274 resultados para Surinam toad
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El presente trabajo comenzará por abordar los antecedentes históricos y la caracterización del grupo étnico raizal desde una perspectiva jurídica enfocada en el turismo, el medio ambiente y la especial protección nacional e internacional del grupo étnico para el caso de la isla de Providencia, Colombia. A continuación se realizará un análisis del fenómeno turístico, incluyendo aspectos relacionados con los estudios del turismo y el desarrollo sostenible de esta actividad. A partir de este análisis, se examinarán los antecedentes y las características del modelo actual de desarrollo turístico en el municipio de Providencia y Santa Catalina. En el marco de los resultados del análisis anterior, se realizará una exposición de los aspectos jurídicos relacionados con el ordenamiento ambiental del territorio en el caso de la ampliación y remodelación del Aeropuerto el Embrujo en zona amortiguadora del Parque Nacional Natural Old Providence and Mc Bean Lagoon. Por último se expondrán las conclusiones y algunas recomendaciones.
Los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno y los Representantes Especiales de Brasil, China, así como Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Antigua y Barbuda, también miembros del Cuarteto de CELAC – y Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, México, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay y Venezuela, realizamos una reunión en Brasilia, el 17 de julio de 2014, bajo el tema “Igualdad y Beneficio Mutuo, Cooperación Recíproca y Desarrollo Común”, emiten una declaración conjunta reconociendo que el mundo está experimentando por un proceso de globalización económica y cambio político y que nuestros países tienen un rol clave que desempeñar contribuyendo a la paz, la estabilidad, el crecimiento inclusivo y el desarrollo sostenible, la prosperidad y para la forja de un mundo multipolar.
This article starts by considering the fact that the Guyanas can be understood as an atypical region in the Latin-American context. The lapse of analysis of this study is from 1600 to 1814, period of development of Dutch Guyanas, which was the base of the Surinam Republic and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. These are highlighted for being the unique Latin-American entities that were not colonized by the Catholics Monarchies, for the absence of missionary activities until 1735, and also for the absence of private action. These colonies offer an interesting study field about comparative development with other South American regions.
The Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) was applied to the Lambourn and Pang river-systems to integrate current process-knowledge and available-data to test two hypotheses and thereby determine the key factors and processes controlling the movement of nitrate at the catchment-scale in lowland, permeable river-systems: (i) that the in-stream nitrate concentrations were controlled by two end-members only: groundwater and soil-water, and (ii) that the groundwater was the key store of nitrate in these river-systems. Neither hypothesis was proved true or false. Due to equifinality in the model structure and parameters at least two alternative models provided viable explanations for the observed in-stream nitrate concentrations. One model demonstrated that the seasonal-pattern in the stream-water nitrate concentrations was controlled mainly by the mixing of ground- and soil-water inputs. An alternative model demonstrated that in-stream processes were important. It is hoped further measurements of nitrate concentrations made in the catchment soil- and ground-water and in-stream may constrain the model and help determine the correct structure, though other recent studies suggest that these data may serve only to highlight the heterogeneity of the system. Thus when making model-based assessments and forecasts it is recommend that all possible models are used, and the range of forecasts compared. In this study both models suggest that cereal production contributed approximately 50% the simulated in-stream nitrate toad in the two catchments, and the point-source contribution to the in-stream load was minimal. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stingless bees (Meliponini) construct their own species-specific nest entrance. The size of this entrance is under conflicting selective pressures. Smaller entrances are easier to defend; however, a larger entrance accommodates heavier forager traffic. Using a comparative approach with 26 species of stingless bees, we show that species with greater foraging traffic have significantly larger entrances. Such a strong correlation between relative entrance area and traffic across the different species strongly suggests a trade-off between traffic and security. Additionally, we report on a significant trend for higher forager traffic to be associated with more guards and for those guards to be more aggressive. Finally, we discuss the nest entrance of Partamona, known in Brazil as boca de sapo, or toad mouth, which has a wide outer entrance but a narrow inner entrance. This extraordinary design allows these bees to finesse the defensivity/traffic trade-off.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomeric and ribosomal sequences was performed in four species of toad genus Chaunus: C. ictericus, C. jimi, C. rubescens and C. schneideri. Analyses based on conventional, C-banding and Ag-NOR staining were also carried out. The four species present a 2n = 22 karyotype, composed by metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, which were indistinguishable either after conventional staining or banding techniques. Constitutive heterochromatin was predominantly located at pericentromeric regions, and telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)(n) were restricted to the end of all chromosomes. Silver staining revealed Ag-NORs located at the short arm of pair 7, and heteromorphism in size of NOR signals was also observed. By contrast, FISH with ribosomal probes clearly demonstrated absence of any heteromorphism in size of rDNA sequences, suggesting that the difference observed after Ag-staining should be attributed to differences in chromosomal condensation and/or gene activity rather than to the number of ribosomal cistrons.
A new species of the tree toad genus Dendrophryniscus is described from a rainforest habitat at Parque Nacional de Serra das Lontras, municipality of Arataca, southern Bahia, Brazil. Dendrophryniscus oreites sp. nov. is related to the Atlantic forest brevipollicatus group by hand morphology, skin texture, ventral coloration and bromelicolous habits. The new species differs from related species by having a larger size, warty skin, inner finger reduced with presence of a dark nuptial pad in males, and a yellowish coloration with discrete dorsal pattern. This discovery highlights the importance of southern Bahia in terms of conservation, and for our understanding of the evolution of the frog diversity within the Atlantic Rainforest.
Idag finns det många företag som erbjuder olika program/databaser som har till uppgift att lagraoch hantera data. Oracle är världens näst största mjukvaruföretag. Oracles databas genererar ungefär 75 % av deras inkomst.De senaste 40 åren har databashantering utvecklats från enkelt filsystem tillobjektrelationsdatabas, vilket har medfört att allt fler företag idag erbjuder verktyg som databasutvecklare kan arbeta med. Verktygen underlättar själva databashanteringen. Det är mångaföretag som erbjuder olika sorters verktyg och databas utvecklaren, eller själva databasföretaget,får svårt att skilja på verktygen. Utbudet av verktyg är så omfattande att det är näst intill omöjligtatt ha kännedom om alla.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilket verktyg en Oracle-utvecklare bör använda sigav. Att jämföra olika SQL och PL/SQL verktyg, samt lämna en rekommendation om vilket/vilkaverktyg som är bäst att använda ur olika perspektiv. Vid jämförelsen laddade jag hem och testadede olika verktygen utifrån vissa kriterier. Jag kontaktade även fyra företag för att få svar på frågan utifrån företagens perspektiv. Tre av företagen svarade på mina enkäter, medan ett av företagen svarade muntligt på mina frågor via telefonen.Då jag genomförde denna studie kom jag fram till slutsatsen att alla verktyg i stort sett har samma grundfunktioner. Valet av verktyg styrs av hur många extra funktioner utvecklaren är villig betala för. Det är dock utvecklaren själv som måste avgöra vilket verktyg som passar just honom. Det verktyg som är ledande är Toad och detta verktyg passar bäst för experter. För enklare funktioner har det framkommit av enkäterna att SQL*Plus används.
Brachiaria decumbens, vulgarmente conhecida por capim-braquiária, é considerada uma importante planta daninha, muito agressiva e de difícil controle em áreas onde foi introduzida como forrageira e posteriormente tornou-se lavoura. Com o objetivo de estudar a produção de massa seca, a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de capim-braquiária, foi conduzido o presente trabalho em casa de vegetação. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos preenchidos com areia de rio lavada e peneiradas e irrigadas diariamente com solução nutritiva completa de Hoagland & Arnon a 50% da concentração original. A primeira avaliação foi realizada aos 20 dias após a emergência (DAE), e as seguintes, em intervalos de 14 dias. Foi determinada a massa seca das diferentes partes da planta. O material foi moído e analisado quanto aos teores de macronutrientes. Os resultados indicaram que a planta apresentou crescimento durante toda a fase experimental. O maior acúmulo ocorreu aos 160 DAE, sendo de 38,27 g planta-1 de massa seca. Aos 160 DAE, cerca de 37,37% da massa seca estava alocada nas raízes, 37,54% nos colmos + bainhas e 25,09% nas folhas. O acúmulo total dos macronutrientes foi crescente até os 146 dias após a emergência. Aos 76 DAE (período de maior competição dessa espécie com a maioria das culturas anuais), uma planta de capim-braquiária acumulou 1,32 grama de massa seca; 40,8 mg de K; 18,2 mg de N; 6,3 mg de Ca; 5,2 mg de Mg; 2,68 mg de P; e 2,4 mg de S.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Um experimento foi conduzido no NuPAM/FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, objetivando avaliar a dinâmica de retenção de água e o caminhamento de um traçante (simulando um herbicida) em diferentes coberturas mortas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo monitoramento do traçante FD&C-1 pulverizado sobre coberturas mortas de cevada, trigo, aveia-preta colhida, aveia-preta rolada, azevém, milheto e capim-braquiária, nas quantidades de 3.000, 6.000 e 9.000 kg ha-1, antes e após simulação de chuvas. As repetições constituíram-se de oito conjuntos de PVC + funil + béquer com palha, onde, através da chuva lixiviada pelas palhadas e do peso dos suportes de PVC, foram estimadas a retenção e transposição da água, assim como quantificado o traçante extraído, através de procedimentos espectrofotométricos. Os diferentes tipos de resíduos culturais mostraram-se similares quanto à retenção da água da chuva, ocorrendo uniformização entre os primeiros 7,5 e 15 mm de precipitação. A formação de pontos secos associados a canais preferenciais de escorrimento induziu menor capacidade de embebição e retenção da água das chuvas pelas palhadas. As máximas capacidades médias de retenção da chuva pelas coberturas foram de 1,22, 1,99 e 2,59 mm para 3.000, 6.000 e 9.000 kg de matéria seca ha-1, respectivamente. As precipitações iniciais entre 10 e 20 mm foram fundamentais para o molhamento uniforme das palhadas e carregamento do traçante até o solo, independentemente do tipo e da quantidade de palha. Esse comportamento indica ser viável a utilização de programas similares de controle de plantas daninhas para diferentes tipos e quantidades de palha em sistemas de plantio direto.
This paper presents an analysis of a novel pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage step-down/up Zeta converter, featuring zero-current-switching (ZCS) at the active switches. The applications in de to de and ac to de (rectifier) operation modes are used as examples to illustrate the performance of this new ZCS-PWM Zeta converter. Regarding to the new ZCS-PWM Zeta rectifier proposed, it should be noticed that the average-current mode control is used in order to obtain a structure with high power-factor (HPF) and low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current.Two active switches (main and auxiliary transistors), two diodes, two small resonant inductors and one small resonant capacitor compose the novel ZCS-PWM soft-commutation cell, used in these new ZCS-PWM Zeta converters. In this cell, the turn-on of the active switches occurs in zero-current (ZC) and their turn-off in zero-current and zero-voltage (ZCZV). For the diodes, their turn-on process occurs in zero-voltage (ZV) and their reverse-recovery effects over the active switches are negligible. These characteristics make this cell suitable for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) applications.The main advantages of these new Zeta converters, generated from the new soft-commutation cell proposed, are possibility of obtaining isolation (through their accumulation inductors), and high efficiency, at wide load range. In addition, for the rectifier application, a high power factor and low THD in the input current ran be obtained, in agreement with LEC 1000-3-2 standards.The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis and a design example for the new de to de Zeta converter operating in voltage step-down mode are presented. Experimental results are obtained from a test unit with 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(dc) input voltage, operating at 50kHz switching frequency. The efficiency measured at rated toad is equal to 97.3%for this new Zeta converter.Finally, the new Zeta rectifier is analyzed, and experimental results from a test unit rated at 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(rms) input voltage, and operating at 50kHz switching frequency, are presented. The measured efficiency is equal to 96.95%, the power-factor is equal to 0.98, and the input current THD is equal to 19.07%, for this new rectifier operating at rated load.