966 resultados para Semen concentration methods
Técnicas de biópsia, caracterizadas pela remoção de segmentos de órgãos e tecidos para análise histopatológica, não são indicadas no auxílio diagnóstico de alterações testiculares para animais ameaçados de extinção, por não serem totalmente isentas de riscos. Neste sentido, é de grande interesse que se desenvolvam técnicas de biópsia testicular cada vez mais seguras e com o mínimo de conseqüências negativas. Com este intuito três onças pintadas (Panthera onca) foram submetidas a exames de Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF). Amostras foram obtidas através da punção aspirativa dos testículos, esfregaços foram confeccionados, corados com Panótico e analisados sob Microscopia Óptica. Simultaneamente foram realizadas coletas de sêmen para avaliação do volume, pH, concentração, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto à avaliação espermática, os animais apresentaram valores semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura quanto ao volume, pH, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto a concentração espermática os animais apresentaram valores abaixo dos encontrados na literatura. Nos exames de CAAF, todas as gerações de células germinativas foram identificadas, indicando espermatogênese normal em todos os animais, com exceção das espermátides finais duplas que ainda não foram relatadas como achados em punções testiculares de outras espécies, o que vem confirmar a elevada porcentagem de células teratológicas encontradas nesses animais. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a CAAF testicular é um método diagnóstico auxiliar importante na detecção de alterações testiculares em casos de sub ou infertilidade, podendo ser utilizados na rotina de investigação do trato reprodutivo masculino, quando o exame histopatológico, por ser um método altamente invasivo, é desaconselhável.
Background: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the cerebral ventricles through ultrafiltration of plasma and active transport mechanisms. Evaluation of proteins in CSF may provide important information about the production of immunoglobulins within the central nervous system as well as possible disturbances in the blood-brain barrier. Objective: the objective of this study was to measure the concentration and fractions of protein in CSF samples using a membrane microconcentrator technique followed by electrophoresis, and to compare the protein fractions obtained with those in serum. Methods: CSF samples from 3 healthy dogs and 3 dogs with canine distemper virus infection were concentrated using a membrane microconcentrator having a 0.5 to 30,000 d nominal molecular weight limit (Ultrafree, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). Protein concentration was determined before and after concentration. Agarose gel electrophoresis was done on concentrated CSF samples, serum, and serial dilutions of one of the CSF samples. Results: Electrophoretic bands were clearly identified in densitometer tracings in CSF samples with protein concentrations as low as 1.3 g/dL. The higher CSF protein concentration in dogs with distemper was mainly the result of increased albumin concentration. Conclusion: the microconcentrating method used in this study enables characterization of the main protein fractions in CSF by routine electrophoresis and may be useful for interpreting the underlying cause of changes in CSF protein concentrations
The interaction between the nonionic surfactant C(12)E(5) and a high molar mass (M = 5.94 x 10(5)) poly(ethylene oxide) (PEG) in aqueous solution has been examined as a function of temperature by dynamic light scattering and fluorescence methods over a broad concentration range. Clusters of small surfactant micelles form within the PEO coil, leading to its extension. The hydrodynamic radius of the complex increases strongly with temperature as well as with the concentrations of surfactant and polymer. At high concentrations of the surfactant, the coil/micellar cluster complex coexists with free C(12)E(5) micelles in the solution. Fluorescence quenching measurements show a moderate micellar growth from 155 to 203 monomers in PEO-free solutions of C(12)E(5) over a wide concentration range (0.02-2.5%) at 8 degrees C. Below 0.25% C(12)E(5), the average aggregation number (N) of the micelles is smaller in the presence of PEO than in its absence. However, N increases with increasing surfactant concentration up to a plateau value of about 270 at about 1.2% (ca. 30 mM) C(12)E(5). At high surfactant concentrations, N is larger in the presence of polymer than in its absence, a finding which is connected to a significant lowering of the clouding temperature due to the PEO at these compositions. Similar results of increasing aggregation number followed by a plateau were also found at a fixed concentration of surfactant (2.5%) and varied PEO.
The acidic ninhydrin spectrophotometric method (ANSM) for quantitative determination of free and bound sialic acid of milk glycoprotein has been proved to be fast and efficient for routine detection of fraudulent addition of rennet whey to fluid milk. In this research the ANSM was compared with the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, internationally recommended for caseinomacropeptide (CMP) determination, which besides its high accuracy is more sophisticated and requires trained personnel. For several sample conditions (raw milk and milk with variable added amounts of rennet cheese whey), the methods showed an excellent linear correlation, with r = 0.981 when milk was deproteinized with a 120 g.L-1 final concentration of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) concentration. The best correlations could be seen with final concentrations of 100 g.L-1 and 80 g.L-1 TCA; respectively, r = 0.992 and 0.993.
Dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical periodontitis were treated endodontically by two different methods, and the results were compared. A total of 40 root canals from the upper and lower premolars of two dogs were prepared chemomechanically. In method 1, a high-concentration (5.25%) hypochlorite solution was used during the instrumentation of the root canal, and an antibacterial dressing was applied between sessions, followed by filling of the root canal. In method 2, a low-concentration (0.5%) sodium hypochlorite solution was used as an adjunct to mechanical debridement, and the root canal was filled during the same session. The histopathological results showed that method 1 led to better periapical repair than method 2.
Effects of a short-term hyper- and hypoprolactinaemia on serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and semen quality in six male Beagles were investigated. Blood samples were collected at 3-day intervals for 12 weeks. The time span was divided into five 3-week periods: pre-treatment, metoclopramide (MCP) treatment (0.2 mg/kg orally three times daily), cabergoline (CAB) treatment (5 mu g/kg orally once daily), post-treatment 1 and post-treatment 2. In the latter, only semen characteristics were evaluated. Semen parameters were analyzed once per week during the whole 15-week investigation time. At the end of each period, the effects of a single intravenous injection of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 mu g/kg) on the secretion of prolactin (PRL), LH, testosterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroxine (T4) were investigated. Pre-treatment serum PRL concentration increased under MCP (p < 0.05), followed by a decrease under CAB administration (p < 0.05). Luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations were not affected. Except for straight-line sperm velocity, semen quality did not differ between collection periods. A single iv TRH injection induced a significant PRL increase at 20 min in all experimental periods except during CAB treatment. Luteinizing hormone and testosterone did not show clear TRH-related changes. Basic T4 levels were significantly reduced after CAB treatment ( p < 0.05). The results of the present study demonstrate that MCP-induced short-term hyperprolactinaemia in male beagles does not seriously affect the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and semen quality.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dynamic light scattering has been used to investigate ternary aqueous solutions of n-dodecyl octaoxyethylene glycol monoetber (C12E8) with high molar mass poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). The measurements were made at 20 °C, always below the cloud point temperature (Tc) of the mixed solutions. The relaxation time distributions are bimodal at higher PEO and surfactant concentrations, owing to the preacute of free surfactant micelles, which coexist with the slower component, representing the polymer coil/micellar cluster comptex. As the surfactant concentration is increased, the apparent hydrodynamic radius (RH) of the coil becomes progressively larger. It is suggested that the complex structure consists of clusters of micelles sited within the polymer coil, as previously concluded for the PEO-C12E8-water system. However. C12E8 interacts less strongly than C12E8 with PEO; at low concentrations of surfactant the complex does not contribute significantly to the total scattered intensity. The perturbation of the PEO coil radius with C12E8 is also smaller than that in the C12E8 system. The addition of PEO strongly decreases the clouding temperature of the system, as previously observed for C12E8/PEO mixtures in solution Addition of PEO up to 0.2% to C12E8 (10 wt %) solutions doss not alter the aggregation number (Nagg) of the micelles probably because the surfactant monomers are equally partitioned as bound and unbound micelles. The critical micelle concentration (cmc), obtained from the I1/I3 ratio (a measure of the dependence of the vibronic band intensities on the pyrene probe environment), does not change when PEO is added, suggesting that for neutral polymer/surfactant systems the trends in Nagg and the cmc do not unambiguously reflect the strength of interaction.
Objectives: We performed a study to evaluate the adverse effects of smoker patient on semen parameters. Material and Methods: We studied retrospective 238 semen specimen, 115 from men smoking and 123 from men nosmoking. Sperm concentration, motility, morphology and vitality were confront in statistic test. Results: In 31% smoke between 1 and 10 cigarettes per day, 26% smoked 10 and 19 per day, 42% smoke more than 20 per day. The distribution of heavy smokes and light smokes did not differ statistically between the groups. Only a significant difference found between smoker and controls, there was about motility, morphology. There is difference in vitality and concentration per ml. Conclusions: This study indicates only a minor effect of smoker patient on male subfertility. Although smokers as a group may not experience reduced fertility, men with marginal semen quality may benefit from quitting smoking.
Antifungal activity of natural products has been tested by adapting methods designed for synthetic drugs. In this study, two methods for the determination of antifungal activity of natural products, agar diffusion and broth microdilution, the CLSI reference methods for synthetic drugs, are compared and discussed. The microdilution method was more sensitive. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of crude extracts, fractions and pure substances from different species of the plant families Piperaceae, Rubiaceae, Clusiaceae, Fabaceae and Lauraceae, from the Biota project, were determined. Antifungal activities against Candida albicans, C.krusei, C.parapsilosis and Cryptococcus neoformans were produced by several samples.
The influence of Toxoplasma gondii on semen variables and sperm morphology of sheep was evaluated in eight reproductive males distributed into three experimental groups: GI, three sheep inoculated with 2.0 × 105 of P strain oocytes; GII, three sheep infected with 1.0 × 106 of RH strain tachyzoites and; GIII two control sheep. Clinical (rectal temperature, cardiac and respiratory frequencies), parasite and serology exams (IIF) were realized. Sperm variables (volume, motility, vigor and concentration) and semen morphology for each sheep were also evaluated. Thus, semen and blood collections were assessed on post-inoculation days (PIDs)-1,3,5,7,11,14 and weekly thereafter up to PID 70. Clinical alterations were observed (hypothermia and anorexia) in infected sheep from groups GI and GII. Parasitic outbreaks were detected in five sheep. All the infected sheep produced antibodies against T. gondii from PID 5 onwards, reaching a peak of 4096 and 8192 for group GI and GII sheep, respectively. Differences (P < 0.05) were observed regarding the ejaculate volume between the inoculated groups (oocytes and tachyzoites) and control. Even though experimental toxoplasmic infection resulted in clinical symptomology in the inoculated sheep, the minimal alterations in sperm pathologies could not be directly attributed to T. gondii. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Amifostine is an efficient cytoprotector against toxicity caused by some chemotherapeutic drugs. Doxorubicin, a potent anticancer anthracycline, is known to produce spermatogenic damage even in low doses. Although some studies have suggested that amifostine does not confer protection to doxorubicin-induced testicular damage, schedules and age of treatment have different approach depending on the protocol. Thus, we proposed to investigate the potential cytoprotective action of amifostine against the damage provoked by doxorubicin to prepubertal rat testes (30-day-old) by assessing some macro and microscopic morphometric parameters 15, 30 and 60 days after the treatment; for fertility evaluation, quantitative analyses of sperm parameters and reproductive competence in the adult phase were also carried out.Methods: Thirty-day-old male rats were distributed into four groups: Doxorubicin (5 mg/kg), Amifostine (400 mg/kg), Amifostine/Doxorubicin (amifostine 15 minutes before doxorubicin) and Sham Control (0.9% saline solution). Standard One Way Anova parametric and Anova on Ranks non-parametric tests were applied according to the behavior of the obtained data; significant differences were considered when p < 0.05.Results: The rats killed 30 and 60 days after doxorubicin treatment showed diminution of seminiferous epithelium height and reduction on the frequency of tubular sections containing at least one type of differentiated spermatogonia; reduction of sperm concentration and motility and an increase of sperm anomalous forms where observed in doxorubicin-treated animals. All these parameters were improved in the Amifostine/Doxorubicin group only when compared to Doxorubicin group. Such reduction, however, still remained below the values obtained from the Sham Control group. Nevertheless, the reproductive competence of doxorubicin-treated rats was not improved by amifostine pre-administration.Conclusions: These results suggest that amifostine promotes a significant reduction of the doxorubicin long-term side effects on the seminiferous epithelium of prepubertal rats, which is reflected in the epidydimal fluid parameters in the adult phase. However, fertility status results suggest that such protection may not be effective against sperm DNA content damage. Further investigation of sperm DNA integrity must be carried out using amifostine and doxorubicin-treated experimental models. © 2010 Vendramini et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Objectives: To evaluate the fluoride ion concentration in some fermented milks present in the market. Methods: Three brands of 6 fermented milks (Parmalat®-uva, Chamyto®, Paulista®, Batavito®, Yakult®, Vigor Club®) were analyzed. Fluoride concentration was evaluated after facilitated microdiffusion by HDMS. Results: Parmalat® products ranged from 0.022 μgF/g to 0.031 μgF/g, Chamyto® from 0.228 μgF/g to 0.272 μgF/g, Paulista® from 0.182 μgF/g to 0.220 μgF/g, Batavito® from 0.028 μgF/g to 0.030 μgF/g, Yakult® from 0.115 μgF/g to 0.206 μgF/g and Vigor Club® from 0.808 μgF/g to 1.171 μgF/g. Conclusions: The presence of fluoride could be observed in all of the fermented milks analyzed which can contribute with the total fluoride daily intake.
Possible mechanism by which zinc protects the testicular function of rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in testicular function of rats due to cigarette smoke exposure and the possible mechanism by which zinc protects against these alterations. Methods: MaleWistar rats (60 days old) were randomly divided into 3 groups: control (G1, n = 10); exposed to cigarette smoke (G2, n = 10; 20 cigarettes/day/9 weeks) and exposed to cigarette smoke and supplemented with zinc (G3, n = 8; 20 cigarettes/day/9 weeks; 20 mg/kg zinc chloride daily for 9 weeks, by gavage). After the treatment period, the animals were euthanized, and materials were collected for analyses. Results: G2 rats showed a reduction in body mass; impaired sperm concentration, motility, morphology and vitality; and increased malonaldehyde and thiol group levels and superoxide dismutase activity as compared to G1. Zinc prevented the reduction of sperm concentration and the excessive increase of lipid peroxidation and induced an increase in plasma testosterone levels, wet weight of testis and thiol group concentration. Conclusions: Exposure to cigarette smoke led to harmful effects on testicular function at least partially due to the exacerbation of oxidative stress. Supplementary zinc had an important modulator/protector effect on certain parameters. The mechanism of zinc protection can be through an increase of SH concentration. Thus, zinc supplementation may be a promising addition to conventional treatments for male infertility related to smoking. Copyright © 2012 by Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences.