365 resultados para Synergies


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Professionals on both international and national levels who work with children with autism are expressing the need for graduate-level training in applied behaviour analysis. The implementation of effective instruction in higher education for professionals working with children with autism and their families is a complex undertaking: the learner needs to acquire an understanding of the principles and procedures of applied behaviour analysis and also adapt this knowledge to the learning prerequisites of individuals with autism. In this paper we outline some current thinking about adult education and blended learning technologies and then describe and illustrate with examples emerging possibilities of multimedia technology in the development of teaching materials. We conclude that synergies between graduate-level curriculum requirements, knowledge of adult learning, and communication technology are necessary to establish comprehensive learning environments for professionals who specialize in autism intervention.


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Natural ecosystems are increasingly exposed to multiple anthropogenic stressors, including land-use change, deforestation, agricultural intensification, and urbanisation, all of which have led to widespread habitat fragmentation, which is also likely to be amplified further by predicted climate change. The potential interactive effects of these different stressors cannot be determined by studying each in isolation, although such synergies have been largely ignored in ecological field studies to date. Here, we use a model system of naturally fragmented islands in a braided river network, which is exposed to periodic inundation, to investigate the interactive effects of habitat isolation and flood disturbance. Food web structure was similar across the islands during periods of hydrological stability, but several key properties were altered in the aftermath of flood disturbance, based on distance of the islands from the regional source pool of species: taxon richness and mean food chain length declined with habitat isolation after flooding, while the proportion of basal species increased. Greater species turnover through time reflected the slower process of re-colonisation on the more distant islands following disturbance. Increased variability of several food web properties over a 1-year period highlighted the reduced temporal stability of isolated habitat fragments. Many of these effects reflected the differential successes of predator and prey species at re-colonising the islands: even though larger, more mobile consumers may reach the more distant islands first, they cannot establish populations until the lower trophic levels have successfully reassembled. These results highlight the susceptibility of fragmented ecosystems to environmental perturbations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The ongoing use of various mineral additions along with chemical admixtures such as superplasticizers justifies the need for further research. Understanding and quantifying their effects and possible synergies on the fresh and hardened properties of cement-based materials is necessary, especially if some of these components are known to have a pozzolanic effect. This paper describes and models the fresh and hardened properties of cement mortars including nanosilica and fly ash, and relates their properties to the proportioning of these materials and the superplasticizer dosage. Mini-slump, Marsh cone and Lombardi cone tests were used to examine the properties of the fresh mortars, and to assess density, plastic shrinkage, and drying shrinkage up to 20 days. The equations presented in this paper make it possible to optimize mortar proportionings to the required levels of performance in both fresh and hardened states.


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A tactful ionic-liquid (IL)-assisted approach to in situ synthesis of iron fluoride/graphene nanosheet (GNS) hybrid nanostructures is developed. To ensure uniform dispersion and tight anchoring of the iron fluoride on graphene, we employ an IL which serves not only as a green fluoride source for the crystallization of iron fluoride nanoparticles but also as a dispersant of GNSs. Owing to the electron transfer highways created between the nanoparticles and the GNSs, the iron fluoride/GNS hybrid cathodes exhibit a remarkable improvement in both capacity and rate performance (230 mAh g-1 at 0.1 C and 74 mAh g-1 at 40 C). The stable adhesion of iron fluoride nanoparticles on GNSs also introduces a significant improvement in long-term cyclic performance (115 mAh g-1 after 250 cycles even at 10 C). The superior electrochemical performance of these iron fluoride/GNS hybrids as lithium ion battery cathodes is ascribed to the robust structure of the hybrid and the synergies between iron fluoride nanoparticles and graphene. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Sustainability can be described as having three interlinked strands, known as the ‘trias energetica’, without which resilience is difficult to achieve. These strands are environmental, social and economic: and if taken as indicators, the suburbs of North Belfast are very poorly performing indeed. Places such as Ligoneal and Glen Cairn have poor housing stock energetically, and also little economic activity. This paper describes propositional work completed by Queens University and Belfast City Council as part of the UK’s Technology Strategy Board’s Future Cities Programme, which aimed to develop new synergies in these neighbourhoods by the insertion of closed cycle economies.

By utilising a research by design methodology, the paper develops a process-based and phased design to develop a new emergent form to these neighbourhoods, one in which new productive systems are embedded into the city, at a small-scales. These include a peak-load hydro-electric project in Ligoneal; a productive landscape in Glen Cairn and a city-wide energy refurbishment utilising neighbourhood waste streams.

These designs allow for a roadmap for development to be created that could change the modus operandi of an area over a relatively short period of time, and show that even modest investments of productive technologies at a local scale could fundamentally change the form and the economic and environmental operation of the city in the future, and create a new resilient city, one that can be less externally dependent and more socially just.


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Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais globalizado e uma das consequências é a crescente concorrência que existe entre territórios, reforçando-se a necessidade de fazer chegar aos públicos interessados, um conjunto de atributos e diferenciações, suficientemente atrativos e apelativos, para que estes territórios sejam “consumidos”, não só pelo seu reconhecimento temporal, mas também pela forma como ele se comunica. Se até ao momento esta diferenciação era apenas explicitada numa base meramente turística (pelos impactos económicos positivos que normalmente se conseguem), hoje a estratégia deve seguir um plano de marketing capaz de atrair e fixar quer residentes, excursionistas, turistas e investidores, satisfazendo-os. Dos estudos realizados é comumente aceite que o sucesso da execução de um plano de marketing territorial assenta num modelo participativo que promova e antecipe necessidades e desejos dos atores globais e que valide e identifique os pontos fortes, para ajudar a desenvolver (definir e implementar) uma estratégia sustentável, a prazo. Então é relevante chamar ao processo estes atores (públicos e privados, residentes e visitantes) envolvendo-os nesta identificação, comprometendo-os também nos seus resultados.Com este artigo apresenta-se então um estudo de caso aplicado a um território rural, na freguesia de Avelãs de Cima, tendo sido utilizada como metodologia um inquérito por questionário a todos os atores. Enumeram-se os fatores relevantes identificados, assim como os que não se desejam ver aplicados, requisitos evidentes para iniciar uma nova política de comunicação pública. Deste trabalho já resultou uma nova abordagem pelos atores públicos locais, destacando a perspetiva de utilização de sinergias pela integração dos recursos de duas outras freguesias, estando em construção um projeto comum de rotas com base nos atributos dessas localidades.-----We live in an increasingly globalized world and one of the consequences is the increasing competition that exists between areas, reinforcing the need to reach out to stakeholders, a set of attributes and differences sufficiently attractive and appealing, so that these territories are "consumed ", not only by their temporal recognition, but also for how it communicates. If so far this differentiation was only explained in a purely tourist base (by the positive economic impacts that usually can get), today the strategy must follow a marketing plan able to attract and retain residents, hikers, tourists and investors. There are studies where is commonly accepted that the successful implementation of a territorial marketing plan based on a participatory model that promotes and anticipate needs and desires of the global players and validate and identify the strengths, to help develop (define and implement) one sustainable strategy in the long term. So it is relevant to call these actors (public and private, residents and visitors) involving them in this identification and also committing them in their results. With this article we present a case study applied to a rural area in the parish of Avelãs de Cima, having been used a survey methodology for all actors. All the relevant identified factors are listed, as well as those which do not wish to see applied, clear requirements to start a new policy of public communication. This work has resulted in a new approach by local public actors, highlighting the prospect of using synergies by integrating the features of two other parishes, under construction with a common design routes based on attributes of those localities.


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A importância económica, social e política do setor do turismo é uma realidade inquestionável. A sua expressão e capacidade de induzir o desenvolvimento económico em termos de outros setores, é cada vez mais importante. Apesar da dinâmica demonstrada, o setor do turismo enfrenta uma série de problemas estruturais que devem ser resolvidos. Nos últimos anos, o turismo em Portugal tem vindo a crescer em quantidade, mas às vezes sem muita qualidade. O desempenho económico do setor deve ser devidamente analisado, desde a análise do número de entradas de visitantes até questões como o volume de receitas obtido. Para além disso, é possível observar a existência de casos de concentração espacial excessiva em certas áreas do território. A política de turismo precisa de dimensão, de ser forte, bem estruturada e orientada. "Esta política deve promover sinergias entre redes de diferentes atores para criar uma base sólida de segurança e confiança para o investimento privado." (Costa, 2000) É importante avaliar o investimento e o sistema de financiamento no setor do turismo, para entender a filosofia e os objetivos que norteiam todo o sistema (política estratégica) e as dinâmicas territoriais e setoriais das empresas do turismo.


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Die Arbeit entwickelt einen Ansatz, mit dem Aktienkursreaktionen auf Unternehmensmeldungen untersucht werden können. Die Vorgehensweise entstammt der Forschungsfrage, ob Investoren im Sinne einer Kontrollfunktion des Kapitalmarktes angemessen auf Unternehmensmeldungen reagieren, die auf den Stand einer M&A-Integration hinweisen. Vermutet wird, dass Synergieeffekte vom Management im Vorfeld versprochen werden, um M&A-Transaktionen zu rechtfertigen. Anschließend würdigen bzw. kontrollieren Investoren die Entwicklung der Integration jedoch nicht ausreichend. Dies soll bewiesen werden, indem gezeigt wird, dass Kursreaktionen in Form von bereinigten Tagesrenditen und -volatilitäten, Handelsvolumen und Hoch-Tief-Spannen auf M&A-Meldungen vergleichsweise geringer ausfallen. Um eine Vergleichbarkeit von Unternehmensmeldungen verschiedener Gruppen (M&A, Produkte usw.) herstellen zu können, werden die Handlungsanreize der Meldungen mittels der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse kategorisiert. Im Rahmen einer exemplarischen Anwendung zeigte sich, dass der Ansatz, dessen Besonderheit in der systematischen Auswahl probater Beobachtungen liegt, nicht für eine praktische Übertragung geeignet ist. Demnach konnte die Vermutung weder verworfen noch bestätigt werden. Theoretisch kann aufgrund der Betrachtung eines einzelnen Ereignistages, an dem neben der zu untersuchenden Meldung keine weiteren Informationen über das Unternehmen veröffentlicht worden sind, ein relativ starker Kausalitätsbezug zwischen Meldung und Reaktion hergestellt werden. Allerdings bestehen immer noch zu viele Störereignisse und Überlagerungseffekte, die eine kritische Validierung der Ergebnisse verhindern.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Design de Equipamento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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This article shows how the elite origins and religious mission of the Regent Street Polytechnic encouraged participation in amateur sport in London, and promoted the suburb of Chiswick as a global context for competitive sports. From the 1880s to the outbreak of World War 2, the Polytechnic and its facilities forged synergies between the city centre and the burgeoning suburbs in London, engendering a city-wide culture of amateur sports, and embedding the Polytechnic into a global network of athletes. Suburbs are typically presented by writers as being ‘on the edge’ of metropolitan life, but such perspectives are wrong. The West London suburb of Chiswick was the home of Polytechnic facilities that provided a dynamic context for the internationalization and modernization of sport in the capital.


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The study looks at mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in ASEAN countries and examines the post-M&A performance using data from 2001 to 2012. The industry-adjusted operating performance tends to decline in the 3 years following an M&A. Yet, the results suggest that M&As completed during the financial crisis are more profitable than those implemented before and/or after the crisis. We argue that this is mainly due to the synergies created between the firms’ resources during the crisis which augur well for firms’ economic performance. We find that, during the crisis, certain characteristics of the firms like the relative size of the target, cross-border nature of deals, acquirer's cash reserves and friendly nature of deals are important determinants of long-term post-M&A operating performance. However, for M&As during the crisis, there appears to be no relationship between performance and firms’ characteristics linked to M&A activity such as payment method, industry relatedness and percentage of target's share acquired.


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This paper analyzes the DNA code of several species in the perspective of information content. For that purpose several concepts and mathematical tools are selected towards establishing a quantitative method without a priori distorting the alphabet represented by the sequence of DNA bases. The synergies of associating Gray code, histogram characterization and multidimensional scaling visualization lead to a collection of plots with a categorical representation of species and chromosomes.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Profº Especialista Carlos Quelhas Martins


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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of qualitative research within the scope of management scientific studies, referring to its philosophy, nature and instruments. It also confronts it with quantitative methodology, approaching its differences as well as its complementariness and synergies, with the purpose of explaining, from a more analytic point of view, the relevance of qualitative methodology in the course of an authentic and real research despite its complexity. Design/methodology/approach: Regardless of its broad application, one may attest the scarcity literature that focuses on qualitative research applied to the management scientific area, as opposed to the large amount that refers to quantitative research. Findings: The paper shows the influence that qualitative research has on management scientific research. Originality/value:. Qualitative research assumes an important role within qualitative research by allowing for the study and analysis of certain types of phenomena that occur inside organisations, and in respect of which quantitative studies cannot provide an answer.