Pulmonary carcinoids (PCs) are rare tumors. As there is a paucity of randomized studies, this expert consensus document represents an initiative by the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society to provide guidance on their management. PATIENTS AND METHODS Bibliographical searches were carried out in PubMed for the terms 'pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors', 'bronchial neuroendocrine tumors', 'bronchial carcinoid tumors', 'pulmonary carcinoid', 'pulmonary typical/atypical carcinoid', and 'pulmonary carcinoid and diagnosis/treatment/epidemiology/prognosis'. A systematic review of the relevant literature was carried out, followed by expert review. RESULTS PCs are well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors and include low- and intermediate-grade malignant tumors, i.e. typical (TC) and atypical carcinoid (AC), respectively. Contrast CT scan is the diagnostic gold standard for PCs, but pathology examination is mandatory for their correct classification. Somatostatin receptor imaging may visualize nearly 80% of the primary tumors and is most sensitive for metastatic disease. Plasma chromogranin A can be increased in PCs. Surgery is the treatment of choice for PCs with the aim of removing the tumor and preserving as much lung tissue as possible. Resection of metastases should be considered whenever possible with curative intent. Somatostatin analogs are the first-line treatment of carcinoid syndrome and may be considered as first-line systemic antiproliferative treatment in unresectable PCs, particularly of low-grade TC and AC. Locoregional or radiotargeted therapies should be considered for metastatic disease. Systemic chemotherapy is used for progressive PCs, although cytotoxic regimens have demonstrated limited effects with etoposide and platinum combination the most commonly used, however, temozolomide has shown most clinical benefit. CONCLUSIONS PCs are complex tumors which require a multidisciplinary approach and long-term follow-up.
Autophagy assures cellular homeostasis, and gains increasing importance in cancer, where it impacts on carcinogenesis, propagation of the malignant phenotype and development of resistance. To date, its tissue-based analysis by immunohistochemistry remains poorly standardized. Here we show the feasibility of specifically and reliably assessing the autophagy markers LC3B and p62 (SQSTM1) in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded human tissue by immunohistochemistry. Preceding functional experiments consisted of depleting LC3B and p62 in H1299 lung cancer cells with subsequent induction of autophagy. Western blot and immunofluorescence validated antibody specificity, knockdown efficiency and autophagy induction prior to fixation in formalin and embedding in paraffin. LC3B and p62 antibodies were validated on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded cell pellets of treated and control cells and finally applied on a tissue microarray with 80 human malignant and non-neoplastic lung and stomach formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue samples. Dot-like staining of various degrees was observed in cell pellets and 18/40 (LC3B) and 22/40 (p62) tumors, respectively. Seventeen tumors were double positive for LC3B and p62. P62 displayed additional significant cytoplasmic and nuclear staining of unknown significance. Interobserver-agreement for grading of staining intensities and patterns was substantial to excellent (kappa values 0.60 - 0.83). In summary, we present a specific and reliable IHC staining of LC3B and p62 on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded human tissue. Our presented protocol is designed to aid reliable investigation of dysregulated autophagy in solid tumors and may be used on large tissue collectives.
Interlaboratory variability of MIB1 staining in well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are routinely graded and staged to judge prognosis. Proliferation index using MIB1 staining has been introduced to assess grading. There are vivid discussions on cutoff definitions, automated counting, and interobserver variability. However, no data exist regarding interlaboratory reproducibility for low proliferation indices which are of importance to discriminate between G1 and G2 NET. We performed MIB1 staining in three different university hospital-based pathology laboratories on a tissue micro array (TMA) of a well-characterized patient cohort, containing pancreatic NET of 61 patients. To calculate the proliferation index, number of positive tumor nuclei was divided by the total number of tumor nuclei. Labeling index was compared to mitotic counts in whole tissue sections and to clinical outcome. Linear regression analysis, intraclass comparison, and log-rank analysis were performed. Intraclass correlation showed moderate-to-fair agreement. Especially low proliferating tumors were affected by interlaboratory differences. Log-rank analysis was performed for each lab and resulted in three different cutoffs (5.0, 3.0, and 0.5 %). Every calculated cutoff stratified the patient cohort to a significant extent for the underlying stain (p < 0.001, <0.001, and <0.001) but showed no or lesser significance when applied to the other stains. Significant and relevant interlab differences for MIB1 exist. Since the MIB1 proliferation index influences grading, local cutoffs or external standardization should urgently be introduced to achieve reliability and reproducibility.
BACKGROUND Docetaxel is one of the most frequently used drugs to treat breast cancer. However, resistance or incomplete response to docetaxel is a major challenge. The aim of this study was to utilize MR metabolomics to identify potential biomarkers of docetaxel resistance in a mouse model for BRCA1-mutated breast cancer. METHODOLOGY High resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) (1)H MR spectroscopy was performed on tissue samples obtained from docetaxel-sensitive or -resistant BRCA1-mutated mammary tumors in mice. Measurements were performed on samples obtained before treatment and at 1-2, 3-5 and 6-7 days after a 25 mg/kg dose of docetaxel. The MR spectra were analyzed by multivariate analysis, followed by analysis of the signals of individual compounds by peak fitting and integration with normalization to the integral of the creatine signal and of all signals between 2.9 and 3.6 ppm. RESULTS The HRMAS spectra revealed significant metabolic differences between sensitive and resistant tissue samples. In particular choline metabolites were higher in resistant tumors by more than 50% with respect to creatine and by more than 30% with respect to all signals between 2.9 and 3.6 ppm. Shortly after treatment (1-2 days) the normalized choline metabolite levels were significantly increased by more than 30% in the sensitive group coinciding with the time of highest apoptotic activity induced by docetaxel. Thereafter, choline metabolites in these tumors returned towards pre-treatment levels. No change in choline compounds was observed in the resistant tumors over the whole time of investigation. CONCLUSIONS Relative tissue concentrations of choline compounds are higher in docetaxel resistant than in sensitive BRCA1-mutated mouse mammary tumors, but in the first days after docetaxel treatment only in the sensitive tumors an increase of these compounds is observed. Thus both pre- and post-treatment tissue levels of choline compounds have potential to predict response to docetaxel treatment.
OBJECTIVE This study presents the first in vivo real-time optical tissue characterization during image-guided percutaneous intervention using near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopy sensing at the tip of a needle. The goal of this study was to indicate transition boundaries from healthy tissue to tumors, namely, hepatic carcinoma, based on the real-time feedback derived from the optical measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five woodchucks with hepatic carcinoma were used for this study. The woodchucks were imaged with contrast-enhanced cone beam computed tomography with a flat panel detector C-arm system to visualize the carcinoma in the liver. In each animal, 3 insertions were performed, starting from the skin surface toward the hepatic carcinoma under image guidance. In 2 woodchucks, each end point of the insertion was confirmed with pathologic examination of a biopsy sample. While advancing the needle in the animals under image guidance such as fluoroscopy overlaid with cone beam computed tomography slice and ultrasound, optical spectra were acquired at the distal end of the needles. Optical tissue characterization was determined by translating the acquired optical spectra into clinical parameters such as blood, water, lipid, and bile fractions; tissue oxygenation levels; and scattering amplitude related to tissue density. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to study the difference in the derived clinical parameters from the measurements performed within the healthy tissue and the hepatic carcinoma. Kurtoses were calculated to assess the dispersion of these parameters within the healthy and carcinoma tissues. RESULTS Blood and lipid volume fractions as well as tissue oxygenation and reduced scattering amplitude showed to be significantly different between the healthy part of the liver and the hepatic carcinoma (P < 0.05) being higher in normal liver tissue. A decrease in blood and lipid volume fractions and tissue oxygenation as well as an increase in scattering amplitude were observed when the tip of the needle crossed the margin from the healthy liver tissue to the carcinoma. The kurtosis for each derived clinical parameter was high in the hepatic tumor as compared with that in the healthy liver indicating intracarcinoma variability. CONCLUSIONS Tissue blood content, oxygenation level, lipid content, and tissue density all showed significant differences when the needle tip was guided from the healthy tissue to the carcinoma and can therefore be used to identify tissue boundaries during percutaneous image-guided interventions.
BACKGROUND Insulinomas are rare tumors, in the majority of cases best treated by surgical resection. Preoperative localization of insulinoma is challenging. The more precise the preoperative localization the less invasive and safer is the resection. The purpose of the study is to check the impact of a new technique to localize insulinoma on the surgical strategy. FINDINGS We present exact preoperative localization with Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) imaging. This allows a more precise resection thereby reducing surgical access trauma, loss of healthy pancreatic tissue and increasing safety and quality of the surgical intervention. CONCLUSION With the help of precise preoperative localization of insulinoma with GLP-1R imaging the surgeon is able to minimize the amount of resected healthy pancreatic tissue. We hypothesize that GLP-1R imaging will become a preoperative diagnostic tool to be used for many patients scheduled for open or laparoscopic insulinoma resection.