957 resultados para Sphere
Two styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymers Vector 4111 and 4113, exhibiting cylindrical (18 wt % PS) and spherical (16 wt % PS) morphology, respectively, have been examined under uniaxial elongation up to 200% strain. On the basis of stress-strain data, mechanical properties are compared for isotropic and oriented polystyrene domains. The structure at various stages of deformation has been determined from SAXS patterns in three planes and two principal deformation directions with respect to orientation. Samples showed a very high degree of hexagonal packing, resulting in an X-ray pattern taken parallel to the cylinder alignment approaching single crystal ordering. Cylinders were aligned with the closest packed planes parallel to film surface. Particular attention has been paid to a lattice deformation process occurring during the first stretching and relaxation cycle. For a copolymer with oriented cylindrical morphology the deformation was affine up to 120% strain. The microdomain spacing was calculated parallel and perpendicular to the stretching direction. The cylindrical microstructure orientation, quantified by Hermans' orientation factor reduced during elongation of oriented polymer, while the elongation of isotropic sample caused an increase of orientation. Deformation of all studied morphologies was reversible.
The sampling of certain solid angle is a fundamental operation in realistic image synthesis, where the rendering equation describing the light propagation in closed domains is solved. Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation use sampling of the solid angle subtended by unit hemisphere or unit sphere in order to perform the numerical integration of the rendering equation. In this work we consider the problem for generation of uniformly distributed random samples over hemisphere and sphere. Our aim is to construct and study the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere and sphere. First we apply the symmetry property for partitioning of hemisphere and sphere. The domain of solid angle subtended by a hemisphere is divided into a number of equal sub-domains. Each sub-domain represents solid angle subtended by orthogonal spherical triangle with fixed vertices and computable parameters. Then we introduce two new algorithms for sampling of orthogonal spherical triangles. Both algorithms are based on a transformation of the unit square. Similarly to the Arvo's algorithm for sampling of arbitrary spherical triangle the suggested algorithms accommodate the stratified sampling. We derive the necessary transformations for the algorithms. The first sampling algorithm generates a sample by mapping of the unit square onto orthogonal spherical triangle. The second algorithm directly compute the unit radius vector of a sampling point inside to the orthogonal spherical triangle. The sampling of total hemisphere and sphere is performed in parallel for all sub-domains simultaneously by using the symmetry property of partitioning. The applicability of the corresponding parallel sampling scheme for Monte Carlo and Quasi-D/lonte Carlo solving of rendering equation is discussed.
We use ellipsometry to investigate a transition in the morphology of a sphere-forming diblock copolymer thin-film system. At an interface the diblock morphology may differ from the bulk when the interfacial tension favours wetting of the minority domain, thereby inducing a sphere-to-lamella transition. In a small, favourable window in energetics, one may observe this transition simply by adjusting the temperature. Ellipsometry is ideally suited to the study of the transition because the additional interface created by the wetting layer affects the polarisation of light reflected from the sample. Here we study thin films of poly(butadiene-ethylene oxide) (PB-PEO), which order to form PEO minority spheres in a PB matrix. As temperature is varied, the reversible transition from a partially wetting layer of PEO spheres to a full wetting layer at the substrate is investigated.
An efficient numerical self-consistent field theory (SCFT) algorithm is developed for treating structured polymers on spherical surfaces. The method solves the diffusion equations of SCFT with a pseudospectral approach that combines a spherical-harmonics expansion for the angular coordinates with a modified real-space Crank–Nicolson method for the radial direction. The self-consistent field equations are solved with Anderson-mixing iterations using dynamical parameters and an alignment procedure to prevent angular drift of the solution. A demonstration of the algorithm is provided for thin films of diblock copolymer grafted to the surface of a spherical core, in which the sequence of equilibrium morphologies is predicted as a function of diblock composition. The study reveals an array of interesting behaviors as the block copolymer pattern is forced to adapt to the finite surface area of the sphere.
The value of using social development knowledge as a tool for building development policy was promoted by the British Department for International Development in the late 1990s. This article takes the case of a capacity building initiative that sought to build social development knowledge as a resource for policy formulation in 'southern' countries. Situating knowledge as a development resource presents difficulties for intervention processes that have historically developed to provide access to economic and social assets. This article highlights some of the issues involved in trying to build social development capacity and questions the suitability of this style of intervention. Inappropriate and short-term support for knowledge capacity building carries the danger that the traditional separation between the academic and practice spheres will be reinforced, making the process of democratising knowledge more difficult.
Pseudomomentum and pseudoenergy are both measures of wave activity for disturbances in a fluid, relative to a notional background state. Together they give information on the propagation, growth, and decay of disturbances. Wave activity conservation laws are most readily derived for the primitive equations on the sphere by using isentropic coordinates. However, the intersection of isentropic surfaces with the ground (and associated potential temperature anomalies) is a crucial aspect of baroclinic wave evolution. A new expression is derived for pseudoenergy that is valid for large-amplitude disturbances spanning isentropic layers that may intersect the ground. The pseudoenergy of small-amplitude disturbances is also obtained by linearizing about a zonally symmetric background state. The new expression generalizes previous pseudoenergy results for quasigeostrophic disturbances on the β plane and complements existing large-amplitude results for pseudomomentum. The pseudomomentum and pseudoenergy diagnostics are applied to an extended winter from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Re-Analysis data. The time series identify distinct phenomena such as a baroclinic wave life cycle where the wave activity in boundary potential temperature saturates nonlinearly almost two days before the peak in wave activity near the tropopause. The coherent zonal propagation speed of disturbances at tropopause level, including distinct eastward, westward, and stationary phases, is shown to be dictated by the ratio of total hemispheric pseudoenergy to pseudomomentum. Variations in the lower-boundary contribution to pseudoenergy dominate changes in propagation speed; phases of westward progression are associated with stronger boundary potential temperature perturbations.
It is shown that, for a sufficiently large value of β, two-dimensional flow on a doubly-periodic beta-plane cannot be ergodic (phase-space filling) on the phase-space surface of constant energy and enstrophy. A corresponding result holds for flow on the surface of a rotating sphere, for a sufficiently rapid rotation rate Ω. This implies that the higher-order, non-quadratic invariants are exerting a significant influence on the statistical evolution of the flow. The proof relies on the existence of a finite-amplitude Liapunov stability theorem for zonally symmetric basic states with a non-vanishing absolute-vorticity gradient. When the domain size is much larger than the size of a typical eddy, then a sufficient condition for non-ergodicity is that the wave steepness ε < 1, where ε = 2[surd radical]2Z/βU in the planar case and $\epsilon = 2^{\frac{1}{4}} a^{\frac{5}{2}}Z^{\frac{7}{4}}/\Omega U^{\frac{5}{2}}$ in the spherical case, and where Z is the enstrophy, U the r.m.s. velocity, and a the radius of the sphere. This result may help to explain why numerical simulations of unforced beta-plane turbulence (in which ε decreases in time) seem to evolve into a non-ergodic regime at large scales.
An equation of Monge-Ampère type has, for the first time, been solved numerically on the surface of the sphere in order to generate optimally transported (OT) meshes, equidistributed with respect to a monitor function. Optimal transport generates meshes that keep the same connectivity as the original mesh, making them suitable for r-adaptive simulations, in which the equations of motion can be solved in a moving frame of reference in order to avoid mapping the solution between old and new meshes and to avoid load balancing problems on parallel computers. The semi-implicit solution of the Monge-Ampère type equation involves a new linearisation of the Hessian term, and exponential maps are used to map from old to new meshes on the sphere. The determinant of the Hessian is evaluated as the change in volume between old and new mesh cells, rather than using numerical approximations to the gradients. OT meshes are generated to compare with centroidal Voronoi tesselations on the sphere and are found to have advantages and disadvantages; OT equidistribution is more accurate, the number of iterations to convergence is independent of the mesh size, face skewness is reduced and the connectivity does not change. However anisotropy is higher and the OT meshes are non-orthogonal. It is shown that optimal transport on the sphere leads to meshes that do not tangle. However, tangling can be introduced by numerical errors in calculating the gradient of the mesh potential. Methods for alleviating this problem are explored. Finally, OT meshes are generated using observed precipitation as a monitor function, in order to demonstrate the potential power of the technique.
Given a model 2-complex K(P) of a group presentation P, we associate to it an integer matrix Delta(P) and we prove that a cellular map f : K(P) -> S(2) is root free (is not strongly surjective) if and only if the diophantine linear system Delta(P) Y = (deg) over right arrow (f) has an integer solution, here (deg) over right arrow (f) is the so-called vector-degree of f
We compute the analytic torsion of a cone over a sphere of dimensions 1, 2, and 3, and we conjecture a general formula for the cone over an odd dimensional sphere. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Given a fixed set of identical or different-sized circular items, the problem we deal with consists on finding the smallest object within which the items can be packed. Circular, triangular, squared, rectangular and also strip objects are considered. Moreover, 2D and 3D problems are treated. Twice-differentiable models for all these problems are presented. A strategy to reduce the complexity of evaluating the models is employed and, as a consequence, instances with a large number of items can be considered. Numerical experiments show the flexibility and reliability of the new unified approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.