142 resultados para Sociolabor itineraries
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2015.
Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
"Quaternary prevention is more than a Philosophy , it is a concrete answer and a solution to many complex problems that affect Medicine. In 1981, Illich recognized iatrogenic complications, as clinical, social and cultural. The first, gained such a dimension that has become the third leading cause of death in the U.S. , in 2000 as referred by Starfield. When you live more, much more, you want quality of life and not just life subject of increasing comorbidities, with all the parade of treatments, medications that we already know are not without riscs, far from it, we know that over five drugs per day represent the 50% probability of drug-drug interactions and seven drugs 100 %. In elderly attending the reduction of functional reserve, there is a greater risk of iatrogenic problems, adverse reactions and drug interactions, truly unpredictable , these highly medicalized societies in which are accounted diagnoses instead of investigating patterns of disease. So quaternary prevention reminds us that both preventive and curative care in excess behave as risk factors for health , reaching in the case of using preventive medications, millions of individuals who are confident in Medicine. The idea of extending the use of drugs to healthy populations, as preventive actions, expands the pharmaceutical market, which accounts simultaneously increasing profits and losses in economies around the world. Quaternary prevention itineraries in health and disease, may contribute to successful aging about witch many important authors have spoken on."
Depois de séculos de exclusão, as mulheres conseguem no século 20 sua inserção na universidade. O ingresso no mundo acadêmico é, sem dúvida, atravessado por diversas formas de discriminação, manifestas e encobertas, que contribuem para a formatação de trajetórias universitárias diferenciadas para homens e mulheres, assim como para uma participação desigual no próprio exercício do poder acadêmico. Embora a academia feminista tenha estimulado a produção de conhecimentos científicos não sexistas, analisando e redimensionando concepções epistemológicas tradicionais, o conteúdo e a metodologia científica hegemônica continuam manifestando traços sutilmente androcêntricos. Neste sentido, os aportes dos estudos de gênero podem contribuir com seu potencial dinamizador para a exploração crítica e para a transformação do conhecimento científico atual, bem como para uma inserção mais efetiva das mulheres nos espaços acadêmicos. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Due to increasing population and the recent implementation of policies to intensify the use of land and water resources, the transhumant pastoral systems in the Chinese-Mongolian Altay-Dzungarian region are rapidly changing, leading to modifications of herd size, herd composition and spatial distribution of livestock grazing. This may have major consequences for the supply and quality of rangeland biomass. Despite similar topographic settings, the socio-political framework for Chinese and Mongolian pastoralists differs significantly, leading to differences in rangeland utilization. To substantiate these claims, the long-distance transhumance routes, frequency of pasture changes, daily grazing itineraries and size of pastures were recorded by means of GPS tracking of cattle and goats on 1,535 (China) and 1,396 (Mongolia) observation days. The status quo of the main seasonal pastures was captured by measuring the herbage offer and its nutritive value in 869 sampling spots. In the Altay-Dzungarian region, small ruminant herds covered up to 412 km (Mongolia) and grazed on up to nine pastures per year (China). In Mongolia, the herds’ average duration of stay at an individual pasture was longer than in China, particularly in spring and autumn. Herbage allowance at the onset of a grazing period (kg dry matter per sheep unit and day) ranged from 34/17 to 91/95 (China/Mongolia). Comparing crude protein and phosphorous concentrations of herbage, in China, the highest concentrations were measured for spring and summer pastures, whereas in Mongolia, the highest concentrations were determined for autumn and winter pastures. Based on our data, we conclude that regulation of animal numbers and access to pastures seemingly maintained pasture productivity in China, especially at high altitudes. However, this policy may prohibit flexible adaptation to sudden environmental constraints. In contrast, high stocking densities and grazing of pastures before flowering of herbaceous plants negatively affected rangeland productivity in Mongolia, especially for spring and summer pastures.
Del año 2013 al 2015, los indígenas Emberá desplazados en Bogotá, a causa del reconocimiento que el estado les dio por ser sujetos del desplazamiento, estuvieron obligados a encarar dos formas de gubernamentalidad estatal que tuvieron múltiples consecuencias en su vida cotidiana. La primera de estas formas de gubernamentalidad se manifestó en una ciudadanía multicultural (aquí llamada ciudadanía transitoria) la cual, desde el subsidio de vivienda reconocido con albergues en la ciudad, limitó diferentes derechos Emberá bajo el argumento multicultural de que en la ciudad la cultura y, ellos mismos físicamente, eran vulnerables. La consecuencia de este discurso, con el que se les permitió dormir en un techo digno, fue la de obligarlos en buena medida a asumir su vida en la ciudad como un transito hacia el retorno a su territorio de origen, desde donde habían salido, sobre todo, huyendo de la violencia. Por otra parte, la segunda forma de gubernamentalidad tuvo que ver con una serie de itinerarios burocráticos que asumían los Emberá una vez llegaban a la ciudad. Estos eran recorridos que emprendían por diferentes burocracias de los gobiernos nacional y local con el propósito de exigirle al estado el reconocimiento de sus derechos. En cada uno de estos recorridos se desenmascaraba una forma de violencia estatal (característica del funcionamiento de las burocracias) que, como se puede ver en esta tesis, tenía profundas repercusiones en el día a día de los indígenas Emberá dentro de la urbe.
A tese examina a relação entre as elites e a educação em Portugal durante a Monarquia Constitucional e na Iª República. Em primeiro lugar caracteriza o quadro europeu no qual emergiram os modernos sistemas de ensino, focando-se depois na análise dos processos de segmentação que separaram o ensino clássico do ensino técnico, passando em revista a literatura sobre o reformismo educativo português. Em segundo, analisa o processo de segmentação na cidade de Évora, capital de uma região caracterizada pela prática de uma agricultura essencialmente extensiva e comercial, na qual estavam implantadas as instituições de ensino que constituem o objeto de estudo: o Liceu e a Escola Industrial. Em terceiro, procede à caracterização dos espaços escolares; em quarto estuda as condutas públicas dos agentes educativos, em particular dos reitores e dos professores, colocando em destaque a sua intervenção pública; em quinto, caracteriza a procura a que foram sujeitos os vários institutos de ensino estudados: a ênfase foi colocada na mobilidade geográfica aferida a partir da naturalidade dos alunos e da residência dos pais; em sexto, foi efetuada a análise da extração social dos alunos e o perfil ocupacional dos pais. Finalmente, em último lugar, foram reconstituídos os percursos académicos e profissionais dos alunos liceais no arco cronológico antes enunciado; Elites and Education.School itineraries and career paths.Alentejo, 19th and 20th centuries. Abstract: The thesis examines the relation between elites and education in Portugal, during the Constitutional Monarchy and the First Republic. Firstly, it characterises the European context in which modern teaching systems emerged and it focuses on the analysis of the processes of segmentation that separate classic and technical teaching. It reviews literature on Portuguese educational reformism, centred on classic and technical teaching. Secondly, it analyses the process of segmentation in Évora, capital of a region that is characterised by agriculture, which is essentially extensive and commercial, home to the education institutions our study focuses on: the Liceu and the Industrial School. Thirdly, school facilities are characterised; then, public behaviour of educators, namely that of headmasters and teachers, highlighting their public intervention; it characterises the demand in these institutions - the emphasis is placed on geographic mobility, considering students' birthplace and their parents' residence; a study on students' backgrounds and parents' occupational profiles is carried out. Eventually, the academic and professional itineraries of Liceu students' are reconstituted, within the formerly described chronological arch.