857 resultados para Security and Defence


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This work presents first a study of the national and international laws in the fields of safety, security and safeguards. The international treaties and the recommendations issued by the IAEA as well as the national regulations in force in France, the United States and Italy are analyzed. As a result of this, a comparison among them is presented. Given the interest of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the aspects of criminal penalties and monetary, also the Japanese case is analyzed. The main part of this work was held at the JAEA in the field of proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) of a GEN IV sodium fast reactor. For this purpose the design of the system is completed and the PR & PP methodology is applied to obtain data usable by designers for the improvement of the system itself. Due to the presence of sensitive data, not all the details can be disclosed. The reactor site of a hypothetical and commercial sodium-cooled fast neutron nuclear reactor system (SFR) is used as the target NES for the application of the methodology. The methodology is applied to all the PR and PP scenarios: diversion, misuse and breakout; theft and sabotage. The methodology is applied to the SFR to check if this system meets the target of PR and PP as described in the GIF goal; secondly, a comparison between the SFR and a LWR is performed to evaluate if and how it would be possible to improve the PR&PP of the SFR. The comparison is implemented according to the example development target: achieving PR&PP similar or superior to domestic and international ALWR. Three main actions were performed: implement the evaluation methodology; characterize the PR&PP for the nuclear energy system; identify recommendations for system designers through the comparison.


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The European Union’s (EU) area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) portfolio comprises policy areas such as immigration and asylum, and police and judicial cooperation. Steps were taken to bring this field into the mandate of the EU first by the Maastricht Treaty, followed by changes implemented by the Amsterdam and Lisbon Treaties, the last one ‘normalizing’ the EU’s erstwhile Third Pillar. As the emergent EU regime continues to consolidate in this field, NGOs of various kinds continue to seek to influence policy-making and implementation, with varying success. This article seeks to establish the context in which NGOs carry out their work and argues that the EU-NGO interface is impacted both by the institutional realities of the European Union and the capacities of EU-oriented NGOs to seize and expand opportunities for access and input into the policy cycle. Using EU instruments representing three different policy bundles in AFSJ (immigration, asylum and judicial cooperation in criminal matters), the article seeks to map out NGO strategies in engaging and oftentimes resisting European Union policy instruments.


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Traditionally, keratinocytes have been considered inert constituents of the multilayered epidermis. Today's understanding has fundamentally changed. The keratinocyte is now recognized as an active player in epidermal renewal with key functions in the skin's immune defence. Under homeostatic conditions, keratinocyte progenitor cells are believed to divide symmetrically or asymmetrically, that is they continue to proliferate or go on to terminally differentiate and build up the overlaying epidermis. The fine-tuned process of epidermal renewal relies on an extraordinary network of signalling cascades which are governed by keratinocyte-receptor interactions with the environment through paracrine and autocrine circuits. Opposing this coordinated homeostatic process are signals of wounding and inflammation. They alter the fate of the keratinocyte and its response to the environment through changes in adhesion molecules and surface receptors, in addition to triggering an immediate inflammatory keratinocyte response in terms of secretion of cytokines, chemokines and antimicrobial peptides. If uncontrolled, the fundamental changes imposed by wounding and inflammation upon the homeostatic programme can lead to severe skin lesions including chronic inflammatory disorders. This review will describe the current knowledge of the regulatory signalling network which allows the keratinocyte to actively impact both epidermal homeostasis and the inflammatory response.


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Food security is important. A rising world population coupled with climate change creates growing pressure on global world food supplies. States alleviate this pressure domestically by attracting agri-foreign direct investment (agri-FDI). This is a high-risk strategy for weak states: the state may gain valuable foreign currency, technology and debt-free growth; but equally, investors may fail to deliver on their commitments and exploit weak domestic legal infrastructure to ‘grab’ large areas of prime agricultural land, leaving only marginal land for domestic production. A net loss to local food security and to the national economy results. This is problematic because the state must continue to guarantee its citizens’ right to food and property. Agri-FDI needs close regulation to maximise its benefit. This article maps the multilevel system of governance covering agri-FDI. We show how this system creates asymmetric rights in favour of the investor to the detriment of the host state’s food security and how these problems might be alleviated.


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There is a general consensus that healthy soils are pivotal for food security. Food production is one of the main ecosystem services provided by and thus dependent on well-functioning soils. There are also intrinsic connections between the four pillars of food security: food availability, access, utilization, and stability; with how soils are managed, accessed and secured, in particular by food insecure and vulnerable populations. On the other hand, socio-political and economic processes that precipitate inequalities and heighten vulnerabilities among poor populations often increase pressure on soils due to unsustainable forms of land use and poor agricultural practises. This has often led to scenarios that can be described as: ‘poor soils, empty stomachs (hungry people) and poor livelihoods.' In 2015, in particular, as we head towards approval of the ‘Sustainable Development Goals' (SDGs), the role of Financing for Development is debated and agreed upon and a new climate pact is signed – these three political dimensions define how a new post-2015 agenda needs to be people-smart as well as resource-smart. For proposed SDG 2 (Food Security and Hunger), there can be so resolution without addressing people, policies and institutions.


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Development of PCB-integrateable microsensors for monitoring chemical species is a goal in areas such as lab-on-a-chip analytical devices, diagnostics medicine and electronics for hand-held instruments where the device size is a major issue. Cellular phones have pervaded the world inhabitants and their usefulness has dramatically increased with the introduction of smartphones due to a combination of amazing processing power in a confined space, geolocalization and manifold telecommunication features. Therefore, a number of physical and chemical sensors that add value to the terminal for health monitoring, personal safety (at home, at work) and, eventually, national security have started to be developed, capitalizing also on the huge number of circulating cell phones. The chemical sensor-enabled “super” smartphone provides a unique (bio)sensing platform for monitoring airborne or waterborne hazardous chemicals or microorganisms for both single user and crowdsourcing security applications. Some of the latest ones are illustrated by a few examples. Moreover, we have recently achieved for the first time (covalent) functionalization of p- and n-GaN semiconductor surfaces with tuneable luminescent indicator dyes of the Ru-polypyridyl family, as a key step in the development of innovative microsensors for smartphone applications. Chemical “sensoring” of GaN-based blue LED chips with those indicators has also been achieved by plasma treatment of their surface, and the micrometer-sized devices have been tested to monitor O2 in the gas phase to show their full functionality. Novel strategies to enhance the sensor sensitivity such as changing the length and nature of the siloxane buffer layer are discussed in this paper.


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This research addressed the development of a consolidated model designed especially to cover the security and usability attributes of a software product. As a starting point, we built a new usability model on the basis of well-known quality standards and models. We then used an existing security model to analyse the relationship between these two approaches. This analysis consisted of a systematic mapping study of the relationship between security and usability as global quality factors. We identified five relationship types: inverse, direct, relative, one-way inverse, and no relationship. Most authors agree that there is an inverse relationship between security and usability. However, this is not a unanimous finding, and this study unveils a number of open questions, like application domain dependency and the need to explore lower-level relationships between attribute subcharacteristics. In order to clarify the questions raised during the research, we conducted a second systematic mapping to further analyse the finer-grained structure of these factors, such as authentication as a subset of security and user efficiency as a subset of usability. The most relevant finding is that efficiency does not depend on the security level during the authentication process. There are other subfactors that require analysis. Accordingly, this research is the first part of a larger project to develop a full-blown consolidated model for security and usability.


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Water for Food Security and Wellbeing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Side Event organizado por el OA en colaboración con el Centro del Agua de América Latina y el Caribe y el Tecnológico de Monterrey. World Water Week Stockholm, 2 September 2013.


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Hoy en día asistimos a un creciente interés por parte de la sociedad hacia el cuidado de la salud. Esta afirmación viene apoyada por dos realidades. Por una parte, el aumento de las prácticas saludables (actividad deportiva, cuidado de la alimentación, etc.). De igual manera, el auge de los dispositivos inteligentes (relojes, móviles o pulseras) capaces de medir distintos parámetros físicos como el pulso cardíaco, el ritmo respiratorio, la distancia recorrida, las calorías consumidas, etc. Combinando ambos factores (interés por el estado de salud y disponibilidad comercial de dispositivos inteligentes) están surgiendo multitud de aplicaciones capaces no solo de controlar el estado actual de salud, también de recomendar al usuario cambios de hábitos que lleven hacia una mejora en su condición física. En este contexto, los llamados dispositivos llevables (weareables) unidos al paradigma de Internet de las cosas (IoT, del inglés Internet of Things) permiten la aparición de nuevos nichos de mercado para aplicaciones que no solo se centran en la mejora de la condición física, ya que van más allá proponiendo soluciones para el cuidado de pacientes enfermos, la vigilancia de niños o ancianos, la defensa y la seguridad, la monitorización de agentes de riesgo (como bomberos o policías) y un largo etcétera de aplicaciones por llegar. El paradigma de IoT se puede desarrollar basándose en las existentes redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN, del inglés Wireless Sensor Network). La conexión de los ya mencionados dispositivos llevables a estas redes puede facilitar la transición de nuevos usuarios hacia aplicaciones IoT. Pero uno de los problemas intrínsecos a estas redes es su heterogeneidad. En efecto, existen multitud de sistemas operativos, protocolos de comunicación, plataformas de desarrollo, soluciones propietarias, etc. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es realizar aportaciones significativas para solucionar no solo el problema de la heterogeneidad, sino también de dotar de mecanismos de seguridad suficientes para salvaguardad la integridad de los datos intercambiados en este tipo de aplicaciones. Algo de suma importancia ya que los datos médicos y biométricos de los usuarios están protegidos por leyes nacionales y comunitarias. Para lograr dichos objetivos, se comenzó con la realización de un completo estudio del estado del arte en tecnologías relacionadas con el marco de investigación (plataformas y estándares para WSNs e IoT, plataformas de implementación distribuidas, dispositivos llevables y sistemas operativos y lenguajes de programación). Este estudio sirvió para tomar decisiones de diseño fundamentadas en las tres contribuciones principales de esta tesis: un bus de servicios para dispositivos llevables (WDSB, Wearable Device Service Bus) basado en tecnologías ya existentes tales como ESB, WWBAN, WSN e IoT); un protocolo de comunicaciones inter-dominio para dispositivos llevables (WIDP, Wearable Inter-Domain communication Protocol) que integra en una misma solución protocolos capaces de ser implementados en dispositivos de bajas capacidades (como lo son los dispositivos llevables y los que forman parte de WSNs); y finalmente, la tercera contribución relevante es una propuesta de seguridad para WSN basada en la aplicación de dominios de confianza. Aunque las contribuciones aquí recogidas son de aplicación genérica, para su validación se utilizó un escenario concreto de aplicación: una solución para control de parámetros físicos en entornos deportivos, desarrollada dentro del proyecto europeo de investigación “LifeWear”. En este escenario se desplegaron todos los elementos necesarios para validar las contribuciones principales de esta tesis y, además, se realizó una aplicación para dispositivos móviles por parte de uno de los socios del proyecto (lo que contribuyó con una validación externa de la solución). En este escenario se usaron dispositivos llevables tales como un reloj inteligente, un teléfono móvil con sistema operativo Android y un medidor del ritmo cardíaco inalámbrico capaz de obtener distintos parámetros fisiológicos del deportista. Sobre este escenario se realizaron diversas pruebas de validación mediante las cuales se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios. ABSTRACT Nowadays, society is shifting towards a growing interest and concern on health care. This phenomenon can be acknowledged by two facts: first, the increasing number of people practising some kind of healthy activity (sports, balanced diet, etc.). Secondly, the growing number of commercial wearable smart devices (smartwatches or bands) able to measure physiological parameters such as heart rate, breathing rate, distance or consumed calories. A large number of applications combining both facts are appearing. These applications are not only able to monitor the health status of the user, but also to provide recommendations about routines in order to improve the mentioned health status. In this context, wearable devices merged with the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm enable the proliferation of new market segments for these health wearablebased applications. Furthermore, these applications can provide solutions for the elderly or baby care, in-hospital or in-home patient monitoring, security and defence fields or an unforeseen number of future applications. The introduced IoT paradigm can be developed with the usage of existing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by connecting the novel wearable devices to them. In this way, the migration of new users and actors to the IoT environment will be eased. However, a major issue appears in this environment: heterogeneity. In fact, there is a large number of operating systems, hardware platforms, communication and application protocols or programming languages, each of them with unique features. The main objective of this thesis is defining and implementing a solution for the intelligent service management in wearable and ubiquitous devices so as to solve the heterogeneity issues that are presented when dealing with interoperability and interconnectivity of devices and software of different nature. Additionally, a security schema based on trust domains is proposed as a solution to the privacy problems arising when private data (e.g., biomedical parameters or user identification) is broadcasted in a wireless network. The proposal has been made after a comprehensive state-of-the-art analysis, and includes the design of a Wearable Device Service Bus (WDSB) including the technologies collected in the requirement analysis (ESB, WWBAN, WSN and IoT). Applications are able to access the WSN services regardless of the platform and operating system where they are running. Besides, this proposal also includes the design of a Wearable Inter-Domain communication Protocols set (WIDP) which integrates lightweight protocols suitable to be used in low-capacities devices (REST, JSON, AMQP, CoAP, etc...). Furthermore, a security solution for service management based on a trustworthy domains model to deploy security services in WSNs has been designed. Although the proposal is a generic framework for applications based on services provided by wearable devices, an application scenario for testing purposes has been included. In this validation scenario it has been presented an autonomous physical condition performance system, based on a WSN, bringing the possibility to include several elements in an IoT scenario: a smartwatch, a physiological monitoring device and a smartphone. In summary, the general objective of this thesis is solving the heterogeneity and security challenges arising when developing applications for WSNs and wearable devices. As it has been presented in the thesis, the solution proposed has been successfully validated in a real scenario and the obtained results were satisfactory.


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