231 resultados para Sondeo estratigráfico
O presente estudo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir os resultados de uma investigação geoambiental realizada em uma área contaminada por resíduos industriais, na qual foi depositada borra oleosa ácida. Sondagens de simples reconhecimento (SPT) foram empregadas para a identificação do perfil estratigráfico da área, e ensaios laboratoriais (granulometria e limites de Atterberg) foram utilizados para caracterização das amostras de solo. Os resultados mostraram que o subsolo da área é constituído por um perfil de solo residual composto essencialmente pelas frações argila e silte. Uma série de sondagens de cone resistivo (RCPT) foi realizada na área com o objetivo de detectar a presença de contaminantes no subsolo, através de medidas da resistividade elétrica. As verticais resistivas foram comparadas com os resultados de duas campanhas de geofísica superficial por eletro resistividade, que foram obtidas em trabalhos anteriores de avaliação da contaminação da área. Com o propósito de avaliar a eficiência do cone resistivo na identificação das zonas contaminadas, os ensaios de RCPT foram realizados próximos a poços de monitoramento, onde foram coletadas amostras da água subterrâneas para análises quantitativas da contaminação. O principal efeito da contaminação do meio físico é redução dos parâmetros físico-químicos, pH e resistividade elétrica da água subterrânea, em razão da elevada quantidade de ácido sulfúrico e metais que são liberados pelo resíduo borra ácida depositado na área. Através das verticais resistivas foi possível identificar uma zona altamente contaminada até 5 m de profundidade, caracterizada por valores muito baixos de resistividade. Os dados fornecidos pelo cone resistivo apresentaram concordância satisfatória com as análises químicas e físico-químicas da água subterrânea. Nas zonas superficiais do subsolo (< 5 m de profundidade) os valores de resistividade obtidos pelo cone resistivo foram inferiores àqueles obtidos através da geofísica de superfície. A compatibilidade entre os resultados foi observada para as cotas mais profundas do subsolo.
Nesta tese da especialidade de Hidrogeologia, é apresentado um primeiro levantamento vulcano-estratigráfico da ilha da Madeira. Os trabalhos de campo permitiram definir, até agora, sete unidades geológicas principais, descritas da mais antiga para a mais recente: 1- Complexo Vulcânico Antigo (CA) 2- Calcários Marinhos dos Lameiros - S. Vicente (CM) 3- Depósito Conglomerático-Brechóide (CB) 4- Complexo Vulcânico Principal (CP) 5- Complexo Vulcânico S. Roque/Paul (SRP) 6- Episódios Vulcânicos Recentes (VR) 7- Depósitos de Vertente (dv), Fajãs (fj), Quebradas (q), Depósitos de Enxurrada Recentes (dr), Areias de Praia (ap), Dunas Fósseis (df), Terraços (t), e Aluviões (a) A caracterização climática da ilha da Madeira foi feita com base nos dados recolhidos em 27 pontos de observação climatológicos, dos quais 14 são estações meteorológicas e 13 são postos udométricos, o que representa uma densidade de 1 ponto de observação/27 km2. Constatou-se que a variação da precipitação com a altitude não era linear e dependia da orientação das vertentes. Efectuou-se o balanço hídrico sequencial diário, com base nos valores de precipitação média diária, registados no Paul da Serra, durante os últimos 15 anos hidrológicos. Pretendeu-se quantificar a precipitação oculta na vegetação típica da ilha da Madeira, de modo a poder avaliar a contribuição daquele tipo de precipitação para os recursos hídricos subterrâneos, e, ainda, determinar qual o potencial daquele recurso natural, como contribuição importante às fontes tradicionais de abastecimento de água à ilha. Para o efeito, procedemos a dois tipos principais de medição: medição directamente sob a vegetação de altitude da Madeira, o urzal, que se desenvolve entre os 1200 e os 1600 m de altitude, e construção de aparelhos constituídos por obstáculos artificiais, de modo a interceptarem as gotículas de água contidas no nevoeiro. Pela sua importância, os resultados obtidos justificam o desenvolvimento futuro deste estudo. A caracterização hidrodinâmica das formações da ilha da Madeira baseou-se nas observações feitas no interior das galerias e túneis em escavação, na análise dos registos de caudais de galerias e nascentes e na interpretação de ensaios de bombeamento dos furos de captação. Os dados evidenciam a grande heterogeneidade e anisotropia características do meio vulcânico. As transmissividades vão desde 11 m2/d até 25 766 m2/d. A caracterização hidrogeoquímica permitiu identificar um grupo de 5 águas termais, emergentes em falhas, no Complexo Antigo, com características muito próprias, bastante distintas das restantes, que representam, quer em quantidade, quer em volume de caudais captados, a grande maioria das águas da ilha da Madeira. O principal fenómeno mineralizador das águas é a hidrólise de minerais silicatados, verificando-se, nas águas dos furos, nas das nascentes de altitude e nas situadas próximo do litoral, o efeito da contaminação de sais de origem marinha. A partir dos dados hidrogeológicos obtidos, foi possível elaborar um modelo conceptual de funcionamento hidrogeológico para a ilha da Madeira, que, apesar de possuir alguns elementos comuns, é, no seu conjunto, diferente dos modelos conhecidos para outras ilhas vulcânicas, nomeadamente, Canárias, Reunião, Havai e Polinésia Francesa.
This dissertation presents the results of research developed in the Nísia Floresta-Papeba-Guaraíras Lagoon Complex, located on the south coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State. The main objectives of this dissertation were the stratrigraphic characterization, in detail scale, of the and the coastal dynamics study of the lagoonal deposits sedimentation, as well as the morpho-dynamic analysis of the area. Therefore, an interdisciplinary methodology was adopted, in which all sedimentological, morpho-tectonic and geomorphological data were integrated. Vibracore up to 4m in length were carried out in the lagoons. The referred lagoon complex made of a system of three lagoons that interact through two artificial channels, named Boqueirão and Surubajá. The Guaraíras lagoon, the largest one in the system, corresponds to the estuary zone of the Trairi and Jacu rivers. The sedimentary load brought by these rivers is strongly reworked by tide currents, forming an important net-work of channels and sandy bars inside this lagoon and close to its channel connection with the sea. The stratigraphic units of the area are Cenozoic in age, and are represented by sedimentary rocks of the Barreiras Formation (sandstones, mudstones and conglomerates) and by rocks beach, as well as by siliciclastics sediments related with the fluvial dynamics of tide plain (clay and sandy bars), and coast (sand dunes and beaches). Among the recognized geomorphologic aspects, there are the elements associated with continental enviroments (drainage basins of the Trairi, Baldum and Jacu rivers, coastal tableland supported by the Barreiras Formation), and transitional environments (lagoon complex, dune fields, cliffs, tidal channels and beach rocks lines). The morphotectonic analysis indicates that fauts affect Barreiras Formation sedimentary rocks, with two sets of main lineaments: SW-NE and SE-NW. The anomalies in the drainage net are directly associated with these fault/fracture system, which control and subdivede the low courses of the Trairi and Jacu rivers, at least a tail of their flowing principal courses. The Nísia Floresta, Papeba and Guaraíras lagoons present strong morphological control according to the lineament directions. Taking into account the lagoonal deposits, the sedimentological analyses reflect a sediment distribution related to the interaction of the fluvial and sea processes that act in the study area. The correlated deposits show textural mainly microclastic characteristics of shallow waters, and of currents of low to moderate energy.In general, the Nísia Floresta-Papeba-Guaraíras lagoon Complex, constitutes a very intrinsec group, that undewent important changes in historical times that are reflected in the currents clays. Inaddition to the natural processes that act in this system, we should take into account the antrohopic intervention, which have increased in the past years
Through an integrated approach, using litho, chrono and biostratigraphic data, the relative importance of climate variations and tectonics were recognized in rift sediments of the onshore Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil. Concepts of sequence stratigraphy were applied as a template to integrate sedimentological and geochemical data (oxygen isotopes), as well as quantitative palynologic methods to address and recognize the main depositional patterns produced in a rift basin. The main objective was to address the relative importance of climate changes and tectonics to the resultant stratigraphic architecture. The results of computer simulations of sedimentary basin fills of rift basins were quite useful to test working hypothesis and mimic the process of filling a half graben during a rift event. The studied section includes a neovalanginian-eobarremian (Lower Cretaceous) rift interval from the Pendência Formation, located in the southwestern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben, in the offshore Potiguar Basin. The depositional setting is interpreted as progradational deltaic system entering a lake from its flexural margin. Sismoestratigraphyc and well logs analyses allowed to interpret two regressive intervals (Green and Yellow Sequences), separated by a broad transgressive interval (Orange Sequence), known as the Livramento Shale. The depositional history encompass three stages: two tectonically active phases, during the deposition of the Green and Yellow Sequences, and a tectonically quiescent phase, during the deposition of the Orange Sequence. Paleoclimatic interpretation, based on quantitative palynology and geochemical data (18O), suggests a tendency to arid conditions during the tectonically active phases and wet conditions during the tectonically quiescent phase. Stratigraphic modeling and backstripping techniques, supported by paleoclimatic/paleoecologic interpretations provide a powerful methodology to evaluate the tectonic and climatic controls on tectonic lakes
A complex depositional history, related to Atlantic rifting, demonstrates the geological evolution during the late Jurassic and early Neocomian periods in the Araripe Basin NE Brazil. Based on outcrop, seismic and remote sensing data, a new model of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the section that covers the stages Dom João, Rio da Serra and Aratu (Brejo Santo, Missão Velha and Abaiara formations) is presented in this paper. In the stratigraphic section studied, ten sedimentary facies genetically linked to nine architectural elements were described, representing depositional systems associated with fluvial, aeolian and deltaic environments. Based on the relationship between the rates of creation of accommodation space and sediment influx (A / S) it was possible to associate these depositional systems with High and Low accommodation system tracks. These system tracks represent two tectono-sequences, separated by regional unconformities. The Tectono-sequence I, which includes lithotypes from the Brejo Santo Formation and is related to the pre-rift stage, is bounded at the base by the Paleozoic unconformity. This unit represents only a High Accommodation System Track, composed by a succession of pelitic levels interbedded with sandstones and limestones, from a large fluvial floodplain origin, developed under arid climatic conditions. The Tectono-sequence II, separated from the underlying unit by an erosional unconformity, is related to the rift stage, and is composed by the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formation lithotypes. Changes in depositional style that reflect variations in the A / S ratio, and the presence of hydroplastic deformation bands, make it possible to divide this tectonosequence into two internal sequences. Sequence IIA, which includes the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation and sequence IIB, is composed by the upper section of the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formations The Sequence IIA below, composed only by the Low Accommodation System Track, includes crossbedding sandstones interbedded with massive mudstones, which are interpreted as deposits of sandy gravel beds wandering rivers. Sequence IIB, above, is more complex, showing a basal Low Accommodation System Track and a High Accommodation System Track at the top, separated by an expansion surface. The lower System Track, related to the upper portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is composed by a series of amalgamated channels, separated by erosion surfaces, interpreted as deposits of a belt of braided channels. The High Accommodation System Track, correlated with the Abaiara Unit, is marked by a significant increase in the A / S, resulting in the progradation of a system of braided river deltas with aeolic influence. Regarding tectonic evolution, the stratigraphic study indicates that the Tectonosequence Rift in the Araripe basin was developed in two phases: first characterized by a beginning of rifting, related to Sequence IIA, followed by a phase of syndepositional deformation, represented by sequence IIB. The first phase was not influenced by the development of large faults, but was influenced by a sharp and continuous decrease of accommodation space that permitted a change in depositional patterns, establishing a new depositional architecture. In turn, the stage of syndepositional deformation allowed for the generation of enough accommodation space for the preservation of fluvial-lacustrine deposits and conditioned the progradation of a braided river-dominated delta system.
The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraíba and Ceará states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE
Due to its high resolution, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used to image subsurface sedimentary deposits. Because GPR and Seismic methods share some principles of image construction, the classic seismostratigraphic interpretation method has been also applied as an attempt to interpret GPR data. Nonetheless some advances in few particular contexts, the adaptations from seismic to GPR of seismostratigraphic tools and concepts unsuitable because the meaning given to the termination criteria in seismic stratigraphy do not represent the adequate geologic record in the GPR scale. Essentially, the open question relies in proposing a interpretation method for GPR data which allow not only relating product and sedimentary process in the GPR scale but also identifying or proposing depositional environments and correlating these results with the well known Sequence Stratigraphy cornerstones. The goal of this dissertation is to propose an interpretation methodology of GPR data able to perform this task at least for siliciclastic deposits. In order to do so, the proposed GPR interpretation method is based both on seismostratigraphic concepts and on the bounding surface hierarchy tool from Miall (1988). As consequence of this joint use, the results of GPR interpretation can be associated to the sedimentary facies in a genetic context, so that it is possible to: (i) individualize radar facies and correlate them to the sedimentary facies by using depositional models; (ii) characterize a given depositional system, and (iii) determine its stratigraphic framework highligthing how it evolved through geologic time. To illustrate its use the proposed methodology was applied in a GPR data set from Galos area which is part of the Galinhos spit, located in Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. This spit presents high lateral sedimentary facies variation, containing in its sedimentary record from 4th to 6th cicles caused by high frequency sea level oscillation. The interpretation process was done throughout the following phases: (i) identification of a vertical facies succession, (ii) characterization of radar facies and its associated sedimentary products, (iii) recognition of the associated sedimentary process in a genetic context, and finally (iv) proposal of an evolutionay model for the Galinhos spit. This model proposes that the Galinhos spit is a barrier island constituted, from base to top, of the following sedimentary facies: tidal channel facies, tidal flat facies, shore facies, and aeolic facies (dunes). The tidal channel facies, in the base, is constituted of lateral accretion bars and filling deposits of the channels. The base facies is laterally truncated by the tidal flat facies. In the foreshore zone, the tidal flat facies is covered by the shore facies which is the register of a sea transgression. Finally, on the top of the stratigraphic column, aeolic dunes are deposited due to areal exposition caused by a sea regression
The Camorim Oilfield, discovered in 1970 in the shallow water domain of the Sergipe Sub-basin, produces hydrocarbons from the Carmópolis Member of the Muribeca Formation, the main reservoir interval, interpreted as siliciclastics deposited in an alluvial-fluvial-deltaic context during a late rifting phase of Neoaptian age, in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The structural setting of the field defines different production blocks, being associated to the evolution of the Atalaia High during the rift stage and subsequent reactivations, encompassing NE-SW trending major normal faults and NWEW trending secondary faults. The complexity of this field is related to the strong facies variation due to the interaction between continental and coastal depositional environments, coupled with strata juxtaposition along fault blocks. This study aims to geologically characterize its reservoirs, to provide new insights to well drilling locations in order to increase the recovery factor of the field. Facies analysis based on drill cores and geophysical logs and the 3D interpretation of a seismic volume, provide a high resolution stratigraphic analysis approach to be applied in this geodynamic transitional context between the rift and drift evolutionary stages of the basin. The objective was to define spatial and time relations between production zones and the preferential directions of fluid flow, using isochore maps that represent the external geometry of the deposits and facies distribution maps to characterize the internal heterogeneities of these intervals, identified in a 4th order stratigraphic zoning. This work methodology, integrated in a 3D geological modelling process, will help to optimize well drilling and hydrocarbons production. This methodology may be applied in other reservoirs in tectonic and depositional contexts similar to the one observed at Camorim, for example, the oil fields in the Aracaju High, Sergipe Sub-basin, which together represent the largest volume of oil in place in onshore Brazilian basins
The occurrence of brachiopods in Cenozoic rocks of the Pelotas Basin is known since 1862. In spite of that, detailed systematic and taphonomic studies are still missing. Investigations made a half century ago, have suggested that these brachiopods could belong to Bouchardia cf. zitteli, a species found in the San Julian Formation, Late Oligocene, Argentina. Our data suggest that those brachiopods may resemble Bouchardia transplatina. In the Uruguayan portion of the Pelotas Basin B. transplatina is known in rocks of the Camacho Formation, Miocene. In addition, small recrystallized shells of brachiopods were also recovered from three Petrobras boreholes (2PJ-1-RS, 2PN-1-RS, and 2GA-1-RS) from the Pelotas Basin. Brachiopods come from the interval of 130 to 150 meters within the Miocene Henryhowella evax Zone. Despite the degree of taphonomic modiication of those brachiopod shells they indubitably belong to Bouchardia sp. This is noteworthy for various reasons: 1- Bouchardia is a brachiopod with warm water afinities. Presently, extant members of this genus are unknown in latitudes up to 34[degree]S, with the main records at 23[degree]S. 2- Although occurring in depths down to 200 meters, the living member (Bouchardia rosea) of this genus is most abundant in shallow platformal, nutrient-rich waters. 3- The occurrence of Bouchardia in the Miocene of the Pelotas Basin indicates that, at least to the interval of Henryhowella evax Zone, warm waters of the Brazilian currents prevail. This interpretation is in strong accordance with other paleoeoceanographic and paleoclimatic data offered by various groups of co-occurring microfossils, such as ostracodes and foraminifers.
A caracterização do Sistema Aquífero Barreiras / Marituba, maior fonte de abastecimento de água da cidade de Maceió, capital de Alagoas, Brasil, é importante para fornecer subsídios para uma utilização racional e sustentável desse recurso. O arcabouço tectônico e estratigráfico da área construído por meio de perfis de poços, análise de elementos estruturais e mapeamento geológico propõe um modelo com uma série de grabens e horsts. Com o objetivo de confirmar a presença de estruturas delimitando blocos estruturais e refinar o modelo foram realizados ensaios de sondagem elétrica vertical e caminhamento elétrico dipolo-dipolo. Os resultados dos ensaios geofísicos confirmaram a existência de zonas mais condutoras, que caracterizam as zonas de falhas normais que delimitam os blocos estruturais. A integração dos dados geológicos e estruturais aos resultados geofísicos confirmaram a existência de um modelo estrutural com blocos escalonados, que influenciam fortemente o comportamento do sistema águas subterrâneas.
The Aptian Barbalha Formation represents the first unit of the post-rift sequence of the Araripe Basin and crops out at the slopes of the Aranpe plateau in the eastern part ot Aranpe Basin. The unit has also been named Kio da Batateira Formation, but this name is here used in its original definition as Batateira Beds, an interval of great lateral continuity and characterized by the presence of bituminous shales of the Alagoas Stage (P-270 palynological biozone). This paper presents the results of a stratigraphic analysis carried out along the outcrop belt in order to establish the facies architecture and to interpret deposicional environments of the siliciclastic Barbalha Formation. Detailed stratigraphic vertical sections were measured and correlated. They allowed the recognition of two depositional sequences characterized by fining upward arrangement of facies, beginning with fluvial deposits and ending with lacustrine deposits at their tops. The end of the first cycle is represented by black shales and brecciated limestones of the Batateira Beds that record a geologic event of regional magnitude and serve as meaningful long-distance stratigraphic mark. The second deposicional sequence overlies disconformably the Batateira Beds and begins with clast-supported conglomerates, which are covered by a succession of fluvial sandstones and minor intervals of pelitic rocks. The sandstone content diminishes towards the top and the upper part of the unit is characterized by the presence of ostracode-rich green shales. The Barbalha Formation is conformably overlaid by Late Aptian lacustrine limestones belonging to the Crato Member of the Santana Formation.
This paper aims to present the results of systematic survey on clastic dykes in the Corumbataí Formation (Permian), in the northeast region of the State of São Paulo. Besides this, the paper analyses genetic aspects of those features as well as their stratigraphic and sedimentologic implications in terms of geologic evolution of the northeastern Paraná Sedimentary Basin during Permian times. The field works had been developed in 3 main Corumbataí Formation outcrops (2 road cuts and a quarry) supposed to show the most important clastic dikes occurrences in the studied area. Basically, the sedimentary intrusions are formed by fine sand or silt size particles and had penetrated host rocks as near-vertical, centimeter thick, dykes (most common form) or as horizontal sheets, forming clastic sills (subsidiary form), both with variable geometric forms and dimensions. A lot of dyke walls show undulations suggesting pre-diagenetic clastic intrusions, probably near the ancient depositional surface. Almost all intrusions occur in the superior third portion of the Corumbataí Formation and some similar features seem to appear in the adjoining superposed Pirambóia Formation base. In this article the authors defend a seismic origin hypothesis for the clastic intrusions. It is important to mention that clastic intrusions tend to occur linked to expressive seismic events, with magnitude upper to 5. The analysis of isopach maps of the Permian and Mesozoic units of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin in the study area suggests a depositional system changing, from epicontinental sea conditions to shallow platform and, finally, to coastal deserts. Probably, this environmental change was driven by regional uplift accompanied by seismic events. It is possible that ancient seismicity triggered liquefaction processes and the resulting clastic intrusions. In this sense, those clastic features might be properly namedseismites.
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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE