968 resultados para Subcellular Locations


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Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are the most frequent round cell tumors in dogs and comprise approximately 21% of all canine cutaneous tumors. MCTs are highly invasive and metastatic corresponding to the histological grade. E-cadherin is an adhesion molecule expressed in epithelial cells and although it is an epithelial cellular marker, studies have shown expression of E-cadherin in canine round cell tumors. To better characterize the expression pattern of E-cadherin in several different histological grades of MCTs in dogs, the expression and localization of the adhesion molecule was investigated using immunohistochemistry. For this purpose, 18 cutaneous MCTs were classified into three histological grades, 1, 2 or 3. Clinical history and follow-up data were available for all of the dogs. Cytoplasmic and nuclear expressions of E-cadherin in all three types of tumors were verified by immunostaining using two different antibodies. There was decreased E-cadherin expression in the more aggressive MCTs (Grade 3), suggesting an association between E-cadherin and tumor aggressiveness. Additionally, the loss of E-cadherin expression in either the cytoplasm or nucleus in more aggressive and undifferentiated tumor types confirmed the importance of cellular adhesion in tumor behavior. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Fumarate hydratases (FHs; EC are enzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of fumarate to S-malate. Parasitic protists that belong to the genus Leishmania and are responsible for a complex of vector-borne diseases named leishmaniases possess two genes that encode distinct putative FH enzymes. Genome sequence analysis of Leishmania major Friedlin reveals the existence of genes LmjF24.0320 and LmjF29.1960 encoding the putative enzymes LmFH-1 and LmFH-2, respectively. In the present work, the FH activity of both L. major enzymes has been confirmed. Circular dichroism studies suggest important differences in terms of secondary structure content when comparing LmFH isoforms and even larger differences when comparing them to the homologous human enzyme. CD melting experiments revealed that both LmFH isoforms are thermolabile enzymes. The catalytic efficiency under aerobic and anaerobic environments suggests that they are both highly sensitive to oxidation and damaged by oxygen. Intracellular localization studies located LmFH-1 in the mitochondrion, whereas LmFH-2 was found predominantly in the cytosol with possibly also some in glycosomes. The high degree of sequence conservation in different Leishmania species, together with the relevance of FH activity for the energy metabolism in these parasites suggest that FHs might be exploited as targets for broad-spectrum antileishmanial drugs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Down syndrome is the most frequent genetic disorder in humans. Rare cases involving partial trisomy of chromosome 21 allowed a small chromosomal region common to all carriers, called Down Syndrome Critical Region (DSCR), to be determined. The DSCR1 gene was identified in this region and is expressed preferentially in the brain, heart and skeletal muscle. Recent studies have shown that DSCR1 belongs to a family of proteins that binds and inhibits calcineurin, a serine-threonine phosphatase. The work reported on herein consisted of a study of the subcellular location of DSCR1 and DSCR1-mutated forms by fusion with a green fluorescent protein, using various cell lines, including human. Results The protein's location was preferentially nuclear, independently of the isoform, cell line and insertion in the GFP's N- or C-terminal. A segment in the C-terminal, which is important in the location of the protein, was identified by deletion. On the other hand, site-directed mutational analyses have indicated the involvement of some serine and threonine residues in this event. Conclusion In this paper, we discuss the identification of amino acids which can be important for subcellular location of DSCR1. The involvement of residues that are prone to phosphorylation suggests that the location and function of DSCR1 may be regulated by kinases and/or phosphatases.


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The effect of angiotensin II (ANG II) or arginine vasopressin (AVP) alone or plus atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking was investigated in MDCK cells following intracellular pH (pHi) acidification by exposure to20 mMNH4Cl for 2 min in a Na+-free solution containing Schering 28080, conditions under which H+-AT-Pase is the only cell mechanism for pHi recovery. Using the acridine orange fluorescent probe (5mM) and confocal microscopy, the vesicle movement was quantified by determining, for each experimental group, the mean slope of the line indicating the changes in apical/basolateral fluorescence density ratio over time during the first 5.30 min of the pHi recovery period. Under the control conditions, the mean slope was 0.079 ± 0.0033 min-1 (14) and it increased significantly with ANG II [10-12 and 10-7 M, respectively to 0.322 ± 0.038 min-1 (13) and 0.578 ± 0.061 min-1 (12)] or AVP [10-12 and 10-6 M, respectively to 0.301 ± 0.018 min-1 (12) and 0.687 ± 0.049 min-1 (11)]. However, in presence of ANP (10-6 M, decreases cytosolic free calcium), dimethyl-BAPTA/AM (5 × 10-5 M, chelates intracellular calcium) or colchicine (10-5 M, 2-h preincubation; inhibits microtubule-dependent vesicular trafficking) alone or plus ANG II or AVP the mean slopes were similar to the control values, indicating that such agents blocked the stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on vesicle trafficking. The results suggest that the pathway responsible for the increase in cytosolic free calcium and the microtu-bule-dependent vesicular trafficking are involved in this hormonal stimulating effect. Whether cytosolic free calcium reduction represents an important direct mechanism for ANP impairs the dose-dependent stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking, or is a side effect of other signaling pathways which will require additional studies.


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Paracoccidoides brasiliensis adhesion to lung epithelial cells is considered an essential event for the establishment of infection and different proteins participate in this process. One of these proteins is a 30 kDa adhesin, pI 4.9 that was described as a laminin ligand in previous studies, and it was more highly expressed in more virulent P. brasiliensis isolates. This protein may contribute to the virulence of this important fungal pathogen. Using Edman degradation and mass spectrometry analysis, this 30 kDa adhesin was identified as a 14-3-3 protein. These proteins are a conserved group of small acidic proteins involved in a variety of processes in eukaryotic organisms. However, the exact function of these proteins in some processes remains unknown. Thus, the goal of the present study was to characterize the role of this protein during the interaction between the fungus and its host. To achieve this goal, we cloned, expressed the 14-3-3 protein in a heterologous system and determined its subcellular localization in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed the ubiquitous distribution of this protein in the yeast form of P. brasiliensis, with some concentration in the cytoplasm. Additionally, this 14-3-3 protein was also present in P. brasiliensis cells at the sites of infection in C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells for 72 h (acute infections) and 30 days (chronic infection). An apparent increase in the levels of the 14-3-3 protein in the cell wall of the fungus was also noted during the interaction between P. brasiliensis and A549 cells, suggesting that this protein may be involved in host-parasite interactions, since inhibition assays with the protein and this antibody decreased P. brasiliensis adhesion to A549 epithelial cells. Our data may lead to a better understanding of P. brasiliensis interactions with host tissues and paracoccidioidomycosis pathogenesis.


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The southern Apennines of Italy have been experienced several destructive earthquakes both in historic and recent times. The present day seismicity, characterized by small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, was used like a probe to obatin a deeper knowledge of the fault structures where the largest earthquakes occurred in the past. With the aim to infer a three dimensional seismic image both the problem of data quality and the selection of a reliable and robust tomographic inversion strategy have been faced. The data quality has been obtained to develop optimized procedures for the measurements of P- and S-wave arrival times, through the use of polarization filtering and to the application of a refined re-picking technique based on cross-correlation of waveforms. A technique of iterative tomographic inversion, linearized, damped combined with a strategy of multiscale inversion type has been adopted. The retrieved P-wave velocity model indicates the presence of a strong velocity variation along a direction orthogonal to the Apenninic chain. This variation defines two domains which are characterized by a relatively low and high velocity values. From the comparison between the inferred P-wave velocity model with a portion of a structural section available in literature, the high velocity body was correlated with the Apulia carbonatic platforms whereas the low velocity bodies was associated to the basinal deposits. The deduced Vp/Vs ratio shows that the ratio is lower than 1.8 in the shallower part of the model, while for depths ranging between 5 km and 12 km the ratio increases up to 2.1 in correspondence to the area of higher seismicity. This confirms that areas characterized by higher values are more prone to generate earthquakes as a response to the presence of fluids and higher pore-pressures.


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We present a geospatial model to predict the radiofrequency electromagnetic field from fixed site transmitters for use in epidemiological exposure assessment. The proposed model extends an existing model toward the prediction of indoor exposure, that is, at the homes of potential study participants. The model is based on accurate operation parameters of all stationary transmitters of mobile communication base stations, and radio broadcast and television transmitters for an extended urban and suburban region in the Basel area (Switzerland). The model was evaluated by calculating Spearman rank correlations and weighted Cohen's kappa (kappa) statistics between the model predictions and measurements obtained at street level, in the homes of volunteers, and in front of the windows of these homes. The correlation coefficients of the numerical predictions with street level measurements were 0.64, with indoor measurements 0.66, and with window measurements 0.67. The kappa coefficients were 0.48 (95%-confidence interval: 0.35-0.61) for street level measurements, 0.44 (95%-CI: 0.32-0.57) for indoor measurements, and 0.53 (95%-CI: 0.42-0.65) for window measurements. Although the modeling of shielding effects by walls and roofs requires considerable simplifications of a complex environment, we found a comparable accuracy of the model for indoor and outdoor points.


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NHA2 was recently identified as a novel sodium/hydrogen exchanger which is strongly upregulated during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. Previous in vitro studies suggested that NHA2 is a mitochondrial transporter required for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Due to the lack of suitable antibodies, NHA2 was studied only on RNA level thus far. To define the protein's role in osteoclasts in vitro and in vivo, we generated NHA2-deficient mice and raised several specific NHA2 antibodies. By confocal microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, NHA2 was found to co-localize with the late endosomal and lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the V-ATPase a3 subunit, but not with mitochondrial markers. Immunofluorescence studies and surface biotinylation experiments further revealed that NHA2 was highly enriched in the plasma membrane of osteoclasts, localizing to the basolateral membrane of polarized osteoclasts. Despite strong upregulation of NHA2 during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation, however, structural parameters of bone, quantified by high-resolution microcomputed tomography, were not different in NHA2-deficient mice compared to wild-type littermates. In addition, in vitro RANKL stimulation of bone marrow cells isolated from wild-type and NHA2-deficient mice yielded no differences in osteoclast development and activity. Taken together, we show that NHA2 is a RANKL-induced plasmalemmal sodium/hydrogen exchanger in osteoclasts. However, our data from NHA2-deficient mice suggest that NHA2 is dispensable for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo.


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To assess the relationship between endometriotic lesions with associated nerve fibers with both pain and peritoneal fluid (PF) cytokine concentrations based on lesion location.


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To determine the subcellular localization of the tegument proteins pp65, pp71, pp150, and pp28 as fusions to one of several fluorescent proteins. Since these tegument proteins play pivotal roles in several stages of the viral life cycle, knowledge of where and the mechanism of how these proteins localize upon release could result in a better understanding of their function during a lytic infection as well as assist in the development of an effective, novel antiviral treatment.


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Apis mellifera L., the European honeybee, is a crucial pollinator of many important agricultural crops in the United States. Recently, honeybee colonies have been affected by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a disorder in which the colony fails due to the disappearance of a key functional group of worker bees. Though no direct causalrelationship has been confirmed, hives that experience CCD have been shown to have a high incidence of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV), a common honeybee virus. While the genome sequence and gene-order of DWV has been analyzed fairly recently, few other studies have been performed to understand the molecular characterization of the virus.Since little is known about where DWV proteins localize in infected host cells, the objective of this project was to determine the subcellular localization of two of the important non-structural proteins that are encoded in the DWV genome. This project focused on the protein 3C, an autocatalytic protease which cleaves itself from a longer polyprotein and helps to cut all of the other proteins apart from one another so that they can become functional, and 3D, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which is critical for replication of the virus because it copies the viral genome. By tagging nested constructs containing these two proteins and tracking where they localized in living cells, this study aimed to better understand the replication of DWV and to elicit possible targetsfor further research on how to control the virus. Since DWV is a picorna-like virus, distantly related to human viruses such as polio, and picornavirus non-structural proteins aggregate at cellular membranes during viral replication, the major hypothesis was that the 3C and 3CD proteins would localize at cellular organelle membranes as well. Using confocal microscopy, both proteins were found to localize in the cytoplasm, but the 3CDprotein was found to be mostly diffuse cytoplasmic, and the 3C protein was found to localize more specifically on membranous structures just outside of the nucleus.


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Apicomplexan parasites possess an apical complex that is composed of two secretory organelles recognized as micronemes and rhoptries. Rhoptry contents are secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole during the host cell invasion process. Several rhoptry proteins have been identified in Toxoplasma gondii and seem to be involved in host-pathogen interactions and some of them are considered to be important virulence factors. Only one rhoptry protein, NcROP2, has been identified and extensively characterized in the closely related parasite Neospora caninum, and this has showed immunoprotective properties. Thus, with the aim of increasing knowledge of the rhoptry protein repertoire in N. caninum, a subcellular fractionation of tachyzoites was performed to obtain fractions enriched for this secretory organelle. 2-D SDS-PAGE followed by MS and LC/MS-MS were applied for fraction analysis and 8 potential novel rhoptry components (NcROP1, 5, 8, 30 and NcRON2, 3, 4, 8) and several kinases, proteases and phosphatases proteins were identified with a high homology to those previously found in T. gondii. Their existence in N. caninum tachyzoites suggests their involvement in similar events or pathways that occur in T. gondii. These novel proteins may be considered as targets that could be useful in the future development of immunoprophylactic measures.