998 resultados para Stratigraphic sequence


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Molecular phylogenetic studies of homologous sequences of nucleotides often assume that the underlying evolutionary process was globally stationary, reversible, and homogeneous (SRH), and that a model of evolution with one or more site-specific and time-reversible rate matrices (e.g., the GTR rate matrix) is enough to accurately model the evolution of data over the whole tree. However, an increasing body of data suggests that evolution under these conditions is an exception, rather than the norm. To address this issue, several non-SRH models of molecular evolution have been proposed, but they either ignore heterogeneity in the substitution process across sites (HAS) or assume it can be modeled accurately using the distribution. As an alternative to these models of evolution, we introduce a family of mixture models that approximate HAS without the assumption of an underlying predefined statistical distribution. This family of mixture models is combined with non-SRH models of evolution that account for heterogeneity in the substitution process across lineages (HAL). We also present two algorithms for searching model space and identifying an optimal model of evolution that is less likely to over- or underparameterize the data. The performance of the two new algorithms was evaluated using alignments of nucleotides with 10 000 sites simulated under complex non-SRH conditions on a 25-tipped tree. The algorithms were found to be very successful, identifying the correct HAL model with a 75% success rate (the average success rate for assigning rate matrices to the tree's 48 edges was 99.25%) and, for the correct HAL model, identifying the correct HAS model with a 98% success rate. Finally, parameter estimates obtained under the correct HAL-HAS model were found to be accurate and precise. The merits of our new algorithms were illustrated with an analysis of 42 337 second codon sites extracted from a concatenation of 106 alignments of orthologous genes encoded by the nuclear genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. paradoxus, S. mikatae, S. kudriavzevii, S. castellii, S. kluyveri, S. bayanus, and Candida albicans. Our results show that second codon sites in the ancestral genome of these species contained 49.1% invariable sites, 39.6% variable sites belonging to one rate category (V1), and 11.3% variable sites belonging to a second rate category (V2). The ancestral nucleotide content was found to differ markedly across these three sets of sites, and the evolutionary processes operating at the variable sites were found to be non-SRH and best modeled by a combination of eight edge-specific rate matrices (four for V1 and four for V2). The number of substitutions per site at the variable sites also differed markedly, with sites belonging to V1 evolving slower than those belonging to V2 along the lineages separating the seven species of Saccharomyces. Finally, sites belonging to V1 appeared to have ceased evolving along the lineages separating S. cerevisiae, S. paradoxus, S. mikatae, S. kudriavzevii, and S. bayanus, implying that they might have become so selectively constrained that they could be considered invariable sites in these species.


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The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is an Australian marsupial that continues to experience significant population declines. Infectious diseases caused by pathogens such as Chlamydia are proposed to have a major role. Very few species-specific immunological reagents are available, severely hindering our ability to respond to the threat of infectious diseases in the koala. In this study, we utilise data from the sequencing of the koala transcriptome to identify key immunological markers of the koala adaptive immune response and cytokines known to be important in the host response to chlamydial infection in other species. This report describes the identification and preliminary sequence analysis of (1) T lymphocyte glycoprotein markers (CD4, CD8); (2) IL-4, a marker for the Th2 response; (3) cytokines such as IL-6, IL-12 and IL-1β, that have been shown to have a role in chlamydial clearance and pathology in other hosts; and (4) the sequences for the koala immunoglobulins, IgA, IgG, IgE and IgM. These sequences will enable the development of a range of immunological reagents for understanding the koala’s innate and adaptive immune responses, while also providing a resource that will enable continued investigations into the origin and evolution of the marsupial immune system.


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Chlamydia pecorum is globally associated with several ovine diseases including keratoconjunctivitis and polyarthritis. The exact relationship between the variety of C. pecorum strains reported and the diseases described in sheep remains unclear, challenging efforts to accurately diagnose and manage infected flocks. In the present study, we applied C. pecorum multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) to C. pecorum positive samples collected from sympatric flocks of Australian sheep presenting with conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis with polyarthritis, or polyarthritis only and with no clinical disease (NCD) in order to elucidate the exact relationships between the infecting strains and the range of diseases. Using Bayesian phylogenetic and cluster analyses on 62 C. pecorum positive ocular, vaginal and rectal swab samples from sheep presenting with a range of diseases and in a comparison to C. pecorum sequence types (STs) from other hosts, one ST (ST 23) was recognised as a globally distributed strain associated with ovine and bovine diseases such as polyarthritis and encephalomyelitis. A second ST (ST 69) presently only described in Australian animals, was detected in association with ovine as well as koala chlamydial infections. The majority of vaginal and rectal C. pecorum STs from animals with NCD and/or anatomical sites with no clinical signs of disease in diseased animals, clustered together in a separate group, by both analyses. Furthermore, 8/13 detected STs were novel. This study provides a platform for strain selection for further research into the pathogenic potential of C. pecorum in animals and highlights targets for potential strain-specific diagnostic test development.


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The thick package of ~2.7 Ga mafic and ultramafic lavas and intrusions preserved among the Neoarchean of the Kalgoorlie Terrene in Western Australia provides valuable insight into geological processes controlling the most prodigious episode of growth and preservation of juvenile continental crust in Earth’s history. Limited exposure of these rocks results in uncertainty about their age, physical and chemical characteristics, and stratigraphic relationships. This in turn prevents confident correlation of regional occurrences of mafic and ultramafic successions (both intrusive and extrusive) and hinders the interpretation of tectonic setting and magmatic evolution. A recent stratigraphic drilling program of the Neoarchean stratigraphy of the Agnew Greenstone Belt in Western Australia has provided continuous exposures through a c. 7 km thick sequence of mafic and ultramafic units. In this study, we present a volcanological, lithogeochemical and chronological study of the Agnew Greenstone Belt, and provide the first pre-2690 Ma regional correlation across the Kalgoorlie Terrane. The Agnew Greenstone Belt records ~30 m.y. of episodic ultramafic-mafic magmatism that includes two cycles, each defined by a komatiite that is overlain by units that become more evolved and contaminated with time. The sequence is divided into nine conformable packages, each consisting of stacked subaqueous lava flows and comagmatic intrusions, as well as two sills without associated extrusions. Lavas, with the exception of intercalations between two units, form a layer-cake stratigraphy and were likely erupted from a system of fissures tapping the same magma source. The komatiites are not contaminated by continental crust ([La/Sm]PM ~0.7) and are of the Al-undepleted Munro-type. Crustal contamination is evident in many units (Songvang Basalt, Never Can Tell Basalt, Redeemer Basalt, and Turrett Dolerite), as judged by [La/Sm]>1, negative Nb and Ti anomalies, and geochemical mixing trends towards felsic contaminants. Crystal fractionation was also significant, with early olivine and chromite (Mg#>65) followed by plagioclase and clinopyroxene removal (Mg<65), and in the most evolved case, titanomagnetite accumulation. Three new TIMS dates on granophyric zones of mafic sills and one ICP-MS date from an interflow felsic tuff are presented and used for regional stratigraphic correlation. Cycle I magmatism began at ~2720 Ma and ended ~2705 Ma, whereas cycle II began ~2705 Ma and ended at 2690.7±1.2 Ma. Regional correlations indicate the western Kalgoorlie Terrane consists of a remarkably similar stratigraphy that can be recognised at Agnew, Ora Banda and Coolgardie, whereas the eastern part of the terrane (e.g., Kambalda Domain) does not include cycle I, but correlates well with cycle II. This research supports an autochthonous model of greenstone formation, in which one large igneous province, represented by two complete cycles, is constructed on sialic crust. New stratigraphic correlations for the Kalgoorlie Terrane indicate that many units can be traced over distances >100 km, which has implications for exploration targeting for stratigraphically hosted ultramafic Ni and VMS deposits.


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We have identified strong topoisomerase sites (STS) for Mycobacteruim smegmatis topoisomerase I in double-stranded DNA context using electrophoretic mobility shift assay of enzyme-DNA covalent complexes; Mg2+, an essential component for DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme, is not required for binding to DNA, The enzyme makes single-stranded nicks, with transient covalent interaction at the 5'-end of the broken DNA strand, a characteristic akin to prokaryotic topoisomerases. More importantly, the enzyme binds to duplex DNA having a preferred site with high affinity, a. property similar to the eukaryotic type I topoisomerases, The preferred cleavage site is mapped on a 65 bp duplex DNA and found to be CG/TCTT. Thus, the enzyme resembles other prokaryotic type I topoisomerases in mechanistics of the reaction, but is similar to eukaryotic enzymes in DNA recognition properties.


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Treatment of bromoketals 2, derived from allyl alcohols 1, with tributyltin chloride, sodium cyanoborohydride and AIBN furnishes the tetrahydrofurannulated products 3 via a 5-exo-trig radical cyclisation reaction followed by reductive cleavage of ketal 4.


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Jacalin and artocarpin, the two lectins from jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia) seeds, have different physicochemical properties and carbohydrate-binding specificities. However, comparison of the partial amino-acid sequence of artocarpin with the known sequence of jacalin indicates close to 50% sequence identity. Artocarpin crystallizes in two forms, both monoclinic P2(1), with one and two tetramic molecules, respectively, in the asymmetric units of form I (a = 69.9, b = 73.7, c = 60.6 Angstrom and beta = 95.1 degrees) and form II (a = 87.6, b = 72.2, c = 92.6 Angstrom and beta = 101.1 degrees). Both the crystal structures have been solved by the molecular replacement method using the known structure of jacalin as the search model and ope of them partially refined, confirming that the two lectins are indeed homologous.


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Elucidation of the detailed structural features and sequence requirements for iv helices of various lengths could be very important in understanding secondary structure formation in proteins and, hence. in the protein folding mechanism. An algorithm to characterize the geometry of an alpha helix from its C-alpha coordinates has been developed and used to analyze the structures of long cu helices (number of residues greater than or equal to 25) found in globular proteins, the crystal structure coordinates of which are available from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, Ail long a helices can be unambiguously characterized as belonging to one of three classes: linear, curved, or kinked, with a majority being curved. Analysis of the sequences of these helices reveals that the long alpha helices have unique sequence characteristics that distinguish them from the short alpha helices in globular proteins, The distribution and statistical propensities of individual amino acids to occur in long alpha heices are different from those found in short alpha helices, with amino acids having longer side chains and/or having a greater number of functional groups occurring more frequently in these helices, The sequences of the long alpha helices can be correlated with their gross structural features, i.e., whether they are curved, linear, or kinked, and in case of the curved helices, with their curvature.


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The genomic sequences of several RNA plant viruses including cucumber mosaic virus, brome mosaic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus have become available recently. The former two viruses are icosahedral while the latter two are bullet and rod shaped, respectively in particle morphology. The non-structural 3a proteins of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus have an amino acid sequence homology of 35% and hence are evolutionarily related. In contrast, the coat proteins exhibit little homology, although the circular dichroism spectrum of these viruses are similar. The non-coding regions of the genome also exhibit variable but extensive homology. Comparison of the brome mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus sequences reveals that they are probably related although with a much larger evolutionary distance. The polypeptide folds of the coat protein of three biologically distinct isometric plant viruses, tomato bushy stunt virus, southern bean mosaic virus and satellite tobacco necrosis virus have been shown to display a striking resemblance. All of them consist of a topologically similar 8-standard β-barrel. The implications of these studies to the understanding of the evolution of plant viruses will be discussed.


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The authors report an in vivo human examination of carotid atheroma by using the inversion-recovery ON resonance (IRON) sequence, which is able to produce positive contrast after the infusion of an ultrasmall super paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) contrast medium. This technique provides a method of potentially identifying inflammatory burden within carotid atheroma. This may be particularly useful in patients who currently do not meet criteria for intervention (ie, moderate symptomatic stenosis or <70% asymptomatic stenosis) to further risk-stratify this important patient cohort. A 63-year-old man was imaged at 1.5 T before and 36 hours after USPIO infusion by using the IRON sequence. Regions of interest showing profound signal loss at T2*-weighted imaging corresponded well with regions of positive contrast at IRON imaging after the administration of USPIO. These regions also showed a profound decrease in T2* measurements after USPIO infusion, whereas surrounding tissue did not. It has been shown that such strong signal loss on T2*-weighted images after USPIO infusion is indicative of USPIO uptake.


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This study investigates the use of unsupervised features derived from word embedding approaches and novel sequence representation approaches for improving clinical information extraction systems. Our results corroborate previous findings that indicate that the use of word embeddings significantly improve the effectiveness of concept extraction models; however, we further determine the influence that the corpora used to generate such features have. We also demonstrate the promise of sequence-based unsupervised features for further improving concept extraction.


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To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded: chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species.


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We have characterised six Australian Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strains belonging to different subgroups, determined by the sequence of their complete RNA 3 and by their host range and the symptoms they cause on species in the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and on sweet corn. These data allowed classification of strains into the known three CMV subgroups and identification of plant species able to differentiate the Australian strains by symptoms and host range. Western Australian strains 237 and Twa and Queensland strains 207 and 242 are closely related members of CMV subgroup IA, which cause similar severe symptoms on Nicotiana species. Strains 207 and 237 (subgroup IA) were the only strains tested which systemically infected sweet corn. Strain 243 caused the most severe symptoms of all strains on Nicotiana species, tomato and capsicum and appears to be the first confirmed subgroup IB strain reported in Australia. Based on pair-wise distance analysis and phylogeny of RNA 3, as well as mild disease symptoms on Nicotiana species, CMV 241 was assigned to subgroup II, as the previously described Q-CMV and LY-CMV.


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To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded:chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species.