388 resultados para Shucking yard


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The main sources of coarse aggregate for secondary slip form paving in Southwest Iowa exhibit undesirable "D" cracking. "D" cracking is a discoloration of the concrete caused by fine, hairline cracks. These cracks are caused by the freezing and thawing of moisture inside the coarse aggregate. The cracks are often hour glass shaped, are parallel to each other, and occur along saw joints. The B-4, a typical secondary mix, utilizes 50% fine aggregate and 50% coarse aggregate. It has been proposed that a concrete mix with less coarse aggregate and more fine aggregate might impede this type of deterioration. The Nebraska Standard 47B Mix, a 70% fine aggregate, and 30% coarse aggregate mix, as used by Nebraska Department of Roads produces concrete with ultimate strengths in excess of 4500 psi but because of the higher cost of cement (it is a six bag per cubic yard mix) is not competitive with our present secondary mixes. The sands of Southwest Iowa generally have poorer mortar strengths than the average Iowa Sand. Class V Aggregate also found in Southwest Iowa has a coarser sand fraction, therefore it has a better mortar strength, but exhibits an acidic reaction and therefore must be·used with limestone. This illustrates the need to find a mix for use in Southwest Iowa that possesses adequate strength and satisfactory durability at a low cost. The purpose of this study is to determine a concrete mix with an acceptable cement content which will produce physical properties similar to that of our present secondary paving mixes.


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When referenced, the 2012 edition of the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction shall be used for contract work awarded by the Iowa DOT. They may also be incorporated by reference in other contract work on secondary, urban, local systems, or other contract work in which the Iowa DOT has an interest. As modified by the General Supplemental Specifications, these Standard Specifications represent the minimum requirements and may be modified by Supplemental Specifications, Developmental Specifications, and Special Provisions on specific contracts. These Standard Specifications have been written so the Contractor’s responsibilities are indicated by plain language using the Imperative Mood and Active Voice form. Sentences are of the form: Construct isolation joints at all points where driveways meet other walks, curbs, or fixtures in the surface. Ensure finished members are true to detailed dimensions and free from twists, bends, open joints, or other defects resulting from faulty fabrication or defective work. Personnel preparing the JMF shall be Iowa DOT certified in bituminous mix design. The Contracting Authority’s responsibilities are (with some exceptions) indicated by the use of the modal verb “will”. Sentences are of the form: The Engineer will obtain and test density samples for each lot according to Materials I.M. 204. Payment will be the contract unit price for Fabric Reinforcement per square yard (square meter). These standard specifications contain dual units of measure: the United States Standard measure (English units) and the International System of Units (SI or “metric” units). The English units are expressed first then followed by the metric units in parentheses. The measurements expressed in the two systems are not necessarily equal. In some cases the measurements in metric units is a “hard” conversion of the English measurement; i.e. the metric unit has been approximated with a rounded, rationalized metric measurement that is easy to work with and remember. The proposal form will identify whether the work was designed and shall be constructed in English or metric units.


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The Greene County, Iowa, overlay project, completed in October, 1973, was evaluated in October, 1978, after five years of service and most recently in October, 1983, after ten years of service. The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 to 100. The rating was conducted by original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa County, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives. In all, there were 23 and 24 representatives who rated the project in 1978 and 1983 respectively. The 23 or 24 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section or variable. All experimental overlay sections had performed quite well in the period from five through 10 years, experiencing only limited additional deterioration. Based upon this relatively good performance through 10 years, the sections will be maintained for further research with another evaluation at 15 years. The 4" thick nonfibrous mesh reinforced continuous reinforced concrete pavement overlay sections provided the best performance in this research project. Another nonfibrous 5" thick bar reinforced overlay section performed almost as well. The best performance of a fibrous reinforced concrete section was obtained with 160 pounds of fiber per cubic yard.


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The use of chemicals is a critical part of a pro-active winter maintenance program. However, ensuring that the correct chemicals are used is a challenge. On the one hand, budgets are limited, and thus price of chemicals is a major concern. On the other, performance of chemicals, especially at lower pavement temperatures, is not always assured. Two chemicals that are used extensively by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are sodium chloride (or salt) and calcium chloride. While calcium chloride can be effective at much lower temperatures than salt, it is also considerably more expensive. Costs for a gallon of salt brine are typically in the range of $0.05 to $0.10, whereas calcium chloride brine may cost in the range of $1.00 or more per gallon. These costs are of course subject to market forces and will thus change from year to year. The idea of mixing different winter maintenance chemicals is by no means new, and in general discussions it appears that many winter maintenance personnel have from time to time mixed up a jar of chemicals and done some work around the yard to see whether or not their new mix “works.” There are many stories about the mixture turning to “mayonnaise” (or, more colorfully, to “snot”) suggesting that mixing chemicals may give rise to some problems most likely due to precipitation. Further, the question of what constitutes a mixture “working” in this context is a topic of considerable discussion. In this study, mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine were examined to determine their ice melting capability and their freezing point. Using the results from these tests, a linear interpolation model of the ice melting capability of mixtures of the two brines has been developed. Using a criterion based upon the ability of the mixture to melt a certain thickness of ice or snow (expressed as a thickness of melt-water equivalent), the model was extended to develop a material cost per lane mile for the full range of possible mixtures as a function of temperature. This allowed for a comparison of the performance of the various mixtures. From the point of view of melting capacity, mixing calcium chloride brine with salt brine appears to be effective only at very low temperatures (around 0° F and below). However, the approach described herein only considers the material costs, and does not consider application costs or other aspects of the mixture performance than melting capacity. While a unit quantity of calcium chloride is considerably more expensive than a unit quantity of sodium chloride, it also melts considerably more ice. In other words, to achieve the same result, much less calcium chloride brine is required than sodium chloride brine. This is important in considering application costs, because it means that a single application vehicle (for example, a brine dispensing trailer towed behind a snowplow) can cover many more lane miles with calcium chloride brine than with salt brine before needing to refill. Calculating exactly how much could be saved in application costs requires an optimization of routes used in the application of liquids in anti-icing, which is beyond the scope of the current study. However, this may be an area that agencies wish to pursue for future investigation. In discussion with winter maintenance personnel who use mixtures of sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is evident that one reason for this is because the mixture is much more persistent (i.e. it stays longer on the road surface) than straight salt brine. Operationally this persistence is very valuable, but at present there are not any established methods to measure the persistence of a chemical on a pavement. In conclusion, the study presents a method that allows an agency to determine the material costs of using various mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine. The method is based upon the requirement of melting a certain quantity of snow or ice at the ice-pavement interface, and on how much of a chemical or of a mixture of chemicals is required to do that.


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The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632. Using the selected methods, demonstration sections were constructed in Hamilton County on a heavily traveled two-mile section of granular surfaced road that required frequent maintenance during previous thawing periods. Construction procedures and costs of the demonstration sections were documented, and subsequent maintenance requirements were tabulated through two seasonal freeze-thaw periods. Extensive laboratory and field tests were performed prior to construction, as well as before and after the two seasonal freeze-thaw periods, to monitor the performance of the demonstration sections. A weather station was installed at the project site and temperature sensors were embedded in the subgrade to monitor ground temperatures up to a depth of 5 ft and determine the duration and depths of ground freezing and thawing. An economic analysis was performed using the documented construction and maintenance costs, and the estimated cumulative costs per square yard were projected over a 20-year timeframe to determine break-even periods relative to the cost of continuing current maintenance practices. Overall, the sections with biaxial geogrid or macadam base courses had the best observed freeze-thaw performance in this study. These two stabilization methods have larger initial costs and longer break-even periods than aggregate columns, but counties should also weigh the benefits of improved ride quality and savings that these solutions can provide as excellent foundations for future paving or surface upgrades.


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This letter has been prepared as a consultation to evaluate human health impacts from residual contamination left from the former operation of a salvage yard on this property that is planned to be utilized by the North Iowa Humane Society located in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure the Fort Dodge community has the best information possible to safeguard its health. That information is included in following paragraphs.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation used a high molecular weight methacrylate (HMWM) resin to seal a 3,340 ft. x 64 ft. bridge deck in October 1986. The sealing was necessary to prevent deicing salt brine from entering a substantial number of transverse cracks that coincided with the epoxy coated top steel and unprotected bottom steel. HMWM resin is a three component product composed of a monomer, a curnene hydroperoxide initiator and a cobalt naphthenate promoter. The HMWM was applied with a dual spray bar system and flat-fan nozzles. Initiated monomer delivered through one spray bar was mixed in the air with promoted monomer from the other spray bar. The application rate averaged 0.956 gallons per 100 square feet for the tined textured driving lanes. Dry sand was broadcast on the surface at an average coverage of 0.58 lbs. per square yard to maintain friction. Coring showed that the H.MWM resin penetrated the cracks more than two inches deep. Testing of the treated deck yielded Friction Numbers averaging 33 with a treaded tire compared to 36 prior to treatment. An inspection soon after treatment found five leaky cracks in one of the 15 spans. One inspection during a steady rain showed no leakage, but leakage from numerous cracks occurred during a subsequent rain. A second HMWM application was made on two spans to determine if a double application would prevent leakage. This evaluation has not been completed.


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The Iowa road system has approximately 13,000 miles of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements, many of which are reaching the stage where major rehabilitation is required. Age, greater than anticipated traffic, heavier loads and deterioration related to coarse aggregate in the original pavement are some of the reasons that these pavements have reached this level of distress. One method utilized to rehabilitate distressed or underdesigned PCC pavements is the thin bonded Portland Cement Concrete overlay. Since the introduction of thin bonded overlays on highway pavements in 1973, the concrete paving industry has made progress in reducing the construction costs of this rehabilitation technique. With the advent of the shotblast machine, surface preparation costs have decreased from over $4.00 per square yard to most recently $1.42 per square yard. Other construction costs, including placement, grouting and sawing, have also declined. With each project, knowledge and efficiency have improved.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää koivun kasteluvarastoinnin kannattavuus selluteollisuudessa. Lisäksi tutkittiin, kuinka kastelu vaikuttaa puuaineeseen varastoinnin aikana ja kuinka koivun kasteluvarastointi vaikuttaa puun kuorintaan ja haketukseen, keitettävyyteen, vaalenevuuteen sekä sellun laatuun. Enocellin puukentälle rakennettiin kasteluvarasto, jossa varastoitiin 40,000 m3sob koivua. Kastelu oli päällä huhtikuusta lokakuuhun asti. Kastelun vaikutusta puuaineen muutoksiin arvioitiin lahotutkimusten avulla. Tehdaskoeajoissa verrattiin tuoretta, kasteluvarastoitua ja kuivavarastoitua koivua. Puuaines säilyi lähes muuttumattomana yhden kesän kasteluvarastoinnissa. Kastellulla koivulla terveen puun osuus oli yli 85 % kesän lopussa, kun se oli alle 20 % kuivavarastoidulla koivulla. Kuorinnan puuhäviö laskee selvästi kastelukoivulla ja myös hakkeen laatu oli parempaa kuin kuivavarastoidulla koivulla. Kastelukoivulla hakkeen kuoripitoisuus oli vain 0.13 %. Kuoren kuiva-aine oli 12 prosenttiyksikköä alhaisempi kuin kuivalla koivulla, mutta kuoren lämpöarvossa ero oli vain 1 €/ADt. Varastointimenetelmällä ei ollut vaikutusta hakkeen keitettävyyteen, mutta tuoreella puulla keitettävyys oli parempi kuin varastoidulla puulla. Sellun asetoniuutepitoisuus oli samalla tasolla tuoreella ja kastellulla puulla. Kuivalla syyspuulla uutetaso oli korkeampi, vaikka hartsisaippuan annostusta nostettiin 10 kg/ADt. Betulinolitaso oli kastellulla puulla erittäin alhainen puun hyvän kuoriutuvuuden vuoksi. Kastellun ja tuoreen puun vaalenevuus oli parempi kuin kuivalla puulla. Aktiivikloorin kulutus oli 3 – 4 kg/ADt alhaisempi kuin kuivalla syyspuulla. Puun varastoinnilla ei ollut vaikutusta sellun laatuun. Koivun kasteluvarastoinnin kannattavuus on erittäin hyvä. Tuotantokustannukset määritettiin tuoreelle, kastellulle, kierrätetylle sekä kuivalle koivulle. Kasteluvarastointi laskee tuotantokustannuksia noin 10 €/ADt verrattuna kierrätettyyn koivuun. Kuivavarastoidun puun käyttö nostaa tuotantokustannuksia noin 5 €/ADt verrattuna kastelukoivuun. Kierrätetyn ja kuivavarastoidun puun kustannusero johtuu kierrätyskustannuksista. Kasteluvarastolle, jota käytettiin kesällä 2004, takaisinmaksuaika on vain 0.4 vuotta. Jos tavoiteltu takaisinmaksuaika olisi kaksi vuotta, niin perusinvestointi 80,000 m3sob varastolle voisi maksaa noin 370 k€.


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Lappeenrannassa kerätään ja hyödynnetään tällä hetkellä kaatopaikkakaasua 0,3 milj.m3 vuodessa. Biokaasua voitaisiin tuottaa Lappeenrannassa mädättämällä bioperäisiä jätteitä ja biokaasuntuotantoa varten kasvatettuja energiakasveja. Biokaasuntuotantoon soveltuvia jätteitä ovat erilliskerätty biojäte, jätevedenpuhdistamon jätevesiliete, puutarhajäte, lietelannat ja oljet. Kesannolla olevilla peltoaloilla voitaisiin kasvattaa ruokohelpeä. Biokaasun tuotantoon soveltuvia materiaaleja voitaisiin kerätä 143 000 t/a ja kasvattaa 68 000 t/a. Työssä tarkastellaan vaihtoehtoa, jossa mädätetään vain puhdistamoliete, sekä useita materiaaleja mädättävää yhteismädättämöä, johon liittyen tutkitaan kolmea eri vaihtoehtoa: kunnallisen jätteen mädätystä, kaiken jätteen mädätystä ja jätteen sekä energiakasvien mädätystä. Paras sijoituspaikka mädättämölle olisi jätevedenpuhdistamon läheisyydessä. Jätemateriaalista saataisiin kaasua enintään 12 milj. m3 ja energiakasveista enintään 16 milj. m3. Kaasusta voitaisiin tuottaa energiaa CHP-laitoksessa enintään 184 GWh. Mikäli biokaasun tuotannolla halutaan ensisijaisesti vähentää kasvi-huonekaasupäästöjä, kannattaa kaasu jalostaa ajoneuvopolttoaineeksi. Jalostettu kaasu on mahdollista myös syöttää maakaasuverkostoon. Suurimmat tulot on mahdollista saavuttaa yhdistetyssä sähkön- ja lämmöntuotannossa, mikäli biokaasulle suunniteltu syöttötariffi toteutuu. Muussa tapauksessa suurimmat tulot saadaan jalostamalla biokaasua ajoneuvojen polttoaineeksi.


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The forthcoming media revolution of exchanging paper documents to digital media in construction engineering requires new tools to be developed. The basis of this bachelor’s thesis was to explore the preliminary possibilities of exporting imagery from a Building Information Modelling –software to a mobile phone on a construction yard. This was done by producing a Web Service which uses the design software’s Application Programming Interface to interact with a structures model in order to produce the requested imagery. While mobile phones were found lacking as client devices, because of limited processing power and small displays, the implementation showed that the Tekla Structures API can be used to automatically produce various types of imagery. Web Services can be used to transfer this data to the client. Before further development the needs of the contractor, benefits for the building master and inspector and the full potential of the BIM-software need to be mapped out with surveys.


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Diplomityön keskeisenä tavoitteena on ratapihahenkilöstön koulutuksessa käytettävien turvallisuusohjeiden uusiminen. Turvallisuusmateriaalia ei julkaista opinnäytetyön yhteydessä. Raportissa on käsitelty tapaturmien syntyyn liittyviä organisatorisia, inhimillisiä ja teknisiä syytekijöitä. Työhön sisältyy turvallisuuskulttuuria kartoittava mielipidekysely. Tapaturmien syntyyn on vaikea nimetä yksittäistä tekijää tai syytä. Osittain vaara menettää näkyvyytensä tapaturmattomana ajanjaksona, virheet ovat luonnollinen osa ihmisen toimintaa ja päätöksiä tehdään vajavaisen tiedon varassa. Toisaalta on vaikea luoda selkeitä mittareita ja indikaattoreita, jotka kertoisivat yrityksen todellisesta turvallisuustasosta.


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The European transport market has confronted several changes during the last decade. Due to European Union legislative mandates, the railway freight market was deregulated in 2007. The market followed the trend started by other transport modes as well as other previously regulated industries such as banking, telecommunications and energy. Globally, the first country to deregulate the railway freight market was the United States, with the introduction of the Staggers Rail Act in 1980. Some European countries decided to follow suit already before regulation was mandated; among the forerunners were the United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany. The previous research has concentrated only on these countries, which has provided an interesting research gap for this thesis. The Baltic Sea Region consists of countries with different kinds of liberalization paths, including Sweden and Germany, which have been on the frontline, whereas Lithuania and Finland have only one active railway undertaking, the incumbent. The transport market of the European Union is facing further challenges in the near future, due to the Sulphur Directive, oil dependency and the changing structure of European rail networks. In order to improve the accessibility of this peripheral area, further action is required. This research focuses on topics such as the progression of deregulation, barriers to entry, country-specific features, cooperation and internationalization. Based on the research results, it can be stated that the Baltic Sea Region’s railway freight market is expected to change in the future. Further private railway undertakings are anticipated, and these would change the market structure. The realization of European Union’s plans to increase the improved rail network to cover the Baltic States is strongly hoped for, and railway freight market counterparts inside and among countries are starting to enhance their level of cooperation. The Baltic Sea Region countries have several special national characteristics which influence the market and should be taken into account when companies evaluate possible market entry actions. According to thesis interviews, the Swedish market has a strong level of cooperation in the form of an old-boy network, and is supported by a positive attitude of the incumbent towards the private railway undertakings. This has facilitated the entry process of newcomers, and currently the market has numerous operating railway undertakings. A contrary example was found from Poland, where the incumbent sent old rolling stock to the scrap yard rather than sell it to private railway undertakings. The importance of personal relations is highlighted in Russia, followed by the railway market’s strong political bond with politics. Nonetheless, some barriers to entry are shared by the Baltic Sea Region, the main ones being acquisition of rolling stock, bureaucracy and needed investments. The railway freight market is internationalizing, which is perceived via several alliances as well as the increased number of mergers and acquisitions. After deregulation, markets seem to increase the number of railway undertakings at a rather fast pace, but with the passage of time, the larger operators tend to acquire smaller ones. Therefore, it is expected that in a decade’s time, the number of railway undertakings will start to decrease in the deregulation pioneer countries, while the ones coming from behind might still experience an increase. The Russian market is expected to be totally liberalized, and further alliances between the Russian Railways and European railway undertakings are expected to occur. The Baltic Sea Region’s railway freight market is anticipated to improve, and, based on the interviewees’ comments, attract more cargoes from road to rail.


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TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Teknillinen tiedekunta Konetekniikan koulutusohjelma Sami Suvanto Kuorimarummun kantokehän ja lohkon valmistuksen ja vaihdon kriittiset menestystekijät. Diplomityö 2014 64 sivua, 16 kuvaa, 5 taulukkoa, 1 liite Tarkastajat: Professori Jukka Martikainen DI Jari Junninen Hakusanat: kuorimo, kuorimarumpu, kantokehä, vaippalohko, hitsaus Keywords: wood room, debarking drum, support ring, drum shell, welding Sellutehtaiden puunkäsittelylaitoksilla kuorimarumpu on yksi tärkeimmistä prosessilaitteista. Kuorimarummun kantokehän tai lohkon vaihto on tyypillisesti koko puunkäsittelyn elinkaaren merkittävin korjausinvestointi. Markkinoilla on muutamia laitevalmistajia, jotka kilpailevat omien, sekä kilpailijoiden kuorimarumpujen korjausurakoista. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään kuorimarummun kantokehän ja lohkonvaihtourakoiden kriittiset menestystekijät. Selvitys tehdään arvioimalla tekninen konstruktio, vaihtomenetelmät, sekä toimintamalli vaihtoprojektin suorittamisessa. Case tutkimukseen valittiin yksi kilpailijalle hävitty vaippalohkon vaihtotarjous, yksi kilpailijalle hävitty kantokehän vaihtotarjous, sekä yksi kantokehätoimitus. Työn tuloksena vahvuudet ja heikkoudet kuorimarummun kunnossapidossa tulivat esiin. Työn aikana löydettiin myös lukuisia kehitysideoita. Näitä ideoita viedään eteenpäin normaalina kehitystyönä.