973 resultados para Span-by-span method
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coated purpose of homogeneous distribution as a second phase is introduced in magnetic systems. Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) shows special interest as magnetic dye, microwave absorber, and magnetic fluids when heterocoagulated by other material. Surface and interface magnetic properties are intimately connected with the new properties of the silica on YIG system. Néel first introduced the concept of surface anisotropy, and Chen et al. developed a model that describes the anisotropy effects at the boundary surface particle, which was applied in this work. Spherical YIG particles were prepared by coprecipitation method and coated with silica using the tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) hydrolysis process. The silica-YIG boundary was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Hysteresis loops comparatively show the profile of the naked and silica-covered YIG particles. The surface anisotropies were calculated using the Chen et al. approach. Indeed, in heterocoagulation systems, the surface anisotropy is a result of the interface symmetry breaking, as observed.
Bioceramic systems based on hydroxylapatite (HAP) are an important class of bioactive materials that may promote bone regeneration. The aim of this research was to evaluate how the stoichiometry of HAP influences its microstructural properties when diagnosed using the combined Rietveld method and Maximum entropy method (MEM). The Rietveld Method (RM) is recognizably a powerful tool used to obtain structural and microstructural information of polycrystalline samples analyzed by x-ray diffraction. Latterly have combined the RM with the maximum entropy method (MEM), with the goal of improve structural refinement results. The MEM provides high resolution maps of electron density and their analysis leave the accurate localization of atoms inside of unit cell. Like that, cycles Rietveld-MEM allow an excellent structural refinement In this work, a hydroxylapatite sample obtained by emulsion method had its structure refined using one cycle Rietveld-MEM with x-ray diffraction data. The indices obtained in initial refinement was Rwp = 7.50%, Re = 6.56%, S - 1.14% e RB = 1.03%. After MEM refinement and electron densities maps analysis to correction of atomics positions, the news indicators of Rietveld refinement quality was Rwp = 7.35%, Re = 6.56%, S = 1.12% and RB = 0.75%. The excellent result obtained to RB shows the efficiency of MEM as auxiliary in the refinement of structure of hydroxylapatite by RM.
Titanium and its alloys provide high strength-to-weight ratios, good fatigue strength and increased corrosion resistance compared with others materials. Its acceptance in aerospace has been limited by costs considerations such as high cost of raw material, high buy-to-fly ratios and expensive machining operations. Significant cost reductions can be obtained by vacuum sintering and powder metallurgy (P/M) techniques by producing near net shapes and consequently minimizing material waste and machining time. The Ti 35Nb alloy exhibit a low modulus of elasticity. Stemming from the unique combination of high strength, low modulus of elasticity and low density, this alloy is intrinsically more resistant to shock and explosion damages than most other engineering materials. Samples were produced by mixing of initial metallic powders followed by uniaxial and cold isostatic pressing with subsequent densification by sintering between 900 and 1600 °C, in vacuum. Sintering behavior was studied by means of dilatometry. Sintered samples were characterized for phase composition, microstructure and microhardness by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Vickers indentation, respectively. Density was measured by Archimedes method. Copyright © 2004 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
The complex perovskite compound 0.9PbMg 1/3Nb 2/3O 3-0.1PbTiO 3 is one of the most promising relaxor ceramic because the addition of lead titanate increases T m, by about 5°C/mol% from intrinsic T m value for pure PMN (near -7 to -15°C). A Ti-modified columbite precursor was used to prepare PMN-PT powders containing single perovskite phase. This variation on columbite route includes Ti insertion in MgNb 2O 6 orthorhombic structure so that individual PT synthesis becomes unnecessary. Furthermore, effects of Li additive on columbite and PMN-PT structures were studied by XRD to verify the phase formation at each processing step. XRD data were also used for the structural refinement by Rietveld method. The additive acts increasing columbite powders crystallinity, and the amount of perovskite phase was insignificantly decreased by lithium addition. By SEM micrographs it was observed that Li presence in PMN-PT powders leads to the formation of rounded primary particles and for lmol% of additive, the grain size is not changed, different from when this concentration is enhanced to 2mol%.
In this work the chaotic behavior of a micro-mechanical resonator with electrostatic forces on both sides is suppressed. The aim is to control the system in an orbit of the analytical solution obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales. Two control strategies are used for controlling the trajectory of the system, namely: State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) Control and Optimal Linear Feedback Control (OLFC). The controls proved effectiveness in controlling the trajectory of the system. Additionally, the robustness of each strategy is tested considering the presence of parametric errors and measurement noise in control. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
New assays with HepG2 cells indicate that Indigo Carmine (IC), a dye that is widely used as additive in many food and pharmaceutical industries exhibited cytotoxic effects. This work describes the development of a bicomponent nanostructured Ti/TiO2/WO3 electrode prepared by template method and investigates its efficiency in a photoelectrocatalytic method by using visible light irradiation and applied potential of 1V. After 2h of treatment there are reduction of 97% discoloration, 62% of mineralization and formation of three byproducts assigned as: 2-amine-5-sulfo-benzoic acid, 2,3-dioxo-14-indole-5-sulfonic acid, and 2-amino-α-oxo-5-sulfo-benzeneacetic acid were identified by HPLC-MS/MS. But, cytotoxicity was completely removed after 120min of treatment. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the structure of Tanzania grassland grazed by goats managed with different residue leaf area index (RLAI) under intermittent stocking. The experiment was carried out from February to August, 2008. The treatments consisted of three different targets RLAI (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4) and 95% light interception (LI) criterion determined the rest period. Forage samples were collected at average height sampling points and weighed. Subsequently, a smaller sample was removed to separate the morphological components (leaf, stem and dead material) and to determine the structural and productive features. The canopy architecture was evaluated by the method of inclined point quadrat. The pre-grazing height in the paddocks were significantly different among treatments. RLAI influenced dry matter contents of green forage, leaf, stem and total, with the exception of dry matter of dead material, where the lowest values were observed for 0.8 RLAI. Thus, RLAI modifies canopy structure and is sensitive to canopy height changes throughout the year. Pasture regrowth is not compromised by residual leaf area indexes between 0.8 and 2.4, when climatic factors are not limiting.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects of domestic cooking on proteins, organic compounds and Fe distribution in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated. Sequential extraction with different extractant solutions (mixture of methanol and chloroform 1:2 v/v, water, 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl, 70% v/v ethanol and 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH) were used for extracting lipids, albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins, respectively. Iron determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS), proteins by Bradford method and organic compounds by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) were carried out in this work. High concentration of albumins, globulins and glutelins were found in raw beans, while in the cooked beans, albumins and glutelins are main proteins types. The MALDI-TOF MS spectra of raw and cooked beans revealed that the domestic cooking altered the molecular weight of the organic compounds, since that in the cooked beans were found compounds between 2 and 3.5 kDa, which were not presented in the raw beans. Besides this, in cooked beans were also observed the presence of four compounds of high molecular weight (12-16 kDa), being that in the raw grains there is only one (ca. 15.2 kDa). In raw grains is possible to observe that Fe is mainly associated to albumins, globulins and glutelins. For cooked grains, Fe is associated to albumins and globulins.
The effects of domestic cooking on proteins, organic compounds and Fe distribution in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated. Sequential extraction with different extractant solutions (mixture of methanol and chloroform 1:2 v/v, water, 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl, 70% v/v ethanol and 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH) were used for extracting lipids, albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins, respectively. Iron determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS), proteins by Bradford method and organic compounds by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) were carried out in this work. High concentration of albumins, globulins and glutelins were found in raw beans, while in the cooked beans, albumins and glutelins are main proteins types. The MALDI-TOF MS spectra of raw and cooked beans revealed that the domestic cooking altered the molecular weight of the organic compounds, since that in the cooked beans were found compounds between 2 and 3.5 kDa, which were not presented in the raw beans. Besides this, in cooked beans were also observed the presence of four compounds of high molecular weight (12-16 kDa), being that in the raw grains there is only one (ca. 15.2 kDa). In raw grains is possible to observe that Fe is mainly associated to albumins, globulins and glutelins. For cooked grains, Fe is associated to albumins and globulins.
[EN]The meccano method is a novel and promising mesh generation technique for simultaneously creating adaptive tetrahedral meshes and volume parameterizations of a complex solid. The method combines several former procedures: a mapping from the meccano boundary to the solid surface, a 3-D local refinement algorithm and a simultaneous mesh untangling and smoothing. In this paper we present the main advantages of our method against other standard mesh generation techniques. We show that our method constructs meshes that can be locally refined by using the Kossaczky bisection rule and maintaining a high mesh quality. Finally, we generate volume T-mesh for isogeometric analysis, based on the volume parameterization obtained by the method…
The present thesis introduces a novel sensitive technique based on TSM resonators that provides quantitative information about the dynamic properties of biological cells and artificial lipid systems. In order to support and complement results obtained by this method supplementary measurements based on ECIS technique were carried out. The first part (chapters 3 and 4) deals with artificial lipid systems. In chapter 3 ECIS measurements were used to monitor the adsorption of giant unilamellar vesicles as well as their thermal fluctuations. From dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations the rate constant of vesicle adsorption was determined. Furthermore, analysis of fluctuation measurements reveals Brownian motion reflecting membrane undulations of the adherent liposomes. In chapter 4 QCM-based fluctuation measurements were applied to quantify nanoscopically small deformations of giant unilamellar vesicles with an external electrical field applied simultaneously. The response of liposomes to an external voltage with shape changes was monitored as a function of cholesterol content and adhesion force. In the second part (chapters 5 - 8) attention was given to cell motility. It was shown for the first time, that QCM can be applied to monitor the dynamics of living adherent cells in real time. QCM turned out to be a highly sensitive tool to detect the vertical motility of adherent cells with a time resolution in the millisecond regime. The response of cells to environmental changes such as temperature or osmotic stress could be quantified. Furthermore, the impact of cytochalasin D (inhibits actin polymerization) and taxol (facilitate polymerization of microtubules) as well as nocodazole (depolymerizes microtubules) on the dynamic properties of cells was scrutinized. Each drug provoked a significant reduction of the monitored cell shape fluctuations as expected from their biochemical potential. However, not only the abolition of fluctuations was observed but also an increase of motility due to integrin-induced transmembrane signals. These signals were activated by peptides containing the RGD sequence, which is known to be an integrin recognition motif. Ultimately, two pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, derived from the same original tumor, but known to possess different metastatic potential were studied. Different dynamic behavior of the two cell lines was observed which was attributed to cell-cell as well as cell-substrate interactions rather than motility. Thus one may envision that it might be possible to characterize the motility of different cell types as a function of many variables by this new highly sensitive technique based on TSM resonators. Finally the origin of the broad cell resonance was investigated. Improvement of the time resolution reveals the "real" frequency of cell shape fluctuations. Several broad resonances around 3-5 Hz, 15-17 Hz and 25-29 Hz were observed and that could unequivocally be assigned to biological activity of living cells. However, the kind of biological process that provokes this synchronized collective and periodic behavior of the cells remains to be elucidated.
In this thesis, a strategy to model the behavior of fluids and their interaction with deformable bodies is proposed. The fluid domain is modeled by using the lattice Boltzmann method, thus analyzing the fluid dynamics by a mesoscopic point of view. It has been proved that the solution provided by this method is equivalent to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible flow with a second-order accuracy. Slender elastic structures idealized through beam finite elements are used. Large displacements are accounted for by using the corotational formulation. Structural dynamics is computed by using the Time Discontinuous Galerkin method. Therefore, two different solution procedures are used, one for the fluid domain and the other for the structural part, respectively. These two solvers need to communicate and to transfer each other several information, i.e. stresses, velocities, displacements. In order to guarantee a continuous, effective, and mutual exchange of information, a coupling strategy, consisting of three different algorithms, has been developed and numerically tested. In particular, the effectiveness of the three algorithms is shown in terms of interface energy artificially produced by the approximate fulfilling of compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the fluid-structure interface. The proposed coupled approach is used in order to solve different fluid-structure interaction problems, i.e. cantilever beams immersed in a viscous fluid, the impact of the hull of the ship on the marine free-surface, blood flow in a deformable vessels, and even flapping wings simulating the take-off of a butterfly. The good results achieved in each application highlight the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and of the C++ developed software to successfully approach several two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction problems.