993 resultados para Signal Transduction


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Adrenomedullin is a vascular tissue peptide and a member of the calcitonin family of peptides, which includes calcitonin calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) and amylin. Its many biological actions are mediated via CGRP type 1 (CGRP(1)) receptors and by specific adrenomedullin receptors. Although the pharmacology of these receptors is distinct, they are both represented in molecular terms by the type II family G-protein-coupled receptor, calcitonin-receptor-like receptor (CRLR). The specificity here is defined by co-expression of receptor-activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs). CGRP(1) receptors are represented by CRLR and RAMP1, and specific adrenomedullin receptors by CRLR and RAMP2 or 3. Here we discuss how CRLR/RAMP2 relates to adrenomedullin binding, pharmacology and pathophysiology, and how chemical cross-linking of receptor-ligand complexes in tissue relates to that in CRLR/RAMP2-expressing cells. CRLR, like other type II family G-protein-coupled receptors, signals via G(s) and adenylate cyclase activation. We demonstrated that adrenomedullin signalling in cell lines expressing specific adrenomedullin receptors followed this expected pattern.


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The proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) is produced by cachexia-inducing tumours and initiates protein catabolism in skeletal muscle. The potential signalling pathways linking the release of arachidonic acid (AA) from membrane phospholipids with increased expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway by PIF has been studied using C2C12 murine myotubes as a surrogate model of skeletal muscle. The induction of proteasome activity and protein degradation by PIF was blocked by quinacrine, a nonspecific phospholipase A2 (PLA2) inhibitor and trifluroacetyl AA, an inhibitor of cytosolic PLA2. PIF was shown to increase the expression of calcium-independent cytosolic PLA2, determined by Western blotting, at the same concentrations as those inducing maximal expression of 20S proteasome α-subunits and protein degradation. In addition, both U-73122, which inhibits agonist-induced phospholipase C (PLC) activation and D609, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylcholine-specific PLC also inhibited PIF-induced proteasome activity. This suggests that both PLA 2 and PLC are involved in the release of AA in response to PIF, and that this is important in the induction of proteasome expression. The two tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and tryphostin A23 also attenuated PIF-induced proteasome expression, implicating tyrosine kinase in this process. PIF induced phosphorylation of p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) at the same concentrations as that inducing proteasome expression, and the effect was blocked by PD98059, an inhibitor of MAPK kinase, as was also the induction of proteasome expression, suggesting a role for MAPK activation in PIF-induced proteasome expression. © 2003 Cancer Research UK.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the sphingolipid ceramide are each partly responsible for the intracellular signal transduction of a variety of physiological, pharmacological or environmental agents. Furthermore, the enhanced production of many of these agents, that utilise ROS and ceramide as signalling intermediates, is associated with the aetiologies of several vascular diseases (e.g. atherosclerosis) or disorders of inflammatory origin (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis; RA). Excessive monocyte recruitment and uncontrolled T cell activation are both strongly implicated in the chronic inflammatory responses that are associated with these pathologies. Therefore the aims of this thesis are (1) to further elucidate the cellular responses to modulations in intracellular ceramide/ROS levels in monocytes and T cells, in order to help resolve the mechanisms of progression of these diseases and (2) to examine both existing agents (methotrexate) and novel targets for possible therapeutic manipulation. Utilising synthetic, short chain ceramide to mimic the cellular responses to fluctuations in natural endogenous ceramide or, stimulation of CD95 to induce ceramide formation, it is described here that ceramide targets and manipulates two discrete sites responsible for ROS generation, preceding the cellular responses of growth arrest in U937 monocytes and apoptosis in Jurkat T-cells. In both cell types, transient elevations in mitochondrial ROS generation were observed. However, the prominent redox altering effects appear to be the ceramide-mediated reduction in cytosolic peroxide, the magnitude of which dictates in part the cellular response in U937 monocytes, Jurkat T-cells and primary human peripheral blood resting or PHA-activated T-cells in vitro. The application of synthetic ceramides to U937 monocytes for short (2 hours) or long (16 hours) treatment periods reduced the membrane expression of proteins associated with cell-cell interaction. Furthermore, ceramide treated U937 monocytes demonstrated reduced adhesion to 5 or 24 hour LPS activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) but not resting HUVEC. Consequently it is hypothesised that the targeted treatment of monocytes from patients with cardiovascular diseases with short chain synthetic ceramide may reduce disease progression. Herein, the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drug, methotrexate, is described to require ROS production for the induction of cytostasis or cytotoxicity in U937 monocytes and Jurkat T-cells respectively. Further, ROS are critical for methotrexate to abrogate monocyte interaction with activated HUVEC in vitro. The histological feature of RA of enhanced infiltration, survivability and hyporesponsiveness of T-cells within the diseased synovium has been suggested to arise from aberrant signalling. No difference in the concentrations of endogenous T-cell ceramide, the related lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) and cytosolic peroxide ex vivo was observed. TCR activation following PHA exposure in vitro for 72 hours did not induced maintained perturbations in DAG or ceramide in T-cells from RA patients or healthy individuals. However, T-cells from RA patients failed to upregulate cytosolic peroxide in response to PHA, unlike those from normals, despite expressing identical levels of the activation marker CD25. This inability to upregulate cytosolic peroxide may contribute to the T-cell pathology associated with RA by affecting the signalling capacity of redox sensitive biomolecules. These data highlight the importance of two distinctive cellular pools of ROS in mediating complex biological events associated with inflammatory disease and suggest that modulation of cellular ceramides represents a novel therapeutic strategy to minimise monocyte recruitment.


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This study was undertaken to increase knowledge of the mechanisms of inter- and intracellular signalling in the gastrointestinal tract. Specific aims were: to use cell lines to elucidate factors affecting growth of gastric cells, to investigate the distribution and aspects of function of isoforms of protein kinase C in a gastric cell line and in the rat gastrointestinal tract and to determine the presence and regulation of nitric oxide synthase in gastrointestinal tissues from the rat and in cell lines. The gastric cancer cell line HGT-1 was used to investigate control of growth. Increases in cell number were found to be dependent on the seeding density of the cells. In cells plated at low density insulin, epidermal growth factor and gastrin all increased cell number. Gastrin produced a bell-shaped dose response curve with a maximum activity at 5nM. No effect of gastrin was apparent in cells plated at high density. α and β isoforms of protein kinase C were found, by immunoblotting procedures, to be widespread in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat, but protein kinase Cε was confined to the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. HGT-1 cells contained protein kinase C α and ε but β or γ were not detected. Preincubation of HGT-1 cells for 24h with 1μM phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate down-regulated protein kinase C α but not ε. The inhibition by the activator of protein kinase C, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) of the histamine-stimulated increase in cAMP in HGT-1 cells was down regulated by phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate. Inhibition of histamine-stimulation of adenylate cyclase by TPA was Ca2+-dependent and inhibited by the addition of an antibody to protein kinase C α. A role for protein kinase C α in modulating the effect of histamine on adenylate cyclase in HGT-1 cells is suggested. No nitric oxide synthase activity was detected in the gastrointestinal cell lines HGT-l, MKN-45 or CaCo-2. Ca2+-dependent nitric oxide synthase activity was observed in the gastric mucosa and the gastrointestinal smooth muscle from stomach to colon. The gastric: mucosal enzyme was soluble and showed half-maximal activity at 400nM Ca2+. Pretreatment of rats with endotoxin (3mg/kg body weight) induced nitric oxide synthase activity in both jejunal, ileal and colonic mucosa and muscle. A major portion of the induced activity in ileal and colonic mucosa was Ca2+-independent. Nitric oxide synthase activity in a high-density fraction of gastric mucosal cells was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by L-nitroarginine, NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, trifluoperazine and L-canavanine (in descending order of potency). Preincubation with okadaic acid and addition of ATPlMg2+ to the homogenisation buffer inhibited enzyme activity, which implies that phosphorylation inhibits gastric mucosal nitric oxide synthase.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) plays a pivotal role in migraine, activating its cognate receptor to initiate intracellular signalling. This atypical receptor comprises a distinct assembly, made up of a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), a single transmembrane protein, and an additional protein that is required for Ga(s) coupling. By altering the expression of individual receptor components, it might be possible to adjust cellular sensitivity to CGRP. In recognition of the increasing clinical significance of CGRP receptors, it is timely to review the signalling pathways that might be controlled by this receptor, how the activity of the receptor itself is regulated, and our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes. Like many GPCRs, the CGRP receptor appears to be promiscuous, potentially coupling to several G proteins and intracellular pathways. Their precise composition is likely to be cell type-dependent, and much work is needed to ascertain their physiological significance.


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Signal transduction pathways control cell fate, survival and function. They are organized as intricate biochemical networks which enable biochemical protein activities, crosstalk and subcellular localization to be integrated and tuned to produce highly specific biological responses in a robust and reproducible manner. Post translational Modifications (PTMs) play major roles in regulating these processes through a wide variety of mechanisms that include changes in protein activities, interactions, and subcellular localizations. Determining and analyzing PTMs poses enormous challenges. Recent progress in mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics have enhanced our capability to map and identify many PTMs. Here we review the current state of proteomic PTM analysis relevant for signal transduction research, focusing on two areas: phosphorylation, which is well established as a widespread key regulator of signal transduction; and oxidative modifications, which from being primarily viewed as protein damage now start to emerge as important regulatory mechanisms.


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Fliegende Insekten orientieren sich in ihrer Umwelt mit Hilfe ihres hoch entwickelten olfaktorischen Systems. Es ermöglicht ihnen das Auffinden geeigneter Futter- und Eiablageplätze und ist unverzichtbar bei der innerartlichen Kommunikation. Der Geruchssinn muss dabei gleichzeitig sehr schnell und sensitiv sein um selbst geringste Mengen, z.B. des arteigenen Sexualpheromons, wahrnehmen zu können. Spezifische olfaktorische Rezeptoren (ORs) zur Detektion dieser Duftstoffe werden zusammen mit einem hoch konservierten Co-Rezeptor (Orco) in olfaktorischen Rezeptorneuronen (ORNs) auf den Insektenantennen exprimiert. Sie gehören zu den 7 Transmembran Rezeptoren, zeigen jedoch eine invertierte Membrantopologie im Vergleich zu den ORs der Vertebraten. Darüber hinaus bildet der OR/Orco-Komplex einen spontanaktiven Kationenkanal, die Bindung an ein G Protein ist allerdings umstritten. Daher ist noch ungeklärt, ob die Duftstoffbindung zu einer ionotropen Aktivierung des OR/Orco Kanals führt oder ob metabotrope Mechanismen die Bildung von zyklischem Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) oder Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphat (IP3) bewirken. Mit Hilfe von extrazellulären Ableitungen einzelner Trichoidsensillen (tip recordings) auf den Antennen männlicher Manduca sexta wurde die Rolle von Orco sowie die Beteiligung einer Phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ)-abhängigen Transduktionskaskade untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch VUAA1 induzierte Spontanaktivität der ORNs durch OLC15 inhibiert und Orco somit kompetitiv gehemmt wurde. Eine Inhibition von Orco sollte die Antwort auf kurze Pheromonpulse sofort reduzieren, sollte die Transduktion über die Aktivierung des OR/Orco Kanals erfolgen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigten jedoch keine Beeinflussung der primären Pheromonantwort, vielmehr wurde die späte, langanhaltende Antwort reduziert. Die ebenfalls als Orco-Antagonisten charakterisierten Amiloride MIA und HMA beeinflussen offensichtlich weitere Ziele, da eine substanz- und zeitgeberzeitabhängige Reduzierung der primären Antwort auftrat. Zusätzlich wurde die primäre Pheromonantwort durch die Inhibierung der PLCβ und der Proteinkinase C (PKC), sowie durch die Verwendung zweier Diacylglycerol (DAG)- Derivate signifikant beeinflusst. Hierbei zeigte die Inhibierung von PLCβ und PKC zeitgeberzeitabhängige Unterschiede in der Stärke der Antwortreduktion. Auch die Applikation des DAG-Derivates DOG reduzierte die Pheromonantwort, während die Zugabe von OAG die ORN Aktivität steigern oder reduzieren konnte, abhängig von der verwendeten Derivatkonzentration und der Pheromonkonzentration. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten somit auf einen metabotropen, sehr wahrscheinlich PLCβ-abhängigen Mechanismus für die Pheromontransduktion bei Manduca sexta.


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Abstract The two-component based chemotaxis signal transduction system allows flagellated bacteria to sense their surrounding chemical environment and move towards more favorable conditions. The attractant signals can be sensed by transmembrane chemoreceptors, and then transmitted to the histidine kinase CheA. Once activated, CheA interacts with the response regulator CheY through phosphorelay, which causes a change in the rotation of the flagella. The direction of flagella rotation determines whether a cell swims straight or just tumbles. Cells also need adaptation to respond to a change in chemical concentrations, and return to their prestimulated level. Adaptation in the B. subtilis chemotaxis system is achieved by three coordinated systems: the methylation system, the CheC/CheD/CheY-p system and the CheV system. CheD, the previously identified receptor deamidase, was shown to be critical to the ability of B. subtilis to perform chemotaxis and is the main focus of this study. This study started from characterization of the enzymatic mechanism of CheD. Results showed that CheD deamidase uses a cysteine hydrolase mechanism. The catalytic triad consisting of Cys33-His50-Thr27, and Ser27 is essential for receptor recognition and binding. In addition, in this study CheC was found to inhibit CheD’s deamidase activity. Through mutant screening, Phe102 on CheD was found to be the essential site to interact with CheC. Furthermore, the CheD/CheC interaction is necessary for the robust chemotaxis in vivo as demonstrated by the cheD (F102E) mutant, which lacks the ability to swim on swarm plates. Despite its deamidase activity, we hypothesized that CheD’s main role is its involvement in the CheD-CheC-CheY-p negative feedback pathway during adaptation. In particular, CheD is likely to help stabilize the transient kinase-activating state through binding to receptors. When CheY-p level is increased, CheC-CheY-p complex may attract CheD away from receptors. In this study, CheC-CheD binding kinetics with CheY or CheYp presence was successfully obtained by a series of SPR experiments. The increased affinity of CheD for CheC in presence of CheYp but not CheY makes likely the hypothesis that CheC-CheD-CheY interact as part of a negative feedback pathway during adaptation. Last, the interaction between CheD and chemoreceptor McpC was studied in order to better understand the role of CheD in adaptation. Results showed that Q304 and Q305 on McpC are essential to recruit CheD. Additionally, the reduced levels of CheD in mcpC (Q304A) or (Q305A) mutants suggested that the dynamic interaction between CheD and receptors is vital to maintain the normal CheD level. These findings suggest more complicated roles of CheD than its previously identified function as a receptor deamidase, and will lead to a clearer picture of the coordination of the three adaptational systems in the B. subtilis chemotactic sensory transduction system.


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We review mathematical aspects of biophysical dynamics, signal transduction and network architecture that have been used to uncover functionally significant relations between the dynamics of single neurons and the networks they compose. We focus on examples that combine insights from these three areas to expand our understanding of systems neuroscience. These range from single neuron coding to models of decision making and electrosensory discrimination by networks and populations, as well as coincidence detection in pairs of dendrites and the dynamics of large networks of excitable dendritic spines. We conclude by describing some of the challenges that lie ahead as the applied mathematics community seeks to provide the tools that will ultimately underpin systems neuroscience.


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Three types of phospholipases, phospholipase D, secreted phospholipase A2, and patatin-related phospholipase A (pPLA) have functions in auxin signal transduction. Potential linkage to auxin receptors ABP1 or TIR1, their rapid activation or post-translational activation mechanisms, and downstream functions regulated by these phospholipases is reviewed and discussed. Only for pPLA all aspects are known at least to some detail. Evidence is gathered that all these signal reactions are located in the cytosol and seem to merge on regulation of PIN-catalyzed auxin efflux transport proteins. As a consequence, auxin concentration in the nucleus is also affected and this regulates the E3 activity of this auxin receptor. We showed that ABP1, PIN2, and pPLA, all outside the nucleus, have an impact on regulation of auxin-induced genes within 30 min. We propose that regulation of PIN protein activities and of auxin efflux transport are the means to coordinate ABP1 and TIR1 activity and that no physical contact between components of the ABP1-triggered cytosolic pathways and TIR1-triggered nuclear pathways of signaling is necessary to perform this.


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Single-cell functional proteomics assays can connect genomic information to biological function through quantitative and multiplex protein measurements. Tools for single-cell proteomics have developed rapidly over the past 5 years and are providing unique opportunities. This thesis describes an emerging microfluidics-based toolkit for single cell functional proteomics, focusing on the development of the single cell barcode chips (SCBCs) with applications in fundamental and translational cancer research.

The microchip designed to simultaneously quantify a panel of secreted, cytoplasmic and membrane proteins from single cells will be discussed at the beginning, which is the prototype for subsequent proteomic microchips with more sophisticated design in preclinical cancer research or clinical applications. The SCBCs are a highly versatile and information rich tool for single-cell functional proteomics. They are based upon isolating individual cells, or defined number of cells, within microchambers, each of which is equipped with a large antibody microarray (the barcode), with between a few hundred to ten thousand microchambers included within a single microchip. Functional proteomics assays at single-cell resolution yield unique pieces of information that significantly shape the way of thinking on cancer research. An in-depth discussion about analysis and interpretation of the unique information such as functional protein fluctuations and protein-protein correlative interactions will follow.

The SCBC is a powerful tool to resolve the functional heterogeneity of cancer cells. It has the capacity to extract a comprehensive picture of the signal transduction network from single tumor cells and thus provides insight into the effect of targeted therapies on protein signaling networks. We will demonstrate this point through applying the SCBCs to investigate three isogenic cell lines of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

The cancer cell population is highly heterogeneous with high-amplitude fluctuation at the single cell level, which in turn grants the robustness of the entire population. The concept that a stable population existing in the presence of random fluctuations is reminiscent of many physical systems that are successfully understood using statistical physics. Thus, tools derived from that field can probably be applied to using fluctuations to determine the nature of signaling networks. In the second part of the thesis, we will focus on such a case to use thermodynamics-motivated principles to understand cancer cell hypoxia, where single cell proteomics assays coupled with a quantitative version of Le Chatelier's principle derived from statistical mechanics yield detailed and surprising predictions, which were found to be correct in both cell line and primary tumor model.

The third part of the thesis demonstrates the application of this technology in the preclinical cancer research to study the GBM cancer cell resistance to molecular targeted therapy. Physical approaches to anticipate therapy resistance and to identify effective therapy combinations will be discussed in detail. Our approach is based upon elucidating the signaling coordination within the phosphoprotein signaling pathways that are hyperactivated in human GBMs, and interrogating how that coordination responds to the perturbation of targeted inhibitor. Strongly coupled protein-protein interactions constitute most signaling cascades. A physical analogy of such a system is the strongly coupled atom-atom interactions in a crystal lattice. Similar to decomposing the atomic interactions into a series of independent normal vibrational modes, a simplified picture of signaling network coordination can also be achieved by diagonalizing protein-protein correlation or covariance matrices to decompose the pairwise correlative interactions into a set of distinct linear combinations of signaling proteins (i.e. independent signaling modes). By doing so, two independent signaling modes – one associated with mTOR signaling and a second associated with ERK/Src signaling have been resolved, which in turn allow us to anticipate resistance, and to design combination therapies that are effective, as well as identify those therapies and therapy combinations that will be ineffective. We validated our predictions in mouse tumor models and all predictions were borne out.

In the last part, some preliminary results about the clinical translation of single-cell proteomics chips will be presented. The successful demonstration of our work on human-derived xenografts provides the rationale to extend our current work into the clinic. It will enable us to interrogate GBM tumor samples in a way that could potentially yield a straightforward, rapid interpretation so that we can give therapeutic guidance to the attending physicians within a clinical relevant time scale. The technical challenges of the clinical translation will be presented and our solutions to address the challenges will be discussed as well. A clinical case study will then follow, where some preliminary data collected from a pediatric GBM patient bearing an EGFR amplified tumor will be presented to demonstrate the general protocol and the workflow of the proposed clinical studies.


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Breast cancer, the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Well-established risk factors of breast cancer are mostly related to women’s reproductive history, such as early menarche, late first pregnancy and late menopause. Survival rates have improved due to a combination of factors, including better health education, early detection with large-scale use of screening mammogram, improved surgical techniques, as well as widespread use of adjuvant therapy. At initial presentation, clinicopathological features of breast cancer such as age, nodal status, tumour size, tumour grade, and hormonal receptor status are considered to be the standard prognostic and predictive markers of patient survival, and are used to guide appropriate treatment strategies. Lymphovascular invasion (LBVI), including lymphatic (LVI) and blood (BVI) vessel invasion, has been reported to be prognostic and merit accurate evaluation, particularly in patients with node negative tumours who might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. There is a lack of standard assessment and agreement on distinguishing LVI from BVI despite the major challenges in the field. A systematic review of the literatures, examining methods of detection and the prognostic significance of LBVI, LVI and BVI, was carried out. The majority of studies used haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and classical histochemistry to identify LVI and BVI. Only few recent studies used immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of the endothelium lining lymphatic and blood vessels, and were able to show clear differences between LVI and BVI. The prognostic significance of LBVI and LVI was well-documented and strongly associated with aggressive features of breast tumours, while the prognostic value and the optimal detection method of BVI were unclear. Assessment and prognostic value of LBVI on H&E sections (LBVIH&E) was examined and compared to that of LVI and BVI detected using IHC with D2-40 for LVI (LVID2–40) and Factor VIII for BVI (BVIFVIII) in patients with breast cancer including node negative and triple negative patients (n=360). LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 102 (28%), 127 (35%) and 59 (16%) patients respectively. In node negative patients (206), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 41 (20%), 53 (26%) and 21 (10%) respectively. In triple negative patients (102), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 35 (29%), 36 (35%) and 14 (14%) respectively. LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were all significantly associated with tumour recurrence in all cohorts. On multivariate survival analysis, only LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were independent predictors of cancer specific survival (CSS) in the whole cohort (P=0.022 and P<0.001 respectively), node negative (P=0.008 and P=0.001 respectively) and triple negative patients (P=0.014 and P<0.001 respectively). Assessment of LVI and BVI by IHC, using D2-40 and Factor VIII, improves prediction of outcome in patients with node negative and triple negative breast cancer and was superior to the conventional detection method. Breast cancer is recognised as a complex molecular disease and histologically identical tumours may have highly variable outcomes, including different responses to therapy. Therefore, there is a compelling need for new prognostic and predictive markers helpful of selecting patients at risk and patients with aggressive diseases who might benefit from adjuvant and targeted therapy. It is increasingly recognised that the development and progression of human breast cancer is not only determined by genetically abnormal cells, but also dependent on complex interactions between malignant cells and the surrounding microenvironment. This has led to reconsider the features of tumour microenvironment as potential predictive and prognostic markers. Among these markers, tumour stroma percentage (TSP) and tumour budding, as well as local tumour inflammatory infiltrate have received recent attention. In particular, the local environment of cytokines, proteases, angiogenic and growth factors secreted by inflammatory cells and stromal fibroblasts has identified crucial roles in facilitating tumour growth, and metastasis of cancer cells through lymphatic and/or blood vessel invasion. This might help understand the underlying process promoting tumour invasion into these vessels. An increase in the proportion of tumour stroma and an increase in the dissociation of tumour cells have been associated with poorer survival in a number of solid tumours, including breast cancer. However, the interrelationship between these variables and other features of the tumour microenvironment in different subgroups of breast cancer are not clear. Also, whether their prognostic values are independent of other components of the tumour microenvironment have yet to be identified. Therefore, the relationship between TSP, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, in particular node negative and triple negative disease was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=361). The TSP was assessed on the haematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. With a cut-off value of 50% TSP, patients with ≤50% stroma were classified as the low-TSP group and those with >50% stroma were classified as the high-TSP group. A total of 109 (30%) patients had high TSP. Patients with high TSP were old age (P=0.035), had involved lymph node (P=0.049), Her-2 positive tumours (P=0.029), low-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.034), low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P<0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.023) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.017), tumour recurrence (P=0.015) and shorter CSS (P<0.001). In node negative patients (n=207), high TSP was associated with low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P=0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.040) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.016) and shorter CSS (P=0.005). In triple negative patients (n=103), high TSP was associated with increased tumour size (P=0.017) high tumour grade (P=0.014), low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.048) and shorter CSS (P=0.041). The 15-year cancer specific survival rate was 79% vs 21% in the low-TSP group vs high-TSP group. On multivariate survival analysis, a high TSP was associated with reduced CSS in the whole cohort (P=0.007), node negative patients (P=0.005) and those who received systemic adjuvant therapy (P=0.016), independent of other pathological characteristics including local host inflammatory responses. Therefore, a high TSP in invasive ductal breast cancer was associated with recurrence and poorer long-term survival. The inverse relation with the tumour inflammatory infiltrate highlights the importance of the amount of tumour stroma on immunological response in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. Implementing this simple and reproducible parameter in routine pathological examination may help optimise risk stratification in patients with breast cancer. Similarly, the relationship between tumour budding, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=474), using routine pathological sections. Tumour budding was associated with several adverse pathological characteristics, including positive lymph node (P=0.009), presence of LVI (P<0.001), and high TSP (P=0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.002). In node negative patients, a high tumour budding was associated with presence of LVI (P<0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.038). On multivariate survival analysis, tumour budding was associated with reduced CSS (P=0.001), independent of nodal status, tumour necrosis, CD8+ and CD138+ inflammatory cells infiltrate, LVI, BVI and TSP. Furthermore, tumour budding was independently associated with reduced CSS in node negative patients (P=0.004) and in those who have low TSP (P=0.003) and high-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.012). A high tumour budding was significantly associated with shorter CSS in luminal B and triple negative breast cancer subtypes (all P<0.001). Therefore, tumour budding was a significant predictor of poor survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, independent of adverse pathological characteristics and components of tumour microenvironment. These results suggest that tumour budding may promote disease progression through a direct effect on local and distant invasion into lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, detection of tumour buds at the stroma invasive front might therefore represent a morphologic link between tumour progression, lymphatic invasion, spread of tumour cells to regional lymph nodes, and the establishment of metastatic dissemination. Given the potential importance of the tumour microenvironment, the characterisation of intracellular signalling pathways is important in the tumour microenvironment and is of considerable interest. One plausible signalling molecule that links tumour stroma, inflammatory cell infiltrate and tumour budding is the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT). The relationship between total and phosphorylated STAT1 (ph-STAT1), and total and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, components of tumour microenvironment and survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer was examined. IHC of total and ph-STAT1/STAT3 was performed on tissue microarray of 384 breast cancer specimens. Cellular STAT1 and cellular STAT3 expression at both cytoplasmic and nuclear locations were combined and identified as STAT1/STAT3 tumour cell expression. These results were then related to CSS and phenotypic features of the tumour and host. A high ph-STAT1 and a high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was associated with increased ER (P=0.001 and P<0.001 respectively) and PR (all P<0.05), reduced tumour grade (P=0.015 and P<0.001 respectively) and necrosis (all P=0.001). Ph-STAT1 was associated with increased general peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.007) and ph-STAT3 was associated with lower CD4+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate (P=0.024). On multivariate survival analysis, including both ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, only high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was significantly associated with improved CSS (P=0.010) independent of other tumour and host-based factors. In patients with high necrosis grade, high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was independent predictor of improved CSS (P=0.021). Ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 were also significantly associated with improved cancer specific survival in luminal A and B subtypes. STAT1 and STAT3 tumour cell expression appeared to be an important determinant of favourable outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. The present results suggest that STATs may affect disease outcome through direct impact on tumour cells, and the surrounding microenvironment. The above observations of the present thesis point to the importance of the tumour microenvironment in promoting tumour budding, LVI and BVI. The observations from STATs work may suggest that an important driving mechanism for the above associations is the presence of tumour necrosis, probably secondary to hypoxia. Further work is needed to examine the interaction of other molecular pathways involved in the tumour microenvironment, such as HIF and NFkB in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer.


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We hypothesized that normal human mesothelial cells acquire resistance to asbestos-induced toxicity via induction of one or more epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) - linked survival pathways (phosphoinositol-3-kinase/AKT/ mammalian target of rapamycin and extracellular signal - regulated kinase [ERK] 1/2) during simian virus 40 (SV40) transformation and carcinogenesis. Both isolated HKNM-2 mesothelial cells and a telomerase-immortalized mesothelial line (LP9/TERT-1) were more sensitive to crocidolite asbestos toxicity than an SV40 Tag-immortalized mesothelial line (MET5A) and malignant mesothelioma cell lines (HMESO and PPM Mill). Whereas increases in phosphorylation of AKT (pAKT) were observed in MET5A cells in response to asbestos, LP9/TERT-1 cells exhibited dose-related decreases in pAKT levels. Pretreatment with an EGFR phosphorylation or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 inhibitor abrogated asbestos-induced phosphorylated ERK (pERK) 1/2 levels in both LP9/TERT-1 and MET5A cells as well as increases in pAKT levels in MET5A cells. Transient transfection of small interfering RNAs targeting ERK1, ERK2, or AKT revealed that ERK1/2 pathways were involved in cell death by asbestos in both cell lines. Asbestos-resistant HMESO or PPM Mill cells with high endogenous levels of ERKs or AKT did not show dose-responsive increases in pERK1/ERK1, pERK2/ERK2, or pAKT/AKT levels by asbestos. However, small hairpin ERK2 stable cell lines created from both malignant mesothelioma lines were more sensitive to asbestos toxicity than shERK1 and shControl lines, and exhibited unique, tumor-specific changes in endogenous cell death - related gene expression. Our results suggest that EGFR phosphorylation is causally linkedto pERK and pAKT activation by asbestos in normal and SV40 Tag - immortalized human mesothelial cells. They also indicate that ERK2 plays a role in modulating asbestos toxicity by regulating genes critical to cell injury and survival that are differentially expressed in human mesotheliomas.


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Signals from the tumor microenvironment trigger cancer cells to adopt an invasive phenotype through epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Relatively little is known regarding key signal transduction pathways that serve as cytosolic bridges between cell surface receptors and nuclear transcription factors to induce EMT. A better understanding of these early EMT events may identify potential targets for the control of metastasis. One rapid intracellular signaling pathway that has not yet been explored during EMT induction is calcium. Here we show that stimuli used to induce EMT produce a transient increase in cytosolic calcium levels in human breast cancer cells. Attenuation of the calcium signal by intracellular calcium chelation significantly reduced epidermal growth factor (EGF)- and hypoxia-induced EMT. Intracellular calcium chelation also inhibited EGF-induced activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), while preserving other signal transduction pathways such as Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation. To identify calcium-permeable channels that may regulate EMT induction in breast cancer cells, we performed a targeted siRNA-based screen. We found that transient receptor potential-melastatin-like 7 (TRPM7) channel expression regulated EGF-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and expression of the EMT marker vimentin. Although intracellular calcium chelation almost completely blocked the induction of many EMT markers, including vimentin, Twist and N-cadherin, the effect of TRPM7 silencing was specific for vimentin protein expression and STAT3 phosphorylation. These results indicate that TRPM7 is a partial regulator of EMT in breast cancer cells, and that other calcium-permeable ion channels are also involved in calcium-dependent EMT induction. In summary, this work establishes an important role for the intracellular calcium signal in the induction of EMT in human breast cancer cells. Manipulation of calcium-signaling pathways controlling EMT induction in cancer cells may therefore be an important therapeutic strategy for preventing metastases.