421 resultados para Subsistence


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Recent research in Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia suggests that we can no longer assume a direct and exclusive link between anatomically modern humans and behavioral modernity (the 'human revolution'), and assume that the presence of either one implies the presence of the other: discussions of the emergence of cultural complexity have to proceed with greater scrutiny of the evidence on a site-by-site basis to establish secure associations between the archaeology present there and the hominins who created it. This paper presents one such case study: Niah Cave in Sarawak on the island of Borneo, famous for the discovery in 1958 in the West Mouth of the Great Cave of a modern human skull, the 'Deep Skull,' controversially associated with radiocarbon dates of ca. 40,000 years before the present. A new chronostratigraphy has been developed through a re-investigation of the lithostratigraphy left by the earlier excavations, AMS-dating using three different comparative pre-treatments including ABOX of charcoal, and U-series using the Diffusion-Absorption model applied to fragments of bones from the Deep Skull itself. Stratigraphic reasons for earlier uncertainties about the antiquity of the skull are examined, and it is shown not to be an `intrusive' artifact. It was probably excavated from fluvial-pond-desiccation deposits that accumulated episodically in a shallow basin immediately behind the cave entrance lip, in a climate that ranged from times of comparative aridity with complete desiccation, to episodes of greater surface wetness, changes attributed to regional climatic fluctuations. Vegetation outside the cave varied significantly over time, including wet lowland forest, montane forest, savannah, and grassland. The new dates and the lithostratigraphy relate the Deep Skull to evidence of episodes of human activity that range in date from ca. 46,000 to ca. 34,000 years ago. Initial investigations of sediment scorching, pollen, palynomorphs, phytoliths, plant macrofossils, and starch grains recovered from existing exposures, and of vertebrates from the current and the earlier excavations, suggest that human foraging during these times was marked by habitat-tailored hunting technologies, the collection and processing of toxic plants for consumption, and, perhaps, the use of fire at some forest-edges. The Niah evidence demonstrates the sophisticated nature of the subsistence behavior developed by modern humans to exploit the tropical environments that they encountered in Southeast Asia, including rainforest. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper focuses on the contribution that the study of bone technology is making to the understanding of early tropical subsistence in Southeast Asia. Newly completed research suggests that during the period from the terminal Pleistocene to mid Holocene, bone tools may have featured prominently in coastal subsistence. There are indications that this technology may have had a particular association with hunting and gathering in the mangrove forests that proliferated along many coasts during this period. The study of these tools thus represents a rare chance to examine prehistoric extractive technologies, which are generally agreed to have been predominantly made on organic, nonpreserving media. The evidence presented also suggests that prehistoric foragers from this region possessed a good working understanding of the mechanical properties of bone and used bone implements where conditions and needs suited the parameters of this material. © 2005 by the University of Hawai'i Press.


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Aim: To audit levels of diabetes-related eye disease in Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients in northwest Ethiopia. In particular to establish whether, despite identical clinical goals, major differences between the physically demanding life-style of rural subsistence farmers and the sedentary life-style of urban dwellers would influence the prevalence of diabetes-related eye complications. 

Methods: A robust infrastructure for chronic disease management that comprehensively includes all rural dwellers was a pre-requisite for the investigation. A total of 544 T1DM were examined, representing 80% of all T1DM patients under regular review at both the urban and rural clinics and representative of patient age and gender (62.1% male, 37.9% female) of T1DM patients from this region; all were supervised by the same clinical team. Eye examinations were performed for visual acuity, cataract and retinal changes (retinal photography). HbA1c levels and the presence or absence of hypertension were recorded. 

Results/conclusions: Urban and rural groups had similar prevalences of severe visual impairment/blindness (7.0% urban, 5.2% rural) and cataract (7.3% urban, 7.1% rural). By contrast, urban dwellers had a significantly higher prevalence of retinopathy compared to rural patients, 16.1% and 5.0%, respectively (OR 2.9, p <. 0.02, after adjustment for duration, age, gender and hypertension). There was a 3-fold greater prevalence of hypertension in urban patients, whereas HbA1c levels were similar in the two groups. Since diabetic retinopathy is closely associated with microvascular disease and endothelial dysfunction, the possible influences of hypertension to increase and of sustained physical activity to reduce endothelial dysfunction are discussed.


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The Jutland peninsula in northern Denmark is home to the Limfjord, one of the largest estuarine bodies of water in the region. Human inhabitance of the Limfjord’s surrounding coastlines stretches back further than 7,800 cal BP, with anthropogenic influence on the landscape beginning approximately 6,000 cal BP. Understanding how the Limfjord as a system has changed throughout time is useful in comprehending subsistence patterns and anthropogenic influence. This research is part of a larger project aimed at discerning subsistence patterns and environmental change in the region. Following the Younger Dryas, as the Fennoscandian ice sheet began to melt, Denmark experienced isostatic rebound, which contributed to the complex sea level history in the region. Between ice melt and isostatic rebound, the Jutland peninsula experienced many transgression and regression events. Connections to surrounding seas have shifted throughout time, with most attention focused on the western connection of the Limfjord with the North Sea, which has experienced numerous closures and subsequent re-openings throughout the Holocene. Furthermore, the Limfjord-North Sea connection has been the focal point of research because of the west to east water flow in the system, and the present day higher salinity in the west compared to the east. Little to no consideration has been paid to the influence of the Kattegat and Baltic on the Limfjord until now. A 10m sediment core was taken from Sebbersund (near Nibe, Limfjord), along the connection between the Limfjord and the Kattegat in the east to understand how the eastern part of the system has changed and differed from changes observed in the west. The Sebbersund sequence spans a majority of the Holocene, from 9600 cal BP to 1030 cal BP, determined via radiocarbon dating of terrestrial macrofossils and bulk sediment. Over this time period palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed through the use of geochemical analyses (13C, 15N, C:N), physical sediment analyses, dinoflagellate cyst abundances and molluscan analyses. apart from two instances of low salinity, one at the top and one at the bottom of the core, the sequence has a strong marine signal for a majority of the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of bulk sediment samples showed the presence of old carbon in the system, creating an age offset between 1,300 ± 200 and 2,800 ± 200 calibrated 14C years compared to the age-depth curve based on the terrestrial macrofossils. This finding, along with the strong marine influence in the system, discerned through geochemical data, dinoflagellate cyst and mollusc counts, is important for obtaining accurate radiocarbon ages in the region and stresses the importance of understanding both the marine and freshwater reservoir effects. The marine dominance in the eastern Limfjord differs from the west, which is characterized by a number of freshwater events when the North Sea connection was closed off during the Holocene. The eastern connection was open to the Kattegat throughout a large portion of the Holocene, with influx of open ocean water entering the system during periods of higher sea level.


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The work of the Proyecto Arqueológico Chihuahua (PAC) has played an integral role in defining the origins and characteristics of the Chihuahua culture area, also known as the Casas Grandes Regional System. PAC has developed a critical suite of radiocarbon dates for the southern zone, undertaken the first substantial investigations of the Viejo period (ca. A.D. 800textendash1200 or 1250) since the early 1960s, and added to knowledge of the southern Medio period (ca. A.D. 1250textendash1450). The project has also elucidated the chronology, settlement patterns, subsistence strategies, and technology for both periods. Results of our research indicate continuity between the Viejo period, characterized by small pithouse settlements, and the pueblo focused Medio period in the southern zone, with some poorly understood external influences from both western Mesoamerica to the south and the American Southwest to the north shaping events within the area.


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During the early medieval period, Ireland was politically organised into a large number of very small kingdoms. Unlike much of Western Europe, it had not been incorporated into the Roman Empire, and as a consequence, settlement remained exclusively rural in character until the Viking period. Extensive documentary, archaeological, zooarchaeological and macro-plant evidence provides a detailed reconstruction of the livestock and arable economy of the period. Cattle ownership formed the basis of wealth as well as being an indicator of status in society, and this is reflected in its clear dominance of the livestock economy during this period. From the eighth century onwards, however, cereal production appears to grow in importance as subsistence farming gave way to the production of agricultural surplus. This is reflected in cereal diversification and in the construction of watermills and more efficient grain-drying kilns. At the same time, settlement underwent significant changes and the relative importance of cattle in some areas began to decline.


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flatoxins are fungal toxins that possess acute life threatening toxicity, carcinogenic properties and other potential chronic adverse effects. Dietary exposure to aflatoxins is considered a major public health concern, especially for subsistence farming communities in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where dietary staple food crops such as groundnuts and maize are often highly contaminated with aflatoxin due to hot and humid climates and poor storage, together with low awareness of risk and lack of enforcement of regulatory limits. Biomarkers have been developed and applied in many epidemiological studies assessing aflatoxin exposure and the associated health effects in these high-risk population groups. This review discusses the recent epidemiological evidence for aflatoxin exposure, co-exposure with other mycotoxins and associated health effects in order to provide evidence on risk assessment, and highlight areas where further research is necessary. Aflatoxin exposure can occur at any stage of life and is a major risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma, especially when hepatitis B infection is present. Recent evidence suggests that aflatoxin may be an underlying determinant of stunted child growth, and may lower cell-mediated immunity, thereby increasing disease susceptibility. However, a causal relationship between aflatoxin exposure and these latter adverse health outcomes has not been established, and the biological mechanisms for these have not been elucidated, prompting further research. Furthermore, there is a dearth of information regarding the health effects of co-exposure to aflatoxin with other mycotoxins. Recent developments of biomarkers provide opportunities for important future research in this area.


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Esta tese constitui uma reflexão sobre uma realidade, a praia do Francês, Alagoas, Brasil, que após mais de uma década é agora revisitada demonstrando os impactos socioambientais evidenciados ao longo de 30 anos, e por sua vez, fazem com que esta praia se transforme em laboratório cuja análise desenvolvida poderá servir como exemplo para ações futuras, e sustentáveis, em outras localidades. Sobretudo para áreas encontradas no mundo periférico, subdesenvolvido ou no Sul do Mundo, caracterizadas pela presença de populações tradicionais com seu rico e variado conhecimento, oralmente transmitido, adquirido através de suas observações práticas e cotidianas com seu meio circundante. Porém, este conhecimento encontra-se ameaçado pelo atual padrão de modernização, homogeneização do mundo, que em seu processo de desenvolvimento exclui crenças, valores e percepções de comunidades tradicionais inteiras, uma vez que se caracteriza por ocorrer com ausência de um olhar atento as especificidades locais, onde estas populações são as primeiras a sofrer com o atual modelo imposto que as ignora por completo e, ao mesmo tempo, por ocorrer com anuência do poder público local. Ao ignorá-las, tais ações minam suas formas de subsistência e via de consequência, às exclui das áreas onde sempre viveram e preservaram fazendo com que um importante e aprofundado conhecimento se perca, juntamente com a desintegração de seus laços de sociabilidade. A exemplo do Arquipélago dos Bijagós, Guiné-Bissau, costa Atlântica da África, lugar de existência de importante população tradicional que, a exemplo de outras localidades do mundo periférico, começa a experimentar transformações em seu patrimônio natural e cultural, decorrentes de ações desconectadas da realidade local. Este estudo, acena para uma importante reflexão sobre os impactos observados nesta realidade e os evidenciados na Praia do Francês. Portanto, procura-se aqui demonstrar a importância do conhecimento e das práticas existentes nas populações tradicionais (autóctones) para ações futuras, onde a inclusão deste saber seja prioridade para outras formas de pensar o desenvolvimento; e em seu processo de construção/planejamento este ocorra: com base no respeito à diversidade e com a participação dos mais diferentes e importantes atores. Enfim, um processo de desenvolvimento de base local, endógeno, sustentável.


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During the late twentieth century the supply chains for gold were considered by the majority of consumers (when they were considered at all) to be driven by simple commercial imperatives. That notion was shattered during the first decade of the twenty-first century by the appearance of ethical campaigns, led by advocates determined to present major players in the gold industry as morally reprehensible. The ‘No Dirty Gold’ campaign sought to shift the purchasing of gold onto a moral register, in order to challenge the activities of large mining corporations. It was followed by the Fairtrade Foundation’s ‘Fairtrade Gold’ initiative, which had aspirations to support subsistence mining communities at the expense of big business. By directly targeting a luxury material and playing on its inherent social ambiguities, campaigners hoped to thoroughly moralise the purchasing of gold objects. Dr Oakley’s presentation will examine the forces behind this developing social phenomenon, describe the trajectories of a selection of major campaigns, and consider the extent to which these have impacted on public attitudes, gold miners and the actions of consumers, producers and retailers of luxury goods.


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O povoamento das áreas de montanha é quase sempre conformado por aglomerados de pequena dimensão vinculados no passado a uma economia de subsistência. Em Portugal, as mutações significativas que, num contexto de forte recessão demográfica, têm marcado as povoações serranas do interior estão, por vezes, associadas à persistência dos hábitos e das construções característicos da cultura tradicional, como é especialmente evidente nalgumas das aldeias do maciço beirão da Gralheira. O presente artigo incidirá no património construído desta região, tomando como caso de estudo o lugar da Drave e considerando, de forma articulada, a caracterização do núcleo edificado tradicional e da paisagem onde se integra. Constituem instrumentos fundamentais deste trabalho o levantamento desenhado do lugar e a leitura da Crónica dos Martins da Drave datada de meados do século de oitocentos.


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Journal of Human Evolution, V. 55, pp. 148-163


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Difficult and unpredictable times, due to economic instability, lead employees to feel high job insecurity. Organizations’ only way to subsistence is to search innovative ways of solving problems and find creative solutions. This study focuses on the impact that job insecurity has on adaptive performance, a recent measure integrating the response of creativity, reactivity in the face of emergencies, interpersonal adaptability, training effort, and handling work stress, and, mediated by burnout. From the responses of two questionnaires (????????1=252; ????????2=145), we conclude that job insecurity leads to exhaustion, but not to disengagement. In turn, it is the latter that demonstrates to have negative relations with some measures of adaptive performance. Thus, it is crucial to understand how organizations can minimize the inherent process.


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This thesis uses a multifaceted process to engage with the topic of food sovereignty in California. It employs diverse methods, including critical and creative prose, photography, autoethnographic mixed media, storytelling and poetry. I am particularly concerned with the " " challenges of approaching food sovereignty, a radical praxis that combines subsistence practices with anti-capitalist resistance, while in my own "skin," which is thoroughly embedded in white, urban, middle classed culture and in corltextualizing ecological relationshipslkinships via cultural, historical and economic trajectories. The project utilizes a processual methodlology drawing substantially from the work of Brian Massumi to explore these issues through four creative narrative pieces which coalesce around the elemental metaphors of air, fire, water and earth. Following Deleuze and Guatarri's concept ofrhizomatic plateaus, the thesis narratives are comprised of many non-hierarchical layers and can be read from many angles. Each is offered "in process" rather than as a finished piece, thus practically validating the concept of the ongoing work of research and suggesting the equally omnipresent possibility of change and mutation in the formation relationally based knowledges. Cultivating ecological ethic and healing on multisensory levels, as well as commitment to emergent and re-productivist worldviews are goals of this project's research.


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A principle cause of the failure of the campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1812 was the deficiency of subsistence for the troops; as quartermaster general, Thomas received much of the blame. His defense is offered here.


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The description of the image reads "No. 115 - The Rapids, Niagara - From the Terrapin Tower". On the reverse it reads "The Rapids, Niagara, From the Terrapin Tower (taken instantaneously). From this commanding point of view the rapids are seen to great perfection - the Tower standing just on the edge of the Horse-shoe Fall. Some idea of the rapidity with which these waters hurry onward to the mighty abyss may be formed from the fact that the river descends nearly fifty-one feet in a distance of three-quarters of a mile. Gathering force as they approach nearer the edge of the Falls, they dash and foam amid the rocks which speck their surface, and with torturous writhes dash onward with a fury grand and beautiful in the extreme. Whole flocks of water-fowl have often been seen going to destruction among these rapids. Pleased with being carried by the stream, they have indulged in the pleasure till the rapidity of the current has rendered it impossible for them to rise and thus have they been carried down and washed over the Fall. At one time during the months of September and October, sufficient quantities of dead water-fowl have been found every morning below the Fall to afford ample subsistence for the garrison at the fort. The bodies of bears, deer, and other animals have also been found."