994 resultados para Spoonges -- Mortality -- Mediterranean Sea
Water exchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea has been a major focus of the paleohydrography of the eastern Mediterranean. Glacial melt water released from the Black Sea is a potential factor in the formation of sapropel S1, an organic-rich sediment layer that accumulated during the Early Holocene. A high-resolution study done on sediments from the Marmara Sea, the gateway between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, sheds light on the Holocene exchange processes. Past sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity (SSS) were derived from stable oxygen isotope ratios (delta18O) of foraminiferal calcite and alkenone unsaturation ratios (Uk'37). Heavy delta18O values and high SSS in the Marmara Sea suggest absence of low salinity water from the Black Sea during S1. The comparison with data from the Levantine Basin and southern Aegean Sea outlines gradients of freshening in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, whereby the major sources of freshwater were closer to the Levantine Basin. It is thus concluded that the Black Sea was not a major freshwater source contributing to formation of S1. Given the absence of a low salinity layer, the deposition of organic-rich sediments corresponding to S1 in the Marmara Sea is likely the result of the global transgression and the concomitant re-organization of biogeochemical cycles, leading to enhanced productivity as shown by Globigerina bulloides.
Comparison of calcareous dinoflagellate cyst assemblages with Ba, Al, Mn, and Fe records from three sediment cores collected in the eastern Mediterranean Sea indicate that calcareous dinoflagellate cysts are generally resistant to postdepositional dissolution. Cyst association changes during and after sapropel S1 formation can therefore be closely related to variability in surface water productivity. Two groups of cysts are defined: those having highest abundances within the sapropelic and postsapropelic sediments. The temporal cyst distributions suggest increased freshwater input mainly from the Nile and a shallowing of the pycnocline as the most important processes increasing nutrient concentration in the photic zone, thus leading to increased productivity and organic carbon fluxes during sapropel formation. Furthermore, a general warming trend at the beginning of S1 formation and a slight salinity decrease are reconstructed.
We present grain-size distributions of the terrigenous fraction of two sediment cores from the southeast Levantine Sea (SL112) and the northern Aegean Sea (SL148), spanning the time interval from the late glacial to the present. End-member modelling of the grain-size distribution allows discriminating between aeolian and fluvial transport of the sediments and helps to infer palaeoenvironmental conditions in the source areas. Sedimentary and depositional processes during the late glacial and Holocene were controlled by climatic variations of both the northern high latitudes and the African climate system. The sedimentation at site SL112 off Israel is dominated by the suspension load of the River Nile and aeolian dust from the Sahara. Variations in grain size reflect the early to mid- Holocene climate transition from the African Humid Period to recent arid conditions. This climate change was gradual, in contrast to the abrupt humidity change documented inWestern Saharan records. This implies a successive decrease in Nile river sediment supply due to a step-wise aridification of the headwaters. The grain-size data of SL112 show a humidity maximum at 5 kyr BP coincident with a regionally-restricted wet phase in the Levantine Sea. The sediments at the North Aegean site SL148 consist of riverine particles and low amounts of aeolian dust, probably derived from South European sources and with probably minor Saharan influence. The sedimentation processes are controlled by climate conditions being characterized by enhanced deposition of dust during the cold and dry glacial period and by decreased aeolian influx during the temperate and humid Holocene.
We investigated five time-equivalent core sections (180-110 kyr BP) from the Balearic Sea (Menorca Rise), the easternmost Levantine Basin and southwest, south, and southeast of Crete to reconstruct spatial patterns of productivity during deposition of sapropels S5 and S6 in the Mediterranean Sea. Our indicators are Ba, total organic carbon and carbonate contents. We found no indications of Ba remobilization within the investigated core intervals, and used the accumulation rate of biogenic Ba to compute paleoproductivity. Maximum surface water productivity (up to 350 g C/m2/yr) was found during deposition of S5 (isotope stage 5e) but pronounced spatial variability is evident. Coeval sediment intervals in the Balearic Sea show very little productivity change, suggesting that chemical and biological environments in the eastern and western Mediterranean basins were decoupled in this interval. We interpret the spatial variability as the result of two different modes of nutrient delivery to the photic zone: riverderived nutrient input and shoaling of the pycnocline/nutricline to the photic zone. The productivity increase during the formation of S6 was moderate compared to S5 and had a less marked spatial variability within the study area of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Given that S6 formed during a glacial interval, glacial boundary conditions such as high wind stress and/or cooler surface water temperatures apparently favored lateral and vertical mixing and prevented the development of the spatial gradients within the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) observed for S5. A non-sapropel sediment interval with elevated Ba content and depleted 18O/16O ratios in planktonic foraminifer calcite was detected between S6 and S5 that corresponds to the weak northern hemisphere insolation maximum at 150 kyr. At this time, productivity apparently increased up to five times over surrounding intervals, but abundant benthic fauna show that the deep water remained oxic. Following our interpretation, the interval denotes a failed sapropel, when a weaker monsoon did not force the EMS into permanent stratification. The comparison of interglacial and glacial sapropels illustrates the relevance of climatic boundary conditions in the northern catchment in determining the facies and spatial variability of sapropels within the EMS.
High-resolution benthic foraminiferal and geochemical investigations were carried out across sapropels S5 and S6 from two sediment cores in the Levantine Sea to evaluate the impact of climatic and environmental changes on benthic ecosystems during times of sapropel formation. The faunal successions indicate that eutrophication and/or oxygen reduction started several thousand years prior to the onset of sapropel formation, suggesting an early response of the bathyal ecosystems to climatic changes. Severest oxygen depletions appear in the early phases of sapropel formation. The initial reduction of deep-water ventilation is caused by a warming and fresh water-induced stratification of Eastern Mediterranean surface waters. During the late phase of S5 formation improved oxygenation is restricted to middle bathyal ecosystems, indicating that at least some formation of subsurface water took place. During S6 formation oxygen depletions and eutrophication were less severe and more variable than during S5 formation. Estimated oxygen contents were low dysoxic at middle bathyal to anoxic at lower bathyal depths during the early phase of S6 formation but never dropped to anoxic values in its late phase. The high benthic ecosystem variability during S6 formation suggests that water column stratification at deep-water formation sites was in a very unstable mode and susceptible to minor temperature fluctuations at a millennial time-scale.
Mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge is caused by extrusion of overpressured sediments, with consequent formation of spectacular dome-shaped features composed of mud breccias at the seafloor. The organic material in the mud breccia of the Napoli mud volcano is a mixture of different facies, stratigraphic origin and thermal maturities. One portion is synsedimentary organic material with only minor diagenetic alterations and represents sedimenting material that was embedded into the mud volcano during its extrusion. The mud breccia also contains thermally mature organic material of mainly terrestrial provenance with algae of fresh- and brackish-water origin. Vitrinite reflectance data of this maturity generation range from 0.65 to 0.90% R(oil) and thus characterize thermally mature source rocks, a rank which is corroborated by fluorescence and molecular characteristics. The predominance of vitrinite in the maceral assemblages and the occurrence of biomarkers of terrigenous origin suggest that the major part of the mud matrix derives from a lacustrine or riverine sedimentary unit in the subsurface, possibly from the Messinian stage. A third generation of organic material includes inertinites and vitrinites of high reflectance, which represent recycled organic matter present in any marine sediment. By use of the Lopatin method for modelling the thermal maturation of hydrocarbon source rocks from the vitrinite reflectance data, we calculated that the depth of mobilization ranges from 4900 m to 7500 m, depending upon the temperature gradient used.
The ingestion on ciliates and phytoplankton dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in Northern Aegean Sea, the area influenced by the Black Sea water outflow. A Lagrangian experiment was established and copepod ingestion was estimated from experiments performed at stations according to the different positions of drifters during the cruise. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 20 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Centropages typicus and Calanus helgolandicus according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). The egg production dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in Northern Aegean Sea, the area influenced by the Black Sea water outflow. A Lagrangian experiment was established and copepod egg production was estimated from experiments performed at stations according to the different positions of drifters during the cruise. Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs female/day) collected in the 0-20m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Centropages typicus, Calanus helgolandicus. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mgC/ m**2 /day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).
The SES_GR2_Copepod Ingestion on ciliates and phytoplankton dataset is based on samples taken during August-September 2008 in Ionian Sea, Libyan Sea, Southern Aegean Sea and Northern Aegean Sea. Ingestion rates were estimated from experiments performed at all the third priority stations during the cruise according to DoW of Sesame project. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 100 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Clausocalanus furcatus, Oithona spp. Temora stylifera and Acartia spp according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000).
Pore fluids from two ODP sites at Eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes have been analyzed for their Cl concentration and their delta18O and deltaD isotopic composition. The Cl data span a wide range of concentrations, from extremely depleted with respect to seawater (as low as 60 mM) at the crest of Milano dome (site 970) to strongly enriched (up to 5.4 M) at Napoli dome (site 971). Chloride enrichment is known to be due to dissolving Messinian evaporites, whereas the source of the low-Cl fluid is deduced from stable isotope data presented here. The isotopic composition of the endmember fluid is found to be +10? for delta18O and -32? for deltaD for low- as well as for high-Cl waters. From this signature it can be concluded that neither gas hydrates nor meteoric water play a significant role in the freshening of the pore water. Several other processes altering the delta18O/deltaD composition of pore waters are discussed and considered to be of only negligible influence. The process characterizing the isotopic composition of the fluid is found to be clay mineral dehydration (mainly smectite-illite transformation), corresponding to a depth range of 3.5-7 km and an elevated temperature of about 120-165°C. A quantitative estimate shows that this reaction is capable of producing the observed extreme Cl depletion.
This dataset based on samples taken during October 2008 in Dardanelles Straits, Marmara Sea and Bosporus Straits at the third priority stations. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 50 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Oithona spp., Clausocalanus furcatus, Acartia clausi and Oncaea spp. and in one cladoceran species Penilia avirostris according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs/female/day) collected in the 0-20m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Clausocalanus furcatus, Paracalanus parvus,Acaria clausi. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mg/m**2/day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).
During the cruises No 17 and 22 of the German research vessel "Meteor", 45 water samples were taken at 4 stations in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea. Mass spectrometrical analyses showed that systematic, but time variable changes of the oxygen isotope ratios occur. Deep water samples (T> 500 m) have a ± constant isotopic composition of d18O = +1.79? (SMOW) and a Chlorinity of 21.399?. These data are discussed with respect to paleotemperature determinations.
Extinction is a remarkably difficult phenomenon to study under natural conditions. This is because the outcome of stress exposure and associated fitness reduction is not known until the extinction occurs and it remains unclear whether there is any phenotypic reaction of the exposed population that can be used to predict its fate. Here we take advantage of the fossil record, where the ecological outcome of stress exposure is known. Specifically, we analyze shell morphology of planktonic Foraminifera in sediment samples from the Mediterranean, during an interval preceding local extinctions. In two species representing different plankton habitats, we observe shifts in trait state and decrease in variance in association with non-terminal stress, indicating stabilizing selection. At terminal stress levels, immediately before extinction, we observe increased growth asymmetry and trait variance, indicating disruptive selection and bet-hedging. The pre-extinction populations of both species show a combination of trait states and trait variance distinct from all populations exposed to non-terminal levels of stress. This finding indicates that the phenotypic history of a population may allow the detection of threshold levels of stress, likely to lead to extinction. It is thus an alternative to population dynamics in studying and monitoring natural population ecology.