907 resultados para Student with cerebral palsy


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Aquest és un projecte d'investigació descriptiva. Té com a finalitat conèixer i comprendre com és la inclusió dels nens amb Paràlisis Cerebral a les escoles ordinàries (bressol, primària i secundària), de la ciutat de Barcelona, des de la mirada de la Teràpia Ocupacional. Per tant, primer s'ha d'investigar quants alumnes amb aquesta lesió estan inclosos en escoles ordinàries, com també conèixer quants alumnes tornen a l'escola especial després d'estar escolaritzats a la ordinària. D'altra banda, es pretén descriure les perspectives i percepcions dels professionals i els alumnes implicats a la inclusió, i què succeeix a l'escola ordinària perquè alguns alumnes hagin de tornar a l'especial en algun moment de la seva escolarització. El projecte és de caire qualitatiu, on els instruments per l'obtenció de dades són protocols d'observació, entrevistes semi- estructurades i enquestes. Encara que per obtenir la mostra i els participants s'utilitzaran tècniques quantitatives. Les limitacions de l'estudi seran aquelles escoles, professionals i alumnes que per motius personals no vulguin participar de la mostra.


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En aquesta investigació qualitativa s’ha fet un estudi sobre la possibilitat d’incloure a un infant amb paràlisi cerebral en una escola ordinària. Per fer-ho, s’ha treballat a partir de l’estudi de cas d’un infant concret escolaritzat en un centre d’educació espacial. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de la realitat d’aquest centre, l’Arboç, i de dos centres on les investigadores han realitzat l’estada de pràctiques, a l’escola Camí del Mig i a la Llàntia. Els instruments utilitzats al llarg del procés de recerca han estat les entrevistes, les graelles d’observació, el diari de camp i l’anàlisi de documents dels centres. Aquests s’han complementat amb una observació directa i participant a les escoles esmentades. La conclusió obtinguda després d’haver realitzat tot el procés d’investigació, és que la inclusió d’aquest infant no seria possible en els dos centres ordinaris estudiats, ja que seria necessari introduir un seguit de canvis a nivell d’infraestructures, metodologia, organització i de recursos humans i materials.


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Introducción: La Parálisis Cerebral (PC) es la enfermedad neurológica más incapacitante en niños, su historia natural tiende al deterioro motor y funcional. Con este estudio se busca establecer sí las cirugías múltiples de miembros inferiores, en un tiempo quirúrgico, mantienen el nivel motor y funcional. Material y Método: Estudio analítico de cohortes. Se compara un grupo de pacientes sometidos a cirugías múltiples contra un grupo de pacientes no operados, en el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt. Se evaluaron los pacientes con dos Laboratorios para el Análisis del Movimiento (LAM) y se midieron los desenlaces mediante el cambio en la puntuación del perfil de marcha (GPS) y el nivel funcional motor grueso (GMFCS). Resultados: 109 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de selección, 67 pacientes fueron sometidos a cirugía y 42 pacientes no. Los pacientes operados mejoraron el GPS promedio (diferencia -1,94; p=0,002) comparado con los pacientes no operados (diferencia 1,74; p=0,001), indicando una mejoría significativa de la cinemática de la marcha. En un modelo de regresión logística predictivo, el paciente que es operado tiene una probabilidad del 78% de mantener su patrón de marcha, mientras que sí no se opera su probabilidad disminuye al 37%. El nivel funcional motor GMFCS no mostró cambios significativos entre los grupos. Discusión: Las cirugías múltiples de miembros inferiores mantienen de manera significativa el patrón de marcha en pacientes con PC. Se destaca el seguimiento de los pacientes mediante el LAM y se sugiere el uso del GPS para valorar resultados en este tipo de pacientes.


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Este estudo enquadra-se numa avaliação da importância da relação escola/família no processo de inclusão de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral em contexto de Creche. Além dos profissionais especializados contribuírem para o desenvolvimento de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral, a família assume um papel fulcral. A intervenção da família é assim essencial no processo de desenvolvimento/inclusão destas crianças ao longo da vida. Nesse sentido, destacamos como objetivos primordiais: identificar o envolvimento da família e as dinâmicas relacionais com vista ao desenvolvimento pessoal e social da criança, aferir as relações interpessoais dos técnicos e professores que lidam com a inclusão de crianças com PC, perceber a perspetiva que os terapeutas têm acerca da inclusão de crianças com PC, conhecer as conceções dos educadores/professores sobre inclusão, saber como a PC é integrada em Creche, identificar a ação dos pais e da escola na inclusão de uma criança com PC e identificar a articulação do educador/professor com os pais e vice-versa. Para a realização deste estudo, optou-se por utilizar uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa – estudo de caso. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas aos intervenientes no processo de desenvolvimento da criança (pais, educadores/professores, terapeutas) para recolher dados. A informação obtida foi apurada mediante análise de conteúdo dessas mesmas entrevistas.


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Contextualization: Several studies have examined the mobility of this group of children, however little is known about the impact of motor function in activities of daily living, considering the seriousness of their neuromotor damage. Objective: Identify the functional differences of children with Cerebral Palsy with different levels of motor dysfunction and correlate these differences with the areas of mobility, self-care and social function in functional ability and caregiver´s assistance of these children. Methods: An l analytical cross-section search was developed, which were part 70 children / families aged from 4 to 7.5 years, in the Rehabilitation Center for Children. As tools were used the Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory (PEDI) and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). Data analysis was performed by ANOVA and Pearson's correlation tests. Results: The results show the functional variability of children CP in different severity levels of motor disfunction This variation was observed in the areas of mobility, self-care and social function. The results also showed a strong correlation between the domains mobility and self-care, mobility and social function. Conclusions: The variability shown by the children with CP, suggests the use of PEDI and GMFCS as this association appears to increase the understanding of how the gross motor functions are related to activities of daily living, describing the best commitments and their degree of impact on functional activities. This correlation demonstrates how mobility is crucial to evaluate the performance and guide the therapeutic practice, to develop the children´s potencial, and guide the caregiver in stimulation


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This work was aimed at making a critical analysis of the product wheelchair, both for using four different models, which were objects of study of the dissertation of Cláudia Regina Cabral Galvão, entitled Critical Analysis of the Mobility Products Seated a wheelchair - Used by Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy in Natal / RN and other municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte . This product is considered an instrument in the social rehabilitation of great importance for people with physical disabilities. This study aims to position the issue and develop comments on technical up grading of certain models according to the needs of the user. Describes features of four models in search searched through catalogs in order to know its advantages and disadvantages of use. Were presented the definitions of ergonomics and ergonomic aspects to be considered on a design, the study of anthropometry and its recommendations. Discussions the methodology of project design in two parts: the first, on the structuring of design problem (formulation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.) And the second on the project (design and development, implementation and evaluation and solution). With that review will include the possibilities for a new redesign of the wheelchair, based on forms of adaptation in order to achieve the target that was compressed by the average population studied. Seeks to that this project makes an improvement in quality of life of people in wheelchairs by including these people in society but also the improvement of rehabilitation


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The objective of this work is to critically analyze the seated mobility adaptive equipment, wheelchair, used by non-ambulatory children/adolescents diagnosed with cerebral palsy of the quadriplegy type with ages in between 0-18 years old in the municipal city of Natal/RN and of other ones in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This study is characterized as descriptive as it took into consideration the individualized conditions of each child/adolescent and of their home environment, and also evaluates the condition of the used seated mobility devices such as wheelchairs or strollers. Thirty three (33) subjects which had a wheelchair prescribed by a healthcare professional specialist in adaptive equipment within the past 3 years were selected. A questionnaire was applied through a phone with the patient s primary care giver or parents. The results obtained showed that all the equipment being used had an anatomical seat and back and the tilt system mechanism and even though most of the patients required small individual adjustments upon receiving the wheelchair in order to accommodate to the patients characteristics. From the point of view of the caregiver/parents interviewed, 97% described satisfied with the equipment and report assistance with mobility (97%), comfort (82%) and good posture (82%) as the main positive aspects from the equipment. The results also describe the aspects related to the maintenance, time used and activities developed that were reported by the patients. The conclusion therefore is that in order to select the equipment to meet the needs of the consumer it is necessary that: an appropriate wheelchair prescription takes place, the up-to-date knowledge of equipment available in the market, the appropriate use of the resources from the concession programs of the government that purchase equipment and the establishment of link in between the manufacturers, patients and the caregivers


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O estudo teve o propósito de verificar a influência da textura do recurso pedagógico no tempo despendido e no índice de retidão para execução de uma atividade de encaixe realizada por indivíduos com paralisia cerebral. Participaram do estudo 6 alunos com sequelas de paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica, com idade entre 7 anos e 8 meses e 28 anos e 1 mês. O participante deveria segurar o objeto e levá-lo a um ponto demarcado previamente para o encaixe e, após, retorná-lo à posição inicial. O objeto foi apresentado nas texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, de forma aleatória. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada filmagem para posterior leitura pelo programa Kavideo, que possibilitou cálculos para observar o tempo despendido na tarefa e o índice de retidão. Foi realizado o estudo da normalidade das distribuições, verificada por meio do teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (Teste KS) e a comparação entre as texturas lisa, intermediária e áspera, no movimento de encaixe, por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Adotou-se para todos os testes nível de significância de 5% de probabilidade para a rejeição da hipótese de normalidade. O resultado do teste de análise de variância de medidas repetidas mostrou que não houve significância para as variáveis estudadas com o recurso apresentado nas três texturas. Porém, os dados da estatística descritiva mostraram que o encaixe do recurso com a textura lisa despendeu um menor tempo para execução da tarefa e, também, determinou um melhor desempenho com relação à trajetória do movimento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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TEMA: paralisia cerebral e alterações salivares. O paciente com paralisia cerebral é acometido por diversas desordens no Sistema Estomatognático, sendo muitas delas expressas sob a forma de alterações no fluxo e composição salivar. A variação da concentração de constituintes da saliva está diretamente relacionada com sua capacidade tampão, antioxidante, imunológica, digestiva e lubrificante, além de sofrer variações em função da velocidade do fluxo salivar, o qual está intimamente relacionado à eficiência dos estímulos mecânicos e neurais do trato salivar. Alterações na deglutição, da percepção gustativa, do processo de mineralização dos dentes e da propriedade protetora da saliva contra lesões cariosas, infecções e inflamações, freqüentemente observadas em pacientes com paralisia cerebral, podem ser avaliadas pelo exame da saliva. OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão de literatura relacionando as principais alterações sialométrica e sialoquímica de pacientes com paralisia cerebral e seus efeitos na saúde bucal. CONCLUSÃO: a análise sialométrica e sialoquímica oferece informações extremamente úteis no diagnóstico e no direcionamento do tratamento desses pacientes, e pode ser considerada uma indicadora prática e objetiva dos processos de doença e disfunções.


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The improvement of oral health and quality of life is closely related to transdisciplinary dialogue, technological development and social responsibility. In patients with cerebral palsy, the lesion of motor areas of the brain compromises the development and function of the craniofacial complex. Considering all the ethiopathogenic conditions, the treatment of such patients involves great difficulties. The dentist and other professionals related to their rehabilitation need to deal with difficulty in chewing, respiration, phonation, besides the poor oral hygiene resulted from abnormal involuntary movements of facial and masticatory musculature, tongue, and upper limb. It is also relevant the lack of understanding about the importance of oral health care due to mental deficits of these individuals. This study aims to review some aspects of oral health in patients with cerebral palsy proposing rehabilitation associated to technology. Few studies concerned about the effectiveness of therapies for oral rehabilitation in patients with cerebral palsy. Laser therapy, electromyography, electrostimulation and LED therapy should be analyzed as options for treatment of patients with cerebral palsy. Following research projects should focus more attention on the dynamic and oral function of these patients to achieve positive repercussions in their overall health. © ArquiMed, 2010.


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The main purpose of this study was to analyze the modified physical properties of an educational resource for facilitating the handling of a child with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. The participant of the study was a six year old child with dyskinetic cerebral palsy enrolled in a regular early childhood education classroom. The educational resource that was selected was a brick game, in which the physical properties of weight, size and texture had been modified. The analysis was made regarding the quality of upper limb movement to the variables: righting index, scalar displacement (s), average speed (As) and time (t). The results showed that combined large size and heavy weight did not have a satisfactory outcome, affecting both grasping the educational resource and fitting. There was also inconsistency in children with cerebral palsy's responses. There is variation in the results, though a standard cannot be established. Thus, this study contributed to understanding the motor responses of a child with dyskinetic cerebral palsy when participating in a fitting activity with educational resources in which the physical properties had been modified.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)