932 resultados para Single-cell


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Single-cell functional proteomics assays can connect genomic information to biological function through quantitative and multiplex protein measurements. Tools for single-cell proteomics have developed rapidly over the past 5 years and are providing unique opportunities. This thesis describes an emerging microfluidics-based toolkit for single cell functional proteomics, focusing on the development of the single cell barcode chips (SCBCs) with applications in fundamental and translational cancer research.

The microchip designed to simultaneously quantify a panel of secreted, cytoplasmic and membrane proteins from single cells will be discussed at the beginning, which is the prototype for subsequent proteomic microchips with more sophisticated design in preclinical cancer research or clinical applications. The SCBCs are a highly versatile and information rich tool for single-cell functional proteomics. They are based upon isolating individual cells, or defined number of cells, within microchambers, each of which is equipped with a large antibody microarray (the barcode), with between a few hundred to ten thousand microchambers included within a single microchip. Functional proteomics assays at single-cell resolution yield unique pieces of information that significantly shape the way of thinking on cancer research. An in-depth discussion about analysis and interpretation of the unique information such as functional protein fluctuations and protein-protein correlative interactions will follow.

The SCBC is a powerful tool to resolve the functional heterogeneity of cancer cells. It has the capacity to extract a comprehensive picture of the signal transduction network from single tumor cells and thus provides insight into the effect of targeted therapies on protein signaling networks. We will demonstrate this point through applying the SCBCs to investigate three isogenic cell lines of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

The cancer cell population is highly heterogeneous with high-amplitude fluctuation at the single cell level, which in turn grants the robustness of the entire population. The concept that a stable population existing in the presence of random fluctuations is reminiscent of many physical systems that are successfully understood using statistical physics. Thus, tools derived from that field can probably be applied to using fluctuations to determine the nature of signaling networks. In the second part of the thesis, we will focus on such a case to use thermodynamics-motivated principles to understand cancer cell hypoxia, where single cell proteomics assays coupled with a quantitative version of Le Chatelier's principle derived from statistical mechanics yield detailed and surprising predictions, which were found to be correct in both cell line and primary tumor model.

The third part of the thesis demonstrates the application of this technology in the preclinical cancer research to study the GBM cancer cell resistance to molecular targeted therapy. Physical approaches to anticipate therapy resistance and to identify effective therapy combinations will be discussed in detail. Our approach is based upon elucidating the signaling coordination within the phosphoprotein signaling pathways that are hyperactivated in human GBMs, and interrogating how that coordination responds to the perturbation of targeted inhibitor. Strongly coupled protein-protein interactions constitute most signaling cascades. A physical analogy of such a system is the strongly coupled atom-atom interactions in a crystal lattice. Similar to decomposing the atomic interactions into a series of independent normal vibrational modes, a simplified picture of signaling network coordination can also be achieved by diagonalizing protein-protein correlation or covariance matrices to decompose the pairwise correlative interactions into a set of distinct linear combinations of signaling proteins (i.e. independent signaling modes). By doing so, two independent signaling modes – one associated with mTOR signaling and a second associated with ERK/Src signaling have been resolved, which in turn allow us to anticipate resistance, and to design combination therapies that are effective, as well as identify those therapies and therapy combinations that will be ineffective. We validated our predictions in mouse tumor models and all predictions were borne out.

In the last part, some preliminary results about the clinical translation of single-cell proteomics chips will be presented. The successful demonstration of our work on human-derived xenografts provides the rationale to extend our current work into the clinic. It will enable us to interrogate GBM tumor samples in a way that could potentially yield a straightforward, rapid interpretation so that we can give therapeutic guidance to the attending physicians within a clinical relevant time scale. The technical challenges of the clinical translation will be presented and our solutions to address the challenges will be discussed as well. A clinical case study will then follow, where some preliminary data collected from a pediatric GBM patient bearing an EGFR amplified tumor will be presented to demonstrate the general protocol and the workflow of the proposed clinical studies.


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Organismal development, homeostasis, and pathology are rooted in inherently probabilistic events. From gene expression to cellular differentiation, rates and likelihoods shape the form and function of biology. Processes ranging from growth to cancer homeostasis to reprogramming of stem cells all require transitions between distinct phenotypic states, and these occur at defined rates. Therefore, measuring the fidelity and dynamics with which such transitions occur is central to understanding natural biological phenomena and is critical for therapeutic interventions.

While these processes may produce robust population-level behaviors, decisions are made by individual cells. In certain circumstances, these minuscule computing units effectively roll dice to determine their fate. And while the 'omics' era has provided vast amounts of data on what these populations are doing en masse, the behaviors of the underlying units of these processes get washed out in averages.

Therefore, in order to understand the behavior of a sample of cells, it is critical to reveal how its underlying components, or mixture of cells in distinct states, each contribute to the overall phenotype. As such, we must first define what states exist in the population, determine what controls the stability of these states, and measure in high dimensionality the dynamics with which these cells transition between states.

To address a specific example of this general problem, we investigate the heterogeneity and dynamics of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). While a number of reports have identified particular genes in ES cells that switch between 'high' and 'low' metastable expression states in culture, it remains unclear how levels of many of these regulators combine to form states in transcriptional space. Using a method called single molecule mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), we quantitatively measure and fit distributions of core pluripotency regulators in single cells, identifying a wide range of variabilities between genes, but each explained by a simple model of bursty transcription. From this data, we also observed that strongly bimodal genes appear to be co-expressed, effectively limiting the occupancy of transcriptional space to two primary states across genes studied here. However, these states also appear punctuated by the conditional expression of the most highly variable genes, potentially defining smaller substates of pluripotency.

Having defined the transcriptional states, we next asked what might control their stability or persistence. Surprisingly, we found that DNA methylation, a mark normally associated with irreversible developmental progression, was itself differentially regulated between these two primary states. Furthermore, both acute or chronic inhibition of DNA methyltransferase activity led to reduced heterogeneity among the population, suggesting that metastability can be modulated by this strong epigenetic mark.

Finally, because understanding the dynamics of state transitions is fundamental to a variety of biological problems, we sought to develop a high-throughput method for the identification of cellular trajectories without the need for cell-line engineering. We achieved this by combining cell-lineage information gathered from time-lapse microscopy with endpoint smFISH for measurements of final expression states. Applying a simple mathematical framework to these lineage-tree associated expression states enables the inference of dynamic transitions. We apply our novel approach in order to infer temporal sequences of events, quantitative switching rates, and network topology among a set of ESC states.

Taken together, we identify distinct expression states in ES cells, gain fundamental insight into how a strong epigenetic modifier enforces the stability of these states, and develop and apply a new method for the identification of cellular trajectories using scalable in situ readouts of cellular state.


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Tese de dout. em Química, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002


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Chungui Lu, Olga A. Koroleva, John F. Farrar, Joe Gallagher, Chris J. Pollock, and A. Deri Tomos (2002). Rubisco small subunit, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and sucrose : fructan-6-fructosyl transferase gene expression and sugar status in single barley leaf cells in situ. Cell type specificity and induction by light. Plant Physiology, 130 (3) pp.1335-1348 Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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In this report, we have analyzed the human T cell repertoire derived in vivo from a single T cell precursor. A unique case of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency in which a reverse mutation occurred in an early T cell precursor was analyzed to this end. It was determined that at least 1,000 T cell clones with unique T cell receptor-β sequences were generated from this precursor. This diversity seems to be stable over time and provides protection from infections in vivo. A similar estimation was obtained in an in vitro murine model of T cell generation from a single cell precursor. Overall, our results document the large diversity potential of T cell precursors and provide a rationale for gene therapy of the block of T cell development.


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A simple mathematical model is presented to describe the cell separation process that plants undertake in order to deliberately shed organs. The focus here is on modelling the production of the enzyme polygalacturonase, which breaks down pectin that provides natural cell-to-cell adhesion in the localised abscission zone. A coupled system of three ordinary differential equations is given for a single cell, and then extended to hold for a layer of cells in the abscission zone. Simple observations are made based on the results of this preliminary model and, furthermore, a number of opportunities for applied mathematicians to make contributions in this subject area are discussed.


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The movement of molecules inside living cells is a fundamental feature of biological processes. The ability to both observe and analyse the details of molecular diffusion in vivo at the single-molecule and single-cell level can add significant insight into understanding molecular architectures of diffus- ing molecules and the nanoscale environment in which the molecules diffuse. The tool of choice for monitoring dynamic molecular localization in live cells is fluorescence microscopy, especially so combining total internal reflection fluorescence with the use of fluorescent protein (FP) reporters in offering exceptional imaging contrast for dynamic processes in the cell mem- brane under relatively physiological conditions compared with competing single-molecule techniques. There exist several different complex modes of diffusion, and discriminating these from each other is challenging at the mol- ecular level owing to underlying stochastic behaviour. Analysis is traditionally performed using mean square displacements of tracked particles; however, this generally requires more data points than is typical for single FP tracks owing to photophysical instability. Presented here is a novel approach allowing robust Bayesian ranking of diffusion processes to dis-criminate multiple complex modes probabilistically. It is a computational approach that biologists can use to understand single-molecule features in live cells.


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The mechanisms leading to colonization of metastatic breast cancer cells (BCa) in the skeleton are still not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that mineralized extracellular matrices secreted by primary human osteoblasts (hOBM) modulate cellular processes associated with BCa colonization of bone. A panel of four BCa cell lines of different bone-metastatic potential (T47D, SUM1315, MDA-MB-231, and the bone-seeking subline MDA-MB-231BO) was cultured on hOBM. After 3 days, the metastatic BCa cells had undergone morphological changes on hOBM and were aligned along the hOBM's collagen type I fibrils that were decorated with bone-specific proteins. In contrast, nonmetastatic BCa cells showed a random orientation on hOBM. Atomic force microscopy-based single-cell force spectroscopy revealed that the metastatic cell lines adhered more strongly to hOBM compared with nonmetastatic cells. Function-blocking experiments indicated that β1-integrins mediated cell adhesion to hOBM. In addition, metastatic BCa cells migrated directionally and invaded hOBM, which was accompanied by enhanced MMP-2 and -9 secretion. Furthermore, we observed gene expression changes associated with osteomimickry in BCa cultured on hOBM. As such, osteopontin mRNA levels were significantly increased in SUM1315 and MDA-MB-231BO cells in a β1-integrin-dependent manner after growing for 3 days on hOBM compared with tissue culture plastic. In conclusion, our results show that extracellular matrices derived from human osteoblasts represent a powerful experimental platform to dissect mechanisms underlying critical steps in the development of bone metastases.


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Plant based dried food products are popular commodities in global market where much research is focused to improve the products and processing techniques. In this regard, numerical modelling is highly applicable and in this work, a coupled meshfree particle-based two-dimensional (2-D) model was developed to simulate micro-scale deformations of plant cells during drying. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) was used to model the viscous cell protoplasm (cell fluid) by approximating it to an incompressible Newtonian fluid. The visco-elastic characteristic of the cell wall was approximated to a Neo-Hookean solid material augmented with a viscous term and modelled with a Discrete Element Method (DEM). Compared to a previous work [H. C. P. Karunasena, W. Senadeera, Y. T. Gu and R. J. Brown, Appl. Math. Model., 2014], this study proposes three model improvements: linearly decreasing positive cell turgor pressure during drying, cell wall contraction forces and cell wall drying. The improvements made the model more comparable with experimental findings on dried cell morphology and geometric properties such as cell area, diameter, perimeter, roundness, elongation and compactness. This single cell model could be used as a building block for advanced tissue models which are highly applicable for product and process optimizations in Food Engineering.


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In vitro cell biology assays play a crucial role in informing our understanding of the migratory, proliferative and invasive properties of many cell types in different biological contexts. While mono-culture assays involve the study of a population of cells composed of a single cell type, co-culture assays study a population of cells composed of multiple cell types (or subpopulations of cells). Such co-culture assays can provide more realistic insights into many biological processes including tissue repair, tissue regeneration and malignant spreading. Typically, system parameters, such as motility and proliferation rates, are estimated by calibrating a mathematical or computational model to the observed experimental data. However, parameter estimates can be highly sensitive to the choice of model and modelling framework. This observation motivates us to consider the fundamental question of how we can best choose a model to facilitate accurate parameter estimation for a particular assay. In this work we describe three mathematical models of mono-culture and co-culture assays that include different levels of spatial detail. We study various spatial summary statistics to explore if they can be used to distinguish between the suitability of each model over a range of parameter space. Our results for mono-culture experiments are promising, in that we suggest two spatial statistics that can be used to direct model choice. However, co-culture experiments are far more challenging: we show that these same spatial statistics which provide useful insight into mono-culture systems are insuffcient for co-culture systems. Therefore, we conclude that great care ought to be exercised when estimating the parameters of co-culture assays.


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Introduction Hydrogels prepared from poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and maleimide-functionalized heparin provide a potential matrix for use in developing three dimensional (3D) models. We have previously demonstrated that these hydrogels support the cultivation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (1). We extend this body of work to study the ability to create an extracellular matrix (ECM)-like model to study breast and prostate cancer cell growth in 3D. Also, we investigate the ability to produce a tri-culture mimicking tumour angiogenesis with cancer spheroids, HUVECs and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Materials and Methods The breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, and prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP and PC3, were seeded into starPEG-heparin hydrogels and grown for 14 Days to analyse the effects of varying hydrogel stiffness on spheroid development. Resulting hydrogel constructs were analyzed via Alamar Blue assays, light microscopy, and immunofluorescence staining for cytokeratin 8/18, Ki67 and E-Cadherin. Cancer cell lines were then pre-grown in hydrogels for 5-7 days and then re-seeded into starPEG-heparin hydrogels functionalised with RGD, SDF-1, bFGF and VEGF as spheroids with HUVECs and MSC and grown for 14 days as a tri-culture in Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (ECGM; Promocell). Cell lines were also seeded as a single cell suspension into the functionalised tri-culture system. Cultures were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and analysed via immunostaining for Von Willebrand Factor and CD31, as well as the above mentioned markers, and observed using confocal microscopy. Results Cultures prepared in MMP-cleavable starPEG-heparin hydrogels display spheroid formation in contrast to adherent growth on tissue culture plastic. Small differences were visualised in cancer spheroid growth between different gel stiffness across the range of cell lines. Cancer cell lines were able to be co-cultivated with HUVECs and MSC. HUVEC tube formation and cancer line spheroid formation occured after 3-4 days. Interaction was visualised between tumours and HUVECs via confocal microscopy. Slightly increased interaction was seen between cancer tumours and micro-vascular tubes when seeded as single cells compared with the pre-formed spheroid approach. Further studies intend to utilise cytokine gradients to further optimise the ECM environment of in situ tumour angiogenesis. Discussion and Conclusions Our results confirm the suitability of hydrogels constructed from starPEG-heparin for HUVECs and MSC co-cultivation with cancer cell lines to study cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in a 3D environment. This represents a step forward in the development of 3D culture models to study the pathomechanisms of breast and prostate cancer. References 1. Tsurkan MV, Chwalek K, Prokoph S, Zieris A, Levental KR, Freudenberg U, Werner C. Advanced Materials. 25, 2606-10, 2013. Disclosures The authors declare no conflicts of interest


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Besides the elastic stiffness, the relaxation behavior of single living cells is also of interest of various researchers when studying cell mechanics. It is hypothesized that the relaxation response of the cells is governed by both intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid phase and fluid-solid interactions mechanisms. There are a number of mechanical models have been developed to investigate the relaxation behavior of single cells. However, there is lack of model enable to accurately capture both of the mechanisms. Therefore, in this study, the porohyperelastic (PHE) model, which is an extension of the consolidation theory, combined with inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technique was used at the first time to investigate the relaxation response of living chondrocytes. This model was also utilized to study the dependence of relaxation behavior of the cells on strain-rates. The stress-relaxation experiments under the various strain-rates were conducted with the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The results have demonstrated that the PHE model could effectively capture the stress-relaxation behavior of the living chondrocytes, especially at intermediate to high strain-rates. Although this model gave some errors at lower strain-rates, its performance was acceptable. Therefore, the PHE model is properly a promising model for single cell mechanics studies. Moreover, it has been found that the hydraulic permeability of living chondrocytes reduced with decreasing of strain-rates. It might be due to the intracellular fluid volume fraction and the fluid pore pressure gradients of chondrocytes were higher when higher strain-rates applied.


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Interstitial fibrosis, a histological process common to many kidney diseases, is the precursor state to end stage kidney disease, a devastating and costly outcome for the patient and the health system. Fibrosis is historically associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but emerging evidence is now linking many forms of acute kidney disease (AKD) with the development of CKD. Indeed, we and others have observed at least some degree of fibrosis in up to 50% of clinically defined cases of AKD. Epithelial cells of the proximal tubule (PTEC) are central in the development of kidney interstitial fibrosis. We combine the novel techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR to identify and quantitate “real time” gene transcription profiles of purified PTEC isolated from human kidney biopsies that describe signaling pathways associated with this pathological fibrotic process. Our results: (i) confirm previous in-vitro and animal model studies; kidney injury molecule-1 is up-regulated in patients with acute tubular injury, inflammation, neutrophil infiltration and a range of chronic disease diagnoses, (ii) provide data to inform treatment; complement component 3 expression correlates with inflammation and acute tubular injury, (iii) identify potential new biomarkers; proline 4-hydroxylase transcription is down-regulated and vimentin is up-regulated across kidney diseases, (iv) describe previously unrecognized feedback mechanisms within PTEC; Smad-3 is down-regulated in many kidney diseases suggesting a possible negative feedback loop for TGF-β in the disease state, whilst tight junction protein-1 is up-regulated in many kidney diseases, suggesting feedback interactions with vimentin expression. These data demonstrate that the combined techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR have the power to study molecular signaling within single cell populations derived from clinically sourced tissue.


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When stimulated by a point source of cyclic AMP, a starved amoeba of Dictyostelium discoideum responds by putting out a hollow balloon-like membrane extension followed by a pseudopod. The effect of the stimulus is to influence the position where either of these protrusions is made on the cell rather than to cause them to be made. Because the pseudopod forms perpendicular to the cell surface, its location is a measure of the precision with which the cell can locate the cAMP source. Cells beyond 1 h of starvation respond non-randomly with a precision that improves steadily thereafter. A cell that is starved for 1-2 h can locate the source accurately 43% of the time; and if starved for 6-7 h, 87% of the time. The response always has a high scatter; population-level heterogeneity reflects stochasticity in single cell behaviour. From the angular distribution of the response its maximum information content is estimated to be 2-3 bits. In summary, we quantitatively demonstrate the stochastic nature of the directional response and the increase in its accuracy over time.


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Disease conditions like malaria, sickle cell anemia, diabetes mellitus, cancer, etc., are known to significantly alter the deformability of certain types of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, circulating tumor cells, etc.). To determine the cellular deformability, techniques like micropipette aspiration, atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers, quantitative phase imaging have been developed. Many of these techniques have an advantage of determining the single cell deformability with ultrahigh precision. However, the suitability of these techniques for the realization of a deformability based diagnostic tool is questionable as they are expensive and extremely slow to operate on a huge population of cells. In this paper, we propose a technique for high-throughput (800 cells/s) determination of cellular deformability on a single cell basis. This technique involves capturing the image(s) of cells in flow that have undergone deformation under the influence of shear gradient generated by the fluid flowing through the microfluidic channels. Deformability indices of these cells can be computed by performing morphological operations on these images. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique for examining the deformability index on healthy, diabetic, and sphered red blood cells. We believe that this technique has a strong role to play in the realization of a potential tool that uses deformability as one of the important criteria in disease diagnosis.