601 resultados para Sophia (Brig)


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The Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture (GEMLCA) enables exposing legacy applications as Grid services without re-engineering the code, or even requiring access to the source files. The integration of current GT3 and GT4 based GEMLCA implementations with the P-GRADE Grid portal allows the creation, execution and visualisation of complex Grid workflows composed of legacy and nonlegacy components. However, the deployment of legacy codes and mapping their execution to Grid resources is currently done manually. This paper outlines how GEMLCA can be extended with automatic service deployment, brokering, and information system support. A conceptual architecture for an Automatic Deployment Service (ADS) and for an x-Service Interoperability Layer (XSILA) are introduced explaining how these mechanisms support desired features in future releases of GEMLCA.


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Emissões - Entre Nós


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O presente trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio (DIPRE), do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil no ramo das Construções do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio foi realizado na empresa Porto Vivo, SRU- Sociedade de Reabilitação Urbana da Baixa Portuense, SA, com a duração de seis meses, com início a 24 de fevereiro de 2014 e término a 24 de agosto de 2014. O estágio obedeceu a uma carga horária de 40 horas semanais, de segunda a sexta-feira, no horário normal de expediente das 9h as 18h. Com a realização deste estágio curricular pretende-se que os alunos tenham contacto direto com a realidade de trabalho duma determinada Organização, e que após o período de estágio o aluno elabore um relatório final referente ao mesmo. Assim, o presente relatório descreve as atividades realizadas e observadas, os conhecimentos aplicados durante o estágio, bem como a apresentação e o funcionamento da empresa de acolhimento, e tratando-se de uma empresa cuja atividade profissional centra-se na reabilitação urbana será também abordada a temática da reabilitação Urbana no centro Histórico do Porto. Por último será desenvolvido um caso de estudo onde se apresenta uma metodologia possível de reabilitação proposta a um edifício.


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Titre original : Edward and Sophia


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Titre original : Edward and Sophia


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The instrument is a legal document attesting that Uriah Carver and his wife Sophia, daughter of the late Peter Sherk, received the money bequested to them by her father. George Smith and Christian Sherk were the executors of this will. The instrument is signed by Uriah and Sophia Carver and witnessed by Daniel Near and Nelson Michael.


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This was a weekly paper that was published every Saturday. The motto of the Merrimack was: "Not too rash--Yet not fearful--We aim to be just." It was published from 1808-1817. Topics of interest include: Page 1: State of New York Republicans published a statement arguing against the war and the policies of John Adams and James Madison; account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; Page 2: account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; letter from American Brig. Gen. Henry Miller to Sir John B. Warren warning the British not to execute captured U.S. citizen O'Neal; response from Sir John B. Warren to Brig. Gen. Henry Miller stating that O'Neal had been released; account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; Page 3: account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; U.S. General Harrison repels British and Indian forces that attack Fort Meigs; account of British forces capturing U.S. privateer ship Alexander; report of British forces near Newport, New York, the Delaware river, and the Potomac River; report of Indian attacks in Kaskaskia, Randolph County; report of a boat load of provisions attacked by Indians near Fort Harrison; Commodore Isaac Chauncey arrived at Sacket's Harbor to unload stores taken from York before leaving for Niagara to commence attack against Fort George; U.S. Army announcement recruiting men 18 to 45 years of age to enlist in the army;


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Transcript: New York Jan. 14. 1813. My dear uncle, I had nearly concluded to have made my [jaunt?] earlier than I had mentioned in my last letter to you, for Swartout had intended to have written by me to Father & yourself; having [Louisa?] concluded not so soon to depart he sends me his letters which I forward in mail, I shall hope to have letters from home soon, it is a great pleasure to hear from any of you. I said last week in Hollands letter mentioning [bladeworth?] account, I have explained to him. It is a mistake about me agreeing to pay Mr. [Dening?] [their?] account. Caroline mentions to me your jaunt to [Sophia?], but I regret our friend there should be unpleasantly situated. I have not yet seen Col. Willett but will see him as mentioned. I have neglected to go there for some time which has been remiss in me. We have nothing new I believe unless it be that Armstrong & Jones of Philadelphia have been nominated as Secretarys of War & the Navy & [cer?] this in all probability may be appointed. There may be room for speculation, but perhaps it is not probable that Canada will be ceded to American Valor in the year 1813. There is a Bill before congress by which it may be made penal to enter on board American vessels, either British subjects or naturalized Americans, which it is presoomed by many will [spon?] the accommodation of Peace – may be yes may be no – the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it. I imagine pacification is not so near at hand although it is much to be desired. Whatever might be for the honor & prosperity of the Country I would strenuously advocate, aloof from partial & party considerations. We have not a word as yet what the Council at Albany may be thinking of as yet. I suppose these things will come in time, perhaps untimely to many. I desire for the present not to be found among the untimely. I am your sincerely, with love to all. John Adams Smith


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Wakeman Burritt (1785-1847) was a merchant and ship owner who conducted his business in New York, New Orleans, LA, Charleston, SC, and the West Indies. Despite the difficulties that the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812 posed to trade and commerce, Burritt managed to run a successful business, dealing in commodities such as foodstuffs, cloth, cotton, and soap. He owned three ships, the Brig Cannon, Brig Eunice and Brig Sampson. In 1809, he married Grace Burr (1787-1874). Together they had at least one child, Francis Burritt (1811-1861).


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Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for Oct. 5, 1813 includes: A report announces the arrival of Commodore Rodgers in the U.S. frigate President, in the harbor from his "brilliant cruise" of five months. There is also a list of the captures Rodgers made during his cruise. The feature item in this issue, however, is the famous dispatch sent by Oliver Hazard Perry at the Battle of Lake Erie to General William Henry Harrison. The dispatch, taken from the Chillicothe Supporter, of Sept. 15, is datelined "U.S. Brig Niagara, off the Western Sister, head of Lake Erie, September 10th, 1813, 4 P.M.", and reads: "Dear General, we have met the enemy; and they are ours! Two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop. Yours with great respect and esteem." The dispatch is signed in type: O. H. Perry.


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Fonds consists of correspondence between Wakeman Burritt and his business associates, as well as receipts and documents concerning the shipping vessels Brig Cannon, Brig Eunice, Brig Sampson, and several other vessels. Reference is made in some documents to the effects of politics on commerce, most notably the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. The correspondence consists of 53 letters, 40 of the letters being addressed to Wakeman Burritt, with the remaining 13 letters being retained copies of letters written by Burritt to Samuel Cannon. There are also 17 letters written to Burritt by LeGrand Cannon of Norwalk, CT. The remaining letters to Burritt consist of two letters from his wife Grace Burritt, and other business associates, including Thomas Andrews, Stephen Arnold, Ezra Burr, Talcott Burr, Talmon Burr, Wm. M. Betty & Co., Samuel Cannon, Edward Jessup, Hugh Knox, Jonathan Meigs, Samuel Morehouse, Stephen Morehouse, W & B St. John, Oliver Sherman, Anthony Stow, and Ogden Richards Weldon. The shipping vessel material includes 52 documents concerning Brig Eunice, 27 documents for Brig Sampson, 14 documents for Brig Cannon, and 18 miscellaneous documents for vessels such as the Schooners Maria, Hope, Nassau, and Henry, Sloops Fox and Sally, and the Brig Diana and Emeline. The documents include receipts for piloting into port, for wharfage, and for supplies and repairs, as well as lists of disbursements, freight lists, and payments made to men working on the ships.


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Affiliation: Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal & CANVAC


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L’objectif de cette thèse est d’élucider l’intention, la pertinence et la cohérence de l’appropriation par Heidegger des concepts principaux de la philosophie pratique aristotélicienne dans ses premiers cours. Notre analyse portera principalement sur les notions clefs d’energeia et de phronēsis. La première section de la thèse est préparatoire : elle est consacrée à une analyse étroite des textes pertinents de l’Éthique à Nicomaque, mais aussi de la Métaphysique, en discussion avec d’autres commentateurs modernes. Cette analyse jette les fondations philologiques nécessaires en vue d’aborder les audacieuses interprétations de Heidegger sur une base plus ferme. La deuxième et principale section consiste en une discussion de l’appropriation ontologique de l’Éthique à Nicomaque que Heidegger entreprend de 1922 à 1924, à partir des textes publiés jusqu’à ce jour et en portant une attention spéciale à Métaphysique IX. Le résultat principal de la première section est un aperçu du caractère central de l’energeia pour le projet d’Aristote dans l’Éthique à Nicomaque et, plus spécifiquement, pour sa compréhension de la praxis, qui dans son sens original s’avère être un mode d’être des êtres humains. Notre analyse reconnaît trois traits essentiels de l’energeia et de la praxis, deux desquels provenant de l’élucidation aristotélicienne de l’energeia dans Métaphysique IX 6, à savoir son immédiateté et sa continuité : energeia exprime l’être comme un « accomplissement immédiat mais inachevé ». L’irréductibilité, troisième trait de l’energeia et de la praxis, résulte pour sa part de l’application de la structure de l’energeia à la caractérisation de la praxis dans l’Éthique à Nicomaque, et du contraste de la praxis avec la poiēsis et la theōria. Ces trois caractéristiques impliquent que la vérité pratique ― la vérité de la praxis, ce qui est l’ « objet » de la phronēsis ― ne peut être à proprement parler possédée et ainsi transmise : plus qu’un savoir, elle se révèle surtout comme quelque chose que nous sommes. C’est ce caractère unique de la vérité pratique qui a attiré Heidegger vers Aristote au début des années 1920. La deuxième section, consacrée aux textes de Heidegger, commence par la reconstruction de quelques-uns des pas qui l’ont conduit jusqu’à Aristote pour le développement de son propre projet philosophique, pour sa part caractérisé par une profonde, bien qu’énigmatique combinaison d’ontologie et de phénoménologie. La légitimité et la faisabilité de l’appropriation clairement ontologique de l’Éthique à Nicomaque par Heidegger est aussi traitée, sur la base des résultats de la première section. L’analyse de ces textes met en lumière la pénétrante opposition établie par Heidegger entre la phronēsis et l’energeia dans son programmatique Natorp Bericht en 1922, une perspective qui diverge fortement des résultats de notre lecture philologique d’Aristote dans la première section. Cette opposition est maintenue dans nos deux sources principales ― le cours du semestre d’hiver 1924-25 Platon: Sophistes, et le cours du semestre d’été 1924 Grundbegriffe der aristotelischen Philosophie. Le commentaire que Heidegger fait du texte d’Aristote est suivi de près dans cette section: des concepts tels que energeia, entelecheia, telos, physis ou hexis ― qui trouvent leur caractérisation ontologique dans la Métaphysique ou la Physique ― doivent être examinés afin de suivre l’argument de Heidegger et d’en évaluer la solidité. L’hypothèse de Heidegger depuis 1922 ― à savoir que l’ontologie aristotélicienne n’est pas à la hauteur des aperçus de ses plus pénétrantes descriptions phénoménologiques ― résulte en un conflit opposant phronēsis et sophia qui divise l’être en deux sphères irréconciliables qui auraient pour effet selon Heidegger de plonger les efforts ontologiques aristotéliciens dans une impasse. Or, cette conclusion de Heidegger est construite à partir d’une interprétation particulière de l’energeia qui laisse de côté d’une manière décisive son aspect performatif, pourtant l’un des traits essentiels de l’energeia telle qu’Aristote l’a conçue. Le fait que dans les années 1930 Heidegger ait lui-même retrouvé cet aspect de l’energeia nous fournit des raisons plus fortes de mettre en doute le supposé conflit entre ontologie et phénoménologie chez Aristote, ce qui peut aboutir à une nouvelle formulation du projet heideggérien.


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Réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Unité de Formation à la Recherche Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines - Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.