989 resultados para Severity Scoring Systems
This paper describes the development of a tree-based decision model to predict the severity of pediatric asthma exacerbations in the emergency department (ED) at 2 h following triage. The model was constructed from retrospective patient data abstracted from the ED charts. The original data was preprocessed to eliminate questionable patient records and to normalize values of age-dependent clinical attributes. The model uses attributes routinely collected in the ED and provides predictions even for incomplete observations. Its performance was verified on independent validating data (split-sample validation) where it demonstrated AUC (area under ROC curve) of 0.83, sensitivity of 84%, specificity of 71% and the Brier score of 0.18. The model is intended to supplement an asthma clinical practice guideline, however, it can be also used as a stand-alone decision tool.
A comparison of antibiotic prescribing indicators and medicines management scoring in secondary care
Poster: - Robust prescribing indicators analogous to those used in primary care are not available currently in NHS hospital trusts - The Department of Health has recently implemented a scheme for self-assessment scoring medicines management processes (maximum 23) in NHS hospitals - There is no clear relationship between average values for two antibiotic prescribing indicators obtained in ten NHS hospital trusts in the West Midlands - There is no clear relationship between either indicator value and the corresponding self-assessment medicines management score - This study highlights the difficulties involved in assessing the medicines management processes in NHS hospitals; better medicines management evaluation systems are needed
Our key contribution is a flexible, automated marking system that adds desirable functionality to existing E-Assessment systems. In our approach, any given E-Assessment system is relegated to a data-collection mechanism, whereas marking and the generation and distribution of personalised per-student feedback is handled separately by our own system. This allows content-rich Microsoft Word feedback documents to be generated and distributed to every student simultaneously according to a per-assessment schedule.
The feedback is adaptive in that it corresponds to the answers given by the student and provides guidance on where they may have gone wrong. It is not limited to simple multiple choice which are the most prescriptive question type offered by most E-Assessment Systems and as such most straightforward to mark consistently and provide individual per-alternative feedback strings. It is also better equipped to handle the use of mathematical symbols and images within the feedback documents which is more flexible than existing E-Assessment systems, which can only handle simple text strings.
As well as MCQs the system reliably and robustly handles Multiple Response, Text Matching and Numeric style questions in a more flexible manner than Questionmark: Perception and other E-Assessment Systems. It can also reliably handle multi-part questions where the response to an earlier question influences the answer to a later one and can adjust both scoring and feedback appropriately.
New question formats can be added at any time provided a corresponding marking method conforming to certain templates can also be programmed. Indeed, any question type for which a programmatic method of marking can be devised may be supported by our system. Furthermore, since the student’s response to each is question is marked programmatically, our system can be set to allow for minor deviations from the correct answer, and if appropriate award partial marks.
Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) plays a pivotal role in energy homeostasis, namely during periods of fasting or metabolic stress. FAO defects are a group of inherited metabolic disorders that encompass at least twelve distinct enzyme or transporter deficiencies, and can present with a wide range of clinical symptoms with various degrees of severity. Besides recent advances, many doubts still remain on the degree and characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction on FAOD and its contribution to the clinical phenotype.
Agricultural land has been identified as a potential source of greenhouse gas emissions offsets through biosequestration in vegetation and soil. In the extensive grazing land of Australia, landholders may participate in the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund and create offsets by reducing woody vegetation clearing and allowing native woody plant regrowth to grow. This study used bioeconomic modelling to evaluate the trade-offs between an existing central Queensland grazing operation, which has been using repeated tree clearing to maintain pasture growth, and an alternative carbon and grazing enterprise in which tree clearing is reduced and the additional carbon sequestered in trees is sold. The results showed that ceasing clearing in favour of producing offsets produces a higher net present value over 20 years than the existing cattle enterprise at carbon prices, which are close to current (2015) market levels (~$13 t–1 CO2-e). However, by modifying key variables, relative profitability did change. Sensitivity analysis evaluated key variables, which determine the relative profitability of carbon and cattle. In order of importance these were: the carbon price, the gross margin of cattle production, the severity of the tree–grass relationship, the area of regrowth retained, the age of regrowth at the start of the project, and to a lesser extent the cost of carbon project administration, compliance and monitoring. Based on the analysis, retaining regrowth to generate carbon income may be worthwhile for cattle producers in Australia, but careful consideration needs to be given to the opportunity cost of reduced cattle income.
International audience
Dyscalculia is usually perceived of as a specific learning difficulty for mathematics or, more appropriately, arithmetic. Because definitions and diagnoses of dyscalculia are in their infancy and sometimes are contradictory. However, mathematical learning difficulties are certainly not in their infancy and are very prevalent and often devastating in their impact. Co-occurrence of learning disorders appears to be the rule rather than the exception. Co-occurrence is generally assumed to be a consequence of risk factors that are shared between disorders, for example, working memory. However, it should not be assumed that all dyslexics have problems with mathematics, although the percentage may be very high, or that all dyscalculics have problems with reading and writing. Because mathematics is very developmental, any insecurity or uncertainty in early topics will impact on later topics, hence to need to take intervention back to basics. However, it may be worked out in order to decrease its degree of severity. For example, disMAT, an app developed for android may help children to apply mathematical concepts, without much effort, that is turning in itself, a promising tool to dyscalculia treatment. Thus, this work will focus on the development of a Decision Support System to estimate children evidences of dyscalculia, based on data obtained on-the-fly with disMAT. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, grounded on a Case-based approach to computing, that allows for the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information.
The thesis has been carried out within the “SHAPE Project - Predicting Strength Changes in Bridges from Frequency Data Safety, Hazard, and Poly-harmonic Evaluation” (ERA-NET Plus Infravation Call 2014) which dealt with the structural assessment of existing bridges and laboratory structural reproductions through the use of vibration-based monitoring systems, for detecting changes in their natural frequencies and correlating them with the occurrence of damage. The main purpose of this PhD dissertation has been the detection of the variation of the main natural frequencies as a consequence of a previous-established damage configuration provided on a structure. Firstly, the effect of local damage on the modal feature has been discussed mainly concerning a steel frame and a composite steel-concrete bridge. Concerning the variation of the fundamental frequency of the small bridge, the increasing severity of two local damages has been investigated. Moreover, the comparison with a 3D FE model is even presented establishing a link between the dynamic properties and the damage features. Then, moving towards a diffused damage pattern, four concrete beams and a small concrete deck were loaded achieving the yielding of the steel reinforcement. The stiffness deterioration in terms of frequency shifts has been reconsidered by collecting a large set of dynamic experiments on simply supported R.C. beams discussed in the literature. The comparison of the load-frequency curves suggested a significant agreement among all the experiments. Thus, in the framework of damage mechanics, the “breathing cracks” phenomenon has been discussed leading to an analytical formula able to explain the frequency decay observed experimentally. Lastly, some dynamic investigations of two existing bridges and the corresponding FE Models are presented in Chapter 4. Moreover, concerning the bridge in Bologna, two prototypes of a network of accelerometers were installed and the data of a few months of monitoring have been discussed.
The development and maintenance of the sealing of the root canal system is the key to the success of root canal treatment. The resin-based adhesive material has the potential to reduce the microleakage of the root canal because of its adhesive properties and penetration into dentinal walls. Moreover, the irrigation protocols may have an influence on the adhesiveness of resin-based sealers to root dentin. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigant protocols on coronal bacterial microleakage of gutta-percha/AH Plus and Resilon/Real Seal Self-etch systems. One hundred ninety pre-molars were used. The teeth were divided into 18 experimental groups according to the irrigation protocols and filling materials used. The protocols used were: distilled water; sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)+eDTA; NaOCl+H3PO4; NaOCl+eDTA+chlorhexidine (CHX); NaOCl+H3PO4+CHX; CHX+eDTA; CHX+ H3PO4; CHX+eDTA+CHX and CHX+H3PO4+CHX. Gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Real Seal Se were used as root-filling materials. The coronal microleakage was evaluated for 90 days against Enterococcus faecalis. Data were statistically analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival test, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. No significant difference was verified in the groups using chlorhexidine or sodium hypochlorite during the chemo-mechanical preparation followed by eDTA or phosphoric acid for smear layer removal. The same results were found for filling materials. However, the statistical analyses revealed that a final flush with 2% chlorhexidine reduced significantly the coronal microleakage. A final flush with 2% chlorhexidine after smear layer removal reduces coronal microleakage of teeth filled with gutta-percha/AH Plus or Resilon/Real Seal SE.
To evaluate the effectiveness of Reciproc for the removal of cultivable bacteria and endotoxins from root canals in comparison with multifile rotary systems. The root canals of forty human single-rooted mandibular pre-molars were contaminated with an Escherichia coli suspension for 21 days and randomly assigned to four groups according to the instrumentation system: GI - Reciproc (VDW); GII - Mtwo (VDW); GIII - ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer); and GIV -FKG Race(™) (FKG Dentaire) (n = 10 per group). Bacterial and endotoxin samples were taken with a sterile/apyrogenic paper point before (s1) and after instrumentation (s2). Culture techniques determined the colony-forming units (CFU) and the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay was used for endotoxin quantification. Results were submitted to paired t-test and anova. At s1, bacteria and endotoxins were recovered in 100% of the root canals investigated (40/40). After instrumentation, all systems were associated with a highly significant reduction of the bacterial load and endotoxin levels, respectively: GI - Reciproc (99.34% and 91.69%); GII - Mtwo (99.86% and 83.11%); GIII - ProTaper (99.93% and 78.56%) and GIV - FKG Race(™) (99.99% and 82.52%) (P < 0.001). No statistical difference were found amongst the instrumentation systems regarding bacteria and endotoxin removal (P > 0.01). The reciprocating single file, Reciproc, was as effective as the multifile rotary systems for the removal of bacteria and endotoxins from root canals.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has a high prevalence among adults. Cephalometric variables can be a valuable method for evaluating patients with this syndrome. To correlate cephalometric data with the apnea-hypopnea sleep index. We performed a retrospective and cross-sectional study that analyzed the cephalometric data of patients followed in the Sleep Disorders Outpatient Clinic of the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of a university hospital, from June 2007 to May 2012. Ninety-six patients were included, 45 men, and 51 women, with a mean age of 50.3 years. A total of 11 patients had snoring, 20 had mild apnea, 26 had moderate apnea, and 39 had severe apnea. The distance from the hyoid bone to the mandibular plane was the only variable that showed a statistically significant correlation with the apnea-hypopnea index. Cephalometric variables are useful tools for the understanding of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The distance from the hyoid bone to the mandibular plane showed a statistically significant correlation with the apnea-hypopnea index.
Our objective was to investigate spinal cord (SC) atrophy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, and to determine whether it correlates with clinical parameters. Forty-three patients with ALS (25 males) and 43 age- and gender-matched healthy controls underwent MRI on a 3T scanner. We used T1-weighted 3D images covering the whole brain and the cervical SC to estimate cervical SC area and eccentricity at C2/C3 level using validated software (SpineSeg). Disease severity was quantified with the ALSFRS-R and ALS Severity scores. SC areas of patients and controls were compared with a Mann-Whitney test. We used linear regression to investigate association between SC area and clinical parameters. Results showed that mean age of patients and disease duration were 53.1 ± 12.2 years and 34.0 ± 29.8 months, respectively. The two groups were significantly different regarding SC areas (67.8 ± 6.8 mm² vs. 59.5 ± 8.4 mm², p < 0.001). Eccentricity values were similar in both groups (p = 0.394). SC areas correlated with disease duration (r = - 0.585, p < 0.001), ALSFRS-R score (r = 0.309, p = 0.044) and ALS Severity scale (r = 0.347, p = 0.022). In conclusion, patients with ALS have SC atrophy, but no flattening. In addition, SC areas correlated with disease duration and functional status. These data suggest that quantitative MRI of the SC may be a useful biomarker in the disease.
The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis stress distribution on short and long implants of two dental implant systems with 2-unit implant-supported fixed partial prostheses of 8 mm and 13 mm heights. Sixteen photoelastic models were divided into 4 groups: I: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Neodent), II: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Bicon), III: short implant (5 × 6 mm) (Neodent), and IV: short implants (5 × 6 mm) (Bicon). The models were positioned in a circular polariscope associated with a cell load and static axial (0.5 Kgf) and nonaxial load (15°, 0.5 Kgf) were applied to each group for both prosthetic crown heights. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare the factors implant length, crown height, and implant system (α = 0.05). The results showed that implant length was a statistically significant factor for both axial and nonaxial loading. The 13 mm prosthetic crown did not result in statistically significant differences in stress distribution between the implant systems and implant lengths studied, regardless of load type (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that short implants showed higher stress levels than long implants. Implant system and length was not relevant factors when prosthetic crown height were increased.
There is a paucity of literature on haemophilia treatment in Latin American countries, a region characterized by rapidly improving systems of care, but with substantial disparities in treatment between countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the musculoskeletal status of haemophilia patients from Latin America and to examine the relationship between musculoskeletal status and treatment practices across countries. The Committee of Latin America on the Therapeutics of Inhibitor Groups conducted a survey of its member country representatives on key aspects of haemophilia treatment in 10 countries. Musculoskeletal status of patients was obtained during routine comprehensive evaluations between March 2009 and March 2011. Eligible patients had severe haemophilia A (factor VIII <1%) without inhibitors (<0.6 BU mL(-1) ) and were ≥5 years of age. Musculoskeletal status was compared between three groups of countries, based primarily on differences in the availability of long-term prophylaxis. Overall, 143 patients (5-66 years of age) were enrolled from nine countries. In countries where long-term prophylaxis had been available for at least 10 years (Group A), patients aged 5-10 years had significantly better mean World Federation of Hemophilia clinical scores, fewer target joints and fewer affected joints than patients from countries where long-term prophylaxis has been available for about 5 years (Group B) or was not available (Group C). In Latin America, the musculoskeletal status of patients with severe haemophilia without inhibitors has improved significantly in association with the provision of long-term prophylaxis. As more countries in Latin America institute this practice, further improvements are anticipated.