913 resultados para THERMAL RATE COEFFICIENT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Usamos uma metodologia experimental para investigar propriedades ópticas e térmicas da oleína de palma (OP), a fração líquida do azeite de palma (Elaies guineensis) obtida por fracionamento natural, com propriedades físicas que diferem apreciavelmente do azeite. Em uma primeira abordagem, estudamos os espectros de absorção e emissão monitorando a modificação dos espectros com o aumento da concentração β-caroteno misturado com OP, o que permitiu encontrar o coeficiente de absorção molar do β-caroteno (ε = 920,802 mol -1.cm-1.L). Este valor é muito baixo em relação aos conhecidos para o β-caroteno diluído em um solvente puro, como o benzeno ou o n-hexano. Experimentos feitos com β-caroteno diluído em hexano nos permitiram medir ε = 117.900 L.mol-1.cm-1, que representa aproximadamente 18% abaixo dos valores reportados na literatura. Em uma segunda abordagem, os espectros de absorção foram usados para medir o coeficiente de absorção da OP, A = 0,028 cm-1 em 532 nm, o comprimento de onda de um laser usado como fonte de excitação no estudo das propriedades térmicas da OP usando a técnica de lente térmica. Neste sentido foi medido também o coeficiente térmico do índice de refração da OP, dn/dt = - 3,821 x 10 -4 °C -1. Estes resultados, associados ao modelo aberrante para estudos de espectroscopia de lente térmica, levaram à medição do coeficiente de difusão, D = 2,19 ± 0,11 x 10-4 cm2/s, e da condutividade térmica, k = 5,96 ± 0,08 W/m°C. Embora as medidas das propriedades térmicas da OP não sejam ainda conhecidas na literatura, observa-se que elas têm as mesmas ordens de grandeza daquelas já conhecidas para outros óleos vegetais que foram relatadas na literatura.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
The main goal of this bachelor work is the study of the physical properties of solids by thermal expansion coefficient measurements, which allows the exploration of various aspects of phase transitions. In this study, some theoretical aspects were focused, for example the first and second order phase transitions, Landau theory for phase transition and the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient. Furthermore, on the origin of the thermal expansion from the Lennard-Jones potential, that contains the anharmonic terms, which give rise to the phononic thermal expansion in solids
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of the thermodynamic properties: specific heat, magnetization, and thermal expansion in the vicinity of the field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) around the lower critical field H-c1 approximate to 2 T in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2). A T-3/2 behavior in the specific heat and magnetization is observed at very low temperatures at H = H-c1, which is consistent with the universality class of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons. The temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient at H-c1 shows minor deviations from the expected T-1/2 behavior. Our experimental study is complemented by analytical calculations and quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which reproduce nicely the measured quantities. We analyze the thermal and the magnetic Gruneisen parameters, which are ideal quantities to identify QCPs. Both parameters diverge at H-c1 with the expected T-1 power law. By using the Ehrenfest relations at the second-order phase transition, we are able to estimate the pressure dependencies of the characteristic temperature and field scales.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die OH-Radikalausbeuten beider Doppelbindungen von alpha-Phellandren, alpha-Terpinen, Limonen und Terpinolen bei der Ozonolyse getrennt voneinander bestimmt. Dabei wurde sich die hohe zeitliche Auflösung des PTR-MS zunutze gemacht. Es wurden die OH-Radikale mittels Cyclohexan abgefangen und aus dem daraus gebildeten Cyclohexanon die OH-Radikalausbeute berechnet. Dadurch konnten zum ersten Mal die OH-Radikalausbeuten der langsamer reagierenden Doppelbindung bestimmt werden. Es ergaben sich für alpha-Phellandren 8%11% (±3%), alpha-Terpinen 12%14% (±4%), Limonen 7%10% (±3%) und für Terpinolen 39%48% (±14%). Desweiteren wurde eine theoretische Diskussion über den Reaktionsmechanismus der Ozonolyse und dem daraus gebildetem Criegee-Intermediat durchgeführt. Dadurch konnten die OH-Radikalausbeuten erklärt werden und eine Voraussage über die OH-Radikalausbeute bei anderen Verbindungen ist mit diesen Überlegungen möglich. In einer Messkampagne in Paris konnten verschiedene VOCs und andere atmosphärisch relevante Komponenten wie Ozon, CO, NO2 und NO gemessen werden. Aus diesen Daten wurde zum einen ein Datenpaket in Igor gefertigt, welches die Interpretation der Daten erleichtern sollte. Zum anderen wurden die Daten mit einem PMF-Model analysiert.Durch die Analyse verschiedener Komponenten konnte die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Lösungsmittelindustrie in und um Paris einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentrationen gewisser Komponenten in der Luft hat. Über die Korrelation von Benzol und Toluol mit schwarzem Kohlenstoff und den typischen Tagesverlauf mit zwei Konzentrationsmaxima dieser Komponenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass als Hauptquelle diese beiden Stoffe nur der Straßenverkehr infrage kommt. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Luftmassen die Paris erreichen einen großen Einfluss auf die Konzentration gewisser Komponenten in der Luft haben. Dadurch konnte gut zwischen lokalen Quellen und weit transportierten VOCs unterschieden werden. Schließlich konnten über das PFM-Model ein Großteil der in Paris gemessenen Substanzen in sieben unterschiedliche Quellen eingeteilt werden und deren prozentualer Einfluss während ozeanischer Luftmassen und kontinentalen Luftmassen bestimmt werden. Um Bestandteile von organischem Aerosol mithilfe eines PTR-MS und dessen schonender Ionisationstechnik detektieren zu können, wurde erfolgreich ein Einlass für das PTR-MS entwickelt der es ermöglicht neben den Messungen von VOCs in der Gasphase auch organisches Aerosol zu sammeln, desorbieren und zu detektieren. Zu Testen des neuen Einlasses wurden verschiedene Laborexperimente durchgeführt und es wurde eine Messkampagne in Cabauw (nahe Utrecht, NL) durchgeführt. Die Labortests des neuen Einlasses zeigen, dass es möglich ist organisches Aerosol und VOCs (Aerosol Precurser) in der Gasphase mit einem einzelnen Instrument zu messen. Dazu wurden in einer Smog Chamber Isopren, alpha-Pinen, Limonen und beta-Caryophyllen jeweils mit Ozon zur Reaktion gebracht. Die Messungen in der Gasphase zeigten, dass verschiedene Komponenten wie gewohnt mit hoher Zeitauflösung durch das PTR-MS detektiert werden konnten. Die Messungen des Aerosols zeigten, dass es möglich ist, viele der aus den Reaktionen bekannten Produkte direkt oder mit geringer Fragmentation zu detektieren. Die Messkampagne in Cabauw zeigte, dass es mit diesem Einlass möglich ist über einen langen Zeitraum Aerosol und VOCs mit nur einem Instrument zu messen. Die Gasphasenmessungen sind unbeeinflusst von den Modifikationen, die an dem PTR-MS und der Driftröhre vorgenommen werden mussten um Aerosol detektieren zu können. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich natürliches organisches Aerosol von Aerosol aus einer Smog Chamber im Dampfdruck unterscheidet. Deswegen muss man vorsichtig sein, falls man diese zwei Aerosolarten miteinander vergleichen will.
The vibrational excitation of CO2 by a fast-moving O atom followed by infrared emission from the vibrationally excited CO2 has been shown to be an important cooling mechanism in the upper atmospheresof Venus, Earth and Mars. We are trying to determine more precisely the efficiency (rate coefficient) of the CO2-O vibrational energy transfer. For experimental ease the reverse reaction is used, i.e. collision of a vibrationally excited CO2 with atomic O, where we are able to convert to the atmospherically relevant reaction via a known equilibrium constant. The goal of this experiment was to measure the magnitudes of rate coefficients for vibrational energy states above the first excited state, a bending mode in CO2. An isotope of CO2, 13CO2, was used for experimental ease. The rate coefficients for given vibrational energy transfers in 13CO2 are not significantly different from 12CO2 at this level of precision. A slow-flowing gas mixture was flowed through a reaction cell: 13CO2 (vibrational specie of interest), O3(atomic O source), and Ar (bath gas). Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor thechanging absorption of certain vibrational modes of 13CO2 after a UV pulse from a Nd:YAG laser was fired. Ozone absorbed the UV pulse in a process which vibrationally excited 13CO2 and liberated atomic O.Transient absorption signals were obtained by tuning the diode laser frequency to an appropriate ν3 transition and monitoring the population as a function of time following the Nd:YAG pulse. Transient absorption curves were obtained for various O atom concentrations to determine the rate coefficient of interest. Therotational states of the transitions used for detection were difficult to identify, though their short reequilibration timescale made the identification irrelevant for vibrational energy transfer measurements. The rate coefficient for quenching of the (1000) state was found to be (4 ± 8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 which is the same order of magnitude as the lowest-energy bend-excited mode: (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1. More data is necessary before it can be certain that the numerical difference between the two is real.
Through the use of Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), the rate coefficient for the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by O(3P) at room temperature (32 ºC)) was determined to be (1.51 ± 0.11)x10-12 cm3molecule-1sec-1. A Q-switched, frequency quadrupled (266 nm) Nd:YAG laser pulse was used as the pump for this experiment. This pulse caused the photodissociation of O3 into O2 and O atoms.Excited oxygen (O(1D)) was collisionally quenched to ground state (O(3P)) by Ar and/or Xe. Photodissociation also caused a temperature jump within the system, exciting the ν2 state of N2O molecules. Population in the ν2 state was monitored through a TDLASobservation of a ν3 transition. Data were fit using a Visual Fortran 6.0 Global Fitting program. Analysis of room temperature data taken using only Ar to quench O atoms to the ground state gave the same rate coefficient as analysis of data taken using an Ar/Xe mixture, suggesting Ar alone is a sufficient bath gas. Experimentation was alsoperformed at -27 ºC and -82 ºC for a temperature dependence analysis. A linear regression analysis gave a rate coefficient dependence on temperature of ... for the rate coefficient of the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by atomic oxygen.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been of recent interest due to the issue of greenhouse cooling in the upper atmosphere by species such as CO2 and NO. In the Earth’s upper atmosphere, between altitudes of 75 and 110 km, a collisional energy exchange occurs between CO2 and atomic oxygen, which promotes a population of ground state CO2 to the bend excited state. The relaxation of CO2 following this excitation is characterized by spontaneous emission of 15-μm. Most of this energy is emitted away from Earth. Due to the low density in the upper atmosphere, most of this energy is not reabsorbed and thus escapes into space, leading to a local cooling effect in the upper atmosphere. To determine the efficiency of the CO2- O atom collisional energy exchange, transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor the population of the first vibrationally excited state, 13CO2(0110) or ν2, as a function of time. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), for the vibrational relaxation 13CO2 (ν2)-O was determined by fitting laboratory measurements using a home-written linear least squares algorithm. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), of the vibrational relaxation of 13CO2(ν2), by atomic oxygen at room temperature was determined to be (1.6 ± 0.3 x 10-12 cm3 s-1), which is within the uncertainty of the rate coefficient previously found in this group for 12CO2(ν2) relaxation. The cold temperature kO(ν2) values were determined to be: (2.1 ± 0.8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 274 K, (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 239 K, (2 ± 1) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 208 K, and (1.7 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 186 K. These data did not show a definitive negative temperature dependence comparable to that found for 12CO2 previously.
Laboratory measurements of the rate coefficient for quenching of O3(nu2) by ground-state atomic oxygen, kO(nu2), at room temperature are presented. kO(nu2) is currently not well known and is necessary for appropriate nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium modeling of the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In this work, a 266 nm laser pulse photolyzes a small amount of O3 in a slow-flowing gas mixture of O3, Xe, and Ar. This process simultaneously produces atomic oxygen and increases the temperature of the gas mixture slightly, thereby increasing the population in the O3(nu2) state. Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy is used to monitor the populations of the O3(nu2) and ground vibrational states as the system re-equilibrates. Relaxation rates are measured over a range of quencher concentrations to extract the rate coefficient of interest. The value of kO(nu2) was determined to be (2.2 0.5) * 10(-12) cm(3) s(-1).