857 resultados para Silêncio no setting
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar duas obras do escritor português António Lobo Antunes, tendo em vista algumas instâncias narrativas, que, a nosso ver, sobressaem na obra do autor. As obras são Ontem não te vi em Babilónia, romance publicado em 2006, e O arquipélago da insónia, de 2008. Os dois romances compõem o ciclo de produção mais recente do autor, no qual as experimentações formais e estéticas são mais intensas do que nos romances anteriores. Além disso, as obras apresentam convergências temáticas já explicitadas por uma leitura atenta de seus títulos. Ontem não te vi é a representação de um tempo de espera, um tempo de frustração; Babilónia é Babel, símbolo maior da incomunicabilidade para o Ocidente. Já arquipélago é um conjunto de ilhas, reunião marcada pelo isolamento e pela incomunicabilidade; insónia é, igualmente, uma espera frustrada por algo que não vem, no caso, o sono, que nos romances será metáfora para a morte. O trabalho privilegiará, portanto, a análise do espaço, a partir do símbolo da casa; do tempo, insone e de morte; e do texto, que se apresenta, essencialmente, por uma enxurrada discursiva. Assim, pretende-se entrar no universo antuniano e, como parece ser o desejo do autor, desvendar a nós mesmos e a nosso tempo
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar o lugar ocupado pelo silêncio na narrativa de pessoas que sofreram violência homofóbica e que são acompanhadas pelos dispositivos públicos de atenção e cuidado a lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais implantados no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Utiliza-se neste trabalho o conceito de homofobia como violência motivada pelo preconceito sexual, que se origina do processo histórico que produziu a separação entre homo e heterossexualidade e estabeleceu a última como norma. O trabalho de campo realizado em dois Centros de Referência e num dispositivo público de saúde incluiu entrevistas semiestruturadas com 11 usuários e 25 profissionais, no período de junho a novembro de 2011. A análise do material indica que o silêncio constitui-se como um discurso legítimo sobre a dor, servindo de proteção para a manutenção de determinadas relações, preenchendo, portanto, um espaço de fala. Reconhecer o lugar do silêncio, mesmo em dispositivos que se propõe a acolher denúncias de violência, pode facilitar o fortalecimento do encontro entre profissionais e usuários dos serviços voltados para pessoas LGBT.
Estudo sobre os programas Fale com o Deputado e Fale com a Ouvidoria da Câmara dos Deputados, a fim de se captarem representações, crenças e valores sobre a política. O trabalho assume a perspectiva de uma antropologia da política, desnaturalizando conceitos como democracia, participação e representação política, para captar as concepções dos sujeitos envolvidos no diálogo proposto pela Câmara dos Deputados, por intermédio desses canais de correio eletrônico. Assim, a tese não estuda os programas Fale com o Deputado e Fale com a Ouvidoria, mas nos programas. As mensagens enviadas, juntamente com os documentos produzidos pela Casa Legislativa acerca dos programas, bem como notícias e entrevistas com parlamentares e assessores sobre eles, são suportes de expressão de significados associados ao mundo da política, muitas vezes, concebidos como excludentes. Assim, eles são veículos de expressão, mas também de ação, que expõem combinações, normalmente contrapostas, por uma espécie de ficção construída em torno da noção de modernidade: indivíduo e pessoa, diretos e favores, particular e universal. Os documentos abordados revelam conciliações e embates discursivos que acenam para distintas maneiras de os atores fazerem a política, as quais acabam por revelar entendimentos sobre como se dá a gestão interna à Casa desses programas e questionamentos a respeito dos limites e possibilidades da Internet no fazer político
Nesse trabalho analisei a resistência e permanência dos padres da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil e a co mpreensão em torno do debate da atuação desses religiosos, após a Reforma Pombalina ocorrida em 1759; abordando ainda, as outras duas supressões sofridas pela Companhia de Jesus, em 1834 e 1910, respectivamente. Buscando as estratégias e as táticas utilizadas pela Ordem. A Companhia circulou em vários setores da sociedade nos países e m que esteve presente, agindo com intuito de converter e civilizar dentro dos cânones da Ordem. Em seu campo de ação damos destaque ao educativo, especificamente aos seus Colégios. Devido à amplitude do tema, visto que, este acontecimento teve conseqüências em vários países e nos diversos setores da sociedade dos quais os jesuítas faziam parte, me detive mais detalhadamente no estudo dos padres no Rio de Janeiro, que tr ansversalizou dois Colégios: o Santo Inácio e o Anchieta. Adentramos nas táticas e estratégias ut ilizadas pelos jesuítas para circularem entre o sagrado e o profano, de forma dinâmica e recíproca e como forma de agir. Ação que se perceberá na suas inst ituições de ensino, locais de lutas pelos interesses de u m saber-poder, que implica no seu modo de formação dos alunos. O trabalho procurou contribuir para aprofundar nos meandros de uma história pouco conhecida: a permanência dos jesuítas. A partir daí fo i possível perceber a rede de sociabilidade que ut ilizaram em suas ações, a representação que fizeram da Ordem, o sentido e a proposta da sua educação. Para realização da pesquisa, as principais fo ntes foram os Decretos Régios e as correspondências trocadas entre o Rei e os Governadores Gerais das Províncias, documentos localizados no Arquivo Nacional. Também correspondências trocadas entre os superiores e reitores dos Colégios Jesuítas, periódicos, cadernos de exercícios, fo lhetos, fotografias, livros de matrículas e médias anuais, entre outros, encontrados no acervo de memória dos Colégios Santo Inácio e Anchieta. Os documentos dão a ver a tensão existente entre o silêncio quanto à história dos jesuítas após sua expulsão, a permanência e a atuação dos mesmos nos diversos campos, principalmente o educativo.
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet NOAA’s coastal stewardship and management responsibilities. In 2001 the Biogeography Branch of NCCOS partnered with NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) to conduct biogeographic assessments to support the management plan updates for the sanctuaries. The first biogeographic assessment conducted in this partnership focused on three sanctuaries off north/ central California: Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay. Phase I of this assessment was conducted from 2001 to 2004, with the primary goal to identify and gather the best available data and information to characterize and identify important biological areas and time periods within the study area. The study area encompasses the three sanctuaries and extends along the coastal ocean off California from Pt. Arena to Pt. Sal (35°-39°N). This partnership project was lead by the NCCOS Biogeography Branch, but included over 90 contributors and 25 collaborating institutions. Phase I results include: 1) a report on the overall assessment that includes hundreds of maps, tables and analyses; 2) an ecological linkage report on the marine and estuarine ecosystems along the coast of north/central California, and 3) related geographic information system (GIS) data and other summary data files, which are available for viewing and download in several formats at the following website: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/products/biogeography/canms_cd/welcome.html Phase II (this report) was initiated in the Fall of 2004 to complete the analyses of marine mammals and update the marine bird colony information. Phase II resulted in significant updates to the bird and mammal chapters, as well as adding an environmental settings chapter, which contains new and existing data and maps on the study area. Specifically, the following Phase II topics and items were either revised or developed new for Phase II: •environmental, ecological settings – new maps on marine physiographic features, sea surface temperature and fronts, chlorophyll and productivity •all bird colony or roost maps, including a summary of marine bird colonies •updated at-sea data CDAS data set (1980-2003) •all mammal maps and descriptions •new overall density maps for eight mammal species •new summary pinniped rookery/haulout map •new maps on at-sea richness for cetaceans and pinnipeds •most text in the mammal chapter •new summary tables for mammals on population status and spatial and temporal patterns
The overall goal of the MARine and Estuarine goal Setting (MARES) project for South Florida is “to reach a science-based consensus about the defining characteristics and fundamental regulating processes of a South Florida coastal marine ecosystem that is both sustainable and capable of providing the diverse ecosystem services upon which our society depends.” Through participation in a systematic process of reaching such a consensus, science can contribute more directly and effectively to the critical decisions being made by both policy makers and by natural resource and environmental management agencies. The document that follows briefly describes the MARES project and this systematic process. It then describes in considerable detail the resulting output from the first two steps in the process, the development of conceptual diagrams and an Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model (ICEM) for the first subregion to be addressed by MARES, the Florida Keys/Dry Tortugas (FK/DT). What follows with regard to the FK/DT is the input received from more than 60 scientists, agency resource managers, and representatives of environmental organizations beginning with a workshop held December 9-10, 2009 at Florida International University in Miami, Florida.
The overall goal of the MARES (MARine and Estuarine goal Setting) project for South Florida is “to reach a science-based consensus about the defining characteristics and fundamental regulating processes of a South Florida coastal marine ecosystem that is both sustainable and capable of providing the diverse ecosystem services upon which our society depends.” Through participation in a systematic process of reaching such a consensus, science can contribute more directly and effectively to the critical decisions being made both by policy makers and by natural resource and environmental management agencies. The document that follows briefly describes MARES overall and this systematic process. It then describes in considerable detail the resulting output from the first step in the process, the development of an Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model (ICEM) for the third subregion to be addressed by MARES, the Southeast Florida Coast (SEFC). What follows with regard to the SEFC relies upon the input received from more than 60 scientists, agency resource managers, and representatives of environmental organizations during workshops held throughout 2009–2012 in South Florida.
The overall goal of the MARine and Estuarine goal Setting (MARES) project for South Florida is “to reach a science-based consensus about the defining characteristics and fundamental regulating processes of a South Florida coastal marine ecosystem that is both sustainable and capable of providing the diverse ecosystem services upon which our society depends.” Through participation in a systematic process of reaching such a consensus, science can contribute more directly and effectively to the critical decisions being made by both policy makers and by natural resource and environmental management agencies. The document that follows briefly describes the MARES project and this systematic process. It then describes in considerable detail the resulting output from the first two steps in the process, the development of conceptual diagrams and an Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model (ICEM) for the second subregion to be addressed by MARES, the Southwest Florida Shelf (SWFS). What follows with regard to the SWFS is the input received from more than 60 scientists, agency resource managers, and representatives of environmental organizations beginning with a workshop held August 19-20, 2010 at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida.
The 66 kilo-Dalton (k-Da) protein split off from the cross linked myosin heavy chain (CMHC) formed due to the setting of Alaska pollack surimi, frozen-storage of Pacific cod flesh, and vinegar-curing of Pacific mackerel mince was identified as a light meromyosin (LMM). Puncture and stress-relaxation tests showed that the actomyosin subunits (AMS) of Alaska pollack surimi, upon setting at 30°C, transformed into gel, although the elasticity of this gel was very low when compared to the gels from surimi or actomyosin (AM). Electrophoretic studies showed that the band due to LMM in the gel from AMS gradually disappeared with the progress of setting but higher molecular weight polymer did not form. The intensity of the bands due to other myosin sub-fragments decreased a little. The findings suggest that at setting temperature, LMM of MHC molecule leads to an unfolding resulting in an intramolecular aggregation through non-covalent interactions, and thus plays a significant role in the crosslinking of MHC.
During the low temperature setting of fish paste, myosin heavy chain (MHC) is polymerized to cross-linked myosin heavy chain (CMHC), which is considered to occur by the action of endogenous transglutaminase (TGase). In this study the contribution of TGase on the setting of Alaska pollack surimi at different temperatures was studied. Alaska pollack surimi was ground with 3% NaCl, 30% h2o and with or without ethylene glycol bis (β-aminoethylether) N, N, N¹,N¹- tetra acetic acid (EGTA), an inhibitor of TGase. Among the pastes without EGTA, highest TGase activity was observed at 25°C but breaking force of the gel set at 25°C was lower than that set at 30°, 35°, and 40°C. Addition of EGTA (5m mol/kg) to the paste suppressed TGase activity at all setting temperatures from 20° to 40°C. Gelation of the pastes and cross-linking of MHC on addition of EGTA were suppressed completely at 20° and 25°C, partially at 30° and 35°C, and not at all at 40°C. The findings suggested that during the setting of Alaska pollack surimi TGase mediated cross-linking of MHC was strong at around 25°C but the thermal aggregation of MHC by non-covalent bonds was strong at above 35°C. Setting of surimi at 40°C and cross-linking of its MHC did not involve TGase.
Purpose: Advocates and critics of target-setting in the workplace seem unable to reach beyond their own well-entrenched battle lines. While the advocates of goal-directed behaviour point to what they see as demonstrable advantages, the critics of target-setting highlight equally demonstrable disadvantages. Indeed, the academic literature on this topic is currently mired in controversy, with neither side seemingly capable of envisaging a better way forward. This paper seeks to break the current deadlock and move thinking forward in this important aspect of performance measurement and management by outlining a new, more fruitful approach, based on both theory and practical experience. Design/methodology/approach: The topic was approached in three phases: assembling and reading key academic and other literature on the subject of target-setting and goal-directed behaviour, with a view to understanding, in depth, the arguments advanced by the advocates and critics of target-setting; comparing these published arguments with one's own experiential findings, in order to bring the essence of disagreement into much sharper focus; and then bringing to bear the academic and practical experience to identify the essential elements of a new, more fruitful approach offering all the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the typical disadvantages of target-setting. Findings: The research led to three key findings: the advocates of goal-directed behaviour and critics of target-setting each make valid points, as seen from their own current perspectives; the likelihood of these two communities, left to themselves, ever reaching a new synthesis, seems vanishingly small (with leading thinkers in the goal-directed behaviour community already acknowledging this); and, between the three authors, it was discovered that their unusual combination of academic study and practical experience enabled them to see things differently. Hence, they would like to share their new thinking more widely. Research limitations/implications: The authors fully accept that their paper is informed by extensive practical experience and, as yet, there have been no opportunities to test their findings, conclusions and recommendations through rigorous academic research. However, they hope that the paper will move thinking forward in this arena, thereby informing future academic research. Practical implications: The authors hope that the practical implications of the paper will be significant, as it outlines a novel way for organisations to capture the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the disadvantages typically associated with target-setting. Social implications: Given that increased efficiency and effectiveness in the management of organisations would be good for society, the authors think the paper has interesting social implications. Originality/value: Leading thinkers in the field of goal-directed behaviour, such as Locke and Latham, and leading critics of target-setting, such as Ordóñez et al. continue to argue with one another - much like, at the turn of the nineteenth century, proponents of the "wave theory of light" and proponents of the "particle theory of light" were similarly at loggerheads. Just as this furious scientific debate was ultimately resolved by Taylor's experiment, showing that light could behave both as a particle and wave at the same time, the authors believe that the paper demonstrates that goal-directed behaviour and target-setting can successfully co-exist. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.