989 resultados para Stoichiometric compositions
Introduction and Objective: The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4” and 5/16”. The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean force slightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: The synthetic elastic presented severe force degradation, jeopardizing the cost-benefit ratio, which indicates a higher replacement frequency. The latex elastic showed better mechanical performance in comparison to synthetic ones.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The physical properties of self-polarized PbZr1-xTixO3 thin films with no preferential orientation in a range of compositions 0.46 <= x <= 0.50 were investigated. Structural analysis revealed the coexistence of monoclinic-tetragonal and monoclinic-rhombohedral phases at compositions 0.46 <= x <= 0.49, where the monoclinic phase was in the majority and both the tetragonal and the rhombohedral phases in the minority. The dielectric permittivity (epsilon'= 447) reached its maximum at around composition x = 0.48. Asymmetries in the macroscopic and local hysteresis loops confirmed the existence of the self-polarization effect in the studied films.
Thermal annealings of amorphous gallium antimonide films were accompanied using Raman spectroscopy, both for stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric compositions. The films were prepared by flash evaporation on silicon substrates. Structural changes were induced by the heat treatments: an increasing degree of crystallization as a function of the annealing temperature is observed. Sb clusters are found to crystallize before GaSb does, and the dependence of the corresponding Raman peak intensity with the annealing temperature (occurring in two regimes) is explained. A mechanism for the crystallization of the amorphous GaSb is proposed, based on the prior migration of the Sb excess outside the GaSb region to be crystallized. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.
The volumes in The Critical Reception of Beethoven's Compositions by His German Contemporaries bring to light contemporary perceptions of Beethoven's music, including matters such as audience, setting, facilities, orchestra, instruments, and performers as well as the relationship of Beethoven's music to theoretical and critical ideas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These documents, most of which appear in English for the first time, have been compiled from German-language periodicals published between 1783 and 1830. They present a wide spectrum of insights into the perceptions that Beethoven's contemporaries had of his monumental music. This is the second in a projected four-volume series. It begins with Opus 55, the Eroica, and ends with Opus 72, Fidelio.
Potassium fluorrichterite (KNaCaMg5Si8O22F2) glass-ceramics were modified by either increasing the concentration of calcium (GC5) or by the addition of P2O5 (GP2). Rods (2 x 4 mm) of stoichiometric fluorrichterite (GST), modified compositions (GC5 and GP2) and 45S5 bioglass, which was used as the reference material, were prepared using a conventional lost-wax technique. Osteoconductivity was investigated by implantation into healing defects in the midshaft of rabbit femora. Specimens were harvested at 4 and 12 weeks following implantation and tissue response was investigated using computed microtomography (mu CT) and histological analyses. The results showed greatest bone to implant contact in the 45S5 bioglass reference material at 4 and 12 weeks following implantation, however, GST, GC5 and GP2 all showed direct bone tissue contact with evidence of new bone formation and cell proliferation along the implant surface into the medullary space. There was no evidence of bone necrosis or fibrous tissue encapsulation around the test specimens. Of the modified potassium fluorrichterite compositions, GP2 showed the greatest promise as a bone substitute material due to its osteoconductive potential and superior mechanical properties.
We report transverse momentum (p(T) <= 15 GeV/c) spectra of pi(+/-), K-+/-, p, (p) over bar, K-0(S), and rho(0) at midrapidity in p + p and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Perturbative QCD calculations are consistent with pi(+/-) spectra in p + p collisions but do not reproduce K and p((p) over bar) spectra. The observed decreasing antiparticle-to-particle ratios with increasing p(T) provide experimental evidence for varying quark and gluon jet contributions to high-p(T) hadron yields. The relative hadron abundances in Au + Au at p(T) >= 8 GeV/c are measured to be similar to the p + p results, despite the expected Casimir effect for parton energy loss.
We report the first tungsten isotopic measurements in stardust silicon carbide (SiC) grains recovered from the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. The isotopes (182,183,184,186)Wand (179,180)Hf were measured on both an aggregate (KJB fraction) and single stardust SiC grains (LS+ LU fraction) believed to have condensed in the outflows of low-mass carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with close-to-solar metallicity. The SiC aggregate shows small deviations from terrestrial (= solar) composition in the (182)W/(184)Wand (183)W/(184)Wratios, with deficits in (182)W and (183)W with respect to (184)W. The (186)W/(184)W ratio, however, shows no apparent deviation from the solar value. Tungsten isotopic measurements in single mainstream stardust SiC grains revealed lower than solar (182)W/(184)W, (183)W/(184)W, and (186)W/(184)W ratios. We have compared the SiC data with theoretical predictions of the evolution of W isotopic ratios in the envelopes of AGB stars. These ratios are affected by the slow neutron-capture process and match the SiC data regarding their (182)W/(184)W, (183)W/(184)W, and (179)Hf/(180)Hf isotopic compositions, although a small adjustment in the s-process production of (183)W is needed in order to have a better agreement between the SiC data and model predictions. The models cannot explain the (186)W/(184)W ratios observed in the SiC grains, even when the current (185)W neutron-capture cross section is increased by a factor of two. Further study is required to better assess how model uncertainties (e. g., the formation of the (13)C neutron source, the mass-loss law, the modeling of the third dredge-up, and the efficiency of the (22)Ne neutron source) may affect current s-process predictions.
A combination of an extension of the topological instability "λ criterion" and the "average electronegativity" has been recently reported in the literature to predict compositions with high glass-forming ability (GFA). In the present work, both criteria have been applied to select the Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy with a high glass-forming ability. Ingots were prepared by arc-melting and were used to produce ribbons processed by the melt-spinning technique further characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy revealed a complete amorphization and supercooled liquid region ΔTx = 68 K. In addition, wedge-shaped samples were prepared using copper mold casting in order to determine the critical thickness for amorphous formation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that fully amorphous samples could be obtained, reaching up to ~800 µm in thickness.
The behavior of composed Web services depends on the results of the invoked services; unexpected behavior of one of the invoked services can threat the correct execution of an entire composition. This paper proposes an event-based approach to black-box testing of Web service compositions based on event sequence graphs, which are extended by facilities to deal not only with service behavior under regular circumstances (i.e., where cooperating services are working as expected) but also with their behavior in undesirable situations (i.e., where cooperating services are not working as expected). Furthermore, the approach can be used independently of artifacts (e.g., Business Process Execution Language) or type of composition (orchestration/choreography). A large case study, based on a commercial Web application, demonstrates the feasibility of the approach and analyzes its characteristics. Test generation and execution are supported by dedicated tools. Especially, the use of an enterprise service bus for test execution is noteworthy and differs from other approaches. The results of the case study encourage to suggest that the new approach has the power to detect faults systematically, performing properly even with complex and large compositions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The Eifel volcanism is part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP) and is located in the Rhenish Massif, close to the Rhine and Leine Grabens. The Quaternary Eifel volcanism appears to be related to a mantle plume activity. However, the causes of the Tertiary Hocheifel volcanism remain debated. We present geochronological, geochemical and isotope data to assess the geotectonic settings of the Tertiary Eifel volcanism. Based on 40Ar/39Ar dating, we were able to identify two periods in the Hocheifel activity: from 43.6 to 39.0 Ma and from 37.5 to 35.0 Ma. We also show that the pre-rifting volcanism in the northernmost Upper Rhine Graben (59 to 47 Ma) closely precede the Hocheifel volcanic activity. In addition, the volcanism propagates from south to north within the older phase of the Hocheifel activity. At the time of Hocheifel volcanism, the tectonic activity in the Hocheifel was controlled by stress field conditions identical to those of the Upper Rhine Graben. Therefore, magma generation in the Hocheifel appears to be caused by decompression due to Middle to Late Eocene extension. Our geochemical data indicate that the Hocheifel magmas were produced by partial melting of a garnet peridotite at 75-90 km depth. We also show that crustal contamination is minor although the magmas erupted through a relatively thick continental lithosphere. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that the source of the Hocheifel magmas is a mixing between depleted FOZO or HIMU-like material and enriched EM2-like material. The Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to have a common enriched end-member. However, the other sources are likely to be distinct. In addition, the Hocheifel lavas share a depleted component with the other Tertiary CEVP lavas. Although the Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to originate from different sources, the potential involvement of a FOZO-like component would indicate the contribution of deep mantle material. Thus, on the basis of the geochemical and isotope data, we cannot rule out the involvement of plume-type material in the Hocheifel magmas. The Ko’olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) has been initiated in order to evaluate the long-term evolution of Ko’olau volcano and obtain information about the Hawaiian mantle plume. High precision Pb triple spike data, as well as Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP lavas and Honolulu Volcanics (HVS) reveal compositional source variations during Ko’olau growth. Pb isotopic compositions indicate that, at least, three Pb end-members are present in Ko’olau lavas. Changes in the contributions of each component are recorded in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes stratigraphy. The radiogenic component is present, at variable proportion, in all three stages of Ko’olau growth. It shows affinities with the least radiogenic “Kea-lo8” lavas present in Mauna Kea. The first unradiogenic component was present in the main-shield stage of Ko’olau growth but its contribution decreased with time. It has EM1 type characteristics and corresponds to the “Ko’olau” component of Hawaiian mantle plume. The second unradiogenic end-member, so far only sampled by Honololu lavas, has isotopic characteristics similar to those of a depleted mantle. However, they are different from those of the recent Pacific lithosphere (EPR MORB) indicating that the HVS are not derived from MORB-related source. We suggest, instead, that the HVS result from melting of a plume material. Thus the evolution of a single Hawaiian volcano records the geochemical and isotopic changes within the Hawaiian plume.